Compact function signatures that take too many arguments

Suppose we find a function that requires too many parameters. We know that we cannot leave the code base like that, and a refactor is imperative. But, what are the options?

Depending on the case, some of the following rules might apply. This is by no means extensive, but it does provide an idea of how to solve some scenarios that occur quite often.

Sometimes, there is an easy way to change parameters if we can see that most of them belong to a common object. For example, consider a function call like this one:

track_request(request.headers, request.ip_addr, request.request_id)

Now, the function might or might not take additional arguments, but something is really obvious here: all of the parameters depend upon request, so why not pass the request object instead? This is a simple change, but it significantly improves the code. The correct function call should be track_request(request)—not to mention that, semantically, it also makes much more sense.

While passing around parameters like this is encouraged, in all cases where we pass mutable objects to functions, we must be really careful about side-effects. The function we are calling should not make any modifications to the object we are passing because that will mutate the object, creating an undesired side-effect. Unless this is actually the desired effect (in which case, it must be made explicit), this kind of behavior is discouraged. Even when we actually want to change something on the object we are dealing with, a better alternative would be to copy it and return a (new) modified version of it.

Work with immutable objects, and avoid side-effects as much as possible.

This brings us to a similar topic: grouping parameters. In the previous example, the parameters were already grouped, but the group (in this case, the request object) was not being used. But other cases are not as obvious as that one, and we might want to group all the data in the parameters in a single object that acts as a container. Needless to say, this grouping has to make sense. The idea here is to reify: create the abstraction that was missing from our design.

If the previous strategies don't work, as a last resort we can change the signature of the function to accept a variable number of arguments. If the number of arguments is too big, using *args or **kwargs will make things harder to follow, so we have to make sure that the interface is properly documented and correctly used, but in some cases this is worth doing.

It's true that a function defined with *args and **kwargs is really flexible and adaptable, but the disadvantage is that it loses its signature, and with that, part of its meaning, and almost all of its legibility. We have seen examples of how names for variables (including function arguments) make the code much easier to read. If a function will take any number of arguments (positional or keyword), we might find out that when we want to take a look at that function in the future, we probably won't know exactly what it was supposed to do with its parameters, unless it has a very good docstring.

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