Test-Support Tools

This section surveys the kinds of testing tools you can buy commercially or build yourself. It won't name specific products because they could easily be out of date by the time you read this. Refer to your favorite programmer's magazine for the most recent specifics.

Building Scaffolding to Test Individual Classes

The term "scaffolding" comes from building construction. Scaffolding is built so that workers can reach parts of a building they couldn't reach otherwise. Software scaffolding is built for the sole purpose of making it easy to exercise code.

Further Reading

For several good examples of scaffolding, see Jon Bentley's essay "A Small Matter of Programming" in Programming Pearls, 2d ed. (2000).

One kind of scaffolding is a class that's dummied up so that it can be used by another class that's being tested. Such a class is called a "mock object" or "stub object" (Mackinnon, Freemand, and Craig 2000; Thomas and Hunt 2002). A similar approach can be used with low-level routines, which are called "stub routines." You can make a mock object or stub routines more or less realistic, depending on how much veracity you need. In these cases, the scaffolding can

  • Return control immediately, having taken no action.

  • Test the data fed to it.

  • Print a diagnostic message, perhaps an echo of the input parameters, or log a message to a file.

  • Get return values from interactive input.

  • Return a standard answer regardless of the input.

  • Burn up the number of clock cycles allocated to the real object or routine.

  • Function as a slow, fat, simple, or less accurate version of the real object or routine.

Another kind of scaffolding is a fake routine that calls the real routine being tested. This is called a "driver" or, sometimes, a "test harness." This scaffolding can

  • Call the object with a fixed set of inputs.

  • Prompt for input interactively and call the object with it.

  • Take arguments from the command line (in operating systems that support it) and call the object.

  • Read arguments from a file and call the object.

  • Run through predefined sets of input data in multiple calls to the object.

A final kind of scaffolding is the dummy file, a small version of the real thing that has the same types of components that a full-size file has. A small dummy file offers a couple of advantages. Because it's small, you can know its exact contents and can be reasonably sure that the file itself is error-free. And because you create it specifically for testing, you can design its contents so that any error in using it is conspicuous.


The line between testing tools and debugging tools is fuzzy. For details on debugging tools, see Debugging Tools—Obvious and Not-So-Obvious.


Obviously, building scaffolding requires some work, but if an error is ever detected in a class, you can reuse the scaffolding. And numerous tools exist to streamline creation of mock objects and other scaffolding. If you use scaffolding, the class can also be tested without the risk of its being affected by interactions with other classes. Scaffolding is particularly useful when subtle algorithms are involved. It's easy to get stuck in a rut in which it takes several minutes to execute each test case because the code being exercised is embedded in other code. Scaffolding allows you to exercise the code directly. The few minutes that you spend building scaffolding to exercise the deeply buried code can save hours of debugging time.

You can use any of the numerous test frameworks available to provide scaffolding for your programs (JUnit, CppUnit, NUnit, and so on). If your environment isn't supported by one of the existing test frameworks, you can write a few routines in a class and include a main() scaffolding routine in the file to test the class, even though the routines being tested aren't intended to stand by themselves. The main() routine can read arguments from the command line and pass them to the routine being tested so that you can exercise the routine on its own before integrating it with the rest of the program. When you integrate the code, leave the routines and the scaffolding code that exercises them in the file and use preprocessor commands or comments to deactivate the scaffolding code. Since it's preprocessed out, it doesn't affect the executable code, and since it's at the bottom of the file, it's not in the way visually. No harm is done by leaving it in. It's there if you need it again, and it doesn't burn up the time it would take to remove and archive it.

Diff Tools

Regression testing, or retesting, is a lot easier if you have automated tools to check the actual output against the expected output. One easy way to check printed output is to redirect the output to a file and use a file-comparison tool such as diff to compare the new output against the expected output that was sent to a file previously. If the outputs aren't the same, you have detected a regression error.


For details on regression testing, see "Retesting (Regression Testing)" in Improving Your Testing.

Test-Data Generators


You can also write code to exercise selected pieces of a program systematically. A few years ago, I developed a proprietary encryption algorithm and wrote a file-encryption program to use it. The intent of the program was to encode a file so that it could be decoded only with the right password. The encryption didn't just change the file superficially; it altered the entire contents. It was critical that the program be able to decode a file properly, because the file would be ruined otherwise.

I set up a test-data generator that fully exercised the encryption and decryption parts of the program. It generated files of random characters in random sizes, from 0K through 500K. It generated passwords of random characters in random lengths from 1 through 255. For each random case, it generated two copies of the random file, encrypted one copy, reinitialized itself, decrypted the copy, and then compared each byte in the decrypted copy to the unaltered copy. If any bytes were different, the generator printed all the information I needed to reproduce the error.

I weighted the test cases toward the average length of my files, 30K, which was considerably shorter than the maximum length of 500K. If I had not weighted the test cases toward a shorter length, file lengths would have been uniformly distributed between 0K and 500K. The average tested file length would have been 250K. The shorter average length meant that I could test more files, passwords, end-of-file conditions, odd file lengths, and other circumstances that might produce errors than I could have with uniformly random lengths.

The results were gratifying. After running only about 100 test cases, I found two errors in the program. Both arose from special cases that might never have shown up in practice, but they were errors nonetheless and I was glad to find them. After fixing them, I ran the program for weeks, encrypting and decrypting over 100,000 files without an error. Given the range in file contents, lengths, and passwords I tested, I could confidently assert that the program was correct.

Here are some lessons from this story:

  • Properly designed random-data generators can generate unusual combinations of test data that you wouldn't think of.

  • Random-data generators can exercise your program more thoroughly than you can.

  • You can refine randomly generated test cases over time so that they emphasize a realistic range of input. This concentrates testing in the areas most likely to be exercised by users, maximizing reliability in those areas.

  • Modular design pays off during testing. I was able to pull out the encryption and decryption code and use it independently of the user-interface code, making the job of writing a test driver straightforward.

  • You can reuse a test driver if the code it tests ever has to be changed. Once I had corrected the two early errors, I was able to start retesting immediately.

Coverage Monitors


Coverage Monitors

Karl Wiegers reports that testing done without measuring code coverage typically exercises only about 50–60% of the code (Wiegers 2002). A coverage monitor is a tool that keeps track of the code that's exercised and the code that isn't. A coverage monitor is especially useful for systematic testing because it tells you whether a set of test cases fully exercises the code. If you run your full set of test cases and the coverage monitor indicates that some code still hasn't been executed, you know that you need more tests.

Data Recorder/Logging

Some tools can monitor your program and collect information on the program's state in the event of a failure—similar to the "black box" that airplanes use to diagnose crash results. Strong logging aids error diagnosis and supports effective service after the software has been released.

You can build your own data recorder by logging significant events to a file. Record the system state prior to an error and details of the exact error conditions. This functionality can be compiled into the development version of the code and compiled out of the released version. Alternatively, if you implement logging with self-pruning storage and thoughtful placement and content of error messages, you can include logging functions in release versions.

Symbolic Debuggers

A symbolic debugger is a technological supplement to code walk-throughs and inspections. A debugger has the capacity to step through code line by line, keep track of variables' values, and always interpret the code the same way the computer does. The process of stepping through a piece of code in a debugger and watching it work is enormously valuable.


The availability of debuggers varies according to the maturity of the technology environment. For more on this phenomenon, see Your Location on the Technology Wave.

Walking through code in a debugger is in many respects the same process as having other programmers step through your code in a review. Neither your peers nor the debugger has the same blind spots that you do. The additional benefit with a debugger is that it's less labor-intensive than a team review. Watching your code execute under a variety of input-data sets is good assurance that you've implemented the code you intended to.

A good debugger is even a good tool for learning about your language because you can see exactly how the code executes. You can toggle back and forth between a view of your high-level language code and a view of the assembler code to see how the high-level code is translated into assembler. You can watch registers and the stack to see how arguments are passed. You can look at code your compiler has optimized to see the kinds of optimizations that are performed. None of these benefits has much to do with the debugger's intended use—diagnosing errors that have already been detected—but imaginative use of a debugger produces benefits far beyond its initial charter.

System Perturbers

Another class of test-support tools are designed to perturb a system. Many people have stories of programs that work 99 times out of 100 but fail on the hundredth runthrough with the same data. The problem is nearly always a failure to initialize a variable somewhere, and it's usually hard to reproduce because 99 times out of 100 the uninitialized variable happens to be 0.

Test-support tools in this class have a variety of capabilities:

  • Memory filling You want to be sure you don't have any uninitialized variables. Some tools fill memory with arbitrary values before you run your program so that uninitialized variables aren't set to 0 accidentally. In some cases, the memory might be set to a specific value. For example, on the x86 processor, the value 0xCC is the machine-language code for a breakpoint interrupt. If you fill memory with 0xCC and have an error that causes you to execute something you shouldn't, you'll hit a breakpoint in the debugger and detect the error.

  • Memory shaking In multitasking systems, some tools can rearrange memory as your program operates so that you can be sure you haven't written any code that depends on data being in absolute rather than relative locations.

  • Selective memory failing A memory driver can simulate low-memory conditions in which a program might be running out of memory, fail on a memory request, grant an arbitrary number of memory requests before failing, or fail on an arbitrary number of requests before granting one. This is especially useful for testing complicated programs that work with dynamically allocated memory.

  • Memory-access checking (bounds checking) Bounds checkers watch pointer operations to make sure your pointers behave themselves. Such a tool is useful for detecting uninitialized or dangling pointers.

Error Databases

One powerful test tool is a database of errors that have been reported. Such a database is both a management and a technical tool. It allows you to check for recurring errors, track the rate at which new errors are being detected and corrected, and track the status of open and closed errors and their severity. For details on what information you should keep in an error database, see Keeping Test Records.

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