The Power of Naming Conventions

Some programmers resist standards and conventions—and with good reason. Some standards and conventions are rigid and ineffective—destructive to creativity and program quality. This is unfortunate since effective standards are some of the most powerful tools at your disposal. This section discusses why, when, and how you should create your own standards for naming variables.

Why Have Conventions?

Conventions offer several specific benefits:

  • They let you take more for granted. By making one global decision rather than many local ones, you can concentrate on the more important characteristics of the code.

  • They help you transfer knowledge across projects. Similarities in names give you an easier and more confident understanding of what unfamiliar variables are supposed to do.

  • They help you learn code more quickly on a new project. Rather than learning that Anita's code looks like this, Julia's like that, and Kristin's like something else, you can work with a more consistent set of code.

  • They reduce name proliferation. Without naming conventions, you can easily call the same thing by two different names. For example, you might call total points both pointTotal and totalPoints. This might not be confusing to you when you write the code, but it can be enormously confusing to a new programmer who reads it later.

  • They compensate for language weaknesses. You can use conventions to emulate named constants and enumerated types. The conventions can differentiate among local, class, and global data and can incorporate type information for types that aren't supported by the compiler.

  • They emphasize relationships among related items. If you use object data, the compiler takes care of this automatically. If your language doesn't support objects, you can supplement it with a naming convention. Names like address, phone, and name don't indicate that the variables are related. But suppose you decide that all employee-data variables should begin with an Employee prefix. employeeAddress, employeePhone, and employeeName leave no doubt that the variables are related. Programming conventions can make up for the weakness of the language you're using.

Why Have Conventions?

The key is that any convention at all is often better than no convention. The convention may be arbitrary. The power of naming conventions doesn't come from the specific convention chosen but from the fact that a convention exists, adding structure to the code and giving you fewer things to worry about.

When You Should Have a Naming Convention

There are no hard-and-fast rules for when you should establish a naming convention, but here are a few cases in which conventions are worthwhile:

  • When multiple programmers are working on a project

  • When you plan to turn a program over to another programmer for modifications and maintenance (which is nearly always)

  • When your programs are reviewed by other programmers in your organization

  • When your program is so large that you can't hold the whole thing in your brain at once and must think about it in pieces

  • When the program will be long-lived enough that you might put it aside for a few weeks or months before working on it again

  • When you have a lot of unusual terms that are common on a project and want to have standard terms or abbreviations to use in coding

You always benefit from having some kind of naming convention. The considerations above should help you determine the extent of the convention to use on a particular project.

Degrees of Formality

Different conventions have different degrees of formality. An informal convention might be as simple as "Use meaningful names." Other informal conventions are described in the next section. In general, the degree of formality you need is dependent on the number of people working on a program, the size of the program, and the program's expected life span. On tiny, throwaway projects, a strict convention might be unnecessary overhead. On larger projects in which several people are involved, either initially or over the program's life span, formal conventions are an indispensable aid to readability.


For details on the differences in formality in small and large projects, see Chapter 27.

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