

2012 Republican Presidential Nomination, 149

7-second delays, 156


Adams, Scott, 163

adding value, 115

adjusting content, 46

Adler, Mortimer, 75

Alhbom, Steve, 112

Allen, Woody, 17-20

pauses, 140

American Electronics Association, 119

analogies, 69-70

analyzing audiences in advance, 46

anchorpersons, 137-138

answering questions, 46, 171-173

Anticipation Space, 92

Anti-PowerPoint Party, 93-94

apologies (Murdoch, Rupert), 39-40

Apple Computer, 156

Aristotle, 76

articulation, 180-182

Aspen Ideas Festival, 211

assertive language, 219

athletic articulation, 181-183

attacks, direct attacks, 159-161

attention spans, length of presentations, 11-12

Audience, Inc., 61


analyzing in advance, 46

best practices, 217

direct references to, 220

eye movements, 99-101

involving in interviews, 213

knowledge of, 66-67

speaking to groups over a thousand, 197-198

Big Tent events, 199

image magnification, 198


Baker, Nicholson, 32

Baldwin, Michael, 94

bar charts, 98

Barlow, Christopher M., 81

Bartz, Carol, 159-161

benefits, offering multiple benefits, 46

Benhamou, Eric, 63-64

Bernstein, Carl, 13

best practices

elevating audience’s primacy, 44

Go To Command, 44

IPO road shows

assertive language, 219

competition, 217

direct references to audiences, 220

flow structure, 218

NetRoadshow Factor, 215-216

new audiences, new benefits, 217

team building, 219

timing, 217

verbalization, 218-219

web animation, 218

relegate slides to secondary role, 44

Big Tent events, 199

Bing, 108

Bixby, Jim, 217

boilerplate phrases, 157-158

bookends, 59-60

box thinking, 81-82

brainstorming, 17-18

outlines, 47-48

breaking into jail, 175-176

Bryant, Adam, 169

B-School, 86

buffers, 157-158

bullets, 98

Bush, President George H.W., 147



in speech, 132

teleprompters, 195

calming the user, 143-144

Cannon, Lou, 72

Carmody, Tim, 31

Carson, Johnny, 153-154

Carter, President Jimmy, 147

Casablanca, 35

charts, bar charts, 98

Chopra, Deepak, 63

choreography, 133

Churchill, Sir Winston, 11, 33

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, xvi, 221-222

loci method, 4

Cisco Systems, 218

Clinton, President Bill, 36, 41-42, 147, 166

Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary, 87

Collins, James, 12

competition, IPO road shows, 217

Confucius, 69

consonants, 188


adjusting, 46

focused content, 46

continuity, graphics, 91-92

convergent thinking, 15

Cooke, Ed (memory aids), 4

Cooper, Anderson, 172

Covey, Stephen R., 30, 45, 63

CrackBerry Addiction, 141-142

creative processes, 15-16

cross-references, interviews, 213

C-School, 86

Custom Animation, 83

customizing presentations, 46

cutting down presentations, 7-9

Cyrano de Bergerac, 23


Dargis, Manohla, 21

data dump, 16

data visualizations, 108

Dator, Joe, 49

de Montaigne, Michel, 31

deconstruction, 127-129

defeating Demo Demons, 201-202

delivering scripted speeches, 193-194

teleprompters, 194-195

vertical text, 195-196

delivery skills, Power Presentations program, 127

Delves Broughton, Philip, 76

Demo Demons, defeating, 201-202

Dilbert comic strip, 163

direct attacks, 159-161

divergent thinking, 15

Dobelli, Rolf, 142

Doerr, John, 43-44

Does that make sense?, 25-26

Dole, Bob, 147

“Don’t raise the bridge, lower the water,” 81

Doolittle, Eliza, 182

myth, 207

Dowd, Maureen, 4

dress codes, panel discussions, 204

Dust, 124

Dyer, Geoff, 56


effective listening, 154

Encyclopedia Britannica, 48

Estegassy, Guillaume, 111

examples, 69-70

existentialism, 19

extremism, 55-57

Eye Connect, 144

eye contact, 202

eye movements

rapid eye movement, 143

tracking, 99

EyeTrackShop, 99


Faulkner, William, 8

Fellini, Federico, 15-18

Ferrer, Jose, 23

FIFA, 41-42

five-second rule, 79

Flash, Will, 146

flow structure, IPO road shows, 218

Foer, Joshua, 3

The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons of Robert S. McNamara, 171

follow the money, 13-14

fonts, 95-96

Foreman, Amanda, 7-8

Foreman, Carl, 8

forward-looking statements, 27-28

Frankendeck, 30

friction, 84

Fried, Michael, 56

Funt, Peter, 212


Gallwey, W. Timothy, 124

Gay, Jason, 11

gesturing, 133-135

lack of, 137-138

Gettysburg Address, 195-196

Giffords, Rep. Gabrielle, 72

Gillespie, Dizzy, 122

Gillette, William, 65

Gingrich, Newt, 36

Gmail, Undo Send, 156

Go To Command, 44

Goldwater, Barry, 55

Gonzales, Alberto R., 36

Goodyear, Dana, 123

Google, 108, 156

Gmail, Undo Send, 156

Granberry, Noland, 119-120

graphics, 85-86

bar charts, 98

bullets, 98

continuity, 91-92

Green, Christina Taylor, 72

Grothe, Mardy, 34


Harvard Business School, 69

Harwood, John, 150

Having a ’versation, 50

Helvetica, 95-96

Higgins, Henry, 180-182

honesty, 169-170

How smart are you?, 169-170

humor, 154


“I think,” 28

Ikiru, 89

Iliff, Bruce, 144

“Illusion of the First Time of Acting,” 65

image magnification, 198

image websites, 108

infographics, 107-109

International Commerce Centre, 81-82

interviews, 211-213

cross-references, 213

involving audiences, 213

navigating, 212

summarizing, 213

transparency, 212-213

IPO road shows, best practices

assertive language, 219

competition, 217

direct references to audiences, 220

flow structure, 218

NetRoadshow Factor, 215-216

new audiences, new benefits, 217

team building, 219

timing, 217

verbalization, 218-219

web animation, 218

“The Iron Lady,” 185

Irving, John, 59-60


James, Henry, 31


Kaplan, Bruce Eric, 55

Katz, Paul, 82

Kawasaki, Guy, 12

Kellaway, Lucy, 94

Kelley, Steve, 42

Kennedy, John F., 147

Khosla, Vinod, 45, 79-80

“kill your darlings,” 8

King, John, 172-173

King, Stephen, 9

Kosslyn, Stephen M., 104

Kurosawa, Akira, 89-90


lack of gestures, 137-138

Lahiri, Jhumpa, 60

Landau, Deborah, 112

Landry, Steve, 159-160


assertive language, 219

cadence, 132

“I think,” 28

listening, 209-210

meaningful words, 27-28

meaningless words, 25-26

negativity, 33-34

passive voice, 35-37

pauses, 139-140

pronouns, 50

Spanish, 208-209

larynx, 187

LaSalle, Mick, 19-20

Lashinsky, Adam, 156

learning languages, 209-210

Leavitt, Theodore, 53

Lee, Mike, 42

length of presentations, 11-12

lessons from professionals, 169

Letterman, David, 63

Limitless, 29

Lincoln, Abraham, 195

linking words, 115


effective listening, 154

learning languages, 209-210

lists, structuring presentations, 63-64

loci method, 3-4

Loughner, Jared Lee, 72


Make Believe, 85

Mali, Taylor, 131

Mamet, David, 76

Maritz, Paul, 169

Markus, Christopher, 8

Martin, Steve, 23

Martin, Xavier, 140

Maxim Integrated, 14

McCain, John, 147

McFeely, Stephen, 8

McKean, Erin, 34

McNamara, Robert S., 171-173

Meacham, Jon, 150

meaningful words, 27-28

meaningless words, 25-26

MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over), 8

Message Sent Is Not the Same as Message Received, 45-46

Michels, Barry, 123-124

Microsoft PowerPoint, 109

misdirection, 86

Mitchell, Jason, 51

mobile devices, dealing with audiences use of, 141-142

moderating panel discussions, 203-205

Mondale, Walter, 147

Morell, Mavor, 180

Morgenstern, Joe, 86

Mossberg, Walter S., 48

Mumblecore, 179

mumbling, 179-180

Murdoch, Rupert, 39-40


narrators, 202

nasal resonance, 188-189


interviews, 212

slides, 114-115

negative facts, 160

negative information, transparency, 175-176

negativity, 33-34

NetRoadshow Factor, 215-216

neutralizing questions, paraphrases, 166-167

News. Corp., phone hacking scandal, 39-40

Nixon, President Richard, 34, 147

choreography, 133

Noonan, Peggy, 73


Obama, President Barack, 71-73, 147

objectives, 21-22

O’Connor, Kevin, 169

O’Donnell, Lawrence, 212

one-liners, 82

Opening Gambit, 60

oral resonance, 189-190

O’Reilly, Bill, 212

outlines, brainstorming, 47-48


Paige, Leroy “Satchel,” 34

Palin, Sarah, 5

panel discussions, 203-205

seating for panelists, 204

paraphrases, 114, 157

neutralizing questions, 166-167

patronizing paraphrases, 165-167

Partnoy, Frank, 156

passive voice, 35-37

patronizing paraphrases, 165-167

pauses, 139-140, 156-157, 191

for action, 202

paraphrases, 157

pausing before answering questions, 155-158

Pennebaker, James W., 50

Perrottet, Tony, 142

Perry, Rick, 147-150, 172

Person, Houston, 122

pharyngeal resonance, 190-191

phone hacking scandal (Murdoch, Rupert), 39-40

ping-pong effect, teleprompters, 195

pointlessness, 19-20

positioning slides, 83-84

“Power of Visual Communication,” 103-104

Power Presentations program, 127

PowerPoint, 109

reasons for using, 103-105

practicing presentations, 111-112

Presentation-as-Document Syndrome, 88


bringing to life, 113-115

customizing, 46

length of, 11-12

missteps, 113

paring down, 7-9

practicing, 111-112

selling, 75

structuring with lists, 63-64

progress, tracking, 46

pronouns, 50

Pygmalion, 207



answering, 46, 171-173

neutralizing, 166-167

not answering, 172

pausing before answering, 155-158

reacting to, 163-164

quiet desperation, 97

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 8


rapid eye movement, 143

rate of speech, 183

reacting to questions, 163-164

Reagan, President Ronald, 36, 71-73, 147

lack of gestures, 137-138

reconstruction, 127-129

reduction, 207

relaxing, 143-144

remembering what to say, 3-5

resonance, 186-187

nasal resonance, 188-189

oral resonance, 189-190

pharyngeal resonance, 190-191

Reynold, Garr, 97

Ridley, Matt, 134

“Roman Room” memory method, 4

Romney, Mitt, 33, 147-150, 172-173

Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 11

Rose, Charlie, 212

Rosling, Hans, 104-105

Rostand, Edmond, 23


Safire, William, 59

Santos, Peter, 61

scaling the “you,” 61-62

Schneider, William, 37

Schwartz, Casey, 15

Scott, A. O., 21, 29

Scott, Karyn, 144

scripted speeches, delivering, 193-194

teleprompters, 194-195

vertical text, 195-196

seating for panelists, 204

Seitz, Matt Zoller, 91

self-centeredness, 49-51

selling presentations, 75

shadow, 124

Shaw, George Bernard, 180

silence, 121-122

Simon, Paul, 121

Sinatra, Frank, 145

Skutnik, Lenny, 71

Slide Transition, 83


navigating, 114-115

positioning, 83-84

versus storytelling, 23-24

Sondheim, Stephen, 121-122

Spanish lessons, 208-209

speaking clearly, 145-146, 179-180

articulation, 180-182

speaking to groups over a thousand, 197-198

Big Tent events, 199

image magnification, 198


articulation, 180-182

mumbling, 179-180

rate of, 183

speeches, delivering scripted speeches, 193-194

spoiler alerts, 21-22

stage fright, 123-125

stand and deliver, 111-112

State of the Unions, 87-88

“A Streetcar Named Desire,” 111

Stein, Joel, 125

Stewart, John, 83-84

stories, telling, 23-24

storyboards, 57

structuring presentations, lists, 63-64

Stuts, Phil, 123-125

Sullivan’s Law, 202

summarizing interviews, 213


talking aloud to prevent writer’s block, 31-32

Tamir, Diana, 51

Teachout, Terry, 21

team building, IPO road shows, 219

TechAmerica, 119


delivering scripted speeches, 194-195

ping-pong effect, 195

telling stories, 23-24

Thompson, Clive, 31

Thoreau, Henry David, 97

timing, IPO road shows, 217

Title Plus, 114

Tolstoy, Leo, 89

Tonight: 4 Decades of The Tonight Show, 153


eye movements, 99

progress, 46

transparency, 169-170, 176

bad news, 175-176

interviews, 212-213

Triple “Tell ‘em,” 55-57

Tufte, Edward R., 93

Turkle, Sherry, 49

Twain, Mark, 4-5


Unimark International, 95

up talking, 131-132

Ussery, Marvin, 175


valley girl talk, 131-132

value, adding, 115

verbal navigation, 202

verbal pauses, 157

verbalization, 119-120, 128, 210

IPO road shows, 218-219

vertical text, delivering scripted speeches, 195-196

vibrations, 188

visual imagery, 3

visualization, 124, 109

vocal cords, 185-186

voice recognition, 31


developing a richer voice, 185-186

pauses, 191

resonance, 186-187

nasal resonance, 188-189

oral resonance, 189-190

pharyngeal resonance, 190-191

speaking clearly, 145-146

vowels, 188


Wallace, Chris, 148

Wallace, Mike, 212

Walters, Barbara, 212

War Horse, 21

Washington, President George, 87

weatherpersons, 137-138

web animation, IPO road shows, 218

Wespi, Karen, 14

Wiegand, David, 153-154

Williams, Tennessee, 111

Wipe from Right, 83

Wipe Left, 83

Wipe Right, 90

Wipes, 89

Wolf, Maryanne, 12

Woodward, Bob, 13

word wrap, 82

writers, lessons from professionals, 7-9

writer’s block, 29-32

talking, 31


Yahoo! Inc., 159

“you,” 202

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, 19


Zen, 97

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