
images  A

images  B

Background property


        fixed value

        local value

        scrollable div

        scroll value






Box properties

    background property









    border property

    box model


    gradient property

        complex linear gradient

        linear-gradient() function

        linear gradient with alternating color stops

        radial gradient

        smooth gradient

    margin property

        default style sheet

        div elements with 5-pixel and left margins

        div elements with 5-pixel margin

        div elements without margin

        120-pixels left margin

        shorthand property

    overflow property

        auto value

        hidden value

        scroll value

        scroll value vs. auto value

        touch vs. mouse, scrollbar

        visible (default) value

    padding property

    shadow property

        box-shadow definition on div element

        box-shadow property uses

        simple box shadow under white box


        border-box sizing method

        box-sizing property

        calc() method

        content-box sizing method

        width properties

    visibility property

    Windows 8 apps

images  C

images  D

DOM Explorer

    five tabs


    typical view

images  E

images  F



    2D transform functions






    3D transform functions











images  G

Global styles

    app bar

        Bing Maps app

        Bing Sports app

        DOM Explorer

        hover state, border-color change

        implementation in Windows 8 app


        upper and lower


    high-contrast mode, Windows 8


        DOM explorer

        italicizing commands

        operational menu


    settings pane

        settings charm

        settings flyout


        font styles

        snapped view

        type styles

images  H

HTML controls




    file upload control

    progress indicator

    radio buttons


    select box

    text input control

images  I, J, K

images  L

Layout properties. See also Modern layout

    legacy layout

        display and position



        table layout


Legacy layout

    display properties





        -ms-flexbox and-ms-inline-flexbox

        -ms-grid and-ms-inline-grid


        table-* and inline-table


    position properties






    functions and operations


    nested rules



Libraries and resources

    book code


    CSS Tricks


        functions and operations


        nested rules



    Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)

    online galleries

    Web Platform Docs

    World Wide Web Consortium

ListView control

    featured items in




    selection border styling

images  M, N

Microsoft design


        app bar

        Charms bar

        extra command buttons



        standard margins and header placement

        type ramp conveys


        be authentically digital

        be fast and fluid

        do more with less

        show pride in craftsmanship

        win as one




        design process (content)

        flat navigation


        static navigation

        three-tier navigation

    three-tier navigation




Modern layout

    flexboxe properties

        div element








        Windows 8 app


        cell span

        child items

        column and row assignments




        remaining space

        Windows 8 app

    scroll control


        limit properties


        snap points

    ViewBox and ListView

        cell span

        even and odd values

        header template

        HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

        item selection


        scaling and translate transform functions

        snap, fill state and portrait

images  O

images  P, Q

images  R

images  S

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

    advantage of

    CSS property





        pointer events



    definition of

    embedded in HTML

    hub tiles

    timeline graphic

    watermarked image

Selectors, CSS

    attribute selectors


        lang attribhutes

        ListView controls

        prefix selector

        substring selector

        suffix selector

        whitespace selector

    class selectors

        abstract menu element reference

        div element

        element referencing

        menu definition as unordered list of items

        menu definition using div

        type-specific menu element reference


    declaration block


    ID selectors

    pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors

        ::before and ::after





        :not() pseudo-class



        :target pseudo-class

        :positional pseudo-classes

    style rule

    type selectors

        document body

        every div in document

        universal, explicit

        universal, explicit use of

        universal, implicit use of

Style rules, CSS

    cascading order


        adjacent sibling combinator

        child combinator

        descendent combinator

        sibling combinator


    format and location

        basic syntax

        embedded style sheets

        external style sheets

        inline styles

    media queries


    selector groups


    style properties

        property values

        shorthand properties

    Windows Store app

Styles definition. See also Global styles

    Custom WinJS controls




    featured items in ListView




images  T, U

Text properties

    chapter overview

    color property


        hex colors

        HSL colors

        named colors


        RGB colors



        gap and rule


        scrolling text

        vertical text layout versus horizontals

        width and count








        oblique text


    list styles

        standard list

        type properties

        unordered list






        alignment and justification

        CSS properties



Tools, Windows 8

    app distribution


        Windows Store


        app execution

        applied style rules pane

        design and execution modes

        grid app

        interactive mode icon

        style rules tab

    Visual Studio 2012

        blank project template


        DOM Explorer

        grid project template

        navigation project template


    2D transform functions






    3D transform functions













2D transform functions






images  V

Visual Studio 2012


    DOM Explorer

        five tabs


        typical view

    project templates

        blank template

        grid template

        navigation template

images  W, X, Y, Z

Windows 8 design. See also Microsoft design

    design principles

    fast and fluid

    help option

    live tiles

    Microsoft design style



        design process (content)




        user interface

    right contracts

    roam to the cloud



        use of

    snap and scale

    Windows reimagined

        design process

        maps app

        start screen

        Windows 7 (start screen)

Windows 8 development

    app distribution


        Windows Store


        app execution

        applied style rules pane

        design and execution modes

        grid app

        interactive mode icon

        style rules tab

    Visual Studio 2012

        blank project template


        DOM Explorer

        grid project template

        navigation project template

    WinJS JavaScript library

    WinRT API

WinJS control styles. See also HTML controls

    binding template

    class values


    DatePicker control






        DOM markup

        HTML and JavaScript



        typical view


    rating control

    SemanticZoom control

        DOM markup

        HTML, CSS and JavaScript

        semantic zoom orients

    style elements




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