Keys to Effective Comments

What does the following routine do?


As long as there are illdefined goals, bizarre bugs, and unrealistic schedules, there will be Real Programmers willing to jump in and Solve The Problem, saving the documentation for later. Long live Fortran!

 --Ed Post

Example 32-3. Java Mystery Routine Number One

// write out the sums 1..n for all n from 1 to num
current = 1;
previous = 0;
sum = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
   System.out.println( "Sum = " + sum );
   sum = current + previous;
   previous = current;
   current = sum;

Your best guess?

This routine computes the first num Fibonacci numbers. Its coding style is a little better than the style of the routine at the beginning of the chapter, but the comment is wrong, and if you blindly trust the comment, you head down the primrose path in the wrong direction.

What about this one?

Example 32-4. Java Mystery Routine Number Two

// set product to "base"
product = base;

// loop from 2 to "num"
for ( int i = 2; i <= num; i++ ) {
   // multiply "base" by "product"
   product = product * base;
System.out.println( "Product = " + product );

This routine raises an integer base to the integer power num. The comments in this routine are accurate, but they add nothing to the code. They are merely a more verbose version of the code itself.

Here's one last routine:

Example 32-5. Java Mystery Routine Number Three

// compute the square root of Num using the Newton-Raphson approximation
r = num / 2;
while ( abs( r - (num/r) ) > TOLERANCE ) {
   r = 0.5 * ( r + (num/r) );
System.out.println( "r = " + r );

This routine computes the square root of num. The code isn't great, but the comment is accurate.

Which routine was easiest for you to figure out correctly? None of the routines is particularly well written—the variable names are especially poor. In a nutshell, however, these routines illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of internal comments. Routine One has an incorrect comment. Routine Two's commenting merely repeats the code and is therefore useless. Only Routine Three's commenting earns its rent. Poor comments are worse than no comments. Routines One and Two would be better with no comments than with the poor comments they have.

The following subsections describe keys to writing effective comments.

Kinds of Comments

Comments can be classified into six categories:

Repeat of the Code

A repetitious comment restates what the code does in different words. It merely gives the reader of the code more to read without providing additional information.

Explanation of the Code

Explanatory comments are typically used to explain complicated, tricky, or sensitive pieces of code. In such situations they are useful, but usually that's only because the code is confusing. If the code is so complicated that it needs to be explained, it's nearly always better to improve the code than it is to add comments. Make the code itself clearer, and then use summary or intent comments.

Marker in the Code

A marker comment is one that isn't intended to be left in the code. It's a note to the developer that the work isn't done yet. Some developers type in a marker that's syntactically incorrect (******, for example) so that the compiler flags it and reminds them that they have more work to do. Other developers put a specified set of characters in comments that don't interfere with compilation so that they can search for them.

Few feelings are worse than having a customer report a problem in the code, debugging the problem, and tracing it to a section of code where you find something like this:

return NULL; // ****** NOT DONE! FIX BEFORE RELEASE!!!

Releasing defective code to customers is bad enough; releasing code that you knew was defective is even worse.

I've found that standardizing the style of marker comments is helpful. If you don't standardize, some programmers will use *******, some will use !!!!!!, some will use TBD, and some will use various other conventions. Using a variety of notations makes mechanical searching for incomplete code error-prone or impossible. Standardizing on one specific marker style allows you to do a mechanical search for incomplete sections of code as one of the steps in a release checklist, which avoids the FIX BEFORE RELEASE!!! problem. Some editors support "to do" tags and allow you to navigate to them easily.

Summary of the Code

A comment that summarizes code does just that: it distills a few lines of code into one or two sentences. Such comments are more valuable than comments that merely repeat the code because a reader can scan them more quickly than the code. Summary comments are particularly useful when someone other than the code's original author tries to modify the code.

Description of the Code's Intent

A comment at the level of intent explains the purpose of a section of code. Intent comments operate more at the level of the problem than at the level of the solution. For example,

-- get current employee information

is an intent comment, whereas

-- update employeeRecord object
Description of the Code's Intent

is a summary comment in terms of the solution. A six-month study conducted by IBM found that maintenance programmers "most often said that understanding the original programmer's intent was the most difficult problem" (Fjelstad and Hamlen 1979). The distinction between intent and summary comments isn't always clear, and it's usually not important. Examples of intent comments are given throughout this chapter.

Information That Cannot Possibly Be Expressed by the Code Itself

Some information can't be expressed in code but must still be in the source code. This category of comments includes copyright notices, confidentiality notices, version numbers, and other housekeeping details; notes about the code's design; references to related requirements or architecture documentation; pointers to online references; optimization notes; comments required by editing tools such as Javadoc and Doxygen; and so on.

The three kinds of comments that are acceptable for completed code are information that can't be expressed in code, intent comments, and summary comments.

Commenting Efficiently

Effective commenting isn't that time-consuming. Too many comments are as bad as too few, and you can achieve a middle ground economically.

Comments can take a lot of time to write for two common reasons. First, the commenting style might be time-consuming or tedious. If it is, find a new style. A commenting style that requires a lot of busy work is a maintenance headache. If the comments are hard to change, they won't be changed and they'll become inaccurate and misleading, which is worse than having no comments at all.

Second, commenting might be difficult because the words to describe what the program is doing don't come easily. That's usually a sign that you don't understand what the program does. The time you spend "commenting" is really time spent understanding the program better, which is time that needs to be spent regardless of whether you comment.

Following are guidelines for commenting efficiently:

Use styles that don't break down or discourage modification. Any style that's too fancy is annoying to maintain. For example, pick out the part of the comment below that won't be maintained:

Example 32-6. Java Example of a Commenting Style That's Hard to Maintain

//  Variable        Meaning
//  --------        -------
//  xPos .......... XCoordinate Position (in meters)
//  yPos .......... YCoordinate Position (in meters)
//  ndsCmptng...... Needs Computing (= 0 if no computation is needed,
//                                   = 1 if computation is needed)
//  ptGrdTtl....... Point Grand Total
//  ptValMax....... Point Value Maximum
//  psblScrMax..... Possible Score Maximum

If you said that the leader dots (…..) will be hard to maintain, you're right! They look nice, but the list is fine without them. They add busy work to the job of modifying comments, and you'd rather have accurate comments than nice-looking ones, if that's the choice—and it usually is.

Here's another example of a common style that's hard to maintain:

Example 32-7. C++ Example of a Commenting Style That's Hard to Maintain

 * class:  GigaTron (GIGATRON.CPP)                                    *
 *                                                                    *
 * author: Dwight K. Coder                                            *
 * date:   July 4, 2014                                               *
 *                                                                    *
 * Routines to control the twenty-first century's code evaluation     *
 * tool. The entry point to these routines is the EvaluateCode()      *
 * routine at the bottom of this file.                                *

This is a nice-looking block comment. It's clear that the whole block belongs together, and the beginning and ending of the block are obvious. What isn't clear about this block is how easy it is to change. If you have to add the name of a file to the bottom of the comment, chances are pretty good that you'll have to fuss with the pretty column of asterisks at the right. If you need to change the paragraph comments, you'll have to fuss with asterisks on both the left and the right. In practice, this means that the block won't be maintained because it will be too much work. If you can press a key and get neat columns of asterisks, that's great. Use it. The problem isn't the asterisks but that they're hard to maintain. The following comment looks almost as good and is a cinch to maintain:

Example 32-8. C++ Example of a Commenting Style That's Easy to Maintain

  class:  GigaTron (GIGATRON.CPP)

  author: Dwight K. Coder
  date: July 4, 2014

  Routines to control the twenty-first century's code evaluation
  tool. The entry point to these routines is the EvaluateCode()
  routine at the bottom of this file.

Here's a particularly difficult style to maintain:

It's hard to know what value the plus sign at the beginning and end of each dashed line adds to the comment, but it's easy to guess that every time a comment changes, the underline has to be adjusted so that the ending plus sign is in precisely the right place. And what do you do when a comment spills over into two lines? How do you align the plus signs? Take words out of the comment so that it takes up only one line? Make both lines the same length? The problems with this approach multiply when you try to apply it consistently.

A common guideline for Java and C++ that arises from a similar motivation is to use // syntax for single-line comments and /* … */ syntax for longer comments, as shown here:

Example 32-10. Java Example of Using Different Comment Syntaxes for Different Purposes

// This is a short comment
/* This is a much longer comment. Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil
war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can
long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to
dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave
their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that
we should do this.
Java Example of Using Different Comment Syntaxes for Different Purposes

The first comment is easy to maintain as long as it's kept short. For longer comments, the task of creating long columns of double slashes, manually breaking lines of text between rows, and similar activities is not very rewarding, and so the /* … */ syntax is more appropriate for multiline comments.

The point is that you should pay attention to how you spend your time. If you spend a lot of time entering and deleting dashes to make plus signs line up, you're not programming; you're wasting time. Find a more efficient style. In the case of the underlines with plus signs, you could choose to have just the comments without any underlining. If you need to use underlines for emphasis, find some way other than underlines with plus signs to emphasize those comments. One way would be to have a standard underline that's always the same length regardless of the length of the comment. Such a line requires no maintenance, and you can use a text-editor macro to enter it in the first place.

Use the Pseudocode Programming Process to reduce commenting time. If you outline the code in comments before you write it, you win in several ways. When you finish the code, the comments are done. You don't have to dedicate time to comments. You also gain all the design benefits of writing in high-level pseudocode before filling in the low-level programming-language code.


For details on the Pseudocode Programming Process, see Chapter 9.

Integrate commenting into your development style. The alternative to integrating commenting into your development style is leaving commenting until the end of the project, and that has too many disadvantages. It becomes a task in its own right, which makes it seem like more work than when it's done a little bit at a time. Commenting done later takes more time because you have to remember or figure out what the code is doing instead of just writing down what you're already thinking about. It's also less accurate because you tend to forget assumptions or subtleties in the design.

The common argument against commenting as you go along is "When you're concentrating on the code, you shouldn't break your concentration to write comments." The appropriate response is that, if you have to concentrate so hard on writing code that commenting interrupts your thinking, you need to design in pseudocode first and then convert the pseudocode to comments. Code that requires that much concentration is a warning sign.

Integrate commenting into your development style

If your design is hard to code, simplify the design before you worry about comments or code. If you use pseudocode to clarify your thoughts, coding is straightforward and the comments are automatic.

Performance is not a good reason to avoid commenting. One recurring attribute of the rolling wave of technology discussed in Your Location on the Technology Wave, is interpreted environments in which commenting imposes a measurable performance penalty. In the 1980s, comments in Basic programs on the original IBM PC slowed programs. In the 1990s, .asp pages did the same thing. In the 2000s, JavaScript code and other code that needs to be sent across network connections presents a similar problem.

In each of these cases, the ultimate solution has not been to avoid commenting; it's been to create a release version of the code that's different from the development version. This is typically accomplished by running the code through a tool that strips out comments as part of the build process.

Optimum Number of Comments

Optimum Number of Comments

Capers Jones points out that studies at IBM found that a commenting density of one comment roughly every 10 statements was the density at which clarity seemed to peak. Fewer comments made the code hard to understand. More comments also reduced code understandability (Jones 2000).

This kind of research can be abused, and projects sometimes adopt a standard such as "programs must have one comment at least every five lines." This standard addresses the symptom of programmers' not writing clear code, but it doesn't address the cause.

If you use the Pseudocode Programming Process effectively, you'll probably end up with a comment for every few lines of code. The number of comments, however, will be a side effect of the process itself. Rather than focusing on the number of comments, focus on whether each comment is efficient. If the comments describe why the code was written and meet the other criteria established in this chapter, you'll have enough comments.

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