

Flash and Game Development

Who Is This Book For?

What Do You Need To Use This Book?

Prerequisite Knowledge

Software Applications

Source Files

Using the Example Games in Your Projects

What You’ll Find in This Book

The Website

1. Using Flash and ActionScript 3.0

What Is ActionScript 3.0?

Creating a Simple ActionScript Program

A Simple Use of trace

Creating Screen Output

Our First ActionScript 3.0 Class

Working with Flash CS5

Display Objects and Display Lists

The Stage

The Library

The Timeline

Writing and Editing ActionScript

ActionScript Game Programming Strategies

Single Class Method

Smallest-Step Approach

Good Programming Practices

Basic ActionScript Concepts

Creating and Using Variables

Condition Statements



Testing and Debugging

Types of Bugs

Methods of Testing

Using the Debugger

Publishing Your Game




ActionScript Game Programming Checklist

Publishing and Document Settings

Class, Function, and Variable Names

Runtime Issues

Testing Issues

2. ActionScript Game Elements

Creating Visual Objects

Using Movie Clips

Making Buttons

Drawing Shapes

Drawing Text

Creating Linked Text

Creating Sprite Groups

Setting Sprite Depth

Accepting Player Input

Mouse Input

Keyboard Input

Text Input

Creating Animation

Using Timers

Time-Based Animation

Physics-Based Animation

Programming User Interaction

Moving Sprites

Dragging Sprites

Collision Detection

Accessing External Data

External Variables

Loading Data

Saving Local Data

Miscellaneous Game Elements

Custom Cursors

Playing Sounds

Loading Screen

Random Numbers

Shuffling an Array

Displaying a Clock

System Data

Game Theft and Security

3. Basic Game Framework: A Matching Game

Placing Interactive Elements

Methods for Creating Game Pieces

Setting Up the Flash Movie

Creating the Basic ActionScript Class

Using Constants for Better Coding

Shuffling and Assigning Cards

Game Play

Adding Mouse Listeners

Setting Up Game Logic

Checking for Game Over

Encapsulating the Game

Creating the Game Movie Clip

Adding an Introduction Screen

Adding a Play Again Button

Adding Scoring and a Clock

Adding Scoring

Adding a Clock

Displaying Time

Displaying Score and Time After the Game Is Over

Adding Game Effects

Animated Card Flips

Limited Card-Viewing Time

Sound Effects

Modifying the Game

4. Brain Games: Memory and Deduction

Arrays and Data Objects


Data Objects

Arrays of Data Objects

Memory Game

Preparing the Movie

Programming Strategy

Class Definition

Setting the Text, Lights, and Sounds

Playing the Sequence

Switching Lights On and Off

Accepting and Checking Player Input

Modifying the Game

Deduction Game

Setting Up the Movie

Defining the Class

Starting a New Game

Checking Player Guesses

Evaluating Player Moves

Ending the Game

Clearing Game Elements

Modifying the Game

5. Game Animation: Shooting and Bouncing Games

Game Animation

Time-Based Animation

Coding Time-Based Animation

Air Raid

Movie Setup and Approach

Flying Airplanes

Moving Gun

Skyward Bullets

The Game Class

Modifying the Game

Paddle Ball

Setting Up the Movie

Class Definition

Starting the Game

Starting a New Ball

Game Animation and Collision Detection

Game Over

Modifying the Game

6. Picture Puzzles: Sliding and Jigsaw

Manipulating Bitmap Images

Loading a Bitmap

Breaking a Bitmap into Pieces

Sliding Puzzle Game

Setting Up the Movie

Setting Up the Class

Loading the Image

Cutting the Bitmap into Pieces

Shuffling the Pieces

Reacting to Player Clicks

Animating the Slide

Game Over and Cleanup

Modifying the Game

Jigsaw Puzzle Game

Setting Up the Class

Loading and Cutting the Image

Dragging Puzzle Pieces

Game Over

Modifying the Game

7. Direction and Movement: Air Raid II, Space Rocks, and Balloon Pop

Using Math to Rotate and Move Objects

The Sin and Cos Functions

Using Cos and Sin to Drive a Car

Calculating an Angle from a Location

Air Raid II

Altering the Gun

Changing the Bullets

Changes to

Space Rocks

Game Elements and Design

Setting Up the Graphics

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Score and Status Display Objects

Ship Movement and Player Input

Shields Up!



Game Control

Modifying the Game

Balloon Pop

Game Elements and Design

Setting Up the Graphics

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Preparing a Game Level

Main Game Events

Player Controls

Popping Balloons

Ending Levels and the Game

Timeline Scripts

Modifying the Game

8. Casual Games: Match Three and Collapsing Blocks

Reusable Class: Point Bursts

Developing the Point Burst Class

Using Point Bursts in a Movie

Match Three

Playing Match Three

Game Functionality Overview

The Movie and MatchThree Class

Setting Up the Grid

Player Interaction

Animating Piece Movement

Finding Matches

Finding Possible Moves

Score Keeping and Game Over

Modifying the Game

Collapsing Blocks

Setting Up the Graphics

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game


Recursive Block Removal

Falling Blocks

Checking for Empty Columns

Game Over

Modifying the Game

9. Word Games: Hangman and Word Search

Strings and Text Fields

ActionScript 3.0 String Handling

Applying Text Formatting to Text Fields


Setting Up the Hangman

The Hangman Class

Word Search

Development Strategy

Defining the Class

Creating the Word Search Grid

User Interaction

Dealing with Found Words

Modifying the Game

10. Questions and Answers: Trivia and Quiz Games

Storing and Retrieving Game Data

Understanding XML Data

Importing External XML Files

Trapping Load Errors

Trivia Quiz

Designing a Simple Quiz Game

Setting Up the Movie

Setting Up the Class

Loading the Quiz Data

Message Text and Game Button

Moving the Game Forward

Displaying the Questions and Answers

Judging the Answers

Ending the Game

Deluxe Trivia Quiz

Adding a Time Limit

Adding Hints

Adding a Factoid

Adding Complex Scoring

Randomizing the Questions

Picture Quiz

Better Answer Arrangement

Recognizing Two Types of Answers

Creating Loader Objects

Determining the Right Answer

Expanding the Click Area

Images for Questions

Modifying the Game

11. Action Games: Platform Games

Designing the Game

Level Design

Designing the Class

Planning Which Functions Are Needed

Building the Class

Class Definition

Starting the Game and Level

Keyboard Input

The Main Game Loop

Character Movement

Scrolling the Game Level

Checking for Collisions

Enemy and Player Death

Collecting Points and Objects

Showing Player Status

Ending the Levels and the Game

The Game Dialog Box

Modifying the Game

12. Game Worlds: Driving and Racing Games

Creating a Top-Down Driving Game

Creating a Top-Down World

Game Design

The Class Definition

The Constructor Function

Finding the Blocks

Placing the Trash

Keyboard Input

The Game Loop

Moving the Car

Checking for Trash and Trashcan Collisions

The Clock

The Score Indicators

Game End

Modifying the Game

Building a Flash Racing Game

Racing Game Elements

Making the Track

Sound Effects

Constants and Variables

Starting the Game

The Main Game Loop

Car Movement

Checking Progress

The Countdown and the Clock

Game Over

Modifying the Game

13. Card Games: Higher or Lower, Video Poker, and Blackjack

Higher or Lower

Creating the Deck

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Responding to Player Moves

Cleaning Up

Modifying the Game

Video Poker

Shuffle Up and Deal

Timed Events

Making the Deck

Game Elements

Setting Up the Class

Shuffling the Cards

Timed Events

Here’s the Deal

Drawing Cards

Finishing a Hand

Calculating Poker Winnings

Modifying the Game


Game Elements

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Timed Events

Dealing Cards

Hit or Stay

The Dealer’s Moves

Calculating Blackjack Hands

Other Game Functions

Modifying the Game

14. 3D Games: Target Practice, Racing Game, and Dungeon Adventure

Flash 3D Basics

Setting 3D Positions

Rotating Objects

Target Practice

Game Elements

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Drawing the Cannon and Target

Moving the Cannon

Firing the Cannonball

Modifying the Game

3D Racing Game

Game Elements

Setting Up the Movie

User Control

Player Movement

Z-Index Sorting

Modifying the Game

3D Dungeon Adventure

Game Elements

Setting Up the Game

Constructing the Dungeon

Main Game Function

Player Movement

Collecting Coins

Game Limitations

Extending the Game

15. Building Games for the iPhone

Getting Started with iOS Development

What You Need

Publishing for iOS

The iOS Game-Building Process

Design and Programming Considerations

Screen Size

No Web Page


Processor Speed


Sliding Puzzle Adaptation

Adjusting the Screen Size

Changing Publishing Settings

Including the Image


Marble Maze Game

Setting Up the Class

Starting the Game

Game Play

Collision Detection

Game Over

Modifying the Game

Optimizing for iOS Devices

Use the GPU and Bitmap Caching

Object Pooling

Simplifying Events

Minimizing Screen Redrawing

More Optimization Techniques

Beyond the iPhone


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