Special Considerations in the Use of Functions

Modern languages such as C++, Java, and Visual Basic support both functions and procedures. A function is a routine that returns a value; a procedure is a routine that does not. In C++, all routines are typically called "functions"; however, a function with a void return type is semantically a procedure. The distinction between functions and procedures is as much a semantic distinction as a syntactic one, and semantics should be your guide.

When to Use a Function and When to Use a Procedure

Purists argue that a function should return only one value, just as a mathematical function does. This means that a function would take only input parameters and return its only value through the function itself. The function would always be named for the value it returned, as sin(), CustomerID(), and ScreenHeight() are. A procedure, on the other hand, could take input, modify, and output parameters—as many of each as it wanted to.

A common programming practice is to have a function that operates as a procedure and returns a status value. Logically, it works as a procedure, but because it returns a value, it's officially a function. For example, you might have a routine called FormatOutput() used with a report object in statements like this one:

if ( report.FormatOutput( formattedReport ) = Success ) then ...

In this example, report.FormatOutput() operates as a procedure in that it has an output parameter, formattedReport, but it is technically a function because the routine itself returns a value. Is this a valid way to use a function? In defense of this approach, you could maintain that the function return value has nothing to do with the main purpose of the routine, formatting output, or with the routine name, report.FormatOutput(). In that sense it operates more as a procedure does even if it is technically a function. The use of the return value to indicate the success or failure of the procedure is not confusing if the technique is used consistently.

The alternative is to create a procedure that has a status variable as an explicit parameter, which promotes code like this fragment:

report.FormatOutput( formattedReport, outputStatus )
if ( outputStatus = Success ) then ...

I prefer the second style of coding, not because I'm hard-nosed about the difference between functions and procedures but because it makes a clear separation between the routine call and the test of the status value. To combine the call and the test into one line of code increases the density of the statement and, correspondingly, its complexity. The following use of a function is fine too:

outputStatus = report.FormatOutput( formattedReport )
if ( outputStatus = Success ) then ...
When to Use a Function and When to Use a Procedure

In short, use a function if the primary purpose of the routine is to return the value indicated by the function name. Otherwise, use a procedure.

Setting the Function's Return Value

Using a function creates the risk that the function will return an incorrect return value. This usually happens when the function has several possible paths and one of the paths doesn't set a return value. To reduce this risk, do the following:

Check all possible return paths. When creating a function, mentally execute each path to be sure that the function returns a value under all possible circumstances. It's good practice to initialize the return value at the beginning of the function to a default value—this provides a safety net in the event that the correct return value is not set.

Don't return references or pointers to local data. As soon as the routine ends and the local data goes out of scope, the reference or pointer to the local data will be invalid. If an object needs to return information about its internal data, it should save the information as class member data. It should then provide accessor functions that return the values of the member data items rather than references or pointers to local data.

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