Fixing a Defect

The hard part of debugging is finding the defect. Fixing the defect is the easy part. But as with many easy tasks, the fact that it's easy makes it especially error-prone. At least one study found that defect corrections have more than a 50 percent chance of being wrong the first time (Yourdon 1986b). Here are a few guidelines for reducing the chance of error:

Fixing a Defect

Understand the problem before you fix it. "The Devil's Guide to Debugging" is right: the best way to make your life difficult and corrode the quality of your program is to fix problems without really understanding them. Before you fix a problem, make sure you understand it to the core. Triangulate the defect both with cases that should reproduce the error and with cases that shouldn't reproduce the error. Keep at it until you understand the problem well enough to predict its occurrence correctly every time.

Understand the program, not just the problem. If you understand the context in which a problem occurs, you're more likely to solve the problem completely rather than only one aspect of it. A study done with short programs found that programmers who achieve a global understanding of program behavior have a better chance of modifying it successfully than programmers who focus on local behavior, learning about the program only as they need to (Littman et al. 1986). Because the program in this study was small (280 lines), it doesn't prove that you should try to understand a 50,000-line program completely before you fix a defect. It does suggest that you should understand at least the code in the vicinity of the defect correction—the "vicinity" being not a few lines but a few hundred.

Confirm the defect diagnosis. Before you rush to fix a defect, make sure that you've diagnosed the problem correctly. Take the time to run test cases that prove your hypothesis and disprove competing hypotheses. If you've proven only that the error could be the result of one of several causes, you don't yet have enough evidence to work on the one cause; rule out the others first.

Relax. A programmer was ready for a ski trip. His product was ready to ship, he was already late, and he had only one more defect to correct. He changed the source file and checked it into version control. He didn't recompile the program and didn't verify that the change was correct.

Never debug standing up.

Gerald Weinberg

In fact, the change was not correct, and his manager was outraged. How could he change code in a product that was ready to ship without checking it? What could be worse? Isn't this the pinnacle of professional recklessness?

If this isn't the height of recklessness, it's close and it's common. Hurrying to solve a problem is one of the most time-ineffective things you can do. It leads to rushed judgments, incomplete defect diagnosis, and incomplete corrections. Wishful thinking can lead you to see solutions where there are none. The pressure—often self-imposed— encourages haphazard trial-and-error solutions and the assumption that a solution works without verification that it does.

In striking contrast, during the final days of Microsoft Windows 2000 development, a developer needed to fix a defect that was the last remaining defect before a Release Candidate could be created. The developer changed the code, checked his fix, and tested his fix on his local build. But he didn't check the fix into version control at that point. Instead, he went to play basketball. He said, "I'm feeling too stressed right now to be sure that I've considered everything I should consider. I'm going to clear my mind for an hour, and then I'll come back and check in the code—once I've convinced myself that the fix is really correct."

Relax long enough to make sure your solution is right. Don't be tempted to take shortcuts. It might take more time, but it'll probably take less. If nothing else, you'll fix the problem correctly and your manager won't call you back from your ski trip.

Save the original source code. Before you begin fixing the defect, be sure to archive a version of the code that you can return to later. It's easy to forget which change in a group of changes is the significant one. If you have the original source code, at least you can compare the old and the new files and see where the changes are.


General issues involved in changing code are discussed in depth in Chapter 24.

Fix the problem, not the symptom. You should fix the symptom too, but the focus should be on fixing the underlying problem rather than wrapping it in programming duct tape. If you don't thoroughly understand the problem, you're not fixing the code. You're fixing the symptom and making the code worse. Suppose you have this code:

Example 23-1. Java Example of Code That Needs to Be Fixed

for ( claimNumber = 0; claimNumber < numClaims[ client ]; claimNumber++ ) {
 sum[ client ] = sum[ client ] + claimAmount[ claimNumber ]; }

Further suppose that when client equals 45, sum turns out to be wrong by $3.45. Here's the wrong way to fix the problem:

Now suppose that when client equals 37 and the number of claims for the client is 0, you're not getting 0. Here's the wrong way to fix the problem:

If this doesn't send a cold chill down your spine, you won't be affected by anything else in this book either. It's impossible to list all the problems with this approach in a book that's only around 1000 pages long, but here are the top three:

  • The fixes won't work most of the time. The problems look as though they're the result of initialization defects. Initialization defects are, by definition, unpredictable, so the fact that the sum for client 45 is off by $3.45 today doesn't tell you anything about tomorrow. It could be off by $10,000.02, or it could be correct. That's the nature of initialization defects.

  • It's unmaintainable. When code is special-cased to work around errors, the special cases become the code's most prominent feature. The $3.45 won't always be $3.45, and another error will show up later. The code will be modified again to handle the new special case, and the special case for $3.45 won't be removed. The code will become increasingly barnacled with special cases. Eventually the barnacles will be too heavy for the code to support, and the code will sink to the bottom of the ocean—a fitting place for it.

  • It uses the computer for something that's better done by hand. Computers are good at predictable, systematic calculations, but humans are better at fudging data creatively. You'd be wiser to treat the output with whiteout and a typewriter than to monkey with the code.

Change the code only for good reason. Related to fixing symptoms is the technique of changing code at random until it seems to work. The typical line of reasoning goes like this: "This loop seems to contain a defect. It's probably an off-by-one error, so I'll just put a −1 here and try it. OK. That didn't work, so I'll just put a +1 in instead. OK. That seems to work. I'll say it's fixed."

As popular as this practice is, it isn't effective. Making changes to code randomly is like rotating a Pontiac Aztek's tires to fix an engine problem. You're not learning anything; you're just goofing around. By changing the program randomly, you say in effect, "I don't know what's happening here, but I'll try this change and hope it works." Don't change code randomly. That's voodoo programming. The more different you make it without understanding it, the less confidence you'll have that it works correctly.

Before you make a change, be confident that it will work. Being wrong about a change should leave you astonished. It should cause self-doubt, personal reevaluation, and deep soul-searching. It should happen rarely.

Make one change at a time. Changes are tricky enough when they're done one at a time. When done two at a time, they can introduce subtle errors that look like the original errors. Then you're in the awkward position of not knowing whether you didn't correct the error, whether you corrected the error but introduced a new one that looks similar, or whether you didn't correct the error and you introduced a similar new error. Keep it simple: make just one change at a time.

Check your fix. Check the program yourself, have someone else check it for you, or walk through it with someone else. Run the same triangulation test cases you used to diagnose the problem to make sure that all aspects of the problem have been resolved. If you've solved only part of the problem, you'll find out that you still have work to do.


For details on automated regression testing, see "Retesting (Regression Testing)" in Improving Your Testing.

Rerun the whole program to check for side effects of your changes. The easiest and most effective way to check for side effects is to run the program through an automated suite of regression tests in JUnit, CppUnit, or equivalent.

Add a unit test that exposes the defect. When you encounter an error that wasn't exposed by your test suite, add a test case to expose the error so that it won't be reintroduced later.

Look for similar defects. When you find one defect, look for others that are similar. Defects tend to occur in groups, and one of the values of paying attention to the kinds of defects you make is that you can correct all the defects of that kind. Looking for similar defects requires you to have a thorough understanding of the problem. Watch for the warning sign: if you can't figure out how to look for similar defects, that's a sign that you don't yet completely understand the problem.

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