1.1 Why 3D Communications?

Thanks to the great advancement of hardware, software, and algorithms in the past decade, our daily life has become a major digital content producer. Nowadays, people can easily share their own pieces of artwork on the network with each other. Furthermore, with the latest development in 3D capturing, signal processing technologies, and display devices, as well as the emergence of 4G wireless networks with very high bandwidth, coverage, and capacity, and many advanced features such as quality of service (QoS), low latency, and high mobility, 3D communication has become an extremely popular topic. It seems that the current trend is closely aligned with the expected roadmap for reality video over wireless, estimated by Japanese wireless industry peers in 2005 (as shown in Figure 1.1), according to which the expected deployment timing of stereo/multi-view/hologram video is around the same time as the 4G wireless networks deployment. Among those 3D video representation formats, the stereoscopic and multi-view 3D videos are more mature and the coding approaches have been standardized in Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) as “video-plus-depth” (V+D) and the Joint Video Team (JVT) Multi-view Video Coding (MVC) standard, respectively. The coding efficiency study shows that coded V+D video only takes about 1.2 times bit rate compared to the monoscopic video (i.e., the traditional 2D video). Clearly, the higher reality requirements would require larger volumes of data to be delivered over the network, and more services and usage scenarios to challenge the wireless network infrastructures and protocols.

From a 3D point of view, reconstructing a scene remotely and/or reproducibly as being presented face-to-face has always been a dream through human history. The desire for such technologies has been pictured in many movies, such as Star Trek's Holodeck, Star Wars' Jedi council meeting, The Matrix's matrix, and Avatar's Pandora. The key technologies to enable such a system involve many complex components, such as a capture system to describe and record the scene, a content distribution system to store/transmit the recorded scene, and a scene reproduction system to show the captured scenes to end users. Over the past several decades, we have witnessed the success of many applications, such as television broadcasting systems in analog (e.g., NTSC, PAL) and digital (e.g., ATSC, DVB) format, and home entertainment system in VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray format. Although those systems have served for many years and advanced in many respects to give better viewing experiences, end users still feel that the scene reconstruction has its major limitation: the scene presentation is on a 2D plane, which significantly differs from the familiar three-dimensional view of our daily life. In a real 3D world, humans can observe objects and scenes from different angles to acquire a better understanding of the geometry of the watched scenes, and nonverbal signals and cues in visual conversation. Besides, humans can perceive the depth of different objects in a 3D environment so as to recognize the physical layout and location for each object. Furthermore, 3D visual systems can provide immersive viewing experience and higher interaction. Unfortunately, the existing traditional 2D visual systems cannot provide those enriched viewing experiences.


Figure 1.1 Estimated reality video over wireless development roadmap.

The earliest attempt to construct a 3D image was via the anaglyph stereo approach which was demonstrated by W. Rollmann in 1853 and J. C. D'Almeida in 1858 and patented in 1891 by Louis Ducos du Hauron. In 1922, the earliest confirmed 3D film was premiered at the Ambassador Hotel Theater in Los Angeles and was also projected in the red/green anaglyph format. In 1936, Edwin H. Land invented the polarizing sheet and demonstrated 3D photography using polarizing sheet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The first 3D golden era was between 1952 and 1955, owing to the introduction of color stereoscopy. Several golden eras have been seen since then. However, there are many factors affecting the popularity and success of 3D visual systems, including the 3D visual and content distribution technologies, the viewing experience, the end-to-end ecosystem, and competition from improved 2D systems. Recently, 3D scene reconstruction algorithms have achieved great improvement, which enables us to reconstruct a 3D scene from a 2D one and from stereoscope images, and the corresponding hardware can support the heavy computation at a reasonable cost, and the underlying communication systems have advanced to provide sufficient bandwidth to distribute the 3D content. Therefore, 3D visual communication systems have again drawn considerable attention from both academia and industry.

In this book, we discuss the details of the major technologies involved in the entire end-to-end 3D video ecosystem. More specifically, we address the following important topics and the corresponding opportunities:

  • the lifecycle of the 3D video content through the end-to-end 3D video communication framework,
  • the 3D content creation process to construct a 3D visual experience,
  • the different representations and compression formats for 3D scenes/data for content distribution. Each format has its own advantages and disadvantages. System designers can choose the appropriate solution for given the system resources, such as computation complexity and communication system capacity. Also, understanding the unequal importance of different syntaxes, decoding dependencies, and content redundancies in 3D visual data representation and coding can help system designers to adopt corresponding error resilient methods, error concealment approaches, suitable unequal error protection, and customized dynamic resource allocation to improve the system performance,
  • the advanced communication systems, such as 4G networks, to support transmission of 3D visual content. Being familiar with those network features can help the system designer to design schedulers and resource allocation schemes for 3D visual data transmission over 4G networks. Also, we can efficiently utilize the QoS mechanisms supported in 4G networks for 3D visual communications,
  • the effective 3D visual data transmission and network architectures to deliver 3D video services and their related innovative features,
  • the 3D visual experience for typical users, the factors that impact on the user experiences, and 3D quality of experience (QoE) metrics from source, network, and receiver points of view. Understanding the factors affecting 3D QoE is very important and it helps the system designer to design a QoE optimized 3D visual communications system to satisfy 3D visual immersive expectations,
  • the opportunities of advanced 3D visual communication applications and services, for example, how to design the source/relay/receiver side of an end-to-end 3D visual communication system to take advantage of new concepts of computing, such as green computing, cloud computing, and distributed/collaborated computing, and how to apply scalability concepts to handle 3D visual communications given the heterogeneous 3D terminals in the networks is an important topic.
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