Typical Errors

This section is dedicated to the proposition that you can test best when you know as much as possible about your enemy: errors.

Which Classes Contain the Most Errors?

Which Classes Contain the Most Errors?

It's natural to assume that defects are distributed evenly throughout your source code. If you have an average of 10 defects per 1000 lines of code, you might assume that you'll have one defect in a class that contains 100 lines of code. This is a natural assumption, but it's wrong.

Capers Jones reported that a focused quality-improvement program at IBM identified 31 of 425 classes in the IMS system as error-prone. The 31 classes were repaired or completely redeveloped, and, in less than a year, customer-reported defects against IMS were reduced ten to one. Total maintenance costs were reduced by about 45 percent. Customer satisfaction improved from "unacceptable" to "good" (Jones 2000).

Most errors tend to be concentrated in a few highly defective routines. Here is the general relationship between errors and code:

Which Classes Contain the Most Errors?
  • Eighty percent of the errors are found in 20 percent of a project's classes or routines (Endres 1975, Gremillion 1984, Boehm 1987b, Shull et al 2002).

  • Fifty percent of the errors are found in 5 percent of a project's classes (Jones 2000).

These relationships might not seem so important until you recognize a few corollaries. First, 20% of a project's routines contribute 80% of the cost of development (Boehm 1987b). That doesn't necessarily mean that the 20% that cost the most are the same as the 20% with the most defects, but it's pretty suggestive.

Which Classes Contain the Most Errors?

Second, regardless of the exact proportion of the cost contributed by highly defective routines, highly defective routines are extremely expensive. In a classic study in the 1960s, IBM performed an analysis of its OS/360 operating system and found that errors were not distributed evenly across all routines but were concentrated into a few. Those error-prone routines were found to be "the most expensive entities in programming" (Jones 1986a). They contained as many as 50 defects per 1000 lines of code, and fixing them often cost 10 times what it took to develop the whole system. (The costs included customer support and in-the-field maintenance.)

Third, the implication of expensive routines for development is clear. As the old expression goes, "time is money." The corollary is that "money is time," and if you can cut close to 80 percent of the cost by avoiding troublesome routines, you can cut a substantial amount of the schedule as well. This is a clear illustration of the General Principle of Software Quality: improving quality improves the development schedule and reduces development costs.


Another class of routines that tend to contain a lot of errors is the class of overly complex routines. For details on identifying and simplifying routines, see "General Guidelines for Reducing Complexity" in Control Structures and Complexity.

Fourth, the implication of avoiding troublesome routines for maintenance is equally clear. Maintenance activities should be focused on identifying, redesigning, and rewriting from the ground up those routines that have been identified as error-prone. In the IMS project mentioned earlier, productivity of IMS releases improved about 15 percent after replacement of the error-prone classes (Jones 2000).

Errors by Classification

Several researchers have tried to classify errors by type and determine the extent to which each kind of error occurs. Every programmer has a list of errors that have been particularly troublesome: off-by-one errors, forgetting to reinitialize a loop variable, and so on. The checklists presented throughout the book provide more details.


For a list of all the checklists in the book, see the list following the book's table of contents.

Boris Beizer combined data from several studies, arriving at an exceptionally detailed error taxonomy (Beizer 1990). Following is a summary of his results:






Functionality as implemented






Functional requirements


Test definition or execution


System, software architecture



Beizer reported his results to a precise two decimal places, but the research into error types has generally been inconclusive. Different studies report wildly different kinds of errors, and studies that report on similar kinds of errors arrive at wildly different results, results that differ by 50% rather than by hundredths of a percentage point.

Given the wide variations in reports, combining results from multiple studies as Beizer has done probably doesn't produce meaningful data. But even if the data isn't conclusive, some of it is suggestive. Following are some of the suggestions that can be derived from the data:


The scope of most errors is fairly limited. One study found that 85 percent of errors could be corrected without modifying more than one routine (Endres 1975).

Many errors are outside the domain of construction. Researchers conducting a series of 97 interviews found that the three most common sources of errors were thin application-domain knowledge, fluctuating and conflicting requirements, and communication and coordination breakdown (Curtis, Krasner, and Iscoe 1988).

Most construction errors are the programmers' fault. A pair of studies performed many years ago found that, of total errors reported, roughly 95% are caused by programmers, 2% by systems software (the compiler and the operating system), 2% by some other software, and 1% by the hardware (Brown and Sampson 1973, Ostrand and Weyuker 1984). Systems software and development tools are used by many more people today than they were in the 1970s and 1980s, and so my best guess is that, today, an even higher percentage of errors are the programmers' fault.

If you see hoof prints, think horses—not zebras. The OS is probably not broken. And the database is probably just fine.

Andy Hunt Dave Thomas
Most construction errors are the programmers' fault

Clerical errors (typos) are a surprisingly common source of problems. One study found that 36% of all construction errors were clerical mistakes (Weiss 1975). A 1987 study of almost 3 million lines of flight-dynamics software found that 18% of all errors were clerical (Card 1987). Another study found that 4% of all errors were spelling errors in messages (Endres 1975). In one of my programs, a colleague found several spelling errors simply by running all the strings from the executable file through a spelling checker. Attention to detail counts. If you doubt that, consider that three of the most expensive software errors of all time—costing $1.6 billion, $900 million, and $245 million—involved the change of a single character in a previously correct program (Weinberg 1983).

Misunderstanding the design is a recurring theme in studies of programmer errors. Beizer's compilation study, for what it's worth, found that 16% of the errors grew out of misinterpretations of the design (Beizer 1990). Another study found that 19% of the errors resulted from misunderstood design (Weiss 1975). It's worthwhile to take the time you need to understand the design thoroughly. Such time doesn't produce immediate dividends—you don't necessarily look like you're working—but it pays off over the life of the project.

Most errors are easy to fix. About 85% of errors can be fixed in less than a few hours. About 15% can be fixed in a few hours to a few days. And about 1% take longer (Weiss 1975, Ostrand and Weyuker 1984, Grady 1992). This result is supported by Barry Boehm's observation that about 20% of the errors take about 80% of the resources to fix (Boehm 1987b). Avoid as many of the hard errors as you can by doing requirements and design reviews upstream. Handle the numerous small errors as efficiently as you can.

It's a good idea to measure your own organization's experiences with errors. The diversity of results cited in this section indicates that people in different organizations have tremendously different experiences. That makes it hard to apply other organizations' experiences to yours. Some results go against common intuition; you might need to supplement your intuition with other tools. A good first step is to start measuring your development process so that you know where the problems are.

Proportion of Errors Resulting from Faulty Construction

If the data that classifies errors is inconclusive, so is much of the data that attributes errors to the various development activities. One certainty is that construction always results in a significant number of errors. Sometimes people argue that the errors caused by construction are cheaper to fix than the errors caused by requirements or design. Fixing individual construction errors might be cheaper, but the evidence doesn't support such a claim about the total cost.

Here are my conclusions:

Proportion of Errors Resulting from Faulty Construction
  • On small projects, construction defects make up the vast bulk of all errors. In one study of coding errors on a small project (1000 lines of code), 75% of defects resulted from coding, compared to 10% from requirements and 15% from design (Jones 1986a). This error breakdown appears to be representative of many small projects.

  • Construction defects account for at least 35% of all defects regardless of project size. Although the proportion of construction defects is smaller on large projects, they still account for at least 35% of all defects (Beizer 1990, Jones 2000). Some researchers have reported proportions in the 75% range even on very large projects (Grady 1987). In general, the better the application area is understood, the better the overall architecture is. Errors then tend to be concentrated in detailed design and coding (Basili and Perricone 1984).

  • Construction errors, although cheaper to fix than requirements and design errors, are still expensive. A study of two very large projects at Hewlett-Packard found that the average construction defect cost 25–50% as much to fix as the average design error (Grady 1987). When the greater number of construction defects was figured into the overall equation, the total cost to fix construction defects was one to two times as much as the cost attributed to design defects.

Figure 22-2 provides a rough idea of the relationship between project size and the source of errors.

As the size of the project increases, the proportion of errors committed during construction decreases. Nevertheless, construction errors account for 45–75% of all errors on even the largest projects

Figure 22-2. As the size of the project increases, the proportion of errors committed during construction decreases. Nevertheless, construction errors account for 45–75% of all errors on even the largest projects

How Many Errors Should You Expect to Find?

The number of errors you should expect to find varies according to the quality of the development process you use. Here's the range of possibilities:

How Many Errors Should You Expect to Find?
  • Industry average experience is about 1–25 errors per 1000 lines of code for delivered software. The software has usually been developed using a hodgepodge of techniques (Boehm 1981, Gremillion 1984, Yourdon 1989a, Jones 1998, Jones 2000, Weber 2003). Cases that have one-tenth as many errors as this are rare; cases that have 10 times more tend not to be reported. (They probably aren't ever completed!)

  • The Applications Division at Microsoft experiences about 10–20 defects per 1000 lines of code during in-house testing and 0.5 defects per 1000 lines of code in released product (Moore 1992). The technique used to achieve this level is a combination of the code-reading techniques described in Other Kinds of Collaborative Development Practices, and independent testing.

  • Harlan Mills pioneered "cleanroom development," a technique that has been able to achieve rates as low as 3 defects per 1000 lines of code during in-house testing and 0.1 defects per 1000 lines of code in released product (Cobb and Mills 1990). A few projects—for example, the space-shuttle software—have achieved a level of 0 defects in 500,000 lines of code by using a system of formal development methods, peer reviews, and statistical testing (Fishman 1996).

    How Many Errors Should You Expect to Find?
  • Watts Humphrey reports that teams using the Team Software Process (TSP) have achieved defect levels of about 0.06 defects per 1000 lines of code. TSP focuses on training developers not to create defects in the first place (Weber 2003).

The results of the TSP and cleanroom projects confirm another version of the General Principle of Software Quality: it's cheaper to build high-quality software than it is to build and fix low-quality software. Productivity for a fully checked-out, 80,000-line cleanroom project was 740 lines of code per work-month. The industry average rate for fully checked-out code is closer to 250–300 lines per work-month, including all noncoding overhead (Cusumano et al 2003). The cost savings and productivity come from the fact that virtually no time is devoted to debugging on TSP or cleanroom projects. No time spent on debugging? That is truly a worthy goal!

Errors in Testing Itself

Errors in Testing Itself

You may have had an experience like this: The software is found to be in error. You have a few immediate hunches about which part of the code might be wrong, but all that code seems to be correct. You run several more test cases to try to refine the error, but all the new test cases produce correct results. You spend several hours reading and rereading the code and hand-calculating the results. They all check out. After a few more hours, something causes you to reexamine the test data. Eureka! The error's in the test data! How idiotic it feels to waste hours tracking down an error in the test data rather than in the code!

Errors in Testing Itself

This is a common experience. Test cases are often as likely or more likely to contain errors than the code being tested (Weiland 1983, Jones 1986a, Johnson 1994). The reasons are easy to find—especially when the developer writes the test cases. Test cases tend to be created on the fly rather than through a careful design and construction process. They are often viewed as one-time tests and are developed with the care commensurate with something to be thrown away.

You can do several things to reduce the number of errors in your test cases:

Check your work. Develop test cases as carefully as you develop code. Such care certainly includes double-checking your own testing. Step through test code in a debugger, line by line, just as you would production code. Walk-throughs and inspections of test data are appropriate.

Plan test cases as you develop your software. Effective planning for testing should start at the requirements stage or as soon as you get the assignment for the program. This helps to avoid test cases based on mistaken assumptions.

Keep your test cases. Spend a little quality time with your test cases. Save them for regression testing and for work on version 2. It's easy to justify the trouble if you know you're going to keep them rather than throw them away.

Plug unit tests into a test framework. Write code for unit tests first, but integrate them into a systemwide test framework (like JUnit) as you complete each test. Having an integrated test framework prevents the tendency, just mentioned, to throw away test cases.

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