
Sometimes we discover a pattern so obvious and predictable that we can’t believe we hadn’t noticed it before. Imagine if this pattern could provide a blueprint for better understanding yourself and every person with whom you interact.

Such a framework exists through a simple four-style model of behavior known as DISC. The pattern is hidden in everything we do, and it might just be the most powerful tool you ever discover because it will enable you to maximize your potential and deepen your connection with everyone you know.

If you’re already one of the millions of people familiar with the DISC behavioral styles, the principles shared in Taking Flight! will elevate your understanding to a whole new level. If you haven’t yet been introduced to the four styles of DISC, brace yourself for impact: This knowledge will change your life!

In our work with hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of people from all walks of life, we have witnessed phenomenal transformations in people. We have watched mediocre managers evolve into highly effective leaders, teams mired in conflict resolve years of pent-up stress, floundering salespeople transform into superstars, frustrated teachers become inspirational educators, and countless careers revitalized and redirected by individuals who have learned how to fully leverage their natural gifts. As they replaced judgment with acceptance, couples have told us that understanding DISC saved their marriages, and parents have approached us with joy and relief at better understanding their children.

Whether you’re interacting with coworkers or customers, family members or friends, DISC will empower you to better relate with others. You will soon understand why you click with some people and clank with others. Moreover, you will gain a valuable framework for maximizing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses.

What you are about to read is not just a story about birds. At its heart, Taking Flight! is about you. Although you might not notice it at first, before long you will quickly recognize yourself in these pages. Taking Flight! is about why you react to your family, friends, and coworkers the way you do. It’s also about how you respond to the world around you and what drives your decisions and actions. And, it’s about how you can use this newfound knowledge in the future.

As you read, consider what you would do in the birds’ situation and think about what that says about who you are, how you behave, and how your perceive and respond to the people in your life. Yes, this is just a story. But it’s also a representation of your life. Believe it or not, you are one of the birds in this story. The question is, which one?

Is there a character in the story who acts like you?

Perhaps one of them reminds you of someone you know.

Do you find yourself cheering for one of the birds?

Do any of the characters push your buttons?

Birds know that in order to fly, they must first take a leap. They must jump from the secure branch that grounds them and head into the unknown that lies ahead.

If we wish to soar and reach new heights in our closest relationships, in our business careers, and in all aspects of our life, we too must take a leap. We all know that birds can Take Flight. The question is, can you?

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