Intellectual Honesty

Part of maturing as a programming professional is developing an uncompromising sense of intellectual honesty. Intellectual honesty commonly manifests itself in several ways:

  • Refusing to pretend you're an expert when you're not

  • Readily admitting your mistakes

  • Trying to understand a compiler warning rather than suppressing the message

  • Clearly understanding your program—not compiling it to see if it works

  • Providing realistic status reports

  • Providing realistic schedule estimates and holding your ground when management asks you to adjust them

The first two items on this list—admitting that you don't know something or that you made a mistake—echo the theme of intellectual humility discussed earlier. How can you learn anything new if you pretend that you know everything already? You'd be better off pretending that you don't know anything. Listen to people's explanations, learn something new from them, and assess whether they know what they are talking about.

Be ready to quantify your degree of certainty on any issue. If it's usually 100 percent, that's a warning sign.

Refusing to admit mistakes is a particularly annoying habit. If Sally refuses to admit a mistake, she apparently believes that not admitting the mistake will trick others into believing that she didn't make it. The opposite is true. Everyone will know she made a mistake. Mistakes are accepted as part of the ebb and flow of complex intellectual activities, and as long as she hasn't been negligent, no one will hold mistakes against her.

Any fool can defend his or her mistakes—and most fools do.

Dale Carnegie

If she refuses to admit a mistake, the only person she'll fool is herself. Everyone else will learn that they're working with a prideful programmer who's not completely honest. That's a more damning fault than making a simple error. If you make a mistake, admit it quickly and emphatically.

Pretending to understand compiler messages when you don't is another common blind spot. If you don't understand a compiler warning or if you think you know what it means but are too pressed for time to check it, guess what's really a waste of time? You'll probably end up trying to solve the problem from the ground up while the compiler waves the solution in your face. I've had several people ask for help in debugging programs. I'll ask if they have a clean compile, and they'll say yes. Then they'll start to explain the symptoms of the problem, and I'll say, "Hmmmm. That sounds like it would be an uninitialized pointer, but the compiler should have warned you about that." Then they'll say, "Oh yeah—it did warn about that. We thought it meant something else." It's hard to fool other people about your mistakes. It's even harder to fool the computer, so don't waste your time trying.

A related kind of intellectual sloppiness occurs when you don't quite understand your program and "just compile it to see if it works." One example is running the program to see whether you should use < or <=. In that situation, it doesn't really matter whether the program works because you don't understand it well enough to know why it works. Remember that testing can show only the presence of errors, not their absence. If you don't understand the program, you can't test it thoroughly. Feeling tempted to compile a program to "see what happens" is a warning sign. It might mean that you need to back up to design or that you began coding before you were sure you knew what you were doing. Make sure you have a strong intellectual grip on the program before you relinquish it to the compiler.

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.

Tom Cargill

Status reporting is an area of scandalous duplicity. Programmers are notorious for saying that a program is "90 percent complete" during the last 50 percent of the project. If your problem is that you have a poor sense of your own progress, you can solve it by learning more about how you work. But if your problem is that you don't speak your mind because you want to give the answer your manager wants to hear, that's a different story. A manager usually appreciates honest observations about the status of a project, even if they're not the opinions the manager wants to hear. If your observations are well thought out, give them as dispassionately as you can and in private. Management needs to have accurate information to coordinate development activities, and full cooperation is essential.

An issue related to inaccurate status reporting is inaccurate estimation. The typical scenario goes like this: Management asks Bert for an estimate of how long it would take to develop a new database product. Bert talks to a few programmers, crunches some numbers, and comes back with an estimate of eight programmers and six months. His manager says, "That's not really what we're looking for. Can you do it in a shorter time, with fewer programmers?" Bert goes away and thinks about it and decides that for a short period he could cut training and vacation time and have everyone work a little overtime. He comes back with an estimate of six programmers and four months. His manager says, "That's great. This is a relatively low-priority project, so try to keep it on time without any overtime because the budget won't allow it."

The mistake Bert made was not realizing that estimates aren't negotiable. He can revise an estimate to be more accurate, but negotiating with his boss won't change the time it takes to develop a software project. IBM's Bill Weimer says, "We found that technical people, in general, were actually very good at estimating project requirements and schedules. The problem they had was defending their decisions; they needed to learn how to hold their ground" (Weimer in Metzger and Boddie 1996). Bert's not going to make his manager any happier by promising to deliver a project in four months and delivering it in six than he would by promising and delivering it in six. He'll lose credibility by compromising, and he'll gain respect by standing firm on his estimate.

If management applies pressure to change your estimate, realize that ultimately the decision whether to do a project rests with management: "Look. This is how much it's going to cost. I can't say whether it's worth this price to the company—that's your job. But I can tell you how long it takes to develop a piece of software—that's my job. I can't ‘negotiate’ how long it will take; that's like negotiating how many feet are in a mile. You can't negotiate laws of nature. We can, however, negotiate other aspects of the project that affect the schedule and then reestimate the schedule. We can eliminate features, reduce performance, develop the project in increments, or use fewer people and a longer schedule or more people and a shorter schedule."

One of the scariest exchanges I've ever heard was at a lecture on managing software projects. The speaker was the author of a best-selling software-project-management book. A member of the audience asked, "What do you do if management asks for an estimate and you know that if you give them an accurate estimate they'll say it's too high and decide not to do the project?" The speaker responded that that was one of those tricky areas in which you had to get management to buy into the project by underestimating it. He said that once they'd invested in the first part of the project, they'd see it through to the end.

Wrong answer! Management is responsible for the big-picture issues of running a company. If a certain software capability is worth $250K to a company and you estimate it will cost $750K to develop, the company shouldn't develop the software. It's management's responsibility to make such judgments. When the speaker advocated lying about the project's cost, telling management it would cost less than it really would, he advocated covertly stealing management's authority. If you think a project is interesting, breaks important new ground for the company, or provides valuable training, say so. Management can weigh those factors, too. But tricking management into making the wrong decision could literally cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. If it costs you your job, you'll have gotten what you deserve.

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