Chapter 28. Managing Construction


Related Topics

Managing software development has been a formidable challenge for the past several decades. As Figure 28-1 suggests, the general topic of software-project management extends beyond the scope of this book, but this chapter discusses a few specific management topics that apply directly to construction. If you're a developer, this chapter will help you understand the issues that managers need to consider. If you're a manager, this chapter will help you understand how management looks to developers as well as how to manage construction effectively. Because the chapter covers a broad collection of topics, several of its sections also describe where you can go for more information.

This chapter covers the software-management topics related to construction

Figure 28-1. This chapter covers the software-management topics related to construction

If you're interested in software management, be sure to read Determine the Kind of Software You're Working On, to understand the difference between traditional sequential approaches to development and modern iterative approaches. Be sure also to read Chapter 20, and Chapter 27. Quality goals and the size of the project both significantly affect how a specific software project should be managed.

Encouraging Good Coding

Because code is the primary output of construction, a key question in managing construction is "How do you encourage good coding practices?" In general, mandating a strict set of technical standards from the management position isn't a good idea. Programmers tend to view managers as being at a lower level of technical evolution, somewhere between single-celled organisms and the woolly mammoths that died out during the Ice Age, and if there are going to be programming standards, programmers need to buy into them.

If someone on a project is going to define standards, have a respected architect define the standards rather than the manager. Software projects operate as much on an "expertise hierarchy" as on an "authority hierarchy." If the architect is regarded as the project's thought leader, the project team will generally follow standards set by that person.

If you choose this approach, be sure the architect really is respected. Sometimes a project architect is just a senior person who has been around too long and is out of touch with production coding issues. Programmers will resent that kind of "architect" defining standards that are out of touch with the work they're doing.

Considerations in Setting Standards

Standards are more useful in some organizations than in others. Some developers welcome standards because they reduce arbitrary variance in the project. If your group resists adopting strict standards, consider a few alternatives: flexible guidelines, a collection of suggestions rather than guidelines, or a set of examples that embody the best practices.

Techniques for Encouraging Good Coding

This section describes several techniques for achieving good coding practices that are less heavy-handed than laying down rigid coding standards:

Assign two people to every part of the project. If two people have to work on each line of code, you'll guarantee that at least two people think it works and is readable. The mechanisms for teaming two people can range from pair programming to mentortrainee pairs to buddy-system reviews.


For more details on pair programming, see Pair Programming.

Review every line of code. A code review typically involves the programmer and at least two reviewers. That means that at least three people read every line of code. Another name for peer review is "peer pressure." In addition to providing a safety net in case the original programmer leaves the project, reviews improve code quality because the programmer knows that the code will be read by others. Even if your shop hasn't created explicit coding standards, reviews provide a subtle way of moving toward a group coding standard—decisions are made by the group during reviews, and over time the group derives its own standards.


For details on reviews, see Formal Inspections, and Other Kinds of Collaborative Development Practices.

Require code sign-offs. In other fields, technical drawings are approved and signed by the managing engineer. The signature means that to the best of the engineer's knowledge, the drawings are technically competent and error-free. Some companies treat code the same way. Before code is considered to be complete, senior technical personnel must sign the code listing.

Route good code examples for review. A big part of good management is communicating your objectives clearly. One way to communicate your objectives is to circulate good code to your programmers or post it for public display. In doing so, you provide a clear example of the quality you're aiming for. Similarly, a coding-standards manual can consist mainly of a set of "best code listings." Identifying certain listings as "best" sets an example for others to follow. Such a manual is easier to update than an English-language standards manual, and it effortlessly presents subtleties in coding style that are hard to capture point by point in prose descriptions.

Emphasize that code listings are public assets. Programmers sometimes feel that the code they've written is "their code," as if it were private property. Although it is the result of their work, code is part of the project and should be freely available to anyone else on the project who needs it. It should be seen by others during reviews and maintenance, even if at no other time.


A large part of programming is communicating your work to other people. For details, see Communication and Cooperation and Write Programs for People First, Computers Second.


One of the most successful projects ever reported developed 83,000 lines of code in 11 work-years of effort. Only one error that resulted in system failure was detected in the first 13 months of operation. This accomplishment is even more dramatic when you realize that the project was completed in the late 1960s, without online compilation or interactive debugging. Productivity on the project—7500 lines of code per work-year in the late 1960s—is still impressive by today's standards. The chief programmer on the project reported that one key to the project's success was the identification of all computer runs (erroneous and otherwise) as public rather than private assets (Baker and Mills 1973). This idea has extended into modern contexts, including Open Source Software (Raymond 2000) and Extreme Programming's idea of collective ownership (Beck 2000), as well as in other contexts.

Reward good code. Use your organization's reward system to reinforce good coding practices. Keep these considerations in mind as you develop your reinforcement system:

  • The reward should be something that the programmer wants. (Many programmers find "attaboy" rewards distasteful, especially when they come from nontechnical managers.)

  • Code that receives an award should be exceptionally good. If you give an award to a programmer everyone else knows does bad work, you look like Homer Simpson trying to run a nuclear reactor. It doesn't matter that the programmer has a cooperative attitude or always comes to work on time. You lose credibility if your reward doesn't match the technical merits of the situation. If you're not technically skilled enough to make the good-code judgment, don't! Don't make the award at all, or let your team choose the recipient.

One easy standard. If you're managing a programming project and you have a programming background, an easy and effective technique for eliciting good work is to say "I must be able to read and understand any code written for the project." That the manager isn't the hottest technical hotshot can be an advantage in that it might discourage "clever" or tricky code.

The Role of This Book

Most of this book is a discussion of good programming practices. It isn't intended to be used to justify rigid standards, and it's intended even less to be used as a set of rigid standards. Use this book as a basis for discussion, as a sourcebook of good programming practices, and for identifying practices that could be beneficial in your environment.

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