Reactive Forms and Component Interaction

So far, you've been working with putting together the basic elements that make up an Angular application, such as modules, components, pipes, services, RxJS, unit testing, environment variables, and even going a step ahead by learning how to deliver your web application using Docker and make it look polished with Angular Material.

In order to build truly dynamic applications, we need to build features that enable rich user interactions and leverage modern web functionality such as LocalStorage and GeoLocation. You also need to become proficient with new Angular syntax to effectively leverage binding, conditional layouts, and repeating elements.

You need to be able to work with Angular Forms to create input fields with validation messages, create engaging search experiences with search-as-you-type functionality, provide users a way to customize their preferences, and be able to persist this information both locally and on a server. Your applications will likely have multiple components sharing data.

As your app matures and you involve more people to work on it with you or communicate your ideas to your colleagues, it becomes increasingly difficult to do so with just a hand-drawn sketch. This means we need a more professional mock-up, preferably an interactive one, to best demonstrate the planned UX for the app.

In this chapter, you will do the following:

  1. Become aware of these:
    • Two-way binding
    • Template driven forms
  1. Become proficient in interactions between components
  1. Be able to create these:
    • Interactive prototype
    • Input field and validation using Angular Reactive Forms
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