

About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer



CHAPTER 1   Game Planning and Programming Basics

Planning the Game

Target Market

Game Genre

The Game Team

Game Planning

XNA Game Programming Concepts

General Game Structure

Game Initialization

Game Finalization

Game Loop


CHAPTER 2   2D Graphics, Audio, and Input Basics

2D Graphics

Common Gaming Terms

2D and Screen Coordinate Systems

Drawing a Sprite Using XNA

Moving the Sprite on the Screen

Coding for Collision Detection

Game Input

Using the Xbox 360 Gamepad

Using the Keyboard

Using the Mouse

Game Audio

Creating Audio Content with XACT

Using Audio in Games


CHAPTER 3   Creating Your First 2D Game

Design for the First Game: Rock Rain

Let's Get to It

Drawing the Background

Creating the Player's Game Component

Creating the Meteors

Creating the Game Logic

Adding Sounds

Adding a Scoreboard

Shake, Baby!

An Xbox 360 Version of Rock Rain


CHAPTER 4   Improving Your First 2D Game

Planning Rock Rain's New Version

Creating the Game Screens

Creating the Help Screen

Creating the Opening Screen

Creating the Action Scene

Navigating Between the Scenes


CHAPTER 5   Basics of Game Networking

Introducing Multiplayer Games

Network Topology

Turn-Based vs Real-Time Games

Some Technical Tips

Introducing XNA Networking

Starting the Gamer Services Component

Defining the NetworkHelper Class

Signing in a Gamer

Creating a Session

Finding and Joining a Session Synchronously

Finding and Joining a Session Asynchronously

Starting the Game

Handling Messages

Adding a Final Touch


CHAPTER 6   Rock Rain Live!

Planning Rock Rain Live

Adding the Support for Network Games

Changing the Opening Screen

Creating the Network Game Scene

Controlling the Input to the Scene

Creating the NetworkHelper Class

Creating the Game Sessions

Let's Talk

Synchronizing the Players

Adding Network Support to the Player Class

Adding Network Support to the PowerSource Class

Adding Network Support for the Meteors


CHAPTER 7   Rock Rain Zune

Planning Rock Rain Zune

Organizing the Game

Modifying the Classes

Help Scene Changes

Menu Changes

Power Source Changes

Meteor Changes

Player Changes

Core Game Changes

Deploying the Game on the Zune


CHAPTER 8   3D Game Programming Basics

3D Coordinate Systems and Projections

Vertices and Primitives

Vectors, Matrices, and 3D Transformations



Lights, Camera . . . Effects!

Drawing the 3D Axis in XNA

Coding the Vertices and the Vertex Buffer

Coding a Basic Effect and Rendering the 3D Scene

Coding the Main Program Calls

Models and Meshes


CHAPTER 9   Rendering Pipeline, Shaders, and Effects

Rendering Pipeline


Vertex Shader


Pixel Shader

High-Level Shading Language

HLSL Data Types

Uniform and Varying Inputs



Creating a Simple Shader

Techniques, Passes, and Effects

Effect Class

Effect Helper Classes


Shader Authoring Tools


CHAPTER 10   Lights, Camera, Transformations!


A Base Camera Class

A Third-Person Camera


Base Light

Point Light/Omnidirectional Light

Camera and Light Managers

Camera Manager

Light Manager

Object Transformation


CHAPTER 11   Generating a Terrain

Height Maps

How Height Maps Work

Generating a Height Map

Creating the Terrain Class

Loading the Terrain Height Map

Generating the Terrain's Mesh

An Overview of Terrain Techniques

The Multitexturing Technique

The Normal Mapping Technique

Creating the Terrain Effect

Creating the Vertex Input and Output Structures for the Terrain Effect

Creating the Vertex Shader for the Terrain Effect

Pixel Processing for the Terrain Effect

Defining the Technique for the Terrain Effect

Setting the Effect Material

Drawing the Terrain

Extending the Terrain Effect with Normal Mapping

Vertex Processing for Normal Mapping

Pixel Processing for Normal Mapping

Querying the Terrain's Height

Ray and Terrain Collision


CHAPTER 12   Skeletal Animation

Types of Animations

Keyframed Animation

Skeletal Animation

Skeleton and Bone Representation

Extending the Content Pipeline for Model Animation

Creating the Animation Data Classes

Creating the Animated Model Processor

Reading and Writing Custom User Data

Using the AnimatedModel Class in XNA

Loading an Animated Model

Skeletal Animation Equations

Updating the AnimatedModel Class

Creating the AnimatedModel Effect

Converting the Mesh Effect

Drawing the Model


CHAPTER 13   Creating a Third-Person Shooter Game

Designing the Game

Game Definition

Game Play

Technical Design

Starting the Game Engine

Cameras, Lights, and Transformations


Animated Model


Creating Helper Classes

Input Helper

Settings Manager

Random Helper

Creating the Game Logic

The Terrain Unit

Unit Types

Player Weapon



Finishing the Game Engine

Game Level

GameScreen Class

TPSGame Class


CHAPTER 14   Closing Words

Where You Are Now

Where Do You Go from Here?

Create Your Own Game


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