Chapter 23. Debugging


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Debugging is the process of identifying the root cause of an error and correcting it. It contrasts with testing, which is the process of detecting the error initially. On some projects, debugging occupies as much as 50 percent of the total development time. For many programmers, debugging is the hardest part of programming.

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

Brian W. Kernighan

Debugging doesn't have to be the hardest part. If you follow the advice in this book, you'll have fewer errors to debug. Most of the defects you'll have will be minor oversights and typos, easily found by looking at a source-code listing or stepping through the code in a debugger. For the remaining harder bugs, this chapter describes how to make debugging much easier than it usually is.

Overview of Debugging Issues

The late Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, co-inventor of COBOL, always said that the word "bug" in software dated back to the first large-scale digital computer, the Mark I (IEEE 1992). Programmers traced a circuit malfunction to the presence of a large moth that had found its way into the computer, and from that time on, computer problems were blamed on "bugs." Outside software, the word "bug" dates back at least to Thomas Edison, who is quoted as using it as early as 1878 (Tenner 1997).

The word "bug" is a cute word and conjures up images like this one:

image with no caption

The reality of software defects, however, is that bugs aren't organisms that sneak into your code when you forget to spray it with pesticide. They are errors. A bug in software means that a programmer made a mistake. The result of the mistake isn't like the cute picture shown above. It's more likely a note like this one:

image with no caption

In the context of this book, technical accuracy requires that mistakes in the code be called "errors," "defects," or "faults."

Role of Debugging in Software Quality

Like testing, debugging isn't a way to improve the quality of your software per se; it's a way to diagnose defects. Software quality must be built in from the start. The best way to build a quality product is to develop requirements carefully, design well, and use high-quality coding practices. Debugging is a last resort.

Variations in Debugging Performance

Why talk about debugging? Doesn't everyone know how to debug?

Variations in Debugging Performance

No, not everyone knows how to debug. Studies of experienced programmers have found roughly a 20-to-1 difference in the time it takes experienced programmers to find the same set of defects found by by inexperienced programmers. Moreover, some programmers find more defects and make corrections more accurately. Here are the results of a classic study that examined how effectively professional programmers with at least four years of experience debugged a program with 12 defects:


Fastest Three Programmers

Slowest Three Programmers

Source: "Some Psychological Evidence on How People Debug Computer Programs" (Gould 1975)

Average debug time (minutes)



Average number of defects not found



Average number of defects made correcting defects



Variations in Debugging Performance

The three programmers who were best at debugging were able to find the defects in about one-third the time and inserted only about two-fifths as many new defects as the three who were the worst. The best programmer found all the defects and didn't insert any new defects in correcting them. The worst missed 4 of the 12 defects and inserted 11 new defects in correcting the 8 defects he found.

But this study doesn't really tell the whole story. After the first round of debugging, the fastest three programmers still have 3.7 defects left in their code and the slowest still have 9.4 defects. Neither group is done debugging yet. I wondered what would happen if I applied the same find-and-bad-fix ratios to additional debugging cycles. My results aren't statistically valid, but they're still interesting. When I applied the same find-and-bad-fix ratios to successive debugging cycles until each group had less than half a defect remaining, the fastest group required a total of three debugging cycles, whereas the slowest group required 14 debugging cycles. Bearing in mind that each cycle of the slower group takes almost three times as long as each cycle of the fastest group, the slowest group would take about 13 times as long to fully debug its programs as the fastest group, according to my nonscientific extrapolation of this study. This wide variation has been confirmed by other studies (Gilb 1977, Curtis 1981).

In addition to providing insight into debugging, the evidence supports the General Principle of Software Quality: improving quality reduces development costs. The best programmers found the most defects, found the defects most quickly, and made correct modifications most often. You don't have to choose between quality, cost, and time—they all go hand in hand.


For details on the relationship between quality and cost, see The General Principle of Software Quality.

Defects as Opportunities

What does having a defect mean? Assuming that you don't want the program to have a defect, it means that you don't fully understand what the program does. The idea of not understanding what the program does is unsettling. After all, if you created the program, it should do your bidding. If you don't know exactly what you're telling the computer to do, you're only a small step away from merely trying different things until something seems to work—that is, programming by trial and error. And if you're programming by trial and error, defects are guaranteed. You don't need to learn how to fix defects; you need to learn how to avoid them in the first place.

Most people are somewhat fallible, however, and you might be an excellent programmer who has simply made a modest oversight. If this is the case, an error in your program provides a powerful opportunity for you to learn many things. You can:

Learn about the program you're working on. You have something to learn about the program because if you already knew it perfectly, it wouldn't have a defect. You would have corrected it already.

Further Reading

For details on practices that will help you learn about the kinds of errors you are personally prone to, see A Discipline for Software Engineering (Humphrey 1995).

Learn about the kinds of mistakes you make. If you wrote the program, you inserted the defect. It's not every day that a spotlight exposes a weakness with glaring clarity, but such a day is an opportunity, so take advantage of it. Once you find the mistake, ask yourself how and why you made it. How could you have found it more quickly? How could you have prevented it? Does the code have other mistakes just like it? Can you correct them before they cause problems of their own?

Learn about the quality of your code from the point of view of someone who has to read it. You'll have to read your code to find the defect. This is an opportunity to look critically at the quality of your code. Is it easy to read? How could it be better? Use your discoveries to refactor your current code or to improve the code you write next.

Learn about how you solve problems. Does your approach to solving debugging problems give you confidence? Does your approach work? Do you find defects quickly? Or is your approach to debugging weak? Do you feel anguish and frustration? Do you guess randomly? Do you need to improve? Considering the amount of time many projects spend on debugging, you definitely won't waste time if you observe how you debug. Taking time to analyze and change the way you debug might be the quickest way to decrease the total amount of time it takes you to develop a program.

Learn about how you fix defects. In addition to learning how you find defects, you can learn about how you fix them. Do you make the easiest possible correction by applying goto bandages and special-case makeup that changes the symptom but not the problem? Or do you make systemic corrections, demanding an accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment for the heart of the problem?

All things considered, debugging is an extraordinarily rich soil in which to plant the seeds of your own improvement. It's where all construction roads cross: readability, design, code quality—you name it. This is where building good code pays off, especially if you do it well enough that you don't have to debug very often.

An Ineffective Approach

Unfortunately, programming classes in colleges and universities hardly ever offer instruction in debugging. If you studied programming in college, you might have had a lecture devoted to debugging. Although my computer-science education was excellent, the extent of the debugging advice I received was to "put print statements in the program to find the defect." This is not adequate. If other programmers' educational experiences are like mine, a great many programmers are being forced to reinvent debugging concepts on their own. What a waste!

The Devil's Guide to Debugging

Programmers do not always use available data to constrain their reasoning. They carry out minor and irrational repairs, and they often don't undo the incorrect repairs.

Iris Vessey

In Dante's vision of hell, the lowest circle is reserved for Satan himself. In modern times, Old Scratch has agreed to share the lowest circle with programmers who don't learn to debug effectively. He tortures programmers by making them use these common debugging approaches:

Find the defect by guessing. To find the defect, scatter print statements randomly throughout a program. Examine the output to see where the defect is. If you can't find the defect with print statements, try changing things in the program until something seems to work. Don't back up the original version of the program, and don't keep a record of the changes you've made. Programming is more exciting when you're not quite sure what the program is doing. Stock up on cola and candy because you're in for a long night in front of the terminal.

Don't waste time trying to understand the problem. It's likely that the problem is trivial, and you don't need to understand it completely to fix it. Simply finding it is enough.

Fix the error with the most obvious fix. It's usually good just to fix the specific problem you see, rather than wasting a lot of time making some big, ambitious correction that's going to affect the whole program. This is a perfect example:

x = Compute( y )
if ( y = 17 )
   x = $25.15      -- Compute() doesn't work for y = 17, so fix it

Who needs to dig all the way into Compute() for an obscure problem with the value of 17 when you can just write a special case for it in the obvious place?

Debugging by Superstition

Satan has leased part of hell to programmers who debug by superstition. Every group has one programmer who has endless problems with demon machines, mysterious compiler defects, hidden language defects that appear when the moon is full, bad data, losing important changes, a possessed editor that saves programs incorrectly— you name it. This is "programming by superstition."

If you have a problem with a program you've written, it's your fault. It's not the computer's fault, and it's not the compiler's fault. The program doesn't do something different every time. It didn't write itself; you wrote it, so take responsibility for it.

Debugging by Superstition

Even if an error at first appears not to be your fault, it's strongly in your interest to assume that it is. That assumption helps you debug. It's hard enough to find a defect in your code when you're looking for it; it's even harder when you assume your code is error-free. Assuming the error is your fault also improves your credibility. If you claim that an error arose from someone else's code, other programmers will believe that you have checked out the problem carefully. If you assume the error is yours, you avoid the embarrassment of having to recant publicly later when you find out that it was your defect after all.

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