Determining How Much Defensive Programming to Leave in Production Code

One of the paradoxes of defensive programming is that during development, you'd like an error to be noticeable—you'd rather have it be obnoxious than risk overlooking it. But during production, you'd rather have the error be as unobtrusive as possible, to have the program recover or fail gracefully. Here are some guidelines for deciding which defensive programming tools to leave in your production code and which to leave out:

Leave in code that checks for important errors. Decide which areas of the program can afford to have undetected errors and which areas cannot. For example, if you were writing a spreadsheet program, you could afford to have undetected errors in the screen-update area of the program because the main penalty for an error is only a messy screen. You could not afford to have undetected errors in the calculation engine because such errors might result in subtly incorrect results in someone's spreadsheet. Most users would rather suffer a messy screen than incorrect tax calculations and an audit by the IRS.

Remove code that checks for trivial errors. If an error has truly trivial consequences, remove code that checks for it. In the previous example, you might remove the code that checks the spreadsheet screen update. "Remove" doesn't mean physically remove the code. It means use version control, precompiler switches, or some other technique to compile the program without that particular code. If space isn't a problem, you could leave in the error-checking code but have it log messages to an error-log file unobtrusively.

Remove code that results in hard crashes. As I mentioned, during development, when your program detects an error, you'd like the error to be as noticeable as possible so that you can fix it. Often, the best way to accomplish that goal is to have the program print a debugging message and crash when it detects an error. This is useful even for minor errors.

During production, your users need a chance to save their work before the program crashes and they are probably willing to tolerate a few anomalies in exchange for keeping the program going long enough for them to do that. Users don't appreciate anything that results in the loss of their work, regardless of how much it helps debugging and ultimately improves the quality of the program. If your program contains debugging code that could cause a loss of data, take it out of the production version.

Leave in code that helps the program crash gracefully. If your program contains debugging code that detects potentially fatal errors, leave the code in that allows the program to crash gracefully. In the Mars Pathfinder, for example, engineers left some of the debug code in by design. An error occurred after the Pathfinder had landed. By using the debug aids that had been left in, engineers at JPL were able to diagnose the problem and upload revised code to the Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder completed its mission perfectly (March 1999).

Log errors for your technical support personnel. Consider leaving debugging aids in the production code but changing their behavior so that it's appropriate for the production version. If you've loaded your code with assertions that halt the program during development, you might consider changing the assertion routine to log messages to a file during production rather than eliminating them altogether.

Make sure that the error messages you leave in are friendly. If you leave internal error messages in the program, verify that they're in language that's friendly to the user. In one of my early programs, I got a call from a user who reported that she'd gotten a message that read "You've got a bad pointer allocation, Dog Breath!" Fortunately for me, she had a sense of humor. A common and effective approach is to notify the user of an "internal error" and list an e-mail address or phone number the user can use to report it.

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