Adhering to a coding style guide on your project

A coding guideline is a bare minimum a project should have to be considered being developed under quality standards. In this section, we will explore the reasons behind this, so in the following sections, we can start looking at ways to enforce this automatically by the means of tools.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I try to find good traits in a code layout is consistency. I would expect the code to be consistently structured so that it is easier to read and follow. If the code is not correct or consistently structured, and everyone on the team is doing things in their own way, then we will end up with code that will require extra effort and concentration to be followed correctly. It will be error-prone, misleading, and bugs or subtleties might slip through easily.

We want to avoid that. What we want is exactly the opposite of that—code that we can read and understand as quickly as possible at a single glance.

If all members of the development team agree on a standardized way of structuring the code, the resulting code would look much more familiar. As a result of that, you will quickly identify patterns (more about this in a second), and with these patterns in mind, it will be much easier to understand things and detect errors. For example, when something is amiss, you will notice that somehow, there is something odd in the patterns you are used to seeing, which will catch your attention. You will take a closer look, and you will more than likely spot the mistake!

As it was stated in the classical book, Code Complete, an interesting analysis of this was done on the paper titled Perceptions in Chess (1973), where an experiment was conducted in order to identify how different people can understand or memorize different chess positions. The experiment was conducted on players of all levels (novices, intermediate, and chess masters), and with different chess positions on the board. They found out that when the position was random, the novices did as well as the chess masters; it was just a memorization exercise that anyone could do at reasonably the same level. When the positions followed a logical sequence that might occur in a real game (again, consistency, adhering to a pattern), then the chess masters performed exceedingly better than the rest.

Now imagine this same situation applied to software. We, as the software engineers experts in Python, are like the chess masters in the previous example. When the code is structured randomly, without following any logic, or adhering to any standard, then it would be as difficult for us to spot mistakes as a novice developer. On the other hand, if we are used to reading code in a structured fashion, and we have learned to quickly get the ideas from the code by following patterns, then we are at a considerable advantage.

In particular, for Python, the sort of coding style you should follow is PEP-8. You can extend it or adopt some of its parts to the particularities of the project you are working on (for example, the length of the line, the notes about strings, and so on). However, I do suggest that regardless of whether you are using just plain PEP-8 or extending it, you should really stick to it instead of trying to come up with another different standard from scratch.

The reason for this is that this document already takes into consideration many of the particularities of the syntax of Python (that would not normally apply for other languages), and it was created by core Python developers who actually contributed to the syntax of Python. For this reason, it is hard to think that the accuracy of PEP-8 can be otherwise matched, not to mention, improved.

In particular, PEP-8 has some characteristics that carry other nice improvements when dealing with code, such as following:

  • Grepability: This is the ability to grep tokens inside the code; that is, to search in certain files (and in which part of those files) for the particular string we are looking for. One of the items introduced by this standard is something that differentiates the way of writing the assignment of values to variables, from the keyword arguments being passed to functions.

To see this better, let's use an example. Let's say we are debugging, and we need to find where the value to a parameter named location is being passed. We can run the following grep command, and the result will tell us the file and the line we are looking for:

$ grep -nr "location=" . 
./ location=current_location,

Now, we want to know where this variable is being assigned this value, and the following command will also give us the information we are looking for:

$ grep -nr "location =" .
./ current_location = get_location()

PEP-8 establishes the convention that, when passing arguments by keyword to a function, we don't use spaces, but we do when we assign variables. For that reason, we can adapt our search criteria (no spaces around the = on the first search, and one space on the second) and be more efficient in our search. That is one of the advantages of following a convention. 

  • Consistency: If the code looks like a uniform format, the reading of it will be much easier. This is particularly important for onboarding, if you want to welcome new developers to your project, or even hire new (and probably less experienced) programmers on your team, and they need to become familiar with the code (which might even consist of several repositories). It will make their lives much easier if the code layout, documentation, naming convention, and such is identical across all files they open, in all repositories.
  • Code quality: By looking at the code in a structured fashion, you will become more proficient at understanding it at a glance (again, like in Perception in Chess), and you will spot bugs and mistakes more easily. In addition to that, tools that check for the quality of the code will also hint at potential bugs. Static analysis of the code might help to reduce the ratio of bugs per line of code.
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