
key (backslash key), 31

+ (plus sign)

after style name, 165, 177

truncated text indicated with, 155

~ key (tilde key)

creating multiple star shapes, 40

drawing multiple ellipses with, 35

generating multiple rectangles with, 37

moving pattern within shapes, 114



defined, 236

saving, 238

using and creating, 237–238

Actions panel, 237

adding anchor points, 47

Adobe Dreamweaver, 195

Adobe Flash. See Flash

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

AI file format

managing file size with, 247

retaining editing capability with, 243–244

aliasing, 29

Align panel, 186, 188


anchors, 79, 85–86, 187

objects, 185, 186–188

snapping objects to grid, 189–190

text, 173–174

type to paths, 182–184

anchor points

adding and deleting, 47

aligning, 79, 85–86, 187

automatically inserting, 47

blends between, 207

cleaning up on path, 48, 247

closing path with snap to point, 190

converting sharp and smooth corners for, 46, 48

copying, 81

defining with Pen tool, 45

distributing, 187

liquify tools effect on, 220

paths and, 33

rotating objects from, 102–103

selecting and editing on paths, 83–85

stray, 88–89, 247

using, 29


constraining line segment, 31

constraining pen, 45

decay, 36

animation. See Flash

Appearance panel

monitoring applied effects in, 215

stacking fills in, 131–133

stacking strokes in, 129–130

Arc tool, 30, 32

area type

creating, 151, 154–156

rescaling, 163

arranging panels, 8–9

Art Brush Options dialog, 67

art brushes

about, 60

creating new, 66–68

editing, 67

finding symbols to use as, 66


defining size and settings for, 3

drawing freehand lines on, 31

relocating zero points on, 12

using templates for, 5

artistic effects using blends, 206

Assign tab (Live Color dialog), 119–120


backslash () key, 31

bevel joins, 128

bitmap images

about, 1

placing and editing, 147–148

unavailable as clipping masks, 55

Blend Options dialog, 207

Blending Mode drop-down menu (Transparency panel), 204–205


about, 206

between anchor points, 207

artistic effects using, 206

step and smooth, 206–207

viewing and working with spine of, 208–210

bold type attribute, 164

bounding box

editing objects with, 90–92

resetting after rotation, 103

brushes, 59–78. See also specific types of brushes

applying or drawing with, 60–63

art, 66–68

calligraphic, 64–65

pattern, 73–78

scatter, 69–72

types of, 60

Brushes panel, 60, 61–62


Calligraphic Brush Options dialog, 64

calligraphic brushes

about, 60

adjusting pressure sensitivity for, 63, 64

defining customized, 64–65

setting pressure and attributes of, 63

cap joins, 128

cap styles for strokes, 127

categories for Print dialog, 16–17

cell phone previews, 240–242

Character panel

applying type attributes in, 164

changing kerning in, 162

Character Style Options dialog, 166–167


applying type attributes to, 164

formatting, 165–167

glyphs, 168–170

rotating, 163

checking spelling, 156

circles, 34–35

clearing all guides, 10

clicking with Pen tool, 46

clipboard, 94

clipping masks, 55–56, 142

releasing, 196

trimming objects with, 195–196

type for, 197–198

using layers as, 146

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black)

document profile for, 2

setting options for, 8

collapsing panels, 9


adding scatter brush, 71

adding to Live Paint faces and edges, 136–138

adjusting in Live Color dialog, 117–120

applying to Live Paint region, 134

assigning to gradient stop, 124

choosing in Color Picker dialog, 25

defining ellipse fill and stroke, 34

excluding from recoloring, 119

fill, 19, 23–25, 34

grabbing and extracting, 121–122

knocking out, 249, 250

managing output for, 3

resources on theory of, 116

using stroke, 23–25, 34

Web safe, 115

Color Guide panel, 111, 116–117

Color Picker dialog, 25

color swatches, 112–113

Colorization Tips dialog, 71

column layout for text, 174

compound paths, 51–52

compound shapes, 109

consolidating layers, 142


arcs, 30

ellipses, 35

line segment angles, 31

pen angles, 45

rectangles, 37

smooth curves using Smart Guides, 47

Control panel

anchor alignment tools of, 85

applying stroke and fill colors from, 24

customizing and docking, 19

Font drop-down menu for, 157

Font Size drop-down menu for, 157

hiding all panels but toolbox and, 8

using, 18–19

using Live Trace mode from, 149

control points, 29, 47

Convert Anchor Point tool, 47, 48


anchor point’s sharp and smooth corners, 46, 48

paths to Live Paint groups, 134

placed raster image to vector image, 149–150

type to outline, 171–172

copying anchor points, 81

copying and pasting

objects in Flash CS3, 14, 94

shortcuts, 93

symbol instance into Flash, 236

type from other applications, 152


converting anchor point’s sharp and smooth, 46, 48

radius for rounded rectangle, 38

Crop Area tool, 57–58

Crop tool, 108, 110


about, 185

adjusting options in Print dialog, 16–17

images for thumbnails, 195

Crystallize tool, 220

cursors, 22


adjusting with Pen tool, 46

changing direction of anchor, 47

defining drawing, 32–33

drawing symmetrical, 30

smoothness of, 42


calligraphic brushes, 64–65

Control panel, 19

gradient fills, 124–125

object selection, 7

pattern fills, 114–115


paths with Live Paint regions, 56

shape with shape, 54


dashed lines, 128

decay rate, 36

decimal tabs, 173


returning fill and stroke color to, 24

reverting to, 6


anchor points, 47

layers, 142

swatches in Swatches panel, 115

Device Central, 240–242

Direct Selection tool, 80, 81

display performance settings, 7


all open panels, 8

grids, 12, 189

knowhow panel, 20–21

more tools, 22

rulers, 191

Smart Guides, 27

distorting with envelopes, 106–107

distributing objects, 187–188

Divide tool, 108, 110

dividing paths, 53–54


Control panel, 19

panels, 8–9


creating new, 2–5

defining preferences, 6–7

finding and replacing text in, 156

keyboard shortcuts for, 3

no support for multipage, 5

profiles for, 2–3

reusing saved actions in, 238

saving as HTML pages, 254–256

templates for creating, 4–5

using grids in, 11

downloading time for exported files, 250


brushes for, 60–63

curves, 32–33

ellipses and circles, 34–35

Eraser and Path Eraser tools for, 49–50

grids, 41

lines, 30–33

Pen tool for, 45–48

Pencil tool for, 42–44

polygons and stars, 39–40

rectangles, 37–38

shapes, 29

spirals, 36

using clipping masks, 55–56

using compound paths, 51–52

drawing tablets

defining pressure sensitivity for brushes, 63, 64

freehand drawing with, 63

using brushes from, 59

Dreamweaver, 195

drop shadow filter and effect, 211–212

duplicating objects and paths, 93–94

DWF/DWG file format, 245



adding color to Live Paint, 136–138

defined, 134, 136

editing, 139–140

painting, 140

selecting, 138

Edit or Apply Colors tool (Color Guide panel), 117

Edit tab (Live Color dialog), 117–118


aligned type, 183, 184

anchor points, 83–85

art brushes, 67

effects, 214

graphic styles, 223–224

linked or embedded images, 148

locking layers to prevent, 144

masks, 56

objects with bounding box, 90–92

older Illustrator files, 15

paths with Pencil tool, 44

raster images, 147–148

symbols, 239

3-D effects, 233

type, 152, 153, 163

effects. See also filters; 3-D effects

adjusting blends, 208–210

applying, 214–216

drop shadow, 211

filters vs., 201, 212

graphic styles, 221–224

groups of Illustrator, 215–216

step and smooth blends, 206–207

transparency, 202–205

uses for, 201

using Photoshop, 217–218

warping with liquify tools, 219–220

Ellipse dialog, 35


drawing multiple, 35

tool for making, 34

embedded images

applying Photoshop filters to, 212

linked vs., 147, 148

embedding fonts, 243

EMF file format, 246, 248

envelope distortion, 106–107

EPS file format, 243–244

Eraser tool, 49–50

excluding selected colors from recoloring, 119

expanding panels, 9

Export dialog, 245


art in raster format, 248

checking downloading time for, 250

files to other formats, 15

HTML pages, 254–256

Illustrator files for Flash, 251–253

vector art, 245–246

extrusion effects, 226–227

eye icon, 142

Eyedropper tool, 122



adding color to Live Paint, 136–138

applying fill to multiple, 138

defined, 134

selecting, 137

Fidelity tolerances for Pencil tool, 42–43

file formats

compatible vector-based, 245–246

compatible with Illustrator, 13

DWF/DWG, 245

EMF, 246, 248

GIF, 248, 249

JPEG, 248, 249

PNG, 14, 248, 249

retaining editing capability, 243–244

saving images in PNG, 14

SVG, 243–244, 248

SWF, 246, 248, 249, 251

TIFF, 248

Web-compatible, 249–250

files. See also exporting; file formats

compatibility and transparency of, 15

managing size of, 247

printing, 16–17

saving, 13–15

saving as templates, 243

saving for Web, 249–250

sharing Illustrator, 243–244

Fill check box (Line Segment Tool Options dialog), 31

fills, 111–140

adding color to Live Paint faces and edges, 136–138

applying color to, 23–25

Color Guide panel and Live Color, 116–120

creating and merging Live Paint groups, 134–135

customizing pattern, 114–115

defining color for ellipses, 34

editing Live Paint edges, 139–140

filling multiple faces at once, 138

grabbing color with eyedropper, 121–122

gradients, 123–125

masking object with, 195, 196

returning color to default, 24

stacking, 131–133

type with gradient, 198

using color and pattern swatches, 112–115

filters. See also effects

adjusting blends, 208–210

applying, 211–213

difference between effects and, 201, 212

graphic styles, 221–224

Photoshop, 212, 218

step and smooth blends, 206–207

transparency, 202–205

uses for, 201

using Illustrator and Photoshop, 218

warping with liquify tools, 219–220


objects behind layers, 194

tools, 20–22

first line indented, 175

Flare tool, 34


automatically generating animation layers for, 143

converting Illustrator layers into animation frames, 252–253

copying and pasting Illustrator objects in, 14, 94

exporting Illustrator files for, 251–253

symbol instance copied and pasted into, 236

Flash Player Version pop-up menu, 251

Flip check boxes (Art Brush Options dialog), 67, 68

flowing type

around paths, 180–181

from one text object to another, 179

options for controlling, 184


defining, 157–158

displaying glyphs for different, 168–170

embedding, 243

formatting in type box, 160

multilingual, 169–170


characters, 165–167

paragraphs, 173–176, 177–178

preserving text, 171–172

strokes, 126–128

freehand drawing

drawing lines on artboard, 31

Pencil tool for, 42, 63

using drawing tablets for, 63


Gap Options dialog, 135

getting started

applying stroke and fill color, 23–25

Control panel tips, 18–19

controlling workspace, 8–9

creating new document, 2–5

defining guides, 10

finding tools, 20–22

printing files, 16–17

saving files, 13–15

setting preferences, 6–7

Smart Guide options, 26–28

using grids, 11–12

GIF file format, 248, 249

glyphs, 168–170

gradient fills

customizing, 124–125

preset, 123

using as opacity mask, 199–200

Gradient panel, 124

gradient stops, 124–125

gradients. See also gradient fills

about, 123

displaying swatches of, 113

filling type with, 198

graphic styles

creating, 222–223

editing, 223–224

libraries for, 221

unlinking and removing, 221

Graphic Styles panel, 222


appearing when objects sliced, 255

creating and using, 11–12

displaying, 12, 189

drawing, 41

gridline tolerance, 190


converting paths to Live Paint, 134

defining and selecting, 82

isolating, 82, 144


creating from rulers, 192

defining, 10

rotating, 101

setting appearance for, 10

Smart Guides, 26–28

Guides & Grid panel (Preferences dialog), 12, 190


harmony rules, 119

headlines, 158

Help finding tools, 22


all open panels, 8

grids, 12

layers, 145

rulers, 191

HTML Web pages, 254–256

hybrid anchors, 48

hyphenation options, 175



eye, 142

lock, 143


copying and pasting objects in Flash, 14, 94

exporting files to Flash, 251–253

file formats compatible with, 13

groups of effects in, 215–216

Photoshop effects in, 217–218

reverting to default settings, 6

saving files for older versions of, 14, 15, 244

type engine in, 151

Illustrator Options dialog, 14

images. See also raster images; vector images

cropping for thumbnails, 195

linked vs. embedded, 147, 148

using Photoshop effects on, 217–218


artwork to extract color, 121

placed image as template layer, 148

Swatches library to other applications, 115

indented text, 175, 176

inserting type at point, 151, 152–153, 155

interactive crop areas, 57–58

interactive gradient fills, 125

interlacing, 250

inverted opacity masks, 199

inverted text wrapping, 181

Isolated Group mode, 239


groups, 82, 144

layers, 144

italic type attribute, 164


join styles for strokes, 127

JPEG file format, 248, 249

justification of text, 173–174


kerning type, 161–162

keyboard shortcuts

copy and paste, 93

displaying and hiding grids with, 12

document, 3

finding on tool tips, 20

reverting to defaults, 6

selecting all objects, 80

Knife tool, 53–54

knocking out color, 249, 250

knowhow panel, 20–21


Lasso tool, 80

launching Live Color dialog, 117

layers, 141–150

adjusting stacking order of, 143

changing placed raster image to vector image, 149–150

consolidating, 142

converting into Flash animation frames, 252–253

deleting, 142

finding objects in, 145

grouping vs., 82

importing placed image as template, 148

locking, 142–143, 144, 145

moving path between, 143

nonprinting, 143

organizing projects into, 142–143, 194

placing and editing raster images, 147–148

stacking, 141, 143, 193–194

transparency or clipping, 146

using, 141

viewing and isolating, 144

Layers panel, 142–143

leading type, 161–162


Graphic Styles, 221

Nature Symbol, 66

Swatch, 112, 115, 117

lighting for 3-D effects, 230

Line Segment Tool Options dialog, 31

line spacing, 175

Line tool, 30

lines and shapes, 29–58

about drawing, 29

breaking compound paths into distinct shapes, 52

clipping with masks, 55–56

compound paths for, 51–52

creating compound shapes, 109

cutting shape with shape, 54

dashed lines, 128

defining weight of stroke, 126

diving paths for, 53–54

drawing lines, 30–33

ellipses and circles, 34–35

Eraser and Path Eraser tools with, 49–50

grids, 41

moving patterns within shapes, 114

Pen tool for drawing, 45–48

Pencil tool for drawing, 42–44

polygons and stars, 39–40

rectangles, 37–38

spirals, 36

Link Harmony Colors tool, 118, 119

linked images, 147, 148


multiple text objects, 179

type objects, 179

liquify tools, 219–220

Live Color dialog

about, 111, 116

Assign tab, 119–120

Edit tab, 117–118

launching, 117

Live Paint groups. See also edges; faces

adding color to faces and edges, 136–138

converting paths to, 134

creating and merging, 134–135

cutting paths with Live Paint regions, 56

editing Live Paint edges, 139–140

expanding traced image to, 149

gap options for, 135

painting edges, 140

reverting to paths, 134–135

Live Trace, 149–150

lock icon, 143


guides, 10

layers, 142–143, 144, 145


Magic Wand tool, 81, 87–88

managing illustration workflow, 235–256

about, 235

creating symbols and applying instances, 236–238

editing symbols, 239

exporting art to Flash, 251–253

exporting HTML pages, 254–256

exporting to raster formats, 248

exporting vector files, 245–246

managing file size, 247

previewing art in Device Central, 240–242

saving files for Web, 249–250

sharing editable Illustrator files, 243–244

Map Art dialog, 232–233

masks. See also clipping masks

applying type as, 197–198

creating and applying, 195–196

opacity, 199–200

releasing, 196


objects, 191–192

units for, 7, 10, 173, 191–192


Blending Mode drop-down, 204–205

Flash Player Version pop-up, 251

Font drop-down, 157

Font Size drop-down, 157

opening panel, 9

Merge tool, 108, 110

Minus Back tool, 108, 110

miter joins, 128


Isolated Group, 239

switching between Outline and Preview, 54

mosaic filters, 213


displaying tool names with, 20

using brushes from, 59


anchor points, 47

type inserted at point, 153

multiple ellipses, 35

multiple rectangles, 37


naming new graphic styles, 221

Nature Symbol Library, 66

New Brush dialog, 64, 67

New Document dialog, 2, 4

New from Template dialog, 5

9-slice scaling, 237

nonprinting layers, 143


object fill. See fills

Object Mosaic dialog, 213


affected of graphic styles on, 221

aligning and distributing, 186–188

applying edge and face attributes to Live Paint group, 136

converting from vector to raster, 216

copying and pasting in Flash CS3, 14, 94

customizing selection of, 7

distorting with envelopes, 106–107

duplicating, 93–94

editing, 90–92, 153

effects applied to, 214–216

finding in layers, 145

grouping, 82

hidden behind layers, 194

managing stacking order for pasted, 94

mapping onto 3-D objects, 225

masking, 55

measuring and placing, 191–192

resizing, 91–92, 95–96, 100

rotating, 101–103, 228–230

scaling, 29, 95–100

selecting, 80, 87–89

shearing, 104–105

slicing, 254–256

snapping to grid, 11, 189–190

stacking, 193–194

3-D, 225, 228–230

transparency applied to, 202–205

trimming with clipping masks, 195–196

warping, 219–220

wrapping text around, 181

octagons, 39–40

opacity, 202

opacity masks, 199–200


panel menu, 9

tool gallery, 22

OpenType glyphs, 168–170

options for tools, 22

outdented text, 175

Outline tool, 108, 110

Outline view

finding objects in, 194

toggling with Preview mode, 54, 208

viewing blend spine in, 208


layers, 145

type, 15, 171–172

output for color, 3


Paintbrush tool. See also Pencil tool

drawing brush stroke with, 61

using, 60

panels. See also specific panels

arranging, docking, and expanding, 8–9

knowhow, 20–21

Paragraph panel, 173

Paragraph Style Options dialog, 178

Paragraph Style panel, 177


formatting, 173–176

using styles for, 177–178

pasting. See copying and pasting

Path Eraser tool

diving paths with, 52

using, 49–50

Path mode, 18

path segments, 79, 80–81

Pathfinder panel, 56, 108–110

paths, 79–110. See also brushes

about, 79

adjusting blend, 208–210

aligning anchors within, 85–86

altering with filters, 201

anchor selection and editing for, 83–85

applied effects and, 214, 216

applying fill color to, 19

cleaning up automatically, 48

closing with snap to point, 190

converting to Live Paint groups, 134

creating compound, 51–52

cutting with Live Paint regions, 56

defined, 33

designing path elements for pattern brushes, 73–74

distorting with envelopes, 106–107

dividing, 53–54

duplicating, 93–94

editing with bounding box, 90–92

editing with Pencil tool, 44

erasing along, 49, 50

generating new anchors on, 47

grouping objects, 82

importance of vector, 59

inserting anchor points automatically on, 47

liquify tools effect on, 220

moving between layers, 143

object selection by clicking, 80

outlining type, 15, 171–172

placed raster images and, 147

placing type on, 182–184

removing brush stroke from, 62

reverting Live Paint groups to, 134–135

rotating, 101–103

scaling, 95–100

selecting path segments and, 80–81

selecting similar objects, 87–89

shearing objects, 104–105

text flow along and around, 179, 180–181

unaffected by graphic styles, 221

using Pathfinder tools, 108–110

wrapping text around, 181

Pattern Brush Options dialog, 76, 77

pattern brushes, 73–78

about, 60

defining multiple-pattern, 75–78

designing path elements for, 73–74

using multiple patterns with, 73

pattern fills, 114–115

pattern swatches, 112, 114

PDF file format, 243–244

Pen tool, 45–48

about, 29

clicking and drawing with, 46

controlling smoothness for anchors, 46

generating anchors and paths with, 45

using calligraphic brush effects with, 65

working with anchor points, 46–48

Pencil tool

about, 29

editing paths with, 44

freehand drawing with, 42

setting Smoothness and Fidelity tolerance, 42–43

using calligraphic brush effects with, 65

Pencil Tool Preferences dialog, 43, 44


cropping files in, 195

filters available from, 212

using effects in Illustrator, 217–218

pivoting objects from anchor point, 102–103

pixel preview mode, 4

Place dialog, 147, 148


objects, 191–192

raster images in file, 147–148

type on paths, 182–184

plus sign (+)

after style name, 165, 177

truncated text indicated with, 155

PNG file format, 14, 248, 249

Polar Grid tool, 30, 41

Polygon tool, 34


defining sides of, 39–40

tool for making, 34


defining, 6–7

options for setting Crop Area tool, 58

Preferences dialog

Guides & Grids panel, 12, 190

setting defaults in, 6–7

Smart Guides & Slices panel, 27

preset gradient fills, 123

Preview mode, 54, 208


art in Device Central, 240–242

rotation effects, 102

Print dialog, 16–17


defining areas for, 185

files, 16–17

profiles for documents, 2–3

progressive option for exported Web images, 250

projects organized into layers, 142–143, 194


radius for rounded rectangle corner, 38

random patterns for scatter brushes, 69

raster images

converting to vector image, 149–150

cropping, 195

exporting art as, 248

placing and editing, 147–148

using Photoshop filters with, 212

Web-compatible file formats for, 249–250

Rectangle dialog, 38


defining, 37–38

keyboard constraints for, 37

tool for making, 34

Rectangular Grid tool, 30, 41

reference point locators, 41

registration marks, 17

releasing object from envelope, 107

relocating zero points, 12

Remove Brush Stroke icon (Brushes panel), 62


effects, 214

graphic styles, 221

text wrapping, 181

renaming layers, 142


blend spine, 209

embedded raster images, 148

rescaling pattern fill, 114

resizing objects

quick method for, 95–96

from Scale dialog, 100

using bounding box, 91–92

resolution, 1

reversing direction of blend spine, 210


fill and stroke color to defaults, 24

Live Paint groups to paths, 134–135

settings to default, 6

RGB (red, green, and blue)

document profile for, 3

setting options for, 3

Rotate dialog, 102


characters, 163

object using bounding box, 91–92

objects, 101–103

scatter brush patterns, 70

3-D objects, 228–230

type, 163

Rounded Rectangle dialog, 38

rounded rectangles, 34, 38


creating, 10

displaying/hiding, 191

Tabs panel, 176


Save As dialog, 13, 243

Save Color Group to Swatch Panel tool (Color Guide panel), 117

Save for Web & Devices dialog, 249–250, 251, 254


actions, 238

files, 13–15

files for older Illustrator versions, 14, 15, 244

templates, 243

scalability of objects, 29

Scale tool, 96–98


objects, 95–100

type, 163

Scatter Brush Options dialog, 69

scatter brushes, 69–72

about, 60

adding randomness to pattern, 69

defining pattern and color for, 69–72

uses for, 69

Scissors tool, 53–54


all objects, 80

anchor points, 47, 83–85, 88–89

customizing object selection, 7

groups, 82

Live Paint edges, 138

Live Paint face, 137

objects by clicking path, 80

path segments, 79, 80–81

similar objects, 87–89

type box or text in type box, 159–160

Selection tool, 80, 81, 152

shading 3-D effects, 230

Shape Modes tool, 109

Shear tool, 105

shearing objects, 104–105


grids, 41

objects, 104–105


about, 254

creating and modifying object, 254–255

defining links with slices, 256

text, 255

Smart Guides

constraining smooth curves using, 47

highlighting type when using, 152

using, 26–28

Smart Guides & Slices panel (Preferences dialog), 27

Smart Punctuation options, 156

smart quotes, 156

smooth blends, 206

Smooth tool, 42


controlling for Pen tool anchors, 46

of curves, 42–43

Snap to Grid option

aligning objects with, 189–190

turning on/off, 11, 189

unavailable with Smart Guides, 26


adjusting for blend objects, 210

line, 175

setting for distribution distance, 188

spelling checks, 156

Spiral dialog, 36

spirals, 30, 36


fills, 131–133

objects, 193–194

strokes, 129–130

stacking order

changing stroke, 130

hierarchy for, 193

layers and, 141, 143, 193–194

managing for pasted objects, 94

path, 108

revising fill, 133

Star tool, 34


defining points of, 39

drawing and adjusting points of, 40

tool for making, 34

step blends, 206

Stoke panel, 127

stray anchor points, 88–89, 247

strikethrough type attribute, 164

Stroke attribute, 111

Stroke panel, 130

strokes, 111–140. See also brushes

adding color to Live Paint faces and edges, 136–138

applying brush pattern to, 61

applying color to, 23–25

Color Guide panel and Live Color, 116–120

creating and merging Live Paint groups, 134–135

customizing calligraphic brush, 64–65

defining color for ellipses, 34

editing Live Paint edges, 139–140

formatting, 126–128

grabbing color with eyedropper, 121–122

gradients, 123–125

removing brush, 62

returning color to default, 24

stacking, 129–130

using color and pattern swatches, 112–115

using masking object with, 195, 196


naming new, 221

paragraph, 177–178

stroke, 127

unlinking and removing graphic, 221

using type, character, 165–167

surface options for 3-D effects, 227

SVG file format, 243–244, 248

Swatch libraries

accessing, 112

creating custom, 115

limiting colors on Color Guide panel to, 117

Swatch Options dialog, 75

swatches, 112–115

Swatches panel

about, 111

adding colors to, 121

deleting swatches in, 115

dragging pattern brush elements to, 75

illustrated, 112, 113

saving color group to, 117

SWF file format, 246, 248, 249, 251

Symbol Options dialog, 237


defined, 236

editing, 239

managing file size with, 247

mapping onto 3-D effects, 231–233

using as art brushes, 66

Symbols panel, 236


tab leaders, 173

tablets. See drawing tablets


decimal, 173

indented text with, 176

Tabs panel ruler, 176

targeted layers, 146

template layers, 148


creating documents using, 4–5

saving files as, 243

text. See also type

applying type attributes, 164

column layout for, 174

decimal tabs and tab leaders, 173

defining font and size for, 157–158

editing in text objects, 153

finding and replacing in documents, 156

fitting headlines, 158

formatting paragraph, 173–176

indented, 175, 176

kerning, leading, and tracking, 161–162

rotating characters, 163

Smart Punctuation options, 156

truncated, 155

wrapping around objects, 181

text objects, 153, 154

text slices, 255

3-D effects, 225–233

about, 225

editing, 233

mapping symbols onto, 231–233

3-D extrusion effects, 226–227

3-D rotation and revolve effects, 228–230

3-D Extrude & Bevel Options dialog, 227

3-D Revolve Options dialog, 230

thumbnails, cropping images for, 195

TIFF file format, 248

tilde key (~ key)

creating multiple star shapes, 40

drawing multiple ellipses with, 35

generating multiple rectangles with, 37


Fidelity, 43

gridline, 190


applying stroke and fill colors from, 23–24

hiding all panels but Control panel and, 8

illustrated, 21, 22

tearing off gallery from, 22


anchor alignment, 85

Arc, 30, 32

Convert Anchor Point, 47, 48

Crop, 108, 110

Crop Area, 57–58

Crystallize, 220

Direct Selection, 80, 81

displaying more, 22

Divide, 108, 110

Edit or Apply Colors, 117

Ellipse, 34

Eraser, 49–50

Eyedropper, 122

finding, 20–22

Flare, 34

found on Assign tab of Live Color dialog, 120

Knife, 53–54

Line, 30

Link Harmony Colors, 118, 119

liquify, 219–220

Magic Wand, 81, 87–88

Merge, 108, 110

Minus Back, 108, 110

options for, 22

Outline, 108, 110

Paintbrush, 60

Path Eraser, 49–50

Pathfinder, 108–110

Pen, 29, 45–48

Pencil, 42–44

Polar Grid, 30, 41

Polygon, 34, 39–40

Rectangle, 34, 37–38

Rectangular Grid, 30, 41

Rotate, 101

Rounded Rectangle, 34, 37–38

Save Color Group to Swatch Panel, 117

Scale, 96–98

Scissors, 53–54

Selection, 80, 81, 152

Shape Modes, 109

Shear, 105

Smooth, 42

Spiral, 30, 36

Star, 34, 38–39

tearing off gallery from toolbox, 22

Trim, 108, 110

top alignment, 187

Tracing Options dialog, 149

tracking type, 161–162

Transform panel, 192


applying, 146, 202–205

available blending effects for, 204–205

configuring exported Web images for, 249, 250

file, 15

opacity masks and, 199–200

Transparency panel

Blending Mode drop-down menu of, 204–205

illustrated, 146, 202

trim marks, 17

Trim tool, 108, 110

turning on/off Snap to Grid option, 11, 189

type, 151–184

applying attributes for, 164

area, 151, 154–156

checking spelling, 156

converting for earlier Illustrator versions, 244

copying and pasting from other applications, 152

defining font and size, 157–158

extruded, 226–227

filling with gradients, 198

flowing around paths, 180–181, 184

formatting paragraphs, 173–176

inserting at point, 151, 152–153, 155, 163

kerning, leading, and tracking, 161–162

linking type objects, 179

mapping symbols onto 3-D effects, 231–233

outlining, 15, 171–172

paragraph styles, 177–178

placing on paths, 182–184

rotating, 163

scaling, 163

selecting, 159–160

styling characters, 165–167

using as clipping masks, 197–198

using OpenType glyphs, 168–170

vertical, 152–153

working with, 151

type boxes

selecting box or text in, 159–160

unlinking, 179


unclipping opacity mask, 199

ungrouping objects, 82

Units & Display Performance panel (Preferences dialog), 7, 191

units of measurement

defining ruler, 10, 191–192

setting, 7

tabs and, 173


graphic styles, 221

type boxes, 179

Use Adobe Dialog button, 5, 13

Use OS Dialog button, 5, 13


vector images

about, 1

converting raster to, 149–150

cropping, 195–196

exporting files with, 245–246

importance of vector paths, 59

version compatibility of Illustrator files, 14, 15, 244

vertical type, 152–153


blend spine, 208

filters and effects in Outline, 212

layers, 144


Wacom tablet. See drawing tablets

Warp Options dialog, 214

warping objects, 219–220

Web safe color, 115

Web sites

compatible file formats for raster images, 249–250

exporting HTML pages for, 254–256

gradient fills not suited for, 125

WMF file format, 246

workflow. See managing illustration workflow

workspace, 8–9

wrapping text around objects, 181


zero points, 12

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