Chapter 17

Accounting for Cultural Influences in Big Data Analytics

Gabriele Jacobs,  and Petra Saskia Bayerl


Questions of national security are typically internationally oriented. This implies that Big Datasets often contain traces from multiple cultural contexts, but also that the cultural contexts of data production and interpretation may differ. We argue that this multicultural element produces specific complexities for Big Data analytics. In this chapter we outline the challenges of the cultural dependence of Big Data analytics for the validity of interpretations and national security decisions. In this analysis we differentiate between the supply side and the demand side of Big Data. The former refers to the production of Big Data (e.g., by Internet users) and the latter to the collection and interpretation of traces to support decisions. We discuss six forms of cultural (in)equality and their impact on Big Data characteristics, including volume, variety, velocity, and validity (or veracity), as well as the potential consequences of mismatches between production/producer and interpretation/interpreter contexts. We close with some recommendations for the consideration of cultural dependence in Big Data analytics.


Big data interpretation; Context mismatches; Cultural dependence; Cultural equivalence; Data validity


Questions of national security are typically internationally oriented. One may think here of threats such as organized crime, radicalization, large-scale financial fraud, or economic and state espionage. Although focused on national security, these issues need to be addressed in an international arena, especially considering the increasingly closer linkages of states through global communication as well as commercial and financial networks.
Big Data analytics can be a powerful tool to prevent, identify, or mitigate national security threats because tapping into individuals’ behaviors, attitudes, and relations on nearly all levels of social interactions supports the identification of (potentially or seemingly) problematic patterns, people, and groups. This broad collection of traces of human behavior for the prevention or identification of (possible) threats implies that massive amounts of highly varied data are being screened and cataloged at any given time. The resulting Big Datasets are often inescapably multicultural because collected traces often span international or cross-national contexts (e.g., terrorist cells, as described in Chapter 3).
We argue that this multinational element produces specific complexities for Big Data analytics, because not only are data patterns shaped by their cultural context, but the interpretation of data is also influenced by cultural factors. In this chapter we outline the challenges of the cultural dependence of Big Data analytics for the validity of interpretations and national security decisions. In contrast to the technological challenges of Big Data analytics, which are widely acknowledged and discussed (e.g., Jagadish et al., 2014; Magoulas and Lorica, 2009), the social and psychological challenges of Big Data production and interpretation are much less in evidence. Cultural dependence is only one of these challenges, but it is certainly an important one that deserves our attention.
We discuss the role of cultural context for two aspects:
• How cultural contexts affect the behavioral traces of individuals in their interactions with their environment
• How cultural contexts can affect the interpretation of such traces.
We refer to the first aspect as the supply side of Big Data analytics because it refers to the production of Big Data (e.g., by Internet users), and to the second aspect as the demand side because it is concerned with the collection and interpretation of traces to support decisions, e.g., by law enforcement agencies (LEAs) or the military.
Culture is an umbrella concept that covers several aspects of contextual information, such as behaviors, norms, and values, which are derived from the history, religion, or economy of a country. Our intention in this chapter is to advocate for a greater awareness for how cultural contexts can shape data patterns and thus for a greater sensitivity to cultural dependence in the collection and interpretation of Big Data. In borrowing from the field of cross-cultural psychology, which specializes in the study of culture-specific influences on behavior and attitudes, we refer to this sensitivity as cultural intelligence. Cultural intelligence refers to the ability to interpret human actions in foreign settings in the same way compatriots would (Earley and Mosakowski, 2004). We apply this concept to the ability of giving appropriate meaning to Big Data in an international context. Using insights from the fields of international psychology, sociology, marketing, management, and linguistics, we illustrate the complexities and potential dilemmas for behavioral predictions in international settings.

Considerations from Cross-Cultural Psychology for Big Data Analytics

As Smolan and Erwitt (2012) claimed, our smart devices turn each of us into human sensors that produce endless streams of information about our likes and dislikes, behaviors, and decisions. People leave data during shop visits, search activities on the Internet, holiday trips, and calls to friends. The digital camera follows us everywhere from our home into the metro, the library, and the coffee bar to the jogging trail, into the car, and into the office. These data become snapshots of the movie of our lives. But what and how can analysts learn from watching these movies?
Big Data can be seen as the material manifestations of individuals’ behaviors and decisions captured in the form of texts, speech, pictures, films, patterns of communications, movements, or goods. Applications of Big Data for national security employ these behavioral traces to identity irregularities or indicators of (potentially) criminal intent or activities.
Studies in social psychology and sociology indicate that we can indeed predict attitudes of individuals from observable behaviors with a relatively high level of probability. Yet, they also caution that these conclusions need to be based on well-informed behavioral models. Well-established elements of such models are context-specific information about social norms or behavioral alternatives. For instance, the information that someone exclusively uses public transport, produces energy at home via sun collectors, and often goes on camping holidays may provide strong evidence that this person has an environmentalist attitude. Yet, it is also possible that this person shows this behavior because of a strong need to save money or because everybody in his or her environment is doing it.
To increase the probability of the link between behavior and underlying attitude, the distinctiveness of the observed behavior needs to be known. Is the use of public transport the dominant mode of transportation in the social environment of this person or are cars cheap and widely used? How high is the penetration rate of sun collectors in the region? Are camping vacations the usual way of passing holidays in the cultural context of the individual?
The relevance of context-specific cultural norms and behavioral alternatives for behavioral patterns in individuals and groups implies that data analysts need sufficient context-specific knowledge and that a lack of cultural sensitivity can easily lead to fundamental misunderstandings.
Many international marketing campaigns, for instance, failed because of a lack of awareness about local cultures. One of the most well-known examples is the campaign of a pharmaceutical company that was sensitive enough to consider the high degree of analphabetism in the targeted customer segment but forgot about the Arabic tradition of reading from right to left. The result was a nicely designed cartoon showing that the consumption of a specific medicine is able to remove heavy pain—but this was true only when reading from left to right. Following the Arabic reading tradition, the same advertisement in fact claimed that taking this medicine will produce serious pain in formerly healthy people.
Moving to the security domain, LEAs have come under heavy criticism for discrimination and stereotypical interpretations, when local cultural patterns were used to interpret foreign behaviors. The consequences of misinterpreting foreign behaviors can vary, from misunderstandings with major implications such as the underestimation of Western intelligence services of the likelihood of suicide attacks until 9/11 to (seemingly) minor implications. An example for such minor implications comes from our own personal environment, such as the call of German neighbors to the police that a potential terrorist might be hiding in the apartment next to them. The potential terrorist turned out to be a Moroccan doctoral student fully focused on his work and therefore keeping the blinds of his apartment windows drawn and meeting regularly with other Moroccan doctoral students to jointly discuss their progress.
These are only few examples but they demonstrate that behavioral patterns as well as their interpretation are socially shaped and thus culturally dependent, and that telling problematic apart from unproblematic patterns needs a considerable amount of cultural, social, and psychological expertise.

Cultural Dependence in the Supply and Demand Sides of Big Data Analytics

Culture has a deep impact on how we see and interact with the world. Our cultural context provides a set of compelling behavioral, affective, and attitudinal orientations that influences individual and social behaviors, physiological aspects such as the perception of pain, temperature or color, and even our personalities (Berry, 2002). We refer to this phenomenon as the cultural dependence of behaviors, perceptions, preferences, norms, or attitudes.
In our daily life we remain largely unaware of these cultural impacts because the underlying values and basic assumptions (Schein, 1985) are typically inaccessible to direct reflection and observation. Usually it takes contact with other cultures (e.g., by observing differences in artifacts such as architecture, clothing, food, and art or differences in ethical norms and behaviors) to become aware of one’s own cultural preferences. This largely unconscious and taken-for-granted nature of culture also means that its effects are often overlooked in the production and analysis of behavioral traces, i.e., data.
Culture dependence has a role for two aspects of Big Data, to which we refer as the supply side and the demand side of Big Data analytics (Figure 17.1).
1. The supply side refers to the production of data by individuals socialized in a specific cultural context who leave behavioral traces in the context of a specific culture (which may be their own, but is not necessarily so).
2. The demand side refers to the collection (i.e., the what, when, why, how, etc., of sampling data) and the interpretation of data by people socialized in a specific cultural context, which may be the same as or different from the one to which the individual leaving the behavioral traces belongs and/or the one in which the behavior takes place.
Figure 17.1 Supply and demand sides of Big Data analytics.
To illustrate the potential issues arising from cultural dependence on the supply and demand sides, we draw on the notion of cultural equivalence developed in the context of international marketing research (Craig and Douglas, 2005). Cultural equivalence is defined as the equivalent meaning of concepts and data in different social and cultural contexts.

Cultural Dependence on the Supply Side (Data Creation)

On the supply side, cultural equivalence of behavioral traces can be compared and assessed with respect to three aspects:
1. Sample equivalence
2. Data collection equivalence
3. Measure equivalence.

Sample equivalence

Sample equivalence speaks to the base likelihood of specific behaviors across cultural contexts: for instance, the likelihood that people use landlines, mobile phones, or Internet varies across countries as do color preferences for products (Madden et al., 2000) or the rates of impulsive buying behavior (Kacen and Lee, 2002). Variations in these behaviors may further exist across subgroups with respect to age, gender, educational level, and so forth. Comparing communication in individual, in-group, out-of-group, and nonsocial language situations, for instance, Kashima et al. (2011) found that participants of Asian origin and women used more self-descriptions in interpersonal contexts whereas Australians did so more frequently when confronted with collective contexts. Such differences affect the base rate of behaviors to be considered average or normal in a group.

Data collection equivalence

Data collection equivalence describes the accessibility of data and the willingness of people to provide data across cultural contexts (e.g., Lowry et al., 2011). For instance, Chinese users of social networks are more likely to customize their profile picture than are Americans (Zhao and Jiang, 2011), thus potentially providing more pointers to their personality. As another example, closed circuit television cameras are widely accepted in Britain and The Netherlands and are even high on public wish lists, whereas other countries such as Germany are facing serious public and media resistance against such instruments (e.g., Bayerl et al., 2013). These differences in societies’ willingness to provide information online and to accept surveillance by private and public institutions again affect the base rate of behaviors across groups, but also take into consideration differential impacts on base rates owing to different reactions to external pressure such as physical security measures or online surveillance.

Measure equivalence

Measure equivalence refers to the comparability of measurement units across contexts. For instance, the number of words people use to express an opinion; the emotional intensity of expressions; the colors used as symbols for abstract concepts; and the number of exclamation marks, question marks, or emoticons are specific per culture and mother tongue. Koreans, for instance, seem more likely to speak indirectly and to look for indirect meanings than are Americans (Holtgraves, 1997). Also, the general tendency to extreme responses, humility, or social desirability varies across contexts, influencing tendencies to agree or disagree to questions or the frequency of extreme versus moderate responses in surveys (Smith, 2011). Even the structure of academic texts (Clyne, 1987) and the type of personal pronouns (“I,” “me,” and “mine,” vs “we,” “ours,” and “us”) depend on culture, with more individualistic cultures preferring the former and more collectivistic cultures the latter (Na and Choi, 2009). Measure equivalence thus affects the base rate, but even more important, the type and intensity of behaviors or content that can be expected across cultural groups to express the same concept.
Taken together, cultural dependence on the supply side can thus create systematic differences in the three classic features of Big Data: volume, variety, and velocity. That is, cultural contexts can create variations in terms of how much data are produced (volume), which types and how many different types of data are produced (variety), and thus also the speed of accumulation of data (velocity).
In this context, it may be worth including a second reading of velocity: namely, the speed of change in behavioral and thus predictive data patterns. Some cultures or groups tend to be slow adopters, preferring to stick with established behaviors or practices; other cultures or groups tend to embrace innovations more readily. The two groups will thus show a different rate of change in their behavioral patterns over time—and in consequence possess a different time horizon of when predictive patterns may become obsolete.

Cultural Dependence on the Demand Side (Data Interpretation)

On the demand side, challenges owing to the cultural dependence of behavioral traces can be framed in the following three aspects:
1. Conceptual equivalence
2. Functional equivalence
3. Translation equivalence.

Conceptual equivalence

Conceptual equivalence addresses the fact that things do not mean the same everywhere. The color white, for instance, signals mourning in Japan, and purity in most Western contexts. In some cultural contexts, intelligence is indicated by slow speech, and by fast speech in others, whereas the word “family” can refer to only the core members (i.e., father, mother, children) or include the extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and nieces. Similarly, not being aware that in some locations “friendship” can be used to describe a spontaneous, short-term relationship that can be terminated quickly, whereas in others it is used only for lifelong deep loyalties implying far-reaching social and financial obligations, may lead to severe misunderstandings about the disparate implications and commitments entered into by people using this term. Conceptual equivalence thus addresses the problem of giving the right meaning to behavioral traces across contexts, or rather, the challenge of accounting for the fact that disparate base rates, behaviors, or patterns essentially mean the same thing or that the identical content or pattern carries an different meaning.

Functional equivalence

In a comparable way, artifacts can perform different functions. Imagine, for instance, a family visiting a Western fast-food restaurant. In a United States (US) context this might indicate low–social status behavior, whereas in an African context this might signal a high-status family embracing symbols of freedom and the affluent lifestyle of the West. Yet, precisely this symbol of the West can change in its meaning depending on political and societal developments. Whereas in an Eastern European context Western products such as soft drinks and fast food were long considered scarce and attractive status goods, the Western signaling function now turned in some market segments into a liability: The mere fact that a product comes from the West now can be considered as pushy (Van Rekom et al., 2006). Functional equivalence thus refers to the challenge that reactions to the same triggers are influenced by the cultural contexts in which they are encountered.

Translation equivalence

The international nature of Big Data also means that it may contain multiple languages, including local dialects and group-specific lingos. Most of us are know that adequate translations of natural text or speech are far from trivial. This starts with the fact that some experiences and objects simply do not have words in all languages (e.g., Japanese knows eight common honorifics to express hierarchical differences among individuals whereas English speakers are reduced to the choice between a person’s first or last name). Some words have double meanings in their original language that are lost in translation, or vice versa, whereas proverbs, metaphors, the level of abstraction, and precision are highly language and context specific (e.g., the same person will most certainly use different vocabulary with family, at work, and at a club with friends; few people would understand a literal translation of the Greek “having a toothache” to mean “being unhappily in love”). In addition, language usage changes quickly over time (e.g., emojis are now replacing smileys, whereas “Googling” has long become an established term for searching on the Internet). By necessity, working with a language that is not the mother-language is thus fraught with misunderstandings. Translation equivalence thus draws attention to the ability to ensure that translation of texts and speech as well as pictures or drawings are actually transporting the original meaning from the original language and context.
In summary, the demand side is thus the place where errors or imprecision in the interpretation of Big Data can occur because of neglect or a lack of awareness of the cultural dependence of specific patterns, behaviors, or expressions. This is also the point where possible biases, stereotypes, prejudices, and heuristic shortcuts come into play. As Canhoto (2008) described in a study on money laundering detection within United Kingdom financial services, bank employees considered the type of business done by customers of specific ethnics groups as a source of concern. The main challenge of cultural dependence on the demand side is thus to ensure the validity of data interpretations in a culturally adequate way.
The likelihood of lapses in validity clearly depends on how familiar or foreign the cultural backgrounds of the data producer(s) and data interpreter(s) are: that is, on the degree of match or mismatch between producer and interpreter contexts. In addition, mismatches between these two contexts and the contexts of production and interpretation can have a role.

(Mis)Matches among Producer, Production, Interpreter, and Interpretation Contexts

The possibility of different contexts with respect to place of socialization (producer and interpreter context), place of behavior (production context), and place of collection/interpretation (interpretation context) creates various forms and degrees of cultural matches and mismatches (see Figure 17.2). At the one extreme stands a complete match of the four contexts: e.g., US analysts investigating criminal activities of American citizens in the US on US-based online sites (Configuration 1 in Figure 17.2). At the other extreme stands the complete mismatch between the four contexts: e.g., if an American agent working in Germany analyzes the radicalization potential of Moroccan youth living in The Netherlands (Configuration 8 in Figure 17.2).
The existence of these context configurations raises several questions with respect to the reliability and validity of Big Data analytics in multicultural settings. Some of the more pressing questions are:
• In which constellations are cultural misinterpretations most likely?
• In which constellations are cultural misinterpretations severest?
Figure 17.2 Suggested likelihood of cultural misunderstandings for disparate context configurations.
• In which configurations are context/cultural mismatches salient and thus can be explicitly addressed, and in which configurations do they remain masked and may thus cause unconscious faults or biases in interpretation?
• Are there specific types of reliability and validity issues for each configuration or are there generic issues that arise in all or nearly all configurations?
To our knowledge, there are no empirical investigations as of yet that address these questions for national security decisions. Research from cross-cultural studies suggests that configurations with an overlap of producer and interpreter contexts (Configurations 1–4) have a lower likelihood of misinterpretations because a common frame of reference exists between the person leaving the traces and the person interpreting them. For the same reason, mismatches between producer and interpreter contexts may be more prone to faults in interpretations and thus subsequent decisions (Configurations 5–8). Situations with mismatches in producer and production contexts (Configurations 3, 4, 5, and 8) may lead to issues because behavior culturally normalized in the producer’s context may be unusual in the production context—although how much this becomes an issue will certainly depend on the degree to which a person adjusts and integrates into this environment. Mismatches of interpreter and interpretation contexts may again be less severe (Configurations 2 and 4) unless they go hand in hand with mismatches with the producer context (Configurations 6–8). Still, these assumptions need further detailing and testing in national security contexts.

Integrating Cultural Intelligence into Big Data Analytics: Some Recommendations

A golden rule in cross-cultural research is that cooperation with cultural insiders is critical to meaningful data analysis. On the other hand, the cultural naivety of an outsider can allow for relevant surprising questions. Global acting companies in the consumer and financial sector are aware of cultural variations in social behaviors and preferences. HSBC Bank, for instance, used to advertise their global savvy with a picture of a grasshopper and the comment, “USA—Pest. China—Pet. Northern Thailand—Appetizer” (Earley and Mosakowski, 2004). This widely shared awareness in the private sector should also be the dominant practice for LEAs.
Marketing research has established a strong tradition in developing guidelines and methods for international research. ESOMAR ( is a worldwide organization that promotes better research into markets, consumers, and societies. Standards and codes covering ethical commitments, e.g., for research with children or the use of research methods such as social media, the Internet, or mystery shopping studies (where evaluators observe and measure customer service by acting as a prospective customer) are jointly developed in an international network of market researchers. Such networks also allow marketers to conduct effective and efficient research into complex international market segments with the help of fellow marketers from the targeted cultural markets.
General rules from cross-cultural research in the social sciences can be translated into basic recommendations for Big Data analysis:
• Big Data should be analyzed only on the basis of well-informed psychological and sociological behavioral models.
• The cultural equivalence of the supply and demand sides of Big Data needs to be established before the data are interpreted.
• Individual data points should be interpreted only in combination with a whole portfolio of other data points of the individual.
• The social context of information needs to be systematically considered to identify the distinctiveness of information.
• Cultural insiders should work in teams with cultural outsiders to maximize cultural sensitivity in interpreting data.
Coming back to our example above, a team of American, Moroccan, and Dutch experts would probably be most likely to reach valid conclusions. American expert(s) can define which questions need to be answered in the context of their investigations, Dutch expert(s) can contribute information on the norms and typical behaviors in a Dutch environment, and Moroccan expert(s) can help to understand the specific behaviors of Moroccan youths to account for aberrations from Dutch pattern norms.
On the data supply side, analysts need to establish the equivalence of data collection. For the production context, they need to establish whether the analysis of online behavior is targeted at the correct sources (in our case, Dutch). The team also needs to establish sample equivalence; e.g., are the targeted age group, family situation, and educational background of Moroccan youths living in The Netherlands comparable to other youth groups with radicalization potential in the US?
For the data interpretation side, measure and conceptual equivalence are important concerns. In this context, questions such as the following need to be answered: Do certain statements of radicalization mean the same in the Dutch (production) context as they would in the American (interpreter) context? How “extreme” are certain statements relative to the usual rhetoric of Dutch political debating compared with American political debating? When it comes to functional equivalence, it is important to understand what certain symbols (e.g., the distribution of videos, the carrying of flags, the possession of books) mean in the Moroccan–Dutch context, what function they might have in a local political debate, and how these need to be understood compared with the functionality of these symbols in the American context. Last but not least, translation equivalence needs to be established. Moroccan youth growing up in Dutch society might use language and expressions different from Moroccan youth in the US.
We use this example not to support stereotyping concerning Moroccan youth, but to choose an example that is of high political attention and that also shows how complex the analysis of culturally diverse subgroups can be. Heated political debates can easily lead to an underestimation of the high likelihood of cultural misunderstandings.


In this chapter we outlined challenges confronting organizations tasked with safeguarding national security, who use Big Data analytics in international contexts. Our primary aim was to advocate for a consistent and systematic consideration of cultural dependencies in data production and interpretation, but also to call for more investigations into this important area.
Cultural sensitivity is crucial in analyzing Big Data in a meaningful way, but little systematic research seems to be conducted into understanding how cultural dependencies affect the reliability and validity of Big Data analytics. This is especially problematic for individuals and organizations operating in the field of national security, because wrong decisions there can lead to severe consequences for the lives and/or well-being of people.
Because of the dearth of research on cultural issues in Big Data analytics, we relied heavily on literature from fields outside the national security debate, including marketing, management, linguistics, and cross-cultural psychology. Given the increasing reliance on Big Data in national security decisions, we hope that Big Data and the national security field will increasingly conduct investigations into the specific impact of cultural dependence for questions of national security. This should lead to the inclusion of cultural Big Data intelligence into information technology and staff trainings and perhaps even inform the design of statistical analysis packages and software applications.
Reliance on Big Data and its statistical analyses often seems to imply a certain objectivity of the process of data analytics. As we discussed, this assumption can be dangerous for the validity of interpretations and decisions if it is not counterbalanced by the application of cultural intelligence to Big Datasets. Especially because the fundamental logic of singling out criminals is achieved by identifying differences and abnormalities in data patterns, it is crucial to understand that differences can be established only as long as the dimensions of comparison are comparable. As we tried to illustrate in our discussion on cultural dependence and cultural (in)equivalence, the likelihood of faulty interpretations depends on the degree of (mis)matches among producers, production, interpreters, and interpretation contexts. We thus argue that security-related applications of Big Data should routinely consider cultural dependence to ensure they adequately make sense of Big Data in a global context on both the supply and demand sides.
National security applications of Big Data can be a powerful asset to serve the security of our societies. By adding the concept of cultural intelligence to what we call the supply–demand chain of Big Data production and interpretation, we hope to contribute to the validity and effectiveness of Big Data analytics while reducing the risks of biases and faults in interpreting behavioral traces, and thus the risk of faulty decisions.


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