
Bioinformatics An interdisciplinary field that employs computer-assisted methods and new software tools for understanding biological and genetic data.
BSATs Biological select agents or toxins.
Distant reading As opposed to “close reading,” the practice of using computational methods to assist in pattern-finding across large humanistic corpora.
Mass digitization The large-scale scanning and conversion of sources previously available primarily in nondigital forms, such as the contents of libraries.
Steganography The transmission of secret messages “in plain sight,” embedded or hidden in a seemingly normal communication.
Stylometry Computational analysis of vocabulary and phrasing in a text, most often used in authorship attribution.
Analytics The act of extracting and communicating meaningful information among the data sets.
API (application programme interface) Set of functionalities that allow access to the data components.
Artificial intelligence It is the investigation exploring whether intelligence can be replicated in machines, to perform tasks that humans can successfully carry out.
Bag-of-words model BOW model is a simplifying representation in NLP and IR. In BOW model, a corpus is represented as the bag of its words, where order of words or grammar is disregarded. Advantages include language independence.
Bayesian networks (BNs) They are acyclic graphical models that capture conditional dependence among random variables. Each node is associated with a function that gives the probability of finding the variable in a given state, given particular states of its parent variables.
Big Data Term used to describe the exponential growth, variety, and availability of data, both structured and unstructured.
BML Battle Management Language, a standardized language for military communications (orders, requests, and reports) developed under the aegis of NATO and based upon the JC3IEDM data model.
Bottleneck A situation where the performance of the system is affected (slowed-down/terminated) with the presence certain resources.
Chunks Unit of information or user data within data sets.
Collaboration To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
Computer virus A piece of software or code that is created with the intention of corrupting or destroying data.
Conventional techniques Traditional techniques which are in use till now.
Counter-terrorism Action or strategy intended to counteract or suppress terrorism.
CRM (customer relationship management) System that manages the customer-related data along with their past, present, and future interactions with the organization.
Cross-links Means of logical connectivity found among physically separated data sets.
Cultural equivalence Defined as the equivalent meaning of concepts and data in different social and cultural contexts.
Cultural intelligence The ability to interpret human actions in foreign settings in the same way compatriots would.
Cyber-terrorism A sub category of cyber-crime used to define cyber-attacks that are committed in pursuit of terrorism-related goals.
Cyber-crime Any crime that is facilitated through the use of computers and networks. This can include crimes that are dependent on computers or networks in order to take place, as well as those whose impact and reach are increased by their use.
Cyber-warfare Politically motivated attacks, typically conducted by nation-states against other nations for the purposes of sabotage and espionage.
DAS (direct attached storage) Digital storage system attached to the processing environment without any network segregation.
Data distillation Process of extracting insightful information from the raw data.
Data imbalance Data where different classes have very different sample size.
Data management Processes by which data across multiple platforms is integrated, cleansed, migrated, and managed.
Data mining It refers to the process of identifying and extracting patterns in large data sets based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistical techniques.
Data silos A repository of information that cannot exchange content with other systems.
Data warehouse A centralized database system which captures data and allows later analysis of the collected data.
Database Collection of information or data organized together, with individual element having the same set of fields. It is a component of the database management system.
Data sets Collection of data corresponding to the contents of a single database.
DDD Dynamic data driven.
Detonator A device, such as a fuse or percussion cap, used to set off an explosive charge.
Dirty data Data with inaccuracies and potential errors.
Disease model hypothesis The level of understanding of a disease correlates with the amount of supporting evidence.
Downtime Time during which the service or process is not available.
Dynamic Characteristics of constant change and unstableness.
DynamoDB Fast and flexible NoSQL database system from Amazon.
EDI (Electronic data interchange) Electronic system of communication standards for information interchange.
ERP (Enterprise resource planning) data Data used by enterprises to manage their resources such as finance, human resources, and other assets of the organization.
Extremist One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics.
Fusion center Center designed to manage and promote sharing of information between different law enforcement and government agencies.
Fuzzy c-mean clustering A clustering method where data points can below to two or more clusters.
Fuzzy logic Approach of using approximate reasoning based on degrees of truth for computation analysis.
Hacking The process of exploiting weaknesses in the security of a computer system or network.
Hadoop® Open-source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing of Big Data on clusters of commodity hardware.
Heterogeneity Diverse nature of the data in terms of structure, form, pace, size, etc.
High performance analytics Range of efficient analytical solutions to solve complex problems associated with Big Data.
High-flux streaming Traveling at a very high velocity.
Human trafficking Refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Ideology A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.
In-database analytics Processing data, with the data being located in the database avoiding costly migration of the data.
Indiscriminate Not making or based on careful distinctions; unselective.
Information retrieval This refers to the process of obtaining relevant information from a variety of resources.
In-memory computing Process of storing the data in the primary RAM (Random Access Memory) of the server rather than external databases.
Intelligence Secret and sensitive information, especially about an actual or potential enemy.
Investigation A detailed inquiry or systematic examination.
IR Information retrieval.
JC3IEDM The Joint Consultation, Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model; a data model developed to support interoperability for NATO partners.
Jihadist A Muslim who is involved in a jihad.
Knowledge discovery (KD) Process of mining large volume of data for patterns that would be considered knowledge.
Latency (processing) Expression of time consumed by the system to acquire the data and making it accessible for processing.
Lone wolf Individual who works alone, rather than being connected to a larger cell or group.
LSA Latent semantic analysis, sometimes called latent semantic indexing (LSI), is a technique in NLP for analyzing relationships between a set of documents and terms (also referred to as dictionary words) they contain.
MeSH Medical Subjects Headings, a controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed.
Metadata Data holding the description of other data. Meta means “an underlying description.”
Misnomer Term that suggests a wrong meaning or inappropriate name.
Mono-, bi-, tri-, multigram Set of words (mono: set of one word, bi: set of two words, tri: set of three words, multi: set of multi words).
Natural language A language which is spoken or written by humans to communicate. Programming languages, markup languages, formal languages, etc., while designated “languages” are purpose-built languages, and not designed with the purpose of supporting (normal) human communications.
Natural language processing (NLP) Similarly to text mining, NLP is a multidisciplinary research field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. However, it mainly focuses on the interaction between computers and human languages.
Network latency Communication delay during a transmission between source and destination.
Network of semantic association Association among concepts structured in a network.
Ontology (computing) A formal (conceptual) framework for representing knowledge about entities in a particular domain; this knowledge contains the names and types, properties and interrelationships of various entities within the domain.
Open-source data Used in this context to refer to data that is publically available and free of charge.
Parallelization Computation carried out simultaneously.
Phishing The sending of fraudulent emails, or presentation of fraudulent information in order to coerce individuals into revealing personal and sensitive, such as passwords and credit card data online.
Pipeline Description of the process workflow in sequential order.
Piracy Refers to the unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution of another’s intellectual property.
PubMed A database comprising millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Radicalization The process to make radical or more radical.
Raw data Source data requiring various level of processing in order to make it usable.
Reactive Instantly responding in a stimulus way.
Real-time processing Processing the data simultaneously as it arrives at the database.
Redundancy Process of providing alternative resources in order to continue the execution despite any component failures.
Relevance model Grouping a ranked list of entities as highly relevant, possibly relevant, or not-relevant. RM is based on disease model hypothesis.
Repository A storage location for physical data, preferably databases.
RFID (radio frequency identification) Technology that uses electromagnetic coupling of the radio frequency (RF) of the spectrum for object identification.
SAN (storage area network) Dedicated network used to connect the storage devices to the server resources.
Security Freedom from risk or danger; safety.
Semantics Set of mappings forming a representation in order to define the meaningful information of the data.
Sensor data Information captured by devices such as ANPR cameras and other recording devices.
Sentiment analysis Refers to the use of analytics to identify and categorize opinions that are being expressed in textual data toward a particular product or topic. Also the identification of positive, negative, neutral, or unclassified opinions from unstructured text data.
Server blades Servers intended for single, dedicated applications and are designed to fit into the server racks with minimized use of space and energy.
Social engineering It describes a type of intrusion that relies heavily on human interaction rather than on specific technical methods. It often involves deceitful approaches to obtain, for example, sensitive information, and break into computer systems.
Social media It defines the creation, sharing, and exchange of information generated by social interaction among people in virtual communities and networks.
Social networks The (social) interactions among people create rich and complex systems, which are successfully modeled by networks. More specifically, individuals are associated with nodes and an edge between any two refers to a mutual interaction. The structure of such networks has attracted increasing interest from researchers, and a variety of techniques have been developed to identify the relevant properties that underline the social interactions.
Structured data Data that resides in a fixed field within a file or individual record, such as a row & column database.
Systemic bias Tendency of a procedure to support and predict a particular outcome over another based on skewness in the data.
Terrorism The unlawful use of force and violence against persons, property or to coerce a government.
Text analytics a variety of computer-based techniques designed to deriving information from text sources. Sometimes referred to as text (data) mining.
Text mining It is the process of extracting information from textual sources, via their grammatical and statistical properties. Applications of text mining include security monitoring and analysis of online texts such as blogs, web-pages, web-posts, etc.
TF-IDF Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) is a numerical statistic that reflects importance of a word in a document within a corpus.
Transaction data Master data and reference data with associated time dimension.
Trojan A piece of software or code that is disguised as a legitimate software that is created with the intention to breach a system or networks security.
Unstructured data Data (generally text-based) which is not presented in a structured form such as a database, ontology, table, etc. Newspaper articles, government reports, blogs, and e-mails are all examples of unstructured data.
Violence Great force, either physical or emotional, usually exerted to damage or otherwise abuse something or someone.
Web defacement An attack on a Web site with the intention of changing its visual appearance or content.
XML (extensible mark-up language) Language with protocols to encode documents of both human and machine generated data sets.
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