Remarks on the LSP

The LSP is fundamental to a good object-oriented software design because it emphasizes one of its core traits—polymorphism. It is about creating correct hierarchies so that classes derived from a base one are polymorphic along the parent one, with respect to the methods on their interface.

It is also interesting to notice how this principle relates to the previous one—if we attempt to extend a class with a new one that is incompatible, it will fail, the contract with the client will be broken, and as a result such an extension will not be possible (or, to make it possible, we would have to break the other end of the principle and modify code in the client that should be closed for modification, which is completely undesirable and unacceptable).

Carefully thinking about new classes in the way that LSP suggests helps us to extend the hierarchy correctly. We could then say that LSP contributes to the OCP.

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