Daily Build and Smoke Test

Whatever integration strategy you select, a good approach to integrating the software is the "daily build and smoke test." Every file is compiled, linked, and combined into an executable program every day, and the program is then put through a "smoke test," a relatively simple check to see whether the product "smokes" when it runs.

Further Reading

Much of this discussion is adapted from Chapter 18 of Rapid Development (McConnell 1996). If you've read that discussion, you might skip ahead to the "Continuous Integration" section.

This simple process produces several significant benefits. It reduces the risk of low quality, which is a risk related to the risk of unsuccessful or problematic integration. By smoke-testing all the code daily, quality problems are prevented from taking control of the project. You bring the system to a known, good state, and then you keep it there. You simply don't allow it to deteriorate to the point where time-consuming quality problems can occur.

This process also supports easier defect diagnosis. When the product is built and tested every day, it's easy to pinpoint why the product is broken on any given day. If the product worked on Day 17 and is broken on Day 18, something that happened between the two builds broke the product.

It improves morale. Seeing a product work provides an incredible boost to morale. It almost doesn't matter what the product does. Developers can be excited just to see it display a rectangle! With daily builds, a bit more of the product works every day, and that keeps morale high.

One side effect of frequent integration is that it surfaces work that can otherwise accumulate unseen until it appears unexpectedly at the end of the project. That accumulation of unsurfaced work can turn into an end-of-project tar pit that takes weeks or months to struggle out of. Teams that haven't used the daily build process sometimes feel that daily builds slow their progress to a snail's crawl. What's really happening is that daily builds amortize work more steadily throughout the project, and the project team is just getting a more accurate picture of how fast it's been working all along.

Here are some of the ins and outs of using daily builds:

Build daily. The most fundamental part of the daily build is the "daily" part. As Jim McCarthy says, treat the daily build as the heartbeat of the project (McCarthy 1995).

If there's no heartbeat, the project is dead. A little less metaphorically, Michael Cusumano and Richard W. Selby describe the daily build as the sync pulse of a project (Cusumano and Selby 1995). Different developers' code is allowed to get a little out of sync between these pulses, but every time there's a sync pulse, the code has to come back into alignment. When you insist on keeping the pulses close together, you prevent developers from getting out of sync entirely.

Some organizations build every week, rather than every day. The problem with this is that if the build is broken one week, you might go for several weeks before the next good build. When that happens, you lose virtually all of the benefit of frequent builds.

Check for broken builds. For the daily-build process to work, the software that's built has to work. If the software isn't usable, the build is considered to be broken and fixing it becomes top priority.

Each project sets its own standard for what constitutes "breaking the build." The standard needs to set a quality level that's strict enough to keep showstopper defects out but lenient enough to disregard trivial defects, which can paralyze progress if given undue attention.

At a minimum, a "good" build should

  • Compile all files, libraries, and other components successfully.

  • Link all files, libraries, and other components successfully.

  • Not contain any showstopper bugs that prevent the program from being launched or that make it hazardous to operate; in other words, a good build should pass the smoke test.

Smoke test daily. The smoke test should exercise the entire system from end to end. It does not have to be exhaustive, but it should be capable of exposing major problems. The smoke test should be thorough enough that if the build passes, you can assume that it is stable enough to be tested more thoroughly.

The daily build has little value without the smoke test. The smoke test is the sentry that guards against deteriorating product quality and creeping integration problems. Without it, the daily build becomes just a time-wasting exercise in ensuring that you have a clean compile every day.

Keep the smoke test current. The smoke test must evolve as the system evolves. At first, the smoke test will probably test something simple, such as whether the system can say "Hello, World." As the system develops, the smoke test will become more thorough. The first test might take a matter of seconds to run; as the system grows, the smoke test can grow to 10 minutes, an hour, or more. If the smoke test isn't kept current, the daily build can become an exercise in self-deception, in which a fractional set of test cases creates a false sense of confidence in the product's quality.

Automate the daily build and smoke test. Care and feeding of the build can become time-consuming. Automating the build and smoke test helps ensure that the code gets built and the smoke test gets run. It isn't practical to build and smoke test daily without automation.

Establish a build group. On most projects, tending the daily build and keeping the smoke test up to date becomes a big enough task to be an explicit part of someone's job. On large projects, it can become a full-time job for more than one person. On the first release of Microsoft Windows NT, for example, there were four full-time people in the build group (Zachary 1994).

Add revisions to the build only when it makes sense to do so…. Individual developers usually don't write code quickly enough to add meaningful increments to the system on a daily basis. They should work on a chunk of code and then integrate it when they have a collection of code in a consistent state—usually once every few days.

…but don't wait too long to add a set of revisions. Beware of checking in code infrequently. It's possible for a developer to become so embroiled in a set of revisions that every file in the system seems to be involved. That undermines the value of the daily build. The rest of the team will continue to realize the benefit of incremental integration, but that particular developer will not. If a developer goes more than a couple of days without checking in a set of changes, consider that developer's work to be at risk. As Kent Beck points out, frequent integration sometimes forces you to break the construction of a single feature into multiple episodes. That overhead is an acceptable price to pay for the reduced integration risk, improved status visibility, improved testability, and other benefits of frequent integration (Beck 2000).

Require developers to smoke test their code before adding it to the system. Developers need to test their own code before they add it to the build. A developer can do this by creating a private build of the system on a personal machine, which the developer then tests individually. Or the developer can release a private build to a "testing buddy," a tester who focuses on that developer's code. The goal in either case is to be sure that the new code passes the smoke test before it's allowed to influence other parts of the system.

Create a holding area for code that's to be added to the build. Part of the success of the daily build process depends on knowing which builds are good and which are not. In testing their own code, developers need to be able to rely on a known good system.

Most groups solve this problem by creating a holding area for code that developers think is ready to be added to the build. New code goes into the holding area, the new build is built, and if the build is acceptable, the new code is migrated into the master sources.

On small and medium-sized projects, a version-control system can serve this function. Developers check new code into the version-control system. Developers who want to use a known good build simply set a date flag in their version-control options file that tells the system to retrieve files based on the date of the last-known good build.

On large projects or projects that use unsophisticated version-control software, the holding area function has to be handled manually. The author of a set of new code sends e-mail to the build group to tell them where to find the new files to be checked in. Or the group establishes a "check-in" area on a file server where developers put new versions of their source files. The build group then assumes responsibility for checking new code into version control after they have verified that the new code doesn't break the build.

Create a penalty for breaking the build. Most groups that use daily builds create a penalty for breaking the build. Make it clear from the beginning that keeping the build healthy is one of the project's top priorities. A broken build should be the exception, not the rule. Insist that developers who have broken the build stop all other work until they've fixed it. If the build is broken too often, it's hard to take seriously the job of not breaking the build.

A light-hearted penalty can help to emphasize this priority. Some groups give out lollipops to each "sucker" who breaks the build. This developer then has to tape the sucker to his office door until he fixes the problem. Other groups have guilty developers wear goat horns or contribute $5 to a morale fund.

Some projects establish a penalty with more bite. Microsoft developers on high-profile projects such as Windows 2000 and Microsoft Office have taken to wearing beepers in the late stages of their projects. If they break the build, they get called in to fix it even if their defect is discovered at 3 a.m.

Release builds in the morning. Some groups have found that they prefer to build overnight, smoke test in the early morning, and release new builds in the morning rather than the afternoon. Smoke testing and releasing builds in the morning has several advantages.

First, if you release a build in the morning, testers can test with a fresh build that day. If you generally release builds in the afternoon, testers feel compelled to launch their automated tests before they leave for the day. When the build is delayed, which it often is, the testers have to stay late to launch their tests. Because it's not their fault that they have to stay late, the build process becomes demoralizing.

When you complete the build in the morning, you have more reliable access to developers when there are problems with the build. During the day, developers are down the hall. During the evening, developers can be anywhere. Even when developers are given beepers, they're not always easy to locate.

It might be more macho to start smoke testing at the end of the day and call people in the middle of the night when you find problems, but it's harder on the team, it wastes time, and in the end you lose more than you gain.

Build and smoke test even under pressure. When schedule pressure becomes intense, the work required to maintain the daily build can seem like extravagant overhead. The opposite is true. Under stress, developers lose some of their discipline. They feel pressure to take construction shortcuts that they would not take under less stressful circumstances. They review and test their own code less carefully than usual. The code tends toward a state of entropy more quickly than it does during less stressful times.

Against this backdrop, daily builds enforce discipline and keep pressure-cooker projects on track. The code still tends toward a state of entropy, but the build process brings that tendency to heel every day.

What Kinds of Projects Can Use the Daily Build Process?

Some developers protest that it's impractical to build every day because their projects are too large. But what was perhaps the most complex software project in recent history used daily builds successfully. By the time it was released, Microsoft Windows 2000 consisted of about 50 million lines of code spread across tens of thousands of source files. A complete build took as many as 19 hours on several machines, but the Windows 2000 development team still managed to build every day. Far from being a nuisance, the Windows 2000 team attributed much of its success on that huge project to their daily builds. The larger the project, the more important incremental integration becomes.

What Kinds of Projects Can Use the Daily Build Process?

A review of 104 projects in the U.S., India, Japan, and Europe found that only 20–25 percent of projects used daily builds at either the beginning or middle of their projects (Cusumano et al. 2003), so this represents a significant opportunity for improvement.

Continuous Integration

Some software writers have taken daily builds as a jumping-off point and recommend integrating continuously (Beck 2000). Most of the published references to continuous integration use the word "continuous" to mean "at least daily" (Beck 2000), which I think is reasonable. But I occasionally encounter people who take the word "continuous" literally. They aim to integrate each change with the latest build every couple of hours. For most projects, I think literal continuous integration is too much of a good thing.

Continuous Integration

In my free time, I operate a discussion group consisting of the top technical executives from companies like Amazon.com, Boeing, Expedia, Microsoft, Nordstrom, and other Seattle-area companies. In a poll of these top technical executives, none of them thought that continuous integration was superior to daily integration. On mediumsized and large projects, there is value in letting the code get out of sync for short periods. Developers frequently get out of sync when they make larger-scale changes. They can then resynchronize after a short time. Daily builds allow the project team rendezvous points that are frequently enough. As long as the team syncs up every day, they don't need to rendezvous continuously.


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