Reusing code

Descriptors are a generic tool and a powerful abstraction that we can use to avoid code duplication. The best way to decide when to use descriptors is to identify cases where we would be using a property (whether for its get logic, set logic, or both), but repeating its structure many times.

Properties are just a particular case of descriptors (the @property decorator is a descriptor that implements the full descriptor protocol to define their get, set, and delete actions), which means that we can use descriptors for far more complex tasks.

Another powerful type we have seen for reusing code was decorators, as explained in Chapter 5Using Decorators to Improve Our Code. Descriptors can help us create to better decorators by making sure that they will be able to work correctly for class methods as well.

When it comes to decorators, we could say that it is safe to always implement the __get__() method on them, and also make it a descriptor. When trying to decide whether the decorator is worth creating, consider the three problems rule we stated in Chapter 5Using Decorators to Improve Our Code, but note that there are no extra considerations toward descriptors.

As for generic descriptors, besides the aforementioned three instances rule that applies to decorators (and, in general, any reusable component), it is advisable to also keep in mind that you should use descriptors for cases when we want to define an internal API, which is some code that will have clients consuming it. This is a feature-oriented more toward designing libraries and frameworks, rather than one-time solutions.

Unless there is a very good reason to, or that the code will look significantly better, we should avoid putting business logic in a descriptor. Instead, the code of a descriptor will contain more implementational code rather than business code. It is more similar to defining a new data structure or object that another part of our business logic will use as a tool.

In general, descriptors will contain implementation logic, and not so much business logic.
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