A first attempt without using descriptors

The problem we want to solve now is that we have a regular class with some attributes, but we wish to track all of the different values a particular attribute has over time, for example, in a list. The first solution that comes to our mind is to use a property, and every time a value is changed for that attribute in the setter method of the property, we add it to an internal list that will keep this trace as we want it.

Imagine that our class represents a traveler in our application that has a current city, and we want to keep track of all the cities that user has visited throughout the running of the program. The following code is a possible implementation that addresses these requirements:

class Traveller:

def __init__(self, name, current_city):
self.name = name
self._current_city = current_city
self._cities_visited = [current_city]

def current_city(self):
return self._current_city

def current_city(self, new_city):
if new_city != self._current_city:
self._current_city = new_city

def cities_visited(self):
return self._cities_visited

We can easily check that this code works according to our requirements:

>>> alice = Traveller("Alice", "Barcelona")
>>> alice.current_city = "Paris"
>>> alice.current_city = "Brussels"
>>> alice.current_city = "Amsterdam"

>>> alice.cities_visited
['Barcelona', 'Paris', 'Brussels', 'Amsterdam']

So far, this is all we need and nothing else has to be implemented. For the purposes of this problem, the property would be more than enough. What happens if we need the exact same logic in multiple places of the application? This would mean that this is actually an instance of a more generic problem—tracing all the values of an attribute in another one. What would happen if we want to do the same with other attributes, such as keeping track of all tickets Alice bought, or all the countries she has been in? We would have to repeat the logic in all of these places.

Moreover, what would happen if we need this same behavior in different classes? We would have to repeat the code or come up with a generic solution (maybe a decorator, a property builder, or a descriptor). Since property builders are a particular (and more convoluted) case of descriptors, they are beyond of the scope of this book, and instead, descriptors are suggested as a cleaner way of proceeding.

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