YAGNI (short for You Ain't Gonna Need It) is an idea you might want to keep in mind very often when writing a solution if you do not want to over-engineer it.

We want to be able to easily modify our programs, so we want to make them future-proof. In line with that, many developers think that they have to anticipate all future requirements and create solutions that are very complex, and so create abstractions that are hard to read, maintain, and understand. Sometime later, it turns out that those anticipated requirements do not show up, or they do but in a different way (surprise!), and the original code that was supposed to handle precisely that does not work. The problem is that now it is even harder to refactor and extend our programs. What happened was that the original solution did not handle the original requirements correctly, and neither do the current ones, simply because it is the wrong abstraction.

Having maintainable software is not about anticipating future requirements (do not do futurology!). It is about writing software that only addresses current requirements in such a way that it will be possible (and easy) to change later on. In other words, when designing, make sure that your decisions don't tie you down, and that you will be able to keep on building, but do not build more than what's necessary.

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