

Back at Home, our bird friends gathered for breakfast at the dove family tree. Clark turned to Dorian and asked, “So, how did it go when you described the DISC styles to the eagle population?”

“I just focused on the bottom-line benefit, and it didn’t take long for them to see its value,” said Dorian.

“The owls were eager to explore every angle,” said Crystal.

“In true form, they asked a lot questions,” Clark added. “In fact, we have a few items to clarify with Xavier.”

“If you can find him,” said Indy with a grin.

“How about the doves?” Crystal asked Sarah.

“They were quiet for a while, so Samuel and I didn’t know what to think. But later, we got great feedback that everyone took the styles to heart,” Sarah said.

“Well, the parrots loved it!” Ivy volunteered. “We had a massive improv session, and each of us acted out a style. I got to play Dorian. It was hilarious!”

“And where, exactly, did this take place? Not at the Council Tree, right?” taunted Dorian.

“Uhhh...ummm...” said Ivy.

“Moving right along,” smiled Clark, “has anyone spoken to Xavier?”

“I heard he was observing some humans camping just south of the Great Lake,” Samuel answered. “Evidently, they were having some...issues.

The birds all nodded.

Just a few feet from the group, a brownish-red figure slipped away unnoticed.

“Everyone has issues,” thought Xavier, “but once people discover and embrace the styles, their lives will take flight in ways they could have never imagined.”

With a flick of his tail, he was gone. There was still much work to be done....

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