Nested loops

In some situations, we need to iterate over more than one dimension, looking for a value, and nested loops come as the first idea. When the value is found, we need to stop iterating, but the break keyword doesn't work entirely because we have to escape from two (or more) for loops, not just one.

What would be the solution for this? A flag signaling escape? No. Raising an exception? No, this would be the same as the flag, but even worse because we know that exceptions are not to be used for control flow logic. Moving the code to a smaller function and return it? Close, but not quite.

The answer is, whenever possible, flat the iteration to a single for loop.

This is the kind of code we would like to avoid:

def search_nested_bad(array, desired_value):
coords = None
for i, row in enumerate(array):
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell == desired_value:
coords = (i, j)

if coords is not None:

if coords is None:
raise ValueError(f"{desired_value} not found")"value %r found at [%i, %i]", desired_value, *coords)
return coords

And here is a simplified version of it that does not rely on flags to signal termination, and has a simpler, more compact structure of iteration:

def _iterate_array2d(array2d):
for i, row in enumerate(array2d):
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
yield (i, j), cell

def search_nested(array, desired_value):
coord = next(
for (coord, cell) in _iterate_array2d(array)
if cell == desired_value
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("{desired_value} not found")"value %r found at [%i, %i]", desired_value, *coord)
return coord

It's worth mentioning how the auxiliary generator that was created works as an abstraction for the iteration that's required. In this case, we just need to iterate over two dimensions, but if we needed more, a different object could handle this without the client needing to know about it. This is the essence of the iterator design pattern, which, in Python, is transparent, since it supports iterator objects automatically, which is the topic covered in the next section.

Try to simplify the iteration as much as possible with as many abstractions as are required, flatting the loops whenever possible. 

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