Techniques for Improving Software Quality

Software quality assurance is a planned and systematic program of activities designed to ensure that a system has the desired characteristics. Although it might seem that the best way to develop a high-quality product would be to focus on the product itself, in software quality assurance you also need to focus on the software-development process. Some of the elements of a software-quality program are described in the following subsections:

Software-quality objectives. One powerful technique for improving software quality is setting explicit quality objectives from among the external and internal characteristics described in the previous section. Without explicit goals, programmers might work to maximize characteristics different from the ones you expect them to maximize. The power of setting explicit goals is discussed in more detail later in this section.

Explicit quality-assurance activity. One common problem in assuring quality is that quality is perceived as a secondary goal. Indeed, in some organizations, quick and dirty programming is the rule rather than the exception. Programmers like Global Gary, who litter their code with defects and "complete" their programs quickly, are rewarded more than programmers like High-Quality Henry, who write excellent programs and make sure that they are usable before releasing them. In such organizations, it shouldn't be surprising that programmers don't make quality their first priority. The organization must show programmers that quality is a priority. Making the quality-assurance activity explicit makes the priority clear, and programmers will respond accordingly.

Testing strategy. Execution testing can provide a detailed assessment of a product's reliability. Part of quality assurance is developing a test strategy in conjunction with the product requirements, architecture, and design. Developers on many projects rely on testing as the primary method of both quality assessment and quality improvement. The rest of this chapter demonstrates in more detail that this is too heavy a burden for testing to bear by itself.


For details on testing, see Chapter 22.

Software-engineering guidelines. Guidelines should control the technical character of the software as it's developed. Such guidelines apply to all software development activities, including problem definition, requirements development, architecture, construction, and system testing. The guidelines in this book are, in one sense, a set of software-engineering guidelines for construction.


For a discussion of one class of software-engineering guidelines appropriate for construction, see Programming Conventions.

Informal technical reviews. Many software developers review their work before turning it over for formal review. Informal reviews include desk-checking the design or the code or walking through the code with a few peers.

Formal technical reviews. One part of managing a software-engineering process is catching problems at the "lowest-value" stage—that is, at the time at which the least investment has been made and at which problems cost the least to correct. To achieve such a goal, developers use "quality gates," periodic tests or reviews that determine whether the quality of the product at one stage is sufficient to support moving on to the next. Quality gates are usually used to transition between requirements development and architecture, architecture and construction, and construction and system testing. The "gate" can be an inspection, a peer review, a customer review, or an audit.


Reviews and inspections are discussed in Chapter 21.

A "gate" does not mean that architecture or requirements need to be 100 percent complete or frozen; it does mean that you will use the gate to determine whether the requirements or architecture are good enough to support downstream development. "Good enough" might mean that you've sketched out the most critical 20 percent of the requirements or architecture, or it might mean you've specified 95 percent in excruciating detail—which end of the scale you should aim for depends on the nature of your specific project.


For more details on how development approaches vary depending on the kind of project, see Determine the Kind of Software You're Working On.

External audits. An external audit is a specific kind of technical review used to determine the status of a project or the quality of a product being developed. An audit team is brought in from outside the organization and reports its findings to whoever commissioned the audit, usually management.

Development Process

Each of the elements mentioned so far has something to do explicitly with assuring software quality and implicitly with the process of software development. Development efforts that include quality-assurance activities produce better software than those that do not. Other processes that aren't explicitly quality-assurance activities also affect software quality.

Further Reading

For a discussion of software development as a process, see Professional Software Development (McConnell 1994).

Change-control procedures. One big obstacle to achieving software quality is uncontrolled changes. Uncontrolled requirements changes can result in disruption to design and coding. Uncontrolled changes in design can result in code that doesn't agree with its requirements, inconsistencies in the code, or more time spent modifying code to meet the changing design than spent moving the project forward. Uncontrolled changes in the code itself can result in internal inconsistencies and uncertainties about which code has been fully reviewed and tested and which hasn't. The natural effect of change is to destabilize and degrade quality, so handling changes effectively is a key to achieving high quality levels.


For details on change control, see Configuration Management.

Measurement of results. Unless results of a quality-assurance plan are measured, you'll have no way to know whether the plan is working. Measurement tells you whether your plan is a success or a failure and also allows you to vary your process in a controlled way to see how it can be improved. You can also measure quality attributes themselves—correctness, usability, efficiency, and so on—and it's useful to do so. For details on measuring quality attributes, see Chapter 9 of Principles of Software Engineering (Gilb 1988).

Measurement of results

Prototyping. Prototyping is the development of realistic models of a system's key functions. A developer can prototype parts of a user interface to determine usability, critical calculations to determine execution time, or typical data sets to determine memory requirements. A survey of 16 published and 8 unpublished case studies compared prototyping to traditional, specification-development methods. The comparison revealed that prototyping can lead to better designs, better matches with user needs, and improved maintainability (Gordon and Bieman 1991).

Setting Objectives

Explicitly setting quality objectives is a simple, obvious step in achieving quality software, but it's easy to overlook. You might wonder whether, if you set explicit quality objectives, programmers will actually work to achieve them? The answer is, yes, they will, if they know what the objectives are and that the objectives are reasonable. Programmers can't respond to a set of objectives that change daily or that are impossible to meet.

Gerald Weinberg and Edward Schulman conducted a fascinating experiment to investigate the effect on programmer performance of setting quality objectives (1974). They had five teams of programmers work on five versions of the same program. The same five quality objectives were given to each of the five teams, and each team was told to optimize a different objective. One team was told to minimize the memory required, another was told to produce the clearest possible output, another was told to build the most readable code, another was told to use the minimum number of statements, and the last group was told to complete the program in the least amount of time possible. Table 20-1 shows how each team was ranked according to each objective.

Table 20-1. Team Ranking on Each Objective

Objective Team Was Told to Optimize

Minimum memory use

Most readable output

Most readable code

Least code

Minimum programming time

Source: Adapted from "Goals and Performance in Computer Programming" (Weinberg and Schulman 1974).

Minimum memory






Output readability






Program readability






Least code






Minimum programming time






Team Ranking on Each Objective

The results of this study were remarkable. Four of the five teams finished first in the objective they were told to optimize. The other team finished second in its objective. None of the teams did consistently well in all objectives.

The surprising implication is that people actually do what you ask them to do. Programmers have high achievement motivation: They will work to the objectives specified, but they must be told what the objectives are. The second implication is that, as expected, objectives conflict and it's generally not possible to do well on all of them.

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