
1s and 0s, use in binary system, 54

1st PPOV (First-Person Point-of-View) games, 3

2D arrays, displaying for text values, 446–447

3D animation editing tool, Poser, 1081

3D art, types of, 18–19

3D audio, 133, 147–151

animaudio.cs program, 148–149

audio profile, 150

See also Audacity; sound

3D games and genres, 12–13

3D modeler, role of, 18–19

3D modeling tools

Blender, 1077

MilkShape 3D, 1078

3D models, 118

backfaces, 118–119

cube example, 115–118

transformation, 120–123

use of, 26

vertices, 115, 118

See also rendering 3D models

3D objects, displaying, 124

3D programming, 133

shapes and shape classes, 133–134

translation, 134–142

See also programming best practices

3D shapes, connecting vertices, 118

3D Studio Max, cost and availability, 1080

3D World Studio, cost and availability, 1080 Web site, 1072

3rd PPOV (Third-Person Point-of-View) games, 3


– symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 74

! symbol

meaning of, 73

using, 85–86

!$= symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

!= symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

$ symbol, using with variables, 65

$= symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

% symbol

using with variables, 66

meaning of, 72

%= symbol, meaning of, 72

& symbol, meaning of, 72

&& symbol

meaning of, 73

using, 85–86

&= symbol, meaning of, 73

* symbol, meaning of, 72

* = symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 74–75

. symbol, meaning of, 73

+ symbol, meaning of, 72

++ symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 74

+= symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 74–75

< symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

<< symbol, meaning of, 72

<<= symbol, meaning of, 73

<= symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

-= symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 74–75

== symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

> symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

-> symbol, meaning of, 73

>= symbol, meaning of, 73, 84

>> symbol, meaning of, 72

>>= symbol, meaning of, 73

/= symbol, meaning of, 72

|| symbol, meaning of, 73

|= symbol, meaning of, 73

@ (at) symbol, meaning of, 72

{} (braces), meaning of, 72

[] (brackets), meaning of, 72

(backslash), using, 141

^ (caret) symbol, meaning of, 72

// (comments), including, 61

" " (NULL string), explained, 100

|| (OR) operator, using, 85–86

()(parentheses), meaning of, 72

| (pipe) symbol, meaning of, 72

; (semicolon), meaning of, 73

/ (slash)

using, 141

meaning of, 72

~ (tilde) symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 61

_ (underscore), using with identifiers, 64


abdomen vertices, 634

action games

1st PPOV, 3

3rd PPOV, 3

FPS (First-Person Shooter), 3

ActionMaps, naming, 183

add operator, symbol for, 72

Add Text tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 385

addition totalizer operator

symbol for, 72

using, 74–75

add-on terminology, 163

administrative tools, use of, 29

Adobe Photoshop CS5, cost and availability, 1080

adventure games, 4–5

Air Brush tool

using for runabout skin, 412

using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

alpha channels, support in Gimp, 371

ampersand (&) symbol, meaning of, 72

AND (&&) operator, using, 85–86

AngelCode Web site, 1072

Angle and Measurement tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 384

Angus Ghost, 187

animation, programmed, 144–147

animation mode, leaving, 638

animation sequence bindings, creating, 659

animation sequence files, using, 657–661

animation triggers, 250–251


Blended Animation Sequence system, 569

cyclic, 640, 651

DSQ system, 569

embedded, 568–569

examples of, 569

support for, 568–569

See also character animation; embedded animations

animator, role of, 19

animaudio.cs program, 148–149

DoAudioMoveTest, 150

InsertTestEmitter, 150

naked statements, 150

using, 150–151

animshape.cs program, 144–147

DoAnimTest, 146

MoveShape, 146

using, 147

anti-aliasing technique, 130

Apple game platform, 16

Arcane Fx Web site, 1071

area triggers, 250–251

arguments. See functions; parameter passing

ARMA series, 259

arms for Hero model

alignment of boxes, 602

bottom row of vertices, 603

completing, 609–610

integrating to torso, 610–612

left hand, 600

moving bottom rows, 603

rotating bottom rows, 602

scaled baby finger, 607

shaped boxes, 604, 608

thumb, 605

torso compared with hand, 608

welding hand vertices, 602, 605–606

array index delimiter, symbol for, 72

art file, contents, 281

artwork (original), using for textures, 472–473

assembly language, explained, 54–55

assignment statements

explained, 63

values for variables, 65


availability of, 1079

editing, 836

exporting sound effect, 837

installing, 832

main screen, 837–838

playback, 835

Record button, 833

recording sound, 833–836

sample rates, 840–841

selecting part of waveform, 836

shortcut keys, 846

stop recording, 835

toolbars, 837–839

Track Panel tools, 838, 840

track types, 840

waveforms, 835, 837

See also 3D audio; sound

Audacity manual, accessing, 841

Audacity menus

Edit, 841, 843–844

Effect, 841–842, 845–846

File, 841–842

View, 841, 844

Audacity toolbar tools

Envelope, 838–839

Master Gain, 838–839

Play, 838–839

Record, 838–839

Selection, 838–839

Stop, 838–839

Time Shift, 838–839

Zoom, 838–839

Audacity track types, 838

Audio, 840

Label, 840

MIDI, 840

Time, 840

audio. See Audacity

audio artist, role of, 20

audio datablocks, 847

audio descriptions

AudioTest sound, 848

creating profile, 848–849

is3D, 848

isLoop, 848

SFXDescription, 849

sfxPlay, 848

SFXProfile, 849

type, 848

volume, 847

audio editing tools

Audacity, 1079

SoundEdit Pro, 1079

audio file formats, support for, 150

audio profiles

defining, 150

using, 847

audio project, testing, 850–851

auto-update program, use of, 28–29

avatar, EMAGA5 game, 243–244

avatar properties

EMAGA4 game, 190–191

EMAGA5 game, 224–225

energy depletion, 226


back animation, 569, 625

backgrounds, using GUI controls with, 438–440

backslash (), using, 141

base node, explained, 642

BasicCloud object

height, 808

layers, 807

movement speeds, 808

specifications, 807–808

texDirection, 808

textures, 808–810

wind velocity conversion, 809

See also cloud texture

Bell 47 Helicopter, using textures with, 347

best practices for programming, 108–109

binary system

bits in, 54

explained, 54

biped skeleton, 630–631

bits, use in binary system, 54

bitwise symbols, described, 72–73

Blend tool

using in Gimp, 388–389

using with soup can skin, 402

Blended Animation Sequence system, 569

Blender 3D modeling tool, 1077

blocks, use in terrains, 485–486

Blur or Sharpen tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

BodyPaint 3D, cost and availability, 1080


navigating between, 50

removing from Torsion, 49–50

setting in Torsion, 49–50

Boolean logic, defined, 84

boots, creating for Standard Male Character, 431

braces ({}), meaning of, 72

brackets ([]), meaning of, 72

Brampton, Tom, 753


explained, 87

if statement, 87–89

if-else statement, 89–91

switch statement, 93–95


identifying, 104

setting, 103–105


brush face, 778

building in Constructor, 774–779

Floor_set_stone texture, 777

Oblong brush, 774

with pylons, 776

scaled face texture, 778

Brush tools

Apply Jitter, 386

Brush Dynamics, 386

Brush option, 386

Fade out, 386

Incremental, 386

Mode option, 386

Opacity option, 386

Use color from Gradient, 386

using in Gimp Toolbox, 382–383, 386

Bucket Fill tool, using in Gimp, 388–389

building worlds. See particles

bump mapping, 128

byte code, explained, 166


C language, example of, 55–56

Callstack tab, accessing, 102

cam node, explained, 631

campfire example

flame particle definition, 913, 915

mission file, 914

OnServerCreated, 914

particle definitions, 913

ParticleData, 923–924

ParticleEmitterData, 921–922

ParticleEmitterNodeData, 920

ParticleEmitterNodes, 915–916

smoke particle definition, 913, 915, 917–918

Canvas module, 324–329

CreateCanvas, 329

initializeCanvas, 329

ResetCanvas, 329

video mode, 329

car example. See runabout; vehicle model

caret (^) symbol, meaning of, 72

celsalute animation sequence, described, 625

celwave animation sequence, described, 626

character animation, 623

bone movement, 626

joint rotation, 626

keyframes, 624

method, 624

rigging, 624

sequences, 625–626

skeleton, 627–631

See also animations; embedded animations; Hero model

characters, navigation of, 134

chat window, spamming, 303

ChatBox client interface, 976–979

extracting text from text buffer, 994

font size, 994

getGroup, 994

position, 994

checkerboard texture, using with terrains, 508

client, control/client.cs module, 178–184

client control modules, control/client/client.cs, 198–201

client interfaces

ChatBox, 976–979

FindServer, 975

Host, 974–975

MenuScreen, 970–972

MessageBox, 980–982

SoloScreen, 972–974

client versus server design, 165

client ServerScreen code module, 269–273

Cancel, 272

Close, 272

Join, 273

onServerQueryStatus, 273

onWake, 271

queryLAN, 271

QueryLANServers, 271–272

Update, 273

client ServerScreen interface module, 262–267

GuiScrollCtrl, 268

GuiTextEditCtrl, 268–269

interface definition, 267

QueryStatus, 269

ClientConnection module, 313–320

GameConnection, 318–320

IsNameUnique, 319

client/server networking

CommandToClient, 247–249

CommandToServer, 246–247

direct messaging, 246, 249

triggers, 249–252

See also core code client modules; GameConnection messages; servers

cloud texture, creating, 345–346. See also BasicCloud object

code, improving with loops, 965–966

code blocks, symbols used with, 72

code folding, using in Torsion, 50–52

CodeGuru Web site, 1073

Colada format, importing models into, 673–675

collision meshes, creating for vehicle model, 702–703

collision server code, 943–945

Car class, 945

mountObject, 945

OnCollision, 944–945

%this parameter, 945

coloring objects, 125

command interface control, GuiButtonCtrl, 442–443

CommandToClient, 247–249


versus CommandToClient, 248

SendMacro(), 246–247

syntax, 246

TellAll, 247

TellEveryone message handler, 247

comments (//), including, 61

community forums, use of, 29

compound statement, defined, 62

Computer Graphics Aerobics, 113

computer model trees

complexity, 719

Forest Editor, 720

forests, 720

interacting with, 719

solid tree, 720–726

conditional expressions

relational operations, 84

testing for equality, 84

true and false values, 83–84

See also expressions; logical expressions

connection messages. See GameConnection messages


opening, 61

using with translation, 138–139

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) modeling. See CSG modeling

Constructor program, 753–754

bridge model, 774–779

Browse button, 769

brushes selection mode, 775

checking dimensions of brushes, 775

CSX versus MAP format, 765–766

Cube brush, 766–768

Cube test object, 773

default texture, 769

directory structure, 759

downloading, 757

Escape key, 770

forms, 761–764

house model, 779–786

installing, 758

main screen, 758–760

managing textures, 773

Materials form, 764

menu bar, 763

modifying brushes, 775

Oblong brush, 774

OSX Graphite theme, 763

palettes, 761

Planer Scale button, 784

Preferences form, 762

Properties form, 764

relighting scenes, 772

resizable forms, 759–762

Scene form, 763

scenes, 765

selection modes, 781

Selection Modes form, 764

Size Bounds button, 784

Texture Browser, 770–771

tool chain, 765–773

toolbars, 761

Tools form, 760–761, 764

Values form, 764

View forms, 764

window, 785

contour map

example of, 495

with grayscale values, 499

control main, 172–175

control subtree, scripts in, 166

control/client.cs module, 178–183

Bind calls, 184

camera datablock, 183–184

“death cam”, 183–184

InitialControlSet, 184

key bindings, 183–184

key mapping, 183

motion functions, 184

PlayerInterface control, 183–184

playerKeymap ActionMap, 183

stub routines, 184

ThreeSpace 3D control, 183

control/client/initialize.cs module, EMAGA6, 260–261

control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui, 201–203

bitmap, 203

buttonType, 203

category field, 202

command, 203

core script code, 202

EMAGA6, 260

extent, 203

groupNum, 203

GuiButtonCtrl objects, 203

GuiContentProfile, 202

helpTag property, 203

horizSizing setting, 203–204

MenuScreen, 202–204

nested objects, 202

position properties, 203

profile sizing settings, 203–204

sizing properties, 203–204

text, 203

vertSizing setting, 203–204

visible, 203

control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui, 205–207

Canvas container, 204

GuiCrossHairHud object, 208

GuiHealthBarHud controls, 208

HUD (heads Up Display), 208

PlayerInterface control, 204, 207–208

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui, 208–209

GuiInputCtrl, 209

SplashScreen control, 208

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs, 211–215

ActionMap object, 213–214

exiting game, 214

key bindings, 211–213

MessageDialog objects, 214

motion function definitions, 214

PlayerKeymap object, 213–214

%val parameter, 214


EMAGA5 game, 209–211

interface display objects, 210

LoadScreen::OnAdd, 211

LoadScreen::OnSleep, 211

LoadScreen::OnWake, 211

methods, 210

OnSleep methods, 210

OnWake methods, 210

PlayerInterface::onWake, 210

Pop, 210

Push, 210

PushDialog, 210

RefreshBottomTextCtrl, 211

RefreshCenterTextCtrl, 211

control/initialize.cs module, 175–177

configureCanvas, 177

GameConnection, 177

InitBaseServer, 177

InitializeClient, 177

InitializeServer, 177

control/main.cs module

callback method, 200

dedicated server, 275–276

EMAGA4 game, 172–173

EMAGA5 game, 197–198

initialize.cs module, 173

LaunchGame, 200

OnExit, 173

parent OnStart, 173

ShowMenuScreen, 200

splash screen, 200

stub routines, 201

control/player.cs module, 188–189

datablocks, 189

PlayerData class, 189

controls, interactive versus noninteractive, 435. See also GUI controls

control/server.cs module, 184–186

CreatePlayer, 187

GameConnection, 186

OnServerCreated, 186

stub routines, 187

control/server/initialize.cs, dedicated server, 276–277

control/server/misc/item.cs, 239–243

dropped items, 242

FirstAidKit::onCollision, 243

getting rid of items, 242

ItemData::Create, 243

ItemData::OnPickup, 242

ItemData::OnThrow, 242

Item::Respawn, 242

Item::SchedulePop, 242

$LoiterDelay variable, 242

picked items, 242

$RespawnDelay variable, 242

control/server/players/player.cs, 220–227

avatar state, 226–227

classname property, 225

energy depletion, 226

environment mapping, 225

“glue module”, 223–224

MaleAvatarClass::onAdd, 226

MaleAvatarClass::onCollision, 226

MaleAvatarClass::onRemove, 226

MaleAvatarDB::Damage, 227

MaleAvatarDB::onDamage, 227

MaleAvatarDB::onDisabled, 227

MaleAvatarDB::onImpact, 227

maxDamage value, 224, 227

renderFirstPerson property, 226

control/server/server.cs module, 215–220

game timer, 219

GameConnection, 215

GameConnection::CreatePlayer, 219

GameConnection::OnClientEnterGame, 219

GameConnection::onDeath, 220

GameConnection::SpawnPlayer, 219

OnMissionEnded, 219

OnMissionLoaded, 219

OnServerCreated, 218

Schedule, 218

ServerCmd message handlers, 220

ServerCmdDropCameraAtPlayer, 220

ServerCmdDropPlayerAtCamera, 220

ServerCmdToggleCamera, 220

ServerCmdUse, 220

StartGame function, 218

control/server/weapons/crossbow.cs, 231–238

CrossbowImage::onFire, 238

CrossbowProjectile::OnCollision, 238

MissionCleanup group, 238

projectile object, 238

control/server/weapons/weapon.cs, 228–229

Ammo::onInventory, 230

Ammo::onPickup, 230

EMAGA5 game, 227–231

hooks to inventory system, 227

Item inventory code, 230

namespace helper methods, 227

RadiusDamage, 230–231

Weapon module, 227–231

WeaponImage::onMount, 230

Weapon::onCollision, 230

Weapon::onInventory, 230

Weapon::onPickup, 230

Weapon::onUse, 229–230

Convolve tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

coordinate systems

Computer Graphics Aerobics, 113

explained, 112

geometric center, 113

left-handed, 113

object space, 113

right-handed, 113–114

XYZ-axis system, 112, 114–115

core code client modules, 324

Canvas, 324–329

Messages module, 337–340

Mission module, 329–333

MissionDownload module, 333–337

See also client/server networking

core folder

art file, 281

fonts file, 281

profile file, 281

scripts file, 281

unifiedShell case folder, 281

core script functions., 1043–1070. See also scripts

core server modules

ClientConnection module, 313–320

Game module, 320–324

message, 298–303

MissionDownload, 308–312

MissionLoad, 303–308

server, 292–298

core subtree, contents of, 165

Corel Paint Shop Pro, cost and availability, 1081

Corel Painter 11, cost and availability, 1080

core/main.cs module, 282–286

corePackage, 286

initializeCore(), 286–292

onStart, 286

CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 308

Crop tool, using in Gimp, 470

crossbow sounds, creating, 870–871

.cs extension, explained, 161

CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry), 754

CSG modeling, 754–757

arch solid, 755

Boolean operations, 755, 757

brushes, 756

difference results, 755

Minuend brush, 755

polyhedrons, 754–755

rooms, 765

selecting brushes, 754–755

sphere solid, 755

subtraction operations, 755

Subtrahend brush, 755–756

union operation, 755

CSG tools, creating structures with, 769

CSX versus MAP format, 765–766

cube example

axis keys, 117–118

dimensions, 115

geometric center, 115–117

object versus world space, 116

plotting coordinates, 116

space definition, 116

sphere model, 116–117

XYZ-axis, 115–118

current state value, saving with GuiCheckBoxCtrl, 443–444

cyclic animations, 640, 651

cylinder shape, creating in MilkShape 3D, 520–523


database, use of, 29

Datablock Editor

described, 910

using, 911

datablock keyword, versus new and singleton, 160


3D, 858–859

assignment statements, 160

described, 159

example of, 183–184

identifiers, 159

for lightning, 819

MaleAvatarDB, 224

PlayerData class, 189

DDS format

saving files in, 371

using with Gimp 2, 361–363

death animation, 647–650

sequences, 625

settings, 655

“death cam,” use of, 183–184

deaths in server code, tracking, 967–968

debugging with Torsion, 96, 1079

Add Watch, 100

Breakpoints tab, 103–104

Callstack tab, 102

conditional breakpoints, 104–105

Debug menu, 97

Debug toolbar, 97–98

function definitions, 101

NULL string (” “), 100

program counter, 99

single-stepping, 99, 101–102

Start command, 98

Step button, 99–101

Step Over button, 103–104

“temporary debugging information”, 99

Watch tab, 100

WormyFruit.cs program, 105–108

See also Torsion text editor

Decal Editor, described, 911

decrement operator

symbol for, 72

using, 72

dedicated servers, 1006–1007

control/main.cs module, 275–276

control/server/initialize.cs, 276–277

root main module, 274–275

See also servers

Deep UV, cost and availability, 1081

Delta Force series, 259

DEM (Digital Elevation Model), 488

designer, role of, 17–18

Designer Today Magazine Web site, 1073

detail map texture, using with terrains, 510

Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Sources, 1073

DIF objects

creating with CSG tools, 769

CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) modeling, 754–757

defined, 753

diffuse map texture, using with terrains, 510

direct messaging, 246

client/server networking, 246, 249

EMAGA6, 278–279

DirectDraw, working with, 371

dirt_grass material

grass tufts, 738

painting onto terrain, 737

dismounting and mounting server code, 945–947

divide operator, symbol for, 72

division totalizer operator

symbol for, 72

using, 74–75

dollar sign ($), using with variables, 65

Dr. Dobb’s Journal Web site, 1073

Dreamlords online RPG, Lockpick Entertainment, 6

DSQ system, using, 569

DTM (Digital Terrain Model), 488

DTS Exporters in MilkShape 3D

animation sequences, 666

Animation Settings group, 663

Collision Mesh, 662

export options, 663–664

material option flags, 664–665

mesh option flags, 665

Other Settings group, 663

sequence material options, 666

DTSPlus Exporter in Torque 3D

animation sequences, 658, 671

Apply action, 667

Cancel action, 667

collision meshes, 670–671

configuration files, 668–670

Copy Textures action, 667

Create Bounds Mesh action, 667

Edit Material features, 671–672

Edit Sequence dialog box, 673

Export Animations action, 667

features of, 666

Generate .cs file action, 667

Help action, 667

LOS collision meshes, 671

Main dialog box, 667

materials, 671

mesh properties, 670

Output dump file action, 667

root animation sequence, 652

Scale setting, 667

sequences with, 650–653

Sequence Editor features, 674

Split DSQ Export action, 667

Use .cfg File action, 667

dune buggy skin

making, 407

Torque Racing Demo controls, 407–408

DVD contents

extras, xxv

game engine, xxiv

source code, xxiv

tools, xxv


echo statements, using, 143

Edit-Compile-Link-Run cycle, 57

Edit-Run cycle, explained, 57

Emaga project, updating, 788–789

EMAGA4 game

avatar properties, 190

console output, 192

console.log, 192

control main, 172–175

displaying folders, 192

folder tree, 164

naming of game, 153

navigation keys, 191

player avatar, 188

running, 191–193

See also game structure

EMAGA5 game

action bindings, 243

avatar, 243–244

avatar properties, 224–225

control modules, 197–198

control/client/client.cs, 198–201

control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui, 201–203

control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui, 204–208

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui, 208–209

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs, 211–215

control/client/misc/screens.cs, 209–211

control/main.cs module, 197–198

control/server/misc/item.cs, 239–243

control/server/players/player.cs, 220–227

control/server/server.cs module, 215–220

control/server/weapons/crossbow.cs, 231–238

control/server/weapons/weapon.cs, 227–231

folder structure, 196

game timer, 219

modules, 197

running, 243–244

screen.cs module, 209–211

splash screen, 200

EMAGA6 game

code modifications, 259–260

control/client/initialize.cs, 260–261

control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui, 260

direct messaging, 278–279

No such file line, 278

ServerScreen code module, 269–273

ServerScreen interface module, 262–269

testing, 277–279

See also servers

embedded animations

death, 647–650

explained, 637

head, 646

headside, 646–647

idle, 638–641

look, 647

run, 641–645

sequences with DTSPlus Exporter, 650–653

See also animations; character animation


console constants, 1040–1042

console variables, 1024–1039

preference variables, 1018–1023

environment mapping, 128, 224–225

environmental sounds

creating, 889–891

Sound Emitter, 889–891

equal to relational operation, symbol for, 84

Eraser tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

errors, examples of, 96

exclamation point (!), meaning of, 73


assignment statement, 63, 65

evaluations, 63

examples of, 63–64

See also conditional expressions; logical expressions

eye detail, adding to Standard Male Character, 422

eye node, explained, 631


fabric textures, using, 482

faces, explained, 118, 124

Fairfax, Max, 753

fall animation sequence, described, 625

fall character animation, described, 569

Faust Logic Web site, 1072


building, 693–698

completing, 697

moving vertices, 697

rescaling car, 696

shaping, 695

stretching, 694

vertices, 695–696

Fill tools

Blend tool, 388–389, 402

Bucket Fill, 388, 410–411

using in Gimp, 352, 383–384

FindServer client interface, 975

onServerQueryStatus, 991

OnWake, 991

queryLan, 991

finger lines and fingernails, creating, 427

First-Person Point-of-View (1st PPOV) games, 3

First-Person Shooter (FPS) games, 3

example, 38

ideas, 1007–1008

flags, variables as, 146

flat shading technique, 124

flipCode Web site, 1073

folder hierarchy, example of, 162–163

folders, displaying in EMAGA4 game directory, 192

fonts file, contents, 281

footstep sounds

creating, 864–866

PlayerData datablock, 865

for loop

evaluation, 77

initialization, 77

update operation, 77

using, 77–78

forest brush

creating, 730–731

deleting from forest, 730–731

Forest Editor

described, 911

Move Item button, 729

using with trees, 720, 727–731

See also scenery elements


making, 727–730

tidying up, 730

forums, use of, 29

forward declarations, explained, 56

FPS (First-Person Shooter) games, 3

example, 38

ideas, 1007–1008


using GuiControl with, 440–441

using in MilkShape 3D, 516

Fruit.cs program, 66–67

function definition, use in debugging, 101


arrays, 82

calling in TorqueScript, 157–159

explained, 78

global arrays, 82

methods as, 155

parameters, 82–83

problem decomposition, 78

returning values, 83

TwotyFruity.cs function, 79–81

See also methods

fxFoliageReplicator tool, deprecation of, 726–727

fxShapeReplicator tool, deprecation of, 726–727


Gamasutra Web site, 1073

game cycling, 997–1001

checking mode, 1001

DoExitGame(), 1001

doGameDurationEnd, 998–999

EndGame, 998

game over, 999–1001

game timer, 999

multiplayer mode, 1001

onCycleExec, 998

single-player mode, 1001

StartGame(), 998

game design

constraints, 897–898

requirements, 896–897

game designer, role of, 17–18

Game Developer Magazine Web site, 1074

game developer roles

audio artist, 20

designer, 17–18

producer, 17

programmer, 18

QA (Quality Assurance) specialist, 20

visual artist, 18

game development tools

3D animation editing, 1081

3D modeling, 1077–1078, 1080–1081

3D modeling and texturing, 1082

3D UV texture-mapping utility, 1081

audio editing, 1079

image editing, 1078, 1080–1081

programming editing, 1079

texturing, 1080

UV mapping, 1079

See also retail tools

game development Web sites, 1072–1076

game elements

3D models, 26

administrative tools, 29

auto-update program, 28–29

databases, 29

engine, 21–22

GUI (Graphical User Interface), 25

music, 27

scripts, 22–24

sound, 27

support forums, 29

support infrastructure, 28–29

textures, 26

Web sites, 28

game engine, features of, 21–22

game folder tree, 161

game genres

action games, 3–4

adventure games, 4–5

maze and puzzle games, 8

publishers, 13

role-playing games, 5–6

Serious Games, 11

simulator games, 8

sports games, 9

strategy games, 9–11

game ideas, 1007–1008

game initialization, control/initialize.cs module, 175–177

Game module, 320–324

GameConnection, 324

if-then pairs, 323

OnMissionEnded, 324

OnMissionLoaded, 324

OnMissionReset, 324

OnServerCreated, 323

OnServerDestroyed, 323

stub routines, 324

game platforms

Apple, 16

Linux, 15–16

Microsoft Windows, 14–15

game producer, role of, 16

game programmer, role of, 18

game publishers, 13

game root folder, explained, 160

game server. See server code

game structure

core code, 161

EMAGA4 game folder tree, 164

folder hierarchy, 162–163

game root folder, 160

root main module, 160, 162

source files, 161

See also EMAGA4 game; TorqueScript

game testing., See testing games

game timer, starting, 999

GameConnection messages

Connect() function, 253

features of, 252–253

function calls, 253

initialcontrolSet, 257

onConnect(), 254

onConnectionAccepted(), 254

onConnectionDropped(), 255

OnConnectionError(), 256

onConnectionRequest(), 253

onConnectionTimedOut(), 255

onConnectRequestRejected(), 255–256

onConnectRequestTimedOut(), 254

onDataBlockObjectReceived(), 258

onDataBlocksDone(), 257

onDrop(), 256

onFileChunkReceived(), 258

onGhostAlwaysObjectReceived(), 258

onGhostAlwaysStarted(), 258

setLagIcon(), 257

See also client/server networking

GameConnection object, 245

GameDevelopers Conference Web site, 1074 Web site, 1074

games, publishing, 20–21

GameSpy master server, 259

GarageGames Web site, 21

geometric center

in cube example, 115

defined, 113

Geometry.cs program, 90–91

Gimp 2 image processing tool

adding noise, 357–358

Addition layer mode, 381

alpha channel fill, 352

alpha channels, 371

applying materials, 366–369

Brightness-Contrast dialog box, 356

Burn layer mode, 380

checking versions of, 351

Color Balance dialog box, 357

Color layer mode, 381

Darken Only layer mode, 381

DDS format, 361–363, 371

Difference layer mode, 381

DirectDraw, 371

Dissolve layer mode, 380

Divide layer mode, 380

Dodge layer mode, 380

DTS images, 350

features of, 349–350

file types, 370–372

Fill tool, 352

floating Toolbox, 377–378

Grain Extract layer mode, 381

Grain Merge layer mode, 381

Hard Light layer mode, 380

Help files, 351

Hue layer mode, 381

Hue-Saturation dialog box, 354–355

installing, 350

JPG format, 370–371

layers, 378–382

Lighten Only layer mode, 381

mipmaps, 361–362

Multiply layer mode, 380

Normal layer mode, 380

normal maps, 362–366

Overlay layer mode, 380

pine texture, 353

PNG file type, 371

Random Pick dialog, 359

raster versus vector images, 372–373

Saturation layer mode, 381

Save Desaturate dialog, 363

saving texture files, 360–366

Screen layer mode, 380

sidewalk texture, 354–358

Soft Light layer mode, 381

Subtract layer mode, 381

task switching, 359

Tool Options area, 352

tools, 352

transparency and translucency, 373–377

Transparency fill, 352

Value layer mode, 381

before view, 359–360

wood texture, 351–353

XCF native format, 361, 372

See also textures

Gimp image editing tool, availability of, 1078

Gimp Toolbox, Tool Options pane, 385–387

Gimp Toolbox tools, 402

Add Text, 385

Air Brush, 383, 412

Angle and Measurement, 384

Blur or Sharpen, 383

Brushes, 382–383, 386

Convolve, 383

creating skybox images, 793

Crop, 470

Eraser, 383

Fill, 383–384, 387–389

Fill Bucket, 410–411

Ink Pen, 383

Measure, 389

Move, 384, 389–390

Pencil, 383

Rectangular Selection, 471

Selection, 383

Smudge, 383

Text, 390, 405–406

Zoom, 384, 389

gizmos, using in Object Editor, 906

“glue module,” player.cs, 223–224

Gnometech Web site, 1072

gouraud shading technique, rendering 3D models, 125

greater than value, symbol for, 73, 84

grid texture, using with terrains, 508

Ground Cover object, 732–739

auto-generating terrain, 732–739

maxElements property, 739

Terrain Material layer, 736–739

GUI (Graphical User Interface), 25

.gui, comparing to .cs source module, 201

GUI controls, 436–438

backgrounds, 438–440

GuiButtonCtrl, 442

GuiCheckBoxCtrl, 443–444

GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl class, 438–440

GuiControl class, 440–441

GuiScrollCtrl class, 444–446

GuiTextCtrl class, 441–442

GuiTextEditCtrl class, 447–448

GuiTextListCtrl, 446–447

maxLength property, 442

menu screens, 438–440

See also controls

GUI Editor

Content pane, 450–452

grayed out menu items, 453

Inspector pane, 453

invoking, 448, 450

Keyboard commands, 459

keyboard commands, 460

Menu bar, 453, 456–459

preparing for use of, 448–450

screen resolution, 459–462

testing interface with, 461–462

Toolbar, 453–455

Tree view, 452–453

GUI elements

examples of, 433–434

scroll bar widgets, 435

GuiButtonCtrl class, 442–443

buttonType, 443

command, 443

GuiCheckBoxCtrl class, 443–444

GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl class, 438–440

GuiControl class, 440–441

GuiScrollCtrl class, 444–446

childMargin, 446

constantThumbHeight, 446

defaultLineHeight, 446

GuiTextListCtrl, 445

hScrollBar property, 445

vScrollBar property, 445

willFirstRespond, 445

GuiTextCtrl class, 441–442

GuiTextEditCtrl class, 447–448


hair color RGB settings, 424

hair textures, creating, 423–425


creating for Standard Male Character, 425–427

finger lines and fingernails, 427

Hardy Boys mystery, 187

head animation, 569, 625, 646

head for Hero model

back of, 576

bottom vertices, 572

completing, 582

cylinder, 571

dragging vertices, 580

ear vertices, 578–579

eye-socket vertices, 582

Front view, 577

grid display, 572

hiding, 584

matching to torso, 594–596

neck, 576

nose vertices, 581

reshaping, 596

rigging, 632

Right Side view, 575–576

scaling cranium, 578

scaling vertices, 575

selecting vertices, 579

Shape Primitives approach, 570–583

shaping, 575

shaping jaw, 574

shaping scalp, 581

shifting layers, 574

tapering cylinder, 573

temple vertices, 577

views, 571

Heads Up Display (HUD), 25, 208

headside animation, 625, 646–647

Health Kit

model, 707–710

testing, 710–714

height maps

blurred, 500

contour map, 495

drawing contours, 495

elevation RGB values, 497

establishing scale, 496

locating contour features, 501

opacity mask, 503–504

Palette Editor, 497–504

Palettes dialog box, 496–497

powers-of-two for image sizes, 506–507

resizing images, 496

scale and unit numbers, 496

selecting images for, 503

terraced, 500

Terrain Materials Editor, 503

terrain placement, 504–505

terrain sizes, 506

TerrainBlock, 505–506

use in terrain modeling, 489–490

world camera, 501

See also terrains

Hello World program

comments in, 61

error messages, 58–60

executable code, 61

function body, 62

function header comment, 61

module header block, 61

output, 59

running, 58

script file, 57–58

Hero model

adjusting scale of, 942

animations, 942–943

arms, 600–610

completing, 611

head, 570–583

head, torso, and legs, 601

legs, 597–600

mounting in vehicle, 942–943

myHero.cs file, 941

rigging, 637

scaling mesh, 611–612

segmented-mesh model, 570

Shape Primitives approach, 570

sitting pose, 943

testing, 653–657

torso, 583–594

updating, 939–942

using player in game, 656–657

See also character animation; Standard Male Character

Hero skeleton

abdomen vertices, 634

bending at spine, 636

biped, 630–631

building, 627–631

chest vertices, 635

child nodes, 628

labeled nodes, 628

order of nodes, 629

pose adjustments, 630

replacing, 658–659

rigging, 632–637

rotating joints, 629

rotating leg bones, 635–636

selecting joints, 627

testing nodes, 635

unlink node, 627–628

Hero skin

adjusted triangles, 618

Box Mapping settings, 620

creating, 615

Planar mapping settings, 616

reorganized map, 619

spherical mapping of head, 617

unwrapped head, 618

unwrapped model, 616

UV template texture, 623

UV-mapped feet, 621

UV-mapped hands, 620

UV-mapping layout, 622

See also player skin; skins

high-level language, explained, 55

highlight maps, using, 126

Host client interface, 974–975

hosted servers, 1006–1007

Hothead Games, Penny Arcade, 5


brush within brush, 781

building, 779–786

completing, 786

Door brush, 784

Hollow brush, 783

initial brush, 780

selection modes, 781

views, 782

HUD (Heads Up Display), 25, 208


IDE tool, Torsion, 1079

ideas for games, 1007–1008

iDevGames Web site, 1074

idle animation, 638–641

cyclic, 640

Keyframer control panel, 638

poses, 640

if statements

nesting, 91–93

using, 87–89

if-else statement

versus switch statement, 94

using, 89–91

image editing tools, Gimp, 1078

increment operator

symbol for, 72

using, 74

initialization, control/initialize.cs module, 175–177

InitializeFruit function, 83

Ink Pen tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

insert credit Web site, 1074


Audacity, 832

Gimp 2 image processing tool, 350

GUI (Graphical User Interface), 516–517

microphone setup, 833

MilkShape 3D modeling tool, 516

Torque 3D, 36–38

Torque Constructor program, 758


creating with CSG tools, 769

CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) modeling, 754–757

defined, 753


jacket, creating for Standard Male Character, 428–430

joints, selecting, 627

JPG format, saving files in, 370–371

jump animation, described, 569, 625


Kabus, John, 753

key bindings

explained, 183

saving, 869

key mapping, explained, 183


enabling, 638

using with idle animation, 638

keyframes, copying and pasting, 639

keys, remapping, 869–870

keywords, 1013

kills in server code, tracking, 968

Koob game

3D datablocks, 858–859

audio initialization code, 855

AudioEffect, 859

AudioMusic, 859

barriers, 932–933

checkpoint locations, 933

controlclientpresets.cs, 855

core/scripts/client/audioDescriptions.cs, 856–858

defining tracks, 931–932

direction sign, 932

initialize.cs, 854

items and structures, 930–934

launching, 876

moving items, 931

preferences code, 855

prepping, 900

profile setup, 854

requirements, 898–899

rotating objects, 931

scaling objects along axes, 931

script file, 854

SFXDescriptions, 858

startfinish item, 931

start/finish line, 930

terrains, 928–930

transform operations, 931


labels, using GuiTextCtrl with, 441–442

Lambert shading technique, 125

land animation, described, 569, 625

latency, explained, 35

leather jacket, creating for Standard Male Character, 428–430

leg bones, rotating, 635–636

legs for Hero model

completing, 599–600

cylinders, 597

foot, 598

integrating to torso, 600

knee, 598

thigh, 598

less than value, symbol for, 73, 84

LevelInfo object, 805

aerial perspective, 806

decalBias, 806

fogDensity, 806

nearClip, 806

visibleDistance, 806

light_recoil animation sequence, described, 625

Lightning object, using with storms, 818–820

lines, anti-aliasing, 130

Linux game platform, 15–16, 1074, 1078

logical expressions

AND (&&) operator, 85–86

NOT (!) operator, 85–86

operators, 85–86

OR (||) operator, 85–86

See conditional expressions; expressions

logical operators, using, 86–87

look animation, 569, 625, 647

lookms animation sequence, described, 625

looknw animation sequence, described, 626

looksn animation sequence, described, 625


explained, 75

for loop, 77–78

improving code with, 965–966

while loop, 76–77


machine code, example of, 53–54 Web site, 1074

Macintosh tool sources on Web, 1078

main.cs module

control code, 172–175

function of, 163

location of, 161

MAP versus CSX format, 765–766

Marble Blast maze-and-puzzle hybrid, GarageGames, 7

massive multiplayer support, 898

Material Editor, 910

MathWorld Web site, 1075

maxElements property, 739

Maya 3D modeling tool, cost and availability, 1081

maze and puzzle games, 6–7

Measure tool, using in Gimp, 389

menu screens, using GUI controls with, 438–440

MenuScreen client interface, 970–972

Mesh Factory Web site, 1075

Mesh Road Editor, described, 911

Message module, 298–303, 337–340

addMessageCallback, 340

ClientCmdServerMessage, 340

DefaultMessageCallback, 340

InitBaseServer, 298–302

OnChatMessage, 340

OnChatMessage pseudo-handler, 339–340

ServerMessage messages, 340

spam control functions, 303

MessageBox client interface, 980–982

Close, 997

Eval, 997

OnEscape, 997

Open, 996

ToggleMessageBox, 997

ToggleState, 997

metallic textures, using, 482–483


accessing through objects, 155

as functions, 155

of objects, 157

See also functions

Microsoft Windows. See Windows 7 game platform

MilkShape 3D modeling tool

adjusting scale size, 519

Animate menu, 532, 535

availability of, 1078

coordinate display system, 519–520

DTS Exporters, 661–666

Edit menu, 529, 531

Face menu, 532, 534

features of, 515

File menu, 529–530

frames, 516

Front View, 577

Groups tab, 521

Hero skin, 615–623

installing, 516

Keyframer, 543, 548–550

Left viewport, 575

Message Panel, 551

navigating in views, 517–518

plug-ins, 537–538

preferences, 548, 551–553

Right Side view, 518–519, 575

scaling vertices, 575

scrolling in and out, 519

Shift key, 584

soup can model, 526–529

Texture Coordinate Editor, 551

toolbox contents, 517–518

Tools menu, 532, 536–537

turning off grid display, 572

UVMapper BMP export options, 525

UVMapper OBJ export options, 524

Vertex menu, 532–533

view scale and orientation, 518–520

viewports, 516

views, 516

Window menu, 538–539

windows, 516

See also modeling techniques

MilkShape 3D Toolbox

Groups tab, 539–540, 543–545

Joints tab, 539, 543, 548–549

Materials tab, 539–540, 545–547

Model tab, 539–542

mipmapping, 129

Mission Area Editor

described, 911

flightCeiling property, 911

flightCeilingRange property, 911

values in area property, 911

Mission Editor, relighting scenes in, 772

mission files, determining, 915

Mission module, 329–333

ClientCmdMissionEnd, 333

ClientCmdMissionStart message handler, 332

ExpandMissionFileName, 333

MissionDownload module, 308–312, 333–337

ClientCmdMissionStartPhase2, 336

ClientCmdMissionStartPhase3, 336

ClientCmdMissionStratPhase1, 336

connect function, 337

download process, 311–313

GameConnection, 311–312

LightScene, 337

MissionStartPhase3Ack, 312

MissionStartPhasen, 312

OnDataBlockObjectReceived, 336

OnGhostAlwaysObjectReceived, 336

OnGhostAlwaysStarted, 336

SceneLightingComplete, 337

UpdateLightingProgress, 337

updating progress display, 336

MissionLoad module, 303–307

CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 308

EndMission, 308

ResetMission, 308

Mod terminology, explained, 163

modeling techniques

Arbitrary Extrusion, 567

Axial Extrusion, 567

Box method, 566

Hybrids, 568

Incremental Polygon Construction, 566–567

Shape Primitives, 566

Topographical Shape Mapping, 568

for Torque 3D, 568–569

See also MilkShape 3D modeling tool

module terminology, explained, 163

modulus operator, symbol for, 72

modulus totalizer operator

symbol for, 72

using, 74–75

money in server code, 961–964, 966–967

adding coins, 965–966

MissionArea box, 965

rotate, 965

search mask, 965

static, 965, 967

mount nodes

camera mount, 700

creating for vehicle model, 698–701

explained, 631

eye mount, 700

seat mounts, 700

mounting and dismounting server code, 945–947

Move Manager variables, 1017

Move tool, using in Gimp, 384, 389–390


direct, 134–139

programmed, 134–139

moveshape.cs code module

creating, 139–140

using, 141–142

mSTREET 3D Serious Game, TubettiWorld, 12

multiplication totalizer operator

symbol for, 72

using, 74–75

multiply operator, symbol for, 72


creating, 891–893

start-up, 892–893

use of, 27

music and sound. See Koob game

mycan.xcf, saving, 401

myHero.cs file, creating, 941

Mysterious Circumstance of Reincarnation and the Angus Ghost, 187


namespaces, using, 158

naming conventions, 187

NeHe Productions Web site, 1075


CommandToClient, 247–249

CommandToServer, 246–247

direct messaging, 246, 249

triggers, 249–252

See also core code client modules; GameConnection messages; servers

new keyword

versus datablock and singleton, 160

using with objects, 156

newline append macro, symbol for, 72

NeXe Web site, 1075


base, 642

cam, 631

eye, 631

mount, 631

ski, 631

testing, 635

unlink, 631

noise, adding with Gimp 2, 357–358

normal mapping, 130

NOT (!) operator, using, 85–86

NULL string (" "), explained, 100

numbers versus strings, 73


Object Editor

gizmos, 906, 908

Inspector, 906

Library Drop Location command, 906–907

Library keyboard operations, 907

Library mouse operations, 907

Scene Tree view, 905–906

object space, explained, 113

object type masks, 1011–1012

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 55–56


BasicCloud object, 807–810

LevelInfo object, 805–806

Sun Mission, 802–805

objects in TorqueScript

accessing methods through, 155

assigning by name, 157

calling functions, 157–159

controlling, 157

copies, 155

creating, 156–157

datablocks, 159–160

described, 155

handles, 155–156

instances, 155–156

methods, 157

namespaces, 157–158

new keyword, 156

properties, 155

singleton keyword, 156–157

using, 157

See also Torque objects

octahedron, displaying, 135–137

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 55–56

OpenAL audio API, 847

operator precedence, 72–74, 1015

operators, using, 71–72, 1013–1015

OR (||) operator, using, 85–86

Oxford Dynamics Web site, 1075


package terminology, explained, 163–164

packet loss, explained, 35

Palette Editor, using with height maps, 497–504

pants, creating for Standard Male Character, 430

parallax mapping, 130–131

parameter passing, explained, 82–83

parentheses (()), meaning of, 72

ParticleEmitterNodes, using, 915–916


attached, 912–913

campfire example, 913–920

explained, 912

freestanding, 912–913

in game world, 912–913

parts of, 912

placing, 918

Paths tool, using for runabout skin, 413–414

patterned textures, using, 481

Pencil tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

Penny Arcade Adventure-FPS game, Hothead Games, 5

percent sign (%), using with variables, 66

phong shading technique, 126


digital versus film, 464–466

as source for textures, 464–472


color matching for textures, 466–468

cropping for textures, 469–470

lighting for textures, 468–469

postprocessing for textures, 466–472

PhysX demo, 38, 46

pipe (|) symbol, meaning of, 72

pixel shaders, using, 128

PlanetTribes- -Torque Web site, 1072

plastic textures, using, 482–483


Apple, 16

Linux, 15–16

Microsoft Windows, 14–15

play testing, 1005

player, control/player.cs module, 188–191

Player Camera, switching between World Camera, 915

player event control triggers, 250–251

player skin

boots, 431

clothes, 428–431

described, 416

hair textures, 423–425

hands, 425–427

head and neck, 417–423

jacket, 428–430

RTTW (Return to Tubettiworld), 416–417

Standard Male Character, 416

trousers, 430

See also Hero skin; skins

player sounds

3D sounds, 860

client-only sounds, 860

crossbow, 870–871

environmental, 889–891

footsteps, 864–866

music, 891–893

rustlers, 861–864

utterances, 866–869

vehicles, 882–888

weapons, 869–870

world sounds, 859–860

See also sound; tommy gun sounds

player spawning, 935–938

marker, 935–936

MissionMarkerData, 935–936

PlayerDropPoints group, 938

player.cs files

datablock definition, 224

“glue module”, 223–224

locating, 940

PlayerInterface control, 204

PNG file type, saving files in, 371

Polycount Web site, 1075


creating, 118

decomposing into mesh, 118–119

faces, 118

Poser 3D animation editing tool, cost and availability, 1081

Prairie Games Web site, 1072

problem decomposition, explained, 78

problem solving, 95–96

procedural language, explained, 55

producer, role of, 16

profile file, contents, 281

programmer, role of, 18

Programmers Heaven Web site, 1075

programming best practices, 108–109. See also 3D programming

programming editing tools

PS-Pad, 1079

Torsion, 1079

programming languages

assembly language, 54–55

high-level language, 55

procedural language, 55


Hello World, 57–58

organization and use of, 53


of avatar in EMAGA4 game, 190–191

of objects, 155

proving tool chain

explained, 612

modeling work flow, 613

steps, 614–615

Psionic Web site, 416, 1076

PS-Pad text editing tool, availability of, 1079

publishers of games, 13

publishing games, 20–21

puzzle and maze games, 6–7


QA (Quality Assurance) specialist, role of, 20. See also testing games


Racing Demo controls, 407–408


boxWidth, 822

datablock, 822

doCollision, 822

dropSize, 821

dropTexture, 820

maxMass, 822

maxTurbulence, 822

Precipitation datablock, 820

Precipitation object declaration, 821–822

rotateWithCamVel, 822

soundProfile, 821

splashMS, 821

splashSize, 821

splashTexture, 820

turbulenceSpeed, 822

useTrueBillboards, 821

useTurbulence property, 822

raster versus vector images, 372–373

Realm Wars Development site, 1072

Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games, 10

Rectangular Selection tool, using, 471

reflective textures, using, 482–483

relational operators, symbols for, 84

rendering 3D models

bump mapping, 128

environment mapping, 128

faces, 124

fake phong shading, 126

flat shading, 124

gouraud shading, 125

Lambert shading, 125

mipmapping, 129

normal mapping, 130

parallax mapping, 130

phong shading, 126

process of, 123–124

shaders, 127–128

specular maps, 126

texture mapping, 126–127

See also 3D models

replicators, benefit of, 727

retail tools

3D Studio Max, 1080

3D World Studio, 1080

Adobe Photoshop CS5, 1080

BodyPaint 3D, 1080

Corel Paint Shop Pro, 1081

Corel Painter 11, 1080

Deep UV, 1081

Maya, 1081

Poser, 1081

See also game development tools

Return to Tubettiworld (RTTW), 416–417

Rev racing sim, Luma Arcade, 9


head, 632

skeleton, 632–637

torso, 633–637

River Editor, described, 911

Road Editor, described, 911–912

rock model

creating, 715–718

testing, 718

role-playing games, 5–6

root character animation, described, 569, 625

root main module, 166–172

callback functions, 170

control code modules, 172

core code, 172

dedicated server, 274–275

finding add-ons, 171

Help information, 171

initializations section, 170

in-line program statements, 171

LoadAddOns routine, 171

loading add-ons, 172

log mode, 170

OnStart, 172

ParseArgs function, 171

stub routines, 171

Usage function, 171

$usageFlag, 171

root main module, location of, 160, 162

root main.cs module, 167–170

root package, functions of, 166

Rotate Tools options, accessing in Gimp, 471


programmed, 142–143

writing, 120–121

rotation angle, reading, 139

RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games, 10

RTTW (Return to Tubettiworld), 416–417

run animation, 569, 625, 641–645, 654


making car go, 952–953

as mountable vehicle, 948–952

scaling nose of, 689

sketch of, 678

testing, 703–705

WheeledVehicleData properties, 949–951

See also vehicle model

runabout skin, testing, 415–416

runabout skinning procedure

Air Brush tool, 412

editable anchors, 411

editing path, 410

fender thingies, 414–415

Fill Bucket, 410–411

Layers dialog box, 408–409

Paintbrush tool, 412

Paths tool, 409–411, 413–414

racing stripe, 413

rearranging layers, 411

tracing cab roof, 410

rustler sounds

GoAhead, 863–864

hearing, 863

message handler, 862

serverPlay3D, 862

StartRustle message, 862



key bindings, 869

source art, 360–361

texture files in Gimp 2, 360–366

scale operation, writing, 120

scaling, programmed, 143–144

scene graphs, 131–133

example of, 132

group nodes, 132

nodes, 131

scenery, Ground Cover object, 732–739

scenery elements, placing, 727. See also Forest Editor

scoring in server code

CheckProgress, 960

commandToClient, 961

DoScore, 960

DoScores, 961

laps and checkpoints, 958–961

methods, 958–960

money, 961–964

ResetCPs, 960

ScoreBox, 961

UpdateLap, 960

variables, 958

scoutroot animation sequence, described, 625

screen.cs module, 209–211


debugging with trace, 173–175

use of, 23–24

See also core script functions

scripts file, contents, 281

scroll bar widgets, 435

scrolling lists, using GuiScrollCtrl class with, 444–446

segmented-mesh model, using, 570

Selection tools, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

semicolon (;), meaning of, 73

Serious Games, 11–12

server, control/server.cs module, 184–187

server code

collision, 943–945

creating triggers, 953–956

deaths, 967–968

dismounting, 946–947

Hero model, 939–943

improving, 965–966

kills, 968

making car go, 952–953

mounting, 945–946

player spawning, 935–938

scoring, 957–968

triggering events, 953–956

vehicle datablock, 948–952

vehicle model, 948

vehicle mounting, 939

server module, 292–297

AddToServerGuidList, 298

CreateAndConnectToLocalServer, 297

CreateServer, 297

DestroyServer, 297–298

InitiBaseServer, 297

OnServerInfoQuery, 298

PortInit, 297

ResetServerDefaults, 298

server versus client design, 165


ARMA series, 259

dedicated, 1006–1007

Delta Force series, 259

GameSpy, 259

hosted, 1006

master, 259

Tribes series, 259

See also client/server networking; dedicated servers; EMAGA6 game

ServerScreen code module (client), 269–273

Cancel, 272

Close, 272

Join, 273

onServerQueryStatus, 273

onWake, 271

queryLAN, 271

QueryLANServers, 271–272

Update, 273

ServerScreen interface module (client), 262–267

GuiScrollCtrl, 268

GuiTextEditCtrl, 268–269

interface definition, 267

QueryStatus, 269

Setup screen, accessing, 869


pixel, 128

using, 127–128

vertex, 128

shading objects, 125

Shape Editor

described, 912

using to check Hero model, 655–656

Shape Primitives approach, using, 570

shapes, connecting vertices, 118

side character animation, described, 569, 625

sidewalk texture

creating, 354–358

photography source for, 465–466

simulator games, 8

singleton keyword

versus datablock and new, 160

using with objects, 156–157

sitting animation sequence, described, 625

sizeshape.cs program, 143


abdomen vertices, 634

bending at spine, 636

biped, 630–631

building, 627–631

chest vertices, 635

child nodes, 628

labeled nodes, 628

order of nodes, 629

pose adjustments, 630

replacing, 658–659

rigging, 632–637

rotating joints, 629

rotating leg bones, 635–636

selecting joints, 627

testing nodes, 635

unlink node, 627–628

Sketch tool, using, 910

ski nodes, explained, 631


creation process, 392–394

defined, 391

dune buggy, 407

tommy gun, 748–749

UV unwrapping, 391–392

See also Hero skin; player skin; soup can skinning procedure; textures

sky texture, creating, 345


adding to scenes, 798–799

adjusting for perspective, 799–800

creating images for, 793–798

distorted image, 791

drawBottom, 801

drawing clouds on horizon, 793–798

edge distances, 791

explained, 787, 789

exploded, 790

face adjustments, 797

fogBandHeight, 801

FOV (Field of View), 792–793

image with gradient, 796

images on faces of, 789

inside faces, 790

Material property, 801

perspective, 791

pictorial, 789

predistorted image, 792

preparing to make gradient, 795

properties, 801

removing distortion, 792

rendering images, 796–797

resolution, 792–793

using, 790

Warp tool, 799–800

slash (/), using, 141

Smudge tool, using in Gimp Toolbox, 383

solid tree

creating, 720–726

testing, 720–726

SoloScreen client interface, 972–974

adding comments, 987

braces and indenting, 987

findFirstFile, 987–988

getMissionDisplayName, 988

level information while loading, 988–989

statement context, 985–986

syntax, 985

sop can skin, testing, 406

sound, use of, 27. See also 3D audio; Audacity; player sounds

sound and music. See Koob game

Sound Emitter, using, 889–891

sound processing tools

Audacity, 1079

SoundEdit Pro, 1079

SoundEdit Pro, availability of, 1079

soup can example

bottom vertices, 526

center vertex, 527

components of, 392–394

enhancing with MilkShape 3D, 526–529

lid open, 528

shaping in MilkShape 3D, 520–523

unwrapping in UVMapper, 523–525

UV Unwrapping tool, 393

soup can skinning procedure

adding text, 405–406

Blend tool, 402

concentric crawling ants, 402

Ellipse Select options, 400–401

filled rectangle, 397

Gaussian Blur dialog box, 399

gradient fill, 401–402

lid after concentric ring, 404

metal lips, 400

New Layer dialog box, 395

Radial gradient, 403

rectangular selection, 396

saving mycan.xcf, 401

selecting mapped sides, 398

selection, 404

selection circle, 401

white rectangle, 397

See also skins

source files, .cs extension for, 161 Web site, 1076

space append macro, symbol for, 72

spamming chat window, 303

specular maps, using, 126–127

spine, bending at, 636

sports games, 9

Standard Male Character

concept artwork, 418

eye detail, 422

face and neck, 423

flesh tone, 419–420

Hilite template, 420–422

prototype, 416–417

UV template, 419

viewing, 432

See also Hero model

standjump animation sequence, described, 626


assignment statements, 63, 65

examples of, 62–63

expressions, 63

inline, 150

naked, 150

Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters, 1076

Step Over button, using, 103–104

stone bridge

brush face, 778

building in Constructor, 774–779

Floor_set_stone texture, 777

Oblong brush, 774

with pylons, 776

scaled face texture, 778


grid setup, 817

lightning, 818–820

materials, 817

rain, 820–822

rain image file, 817–818

setting up sound, 811–817

See also water

strategy games, 9–11

string append operator, symbol for, 72

string formatting codes, 1016

string relational operators, symbols for, 84


versus numbers, 71, 73

in TorqueScript, 154–155

structure of games

core code, 161

EMAGA4 game folder tree, 164

folder hierarchy, 162–163

game root folder, 160

root main module, 160, 162

source files, 161

See also EMAGA4 game; TorqueScript


creating with CSG tools, 769

CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) modeling, 754–757

defined, 753

subtract operator, symbol for, 72

Sun Mission object

ambient, 805

azimuth, 804

canSave, 803

canSaveDynamicFields, 803–804

color, 805

coronaEnabled, 805

elevation, 804

locked, 803

properties, 802

setting at sunrise, 804

support forums, use of, 29

switch statement

versus if-else, 94

using, 93–95

system requirements

Apple-based, xxii

Windows, xxii


T3Ddemo.exe executable, 162

tab append macro, symbol for, 72

TER files, importing, 505

Terrain brush, using, 827–828

terrain data

availability of, 486, 488

DEM (Digital Elevation Model), 488

DTM (Digital Terrain Model), 488

Terrain Editor

Action toolbar, 908–909

Settings toolbar, 908

toolbar functions, 829

using, 906, 908–909

terrain height maps, importing, 502

Terrain Material layer, creating, 736–739

terrain material, using, 732

Terrain Materials Editor, using with height maps, 503, 511–512

terrain modeling

height maps, 489–490

terrain surface, 490–491

textures, 491

tiling, 492–494

See also textures

Terrain Painter

features of, 909

Settings toolbar, 910

using, 509

terrain sizes, establishing, 506


auto-generating, 732–739

blocks, 485–486

characteristics, 485–488

checkerboard texture, 508

detail map texture, 510

diffuse map texture, 510

fidelity, 486–487

freedom, 486–488

grid texture, 508

Material Selection panel, 510

“painting”, 507–513

spread, 486–487

tiles, 485–486

WU (world unit), 494

See also height maps

test harnesses, creating, 1005

testing games

play testing, 1005

regression, 1004–1005

steps, 1001

See also QA (Quality Assurance) specialist

testing tool chain

explained, 612

modeling work flow, 613

steps, 614–615

text adventures, evolution of, 4

text editing tools

PS-Pad, 1079

Torsion, 1079

text editors, features of, 41–42. See also Torsion text editor

text strings, entering manually, 447–448

Text tool

Antialiasing option, 390

Color option, 390

Font option, 390

Hinting option, 390

Indent option, 390

Justify option, 390

Letter Spacing option, 390

Line Spacing option, 390

Path from Text, 390

Text along Path option, 390

using in Gimp, 390, 405–406

text values, displaying 2D arrays for, 446–447

texture artist, role of, 19

texture files, saving in Gimp 2, 360–366

texture mapping, 126–127, 343

texture types

fabric, 482

irregular, 478

metallic, 482–483

patterned, 481

pebbled, 479–480

plastic, 482–483

reflective, 482–483

rough, 478–479

smooth, 480–481

woodgrain, 480


BasicCloud object, 808–810

Bell 47 Helicopter, 347

checkerboard for terrains, 508

clouds, 345–346

default, 769

detail map, 510

diffuse map, 510

grid for terrains, 508

managing in Constructor, 773

sidewalk, 354–358, 465–466

sky, 345

structure through definition, 343–344

terrain accents, 345–346

use of, 26–27

using, 343–349

vehicle detail and structure, 347–348

water, 345

weapon detail, 346–347

wood, 351–353

See also Gimp 2 image processing tool; skins; terrain modeling

textures for structures

artwork (original), 472–473

color matching photos, 466–468

cropping photos for textures, 469–470

lighting for photos, 466–468

photography as source, 464–472

scaling, 473–474

sources, 464–472

tiling, 475–478

uses of, 463

ThinkTanks PPOV action game, BraveTree Productions, 4

Third-Person Point-of-View (3rd PPOV) games, 3

tilde (~) symbol

meaning of, 72

using, 61

tiles, use in terrains, 485–486

tiling terrain surfaces, 492–494

tokens, 1016

tommy gun

barrel and forestock faces, 742

completing, 750

extrusion, 745

metal body faces, 743

model, 740–747

muzzle faces, 742

nodes, 747

remapped view, 749

rotating, 747

script, 750

shoulder stock faces, 743

shrinking, 746

sketch, 740

skinning, 748–749

technique, 739–740

testing, 749–750

Texture Coordinate Editor, 748

vertices, 741

tommy gun sounds

ammo boxes, 880–881

audio profiles, 875

creating, 871–875

model, 879

NoAmmo state, 875

pointers, 875

Preactivate state, 875

preparation, 871

properties, 875

repositioned gun, 880

Scripted Weapon view, 878

ShapeBaseImageData datablock, 875

state handler, 875

state machine, 875–876

testing, 876–882

WeaponImage namespace, 875

Z-axis label, 879

See also player sounds

Toolbox utility, 38

Torque 3D

3D rendering, 32–33

animation and shapes, 34

animations, 568–569

Apple-based users, 37

bandwidth problem, 34–35

bitmap file types, 32

byte code, 166

console, 30–31

Control class, 32

control flow, 30

core script functions, 1043–1070

directories and folders, 16

event procession functions, 30

extrapolation, 35

graphics, 32

GUI library, 32

home site, 1071

input model, 31

installing, 36–38

interpolation, 35

latency, 35

massive multiplayer support, 898

modeling tool chain, 568

modifying and extending, 1008–1009

naming conventions, 16

networking, 34–35

packet loss, 35

platform layer, 30

prediction, 35

Profile class, 32

resource manager, 31–32

shapes and animation, 34

simulation, 31

terrain library, 33–34

texture manager, 32

Toolbox utility, 38

use of, 35–36

utility functions, 32

World Editor, 134–139

Torque Constructor program, 753–754

bridge model, 774–779

Browse button, 769

brushes selection mode, 775

checking dimensions of brushes, 775

CSX versus MAP format, 765–766

Cube brush, 766–768

Cube test object, 773

default texture, 769

directory structure, 759

downloading, 757

Escape key, 770

forms, 761–764

house model, 779–786

installing, 758

main screen, 758–760

managing textures, 773

Materials form, 764

menu bar, 763

modifying brushes, 775

Oblong brush, 774

OSX Graphite theme, 763

palettes, 761

Planer Scale button, 784

Preferences form, 762

Properties form, 764

relighting scenes, 772

resizable forms, 759–762

Scene form, 763

scenes, 765

selection modes, 781

Selection Modes form, 764

Size Bounds button, 784

Texture Browser, 770–771

tool chain, 765–773

toolbars, 761

Tools form, 760–761, 764

Values form, 764

View forms, 764

window, 785

Torque GUI Editor. See GUI Editor

Torque objects

applying materials to, 366–369

restoring textures, 370

selecting in World Editor, 368

Skywalk, 367

See also objects in TorqueScript

Torque Racing Demo controls, 407–408, 706

Torque Toolbox, launching World Editor, 366

Torque-related Web sites, 1071–1072


ActionMaps, 183

ASCII characters, 155

break keyword, 65

carriage return character, 155

case keyword, 65

versus C/C++, 56

client, 178–184

code fragment, 23–24

color code for strings, 155

color table, 155

continue keyword, 65

control main, 172–175

control subtree, 166

core subtree, 165

datablock keyword, 65

datablocks, 159–160

debugging scripts with trace, 173–175

default keyword, 65

defining code blocks in, 50–51

display color, 155

do keyword, 65

else keyword, 65

engine-sourced console constants, 1040–1042

engine-sourced console variables, 1024–1039

engine-sourced preference variables, 1018–1023

false keyword, 65

features of, 153–154

folder hierarchy, 162–163

for keyword, 65

foreach keyword, 65

function keyword, 65

identifier rules for variables, 64

if keyword, 65

initialization, 175–177

keywords, 64–65, 1013

Move Manager variables, 1017

new keyword, 65

newline character, 155

object type masks, 1011–1012

objects, 155–159

operator precedence, 1015

operators, 72–73, 1013–1015

player, 188–191

return keyword, 65

root main module, 166–172

root package, 166

scope prefixes, 56

server, 184–187

singleton keyword, 65

string formatting codes, 1016

strings, 154–155

switch keyword, 65

tab character, 155

tokens, 1016

true keyword, 65

typeless aspect of, 56

while keyword, 65

See also game structure

Torsion text editor

adding skybox to scene, 798–799

assigning variables to be watched, 47–48

auto-complete feature, 51–52

availability of, 1079

Base Directory field, 45

bookmarks, 49–50

breakpoints, 48–49

Callstack debugging tool, 48, 102

code folding, 50–52

commands, 50

configuration field, 44

configuring, 42–43

creating projects, 44–46

echo of script console, 47–48

editor panel, 47

features of, 41–43

Find Results tab, 49

hard drive browser dialog, 45

Hello World script, 57–58

IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 43, 53

interface, 46–49

keyboard shortcuts, 50

launching, 44

locating game folders, 45

“meatball,” 49

menus, 46

Output tab, 47

panels, 46–47

Project tab, 46

setting up, 42–43

Show All Mods button, 46

syntax highlighting, 51–52

tool tips, 46

toolbar, 46

viewing project contents, 46

warning about hidden files, 42–43

Watch tab, 47–48

See also debugging with Torsion; text editors

torso for Hero model

ab cylinder relative to chest, 587

ab vertices, 588

aligned vertices, 593

back vertices, 587

chest and ab vertices, 592

comparing with hand, 608

completing, 594

cylinder caps, 585

cylinder shapes, 583–584

dragging cap vertices, 589

dragging vertices, 590

Front view layout, 590

hiding chest vertices, 588

integrating arms to, 610–612

matching head to, 594–596

positioning head mesh, 583

rigging, 633–637

selecting and hiding vertices, 591

shoulder socket vertices, 597

snapping to grid, 592

sternum vertices, 586

top center cylinder vertex, 591

totalizers, using, 74–75

trace function, debugging scripts with, 173–175

transform operations, selecting, 931


applying in order, 122

changing order of, 122–123

explained, 120

full transformation, 122–123

rotation, 120–121

scaling, 120


applying to objects, 121–122

direct movement, 134–139

echo(), 138

identifying objects, 134–139

octahedron, 135–137

opening console, 138–139

programmed movement, 139–142

programming, 134–142

rotation angle, 139

spawn sphere, 138

specifying vectors, 122

StaticShape class, 139

transparency and translucency, 373–377

tree scenery, painting, 728


complexity, 719

Forest Editor, 720

forests, 720

interacting with, 719

solid tree, 720–726

Trial Trouble 3D RTS game, Oddlabs, 9

triangles, referring to, 118

Tribes series, 259

trigger handler, defining, 251–252

triggering events on server side, 953–956

adding checkpoints, 956

datablock declaration, 954

OnEnterTrigger, 954

OnLeaveTrigger, 954

OnTrigger, 953

placement, 954–955


animation, 250

area, 250

player event control, 250–251

weapon state, 250

trousers, creating for Standard Male Character, 430

Tube Twist puzzle game, 21–6 Production, 8

TubettiWorld, main screen of, 25

turnshape.cs program, 142

TwotyFruity.cs function, 79–81


underscore (_), using with identifiers, 64

unifiedShell case folder, contents, 281

University of Ontario Institute of Technology, 1073

unlink node, explained, 631

unmounting and mounting server code, 945–947


creating, 866–869

death sounds, 869

HurlInsult message, 867

message from client to server, 867

pain sounds, 869

ReferenceDistance, 867

serverCmdHurlInsult message handler, 867

SFXProfiles, 868

UV Coordinate Mapping, 392

UV mapping

Box method, 556, 560

Cylindrical Cap method, 558, 562

Cylindrical method, 558, 561

Planar method, 556, 558–559

Spherical method, 558, 563

unwrapping methods, 554, 556

UVMapper tool, 1079

UV unwrapping, 391–393

UVMapper program

availability of, 1079

BMP export options, 525

Edit menu, 553, 555

features of, 551

File menu, 553–554

Help menu, 554, 556

hot keys, 557

OBJ export options, 524

UVMapper.exe, launching, 523



$ (dollar sign), 65

% (percent sign), 66

arrays, 67–70

assigning values to, 65

defined, 64

as flags, 146

global scope, 65

identifier rules, 64

keywords, 64–65

scoping prefix, 65–66

strings, 70–71

type characteristic of, 56

underscore (_) symbol, 64

vector triplet notation, applying to objects, 122

vector versus raster images, 372–373

vehicle body

adding width to body, 686

aligning vertices, 688

centering Front view, 692

duplicating copies, 688

extruding body faces, 687

extrusion, 686

faces, 683–685

moving copies, 688

overlapping faces, 685–686

placing vertices, 681

scaling bottom rows, 690

scaling nose of, 689, 691

scaling tail, 691

shaping Front view, 692

vertex order for faces, 682

Vertex tool, 680

vehicle model

collision meshes, 701–703

fenders, 693–698

mount nodes, 698–701

Side view, 678

sketch, 678–679

skins, 701

Top view, 678–679

wheels, 703

See also runabout

vehicle mounting, 939

vehicle skin

dune buggy, 407

runabout, 408–416

vehicle sounds

creating, 882–888

dismounting car, 887

eject, 888

engineSound, 885

impact properties, 885

inserting car in game world, 888

jetSound, 885

mounting car, 887

recording effects, 882

squealSound, 885

wheelImpactSound, 885

vertex shaders, using, 128

visual artist, role of, 18–19


walk character animation, 569, 625

water, forms of, 810. See also storms

Water Blocks, described, 822–823

Water Planes

described, 822–823

example of, 823–824

length and width, 824

properties, 825–826

water texture, creating, 345

waterfall example

creating, 920, 924–928

particle system datablocks, 920, 924–926

Weapon module, EMAGA5 game, 227–231

weapon sounds, creating, 869–870

weapon state triggers, 250–251

weapons, creating, 740

Web sites

game development, 1072–1076

Torque-related, 1071–1072

use of, 28

wheels, creating for vehicle model, 703

while loop, using, 76–77

widgets, explained, 435

Windows, warning about hidden files, 42–43

Windows 7 game platform, 14–15

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), 14–15

Direct3D, 14–15

OpenGL, 14–15

Windows Explorer, locating files in, 60

wood texture, creating, 351–353

woodgrain textures, using, 480

world building. See particles

World Camera

switching between Player Camera, 915

using with height maps, 501

World Editor

launching, 366

loading in Torque, 135

movement and action keys, 136

moving player in, 367

navigating, 135

selecting object in, 368

World Editor menus

Camera, 902, 904–905

Edit, 900, 902

Editors, 902

File, 900–901

Help, 903

Lighting, 902–903

Object, 900, 903

world space, defining, 114

WormyFruit.cs program, 105–108

Wotsit’s Format Web site, 1076

WU (world unit), using with terrains, 494

Wyand, Dave, 753


XCF native format, saving files in, 372

XYZ-axis system, explained, 112, 114–115


Yacketta, Ron, 753


ZBrush 3 tool, cost and availability, 1082

Z-flat shading technique, 124

Zoom tool, using in Gimp, 384, 389

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