Summing it all up

The content of the book is a reference, a possible way of implementing a software solution by following criteria. These criteria are explained through examples, and the rationale for every decision presented. The reader might very well disagree with the approach taken on the examples, and this is actually desirable: the more viewpoints, the richer the debate. But regardless of opinions, it's important to make clear that what is presented here is by no means a strong directive, something that must be followed imperatively. Quite the opposite, it's a way of presenting the reader with a solution and a set of ideas that they might find helpful.

As introduced at the beginning of the book, the goal of the book was not to give you recipes or formulas that you can apply directly, but rather to make you develop critical thinking. Idioms and syntax features come and go, they change over time. But ideas, and core software concepts, remain. With these tools given, and the examples provided, you should have a better understanding of what clean code means.

I sincerely hope the book has helped you become a better developer than you were before you started it, and I wish you the best of luck in your projects.

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