Chapter 25. Code-Tuning Strategies


Related Topics

This chapter discusses the question of performance tuning—historically, a controversial issue. Computer resources were severely limited in the 1960s, and efficiency was a paramount concern. As computers became more powerful in the 1970s, programmers realized how much their focus on performance had hurt readability and maintainability and code tuning received less attention. The return of performance limitations with the microcomputer revolution of the 1980s again brought efficiency to the fore, which then waned throughout the 1990s. In the 2000s, memory limitations in embedded software for devices such as telephones and PDAs and the execution time of interpreted code have once again made efficiency a key topic.

You can address performance concerns at two levels: strategic and tactical. This chapter addresses strategic performance issues: what performance is, how important it is, and the general approach to achieving it. If you already have a good grip on performance strategies and are looking for specific code-level techniques that improve performance, move on to Chapter 26. Before you begin any major performance work, however, at least skim the information in this chapter so that you don't waste time optimizing when you should be doing other kinds of work.

Performance Overview

Code tuning is one way of improving a program's performance. You can often find other ways to improve performance more—and in less time and with less harm to the code—than by code tuning. This section describes the options.

Quality Characteristics and Performance

Some people look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Programmers like you and me tend to look at the world through code-colored glasses. We assume that the better we make the code, the more our clients and customers will like our software.

More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason— including blind stupidity.

W. A. Wulf

This point of view might have a mailing address somewhere in reality, but it doesn't have a street number and it certainly doesn't own any real estate. Users are more interested in tangible program characteristics than they are in code quality. Sometimes users are interested in raw performance, but only when it affects their work. Users tend to be more interested in program throughput than raw performance. Delivering software on time, providing a clean user interface, and avoiding downtime are often more significant.

Here's an illustration. I take at least 50 pictures a week on my digital camera. To upload the pictures to my computer, the software that came with the camera requires me to select each picture one by one, viewing them in a window that shows only six pictures at a time. Uploading 50 pictures is a tedious process that requires dozens of mouse clicks and lots of navigation through the six-picture window. After putting up with this for a few months, I bought a memory-card reader that plugs directly into my computer and that my computer thinks is a disk drive. Now I can use Windows Explorer to copy the pictures to my computer. What used to take dozens of mouse clicks and lots of waiting now requires about two mouse clicks, a Ctrl+A, and a drag and drop. I really don't care whether the memory card reader transfers each file in half the time or twice the time as the other software, because my throughput is faster. Regardless of whether the memory card reader's code is faster or slower, its performance is better.

Quality Characteristics and Performance

Performance is only loosely related to code speed. To the extent that you work on your code's speed, you're not working on other quality characteristics. Be wary of sacrificing other characteristics to make your code faster. Your work on speed might hurt overall performance rather than help it.

Performance and Code Tuning

Once you've chosen efficiency as a priority, whether its emphasis is on speed or on size, you should consider several options before choosing to improve either speed or size at the code level. Think about efficiency from each of these viewpoints:

  • Program requirements

  • Program design

  • Class and routine design

  • Operating-system interactions

  • Code compilation

  • Hardware

  • Code tuning

Program Requirements

Performance is stated as a requirement far more often than it actually is a requirement. Barry Boehm tells the story of a system at TRW that initially required subsecond response time. This requirement led to a highly complex design and an estimated cost of $100 million. Further analysis determined that users would be satisfied with foursecond responses 90 percent of the time. Modifying the response-time requirement reduced overall system cost by about $70 million. (Boehm 2000b).

Before you invest time solving a performance problem, make sure that you're solving a problem that needs to be solved.

Program Design

Program design includes the major strokes of the design for a single program, mainly the way in which a program is divided into classes. Some program designs make it difficult to write a high-performance system. Others make it hard not to.


For details on designing performance into a program, see the "Additional Resources" section at the end of this chapter.

Consider the example of a real-world data-acquisition program for which the highlevel design had identified measurement throughput as a key product attribute. Each measurement included time to make an electrical measurement, calibrate the value, scale the value, and convert it from sensor data units (such as millivolts) into engineering data units (such as degrees Celsius).

In this case, without addressing the risk in the high-level design, the programmers would have found themselves trying to optimize the math to evaluate a 13th-order polynomial in software—that is, a polynomial with 14 terms, including variables raised to the 13th power. Instead, they addressed the problem with different hardware and a high-level design that used dozens of 3rd-order polynomials. This change could not have been effected through code tuning, and it's unlikely that any amount of code tuning would have solved the problem. This is an example of a problem that had to be addressed at the program-design level.

If you know that a program's size and speed are important, design the program's architecture so that you can reasonably meet your size and speed goals. Design a performance-oriented architecture, and then set resource goals for individual subsystems, features, and classes. This will help in several ways:


For details on the way programmers work toward objectives, see "Setting Objectives" in Techniques for Improving Software Quality.

  • Setting individual resource goals makes the system's ultimate performance predictable. If each feature meets its resource goals, the whole system will meet its goals. You can identify subsystems that have trouble meeting their goals early and target them for redesign or code tuning.

  • The mere act of making goals explicit improves the likelihood that they'll be achieved. Programmers work to objectives when they know what they are; the more explicit the objectives, the easier they are to work to.

  • You can set goals that don't achieve efficiency directly but promote efficiency in the long run. Efficiency is often best treated in the context of other issues. For example, achieving a high degree of modifiability can provide a better basis for meeting efficiency goals than explicitly setting an efficiency target. With a highly modular, modifiable design, you can easily swap less-efficient components for more-efficient ones.

Class and Routine Design

Designing the internals of classes and routines presents another opportunity to design for performance. One performance key that comes into play at this level is the choice of data types and algorithms, which usually affect both the program's memory use and execution speed. This is the level at which you can choose quicksort rather than bubblesort or a binary search instead of a linear search.


For more information about data types and algorithms, see the "Additional Resources" section at the end of the chapter.

Operating-System Interactions

If your program works with external files, dynamic memory, or output devices, it's probably interacting with the operating system. If performance isn't good, it might be because the operating-system routines are slow or fat. You might not be aware that the program is interacting with the operating system; sometimes your compiler generates system calls or your libraries invoke system calls you would never dream of. More on this later.


For codelevel strategies that address slow or fat operating-system routines, see Chapter 26.

Code Compilation

Good compilers turn clear, high-level language code into optimized machine code. If you choose the right compiler, you might not need to think about optimizing speed any further.

The optimization results reported in Chapter 26 provide numerous examples of compiler optimizations that produce more efficient code than manual code tuning does.


Sometimes the cheapest and best way to improve a program's performance is to buy new hardware. If you're distributing a program for nationwide use by hundreds of thousands of customers, buying new hardware isn't a realistic option. But if you're developing custom software for a few in-house users, a hardware upgrade might be the cheapest option. It saves the cost of initial performance work. It saves the cost of future maintenance problems caused by performance work. It improves the performance of every other program that runs on that hardware, too.

Code Tuning

Code tuning is the practice of modifying correct code in ways that make it run more efficiently, and it's the subject of the rest of this chapter. "Tuning" refers to small-scale changes that affect a single class, a single routine, or, more commonly, a few lines of code. "Tuning" does not refer to large-scale design changes or other higher-level means of improving performance.

You can make dramatic improvements at each level from system design through code tuning. Jon Bentley cites an argument that in some systems the improvements at each level can be multiplied (1982). Because you can achieve a 10-fold improvement in each of six levels, that implies a potential performance improvement of a million fold. Although such a multiplication of improvements requires a program in which gains at one level are independent of gains at other levels, which is rare, the potential is inspiring.

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