Value substitution

In some scenarios, when there is an error and there is a risk of the software producing an incorrect value or failing entirely, we might be able to replace the result with another, safer value. We call this value substitution, since we are in fact replacing the actual erroneous result for a value that is to be considered non-disruptive (it could be a default, a well-known constant, a sentinel value, or simply something that does not affect the result at all, like returning zero in a case where the result is intended to be applied to a sum).

Value substitution is not always possible, however. This strategy has to be carefully chosen for cases where the substituted value is actually a safe option. Making this decision is a trade-off between robustness and correctness. A software program is robust when it does not fail, even in the presence of an erroneous scenario. But this is not correct either.

This might not be acceptable for some kinds of software. If the application is critical, or the data being handled is too sensitive, this is not an option, since we cannot afford to provide users (or other parts of the application) with erroneous results. In these cases, we opt for correctness, rather than let the program explode when yielding the wrong results.

A slightly different, and safer, version of this decision is to use default values for data that is not provided. This can be the case for parts of the code that can work with a default behavior, for example, default values for environment variables that are not set, for missing entries in configuration files, or for parameters of functions. We can find examples of Python supporting this throughout different methods of its API, for example, dictionaries have a get method, whose (optional) second parameter allows you to indicate a default value:

>>> configuration = {"dbport": 5432}
>>> configuration.get("dbhost", "localhost")
>>> configuration.get("dbport")

Environment variables have a similar API:

>>> import os
>>> os.getenv("DBHOST")
>>> os.getenv("DPORT", 5432)

In both previous examples, if the second parameter is not provided, None will be returned, because it's the default value those functions are defined with. We can also define default values for the parameters of our own functions:

>>> def connect_database(host="localhost", port=5432):
..."connecting to database server at %s:%i", host, port)

In general, replacing missing parameters with default values is acceptable, but substituting erroneous data with legal close values is more dangerous and can mask some errors. Take this criterion into consideration when deciding on this approach.

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