Unit testing and agile software development

In modern software development, we want to deliver value constantly, and as quickly as possible. The rationale behind these goals is that the earlier we get feedback, the less the impact, and the easier it will be to change. These are no new ideas at all; some of them resemble manufacturing principles from decades ago, and others (such as the idea of getting feedback from stakeholders as soon as possible and iterating upon it) you can find in essays such as The Cathedral and the Bazaar (abbreviated as CatB).

Therefore, we want to be able to respond effectively to changes, and for that, the software we write will have to change. Like we mentioned in the previous chapters, we want our software to be adaptable, flexible, and extensible.

The code alone (regardless of how well written and designed it is) cannot guarantee us that it's flexible enough to be changed. Let's say we design a piece of software following the SOLID principles, and in one part we actually have a set of components that comply with the open/closed principle, meaning that we can easily extend them without affecting too much existing code. Assume further that the code is written in a way that favors refactoring, so we could change it as required. What's to say that when we make these changes, we aren't introducing any bugs? How do we know that existing functionality is preserved? Would you feel confident enough releasing that to your users? Will they believe that the new version works just as expected?

The answer to all of these questions is that we can't be sure unless we have a formal proof of it. And unit tests are just that, formal proof that the program works according to the specification.

Unit (or automated) tests, therefore, work as a safety net that gives us the confidence to work on our code. Armed with these tools, we can efficiently work on our code, and therefore this is what ultimately determines the velocity (or capacity) of the team working on the software product. The better the tests, the more likely it is we can deliver value quickly without being stopped by bugs every now and then.

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