Other Kinds of Collaborative Development Practices

Other kinds of collaboration haven't accumulated the body of empirical support that inspections or pair programming have, so they're covered in less depth here. The collaborations covered in this section includes walk-throughs, code reading, and dog-and-pony shows.


A walk-through is a popular kind of review. The term is loosely defined, and at least some of its popularity can be attributed to the fact that people can call virtually any kind of review a "walk-through."

Because the term is so loosely defined, it's hard to say exactly what a walk-through is. Certainly, a walk-through involves two or more people discussing a design or code. It might be as informal as an impromptu bull session around a whiteboard; it might be as formal as a scheduled meeting with an overhead presentation prepared by the art department and a formal summary sent to management. In one sense, "where two or three are gathered together," there is a walk-through. Proponents of walk-throughs like the looseness of such a definition, so I'll just point out a few things that all walk-throughs have in common and leave the rest of the details to you:

  • The walk-through is usually hosted and moderated by the author of the design or code under review.

  • The walk-through focuses on technical issues—it's a working meeting.

  • All participants prepare for the walk-through by reading the design or code and looking for errors.

  • The walk-through is a chance for senior programmers to pass on experience and corporate culture to junior programmers. It's also a chance for junior programmers to present new methodologies and to challenge timeworn, possibly obsolete, assumptions.

  • A walk-through usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

  • The emphasis is on error detection, not correction.

  • Management doesn't attend.

  • The walk-through concept is flexible and can be adapted to the specific needs of the organization using it.

What Results Can You Expect from a Walk-Through?

Used intelligently and with discipline, a walk-through can produce results similar to those of an inspection—that is, it can typically find between 20 and 40 percent of the errors in a program (Myers 1979, Boehm 1987b, Yourdon 1989b, Jones 1996). But in general, walk-throughs have been found to be significantly less effective than inspections (Jones 1996).

What Results Can You Expect from a Walk-Through?

Used unintelligently, walk-throughs are more trouble than they're worth. The low end of their effectiveness, 20 percent, isn't worth much, and at least one organization (Boeing Computer Services) found peer reviews of code to be "extremely expensive." Boeing found it was difficult to motivate project personnel to apply walk-through techniques consistently, and when project pressures increased, walk-throughs became nearly impossible (Glass 1982).

I've become more critical of walk-throughs during the past 10 years as a result of what I've seen in my company's consulting business. I've found that when people have bad experiences with technical reviews, it is nearly always with informal practices such as walk-throughs rather than with formal inspections. A review is basically a meeting, and meetings are expensive. If you're going to incur the overhead of holding a meeting, it's worthwhile to structure the meeting as a formal inspection. If the work product you're reviewing doesn't justify the overhead of a formal inspection, it doesn't justify the overhead of a meeting at all. In such a case you're better off using document reading or another less interactive approach.

Inspections seem to be more effective than walk-throughs at removing errors. So why would anyone choose to use walk-throughs?

If you have a large review group, a walk-through is a good review choice because it brings many diverse viewpoints to bear on the item under review. If everyone involved in the walk-through can be convinced that the solution is all right, it probably doesn't have any major flaws.

If reviewers from other organizations are involved, a walk-through might also be preferable. Roles in an inspection are more formalized and require some practice before people perform them effectively. Reviewers who haven't participated in inspections before are at a disadvantage. If you want to solicit their contributions, a walk-through might be the best choice.

What Results Can You Expect from a Walk-Through?

Inspections are more focused than walk-throughs and generally pay off better. Consequently, if you're choosing a review standard for your organization, choose inspections first unless you have good reason not to.

Code Reading

Code reading is an alternative to inspections and walk-throughs. In code reading, you read source code and look for errors. You also comment on qualitative aspects of the code, such as its design, style, readability, maintainability, and efficiency.

Code Reading

A study at NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory found that code reading detected about 3.3 defects per hour of effort. Testing detected about 1.8 errors per hour (Card 1987). Code reading also found 20 to 60 percent more errors over the life of the project than the various kinds of testing did.

Like the idea of a walk-through, the concept of code reading is loosely defined. A code reading usually involves two or more people reading code independently and then meeting with the author of the code to discuss it. Here's how code reading goes:

  • In preparation for the meeting, the author of the code hands out source listings to the code readers. The listings are from 1000 to 10,000 lines of code; 4000 lines is typical.

  • Two or more people read the code. Use at least two people to encourage competition between the reviewers. If you use more than two, measure everyone's contribution so that you know how much the extra people contribute.

  • Reviewers read the code independently. Estimate a rate of about 1000 lines a day.

  • When the reviewers have finished reading the code, the code-reading meeting is hosted by the author of the code. The meeting lasts one or two hours and focuses on problems discovered by the code readers. No one makes any attempt to walk through the code line by line. The meeting is not even strictly necessary.

  • The author of the code fixes the problems identified by the reviewers.

Code Reading

The difference between code reading on the one hand and inspections and walk-throughs on the other is that code reading focuses more on individual review of the code than on the meeting. The result is that each reviewer's time is focused on finding problems in the code. Less time is spent in meetings in which each person contributes only part of the time and in which a substantial amount of the effort goes into moderating group dynamics. Less time is spent delaying meetings until each person in the group can meet for two hours. Code readings are especially valuable in situations in which reviewers are geographically dispersed.

Code Reading

A study of 13 reviews at AT&T found that the importance of the review meeting itself was overrated; 90 percent of the defects were found in preparation for the review meeting, and only about 10 percent were found during the review itself (Votta 1991, Glass 1999).

Dog-and-Pony Shows

Dog-and-pony shows are reviews in which a software product is demonstrated to a customer. Customer reviews are common in software developed for government contracts, which often stipulate that reviews will be held for requirements, design, and code. The purpose of a dog-and-pony show is to demonstrate to the customer that the project is OK, so it's a management review rather than a technical review.

Don't rely on dog-and-pony shows to improve the technical quality of your products. Preparing for them might have an indirect effect on technical quality, but usually more time is spent in making good-looking presentation slides than in improving the quality of the software. Rely on inspections, walk-throughs, or code reading for technical quality improvements.

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