Introduction to Code Tuning

What is code tuning's appeal? It's not the most effective way to improve performance— program architecture, class design, and algorithm selection usually produce more dramatic improvements. Nor is it the easiest way to improve performance—buying new hardware or a compiler with a better optimizer is easier. And it's not the cheapest way to improve performance either—it takes more time to hand-tune code initially, and hand-tuned code is harder to maintain later.

Code tuning is appealing for several reasons. One attraction is that it seems to defy the laws of nature. It's incredibly satisfying to take a routine that executes in 20 microseconds, tweak a few lines, and reduce the execution speed to 2 microseconds.

It's also appealing because mastering the art of writing efficient code is a rite of passage to becoming a serious programmer. In tennis, you don't get any game points for the way you pick up a tennis ball, but you still need to learn the right way to do it. You can't just lean over and pick it up with your hand. If you're good, you whack it with the head of your racket until it bounces waist high and then you catch it. Whacking it more than three times, even not bouncing it the first time, is a serious failing. Despite its seeming unimportance, the way you pick up the ball carries a certain cachet within tennis culture. Similarly, no one but you and other programmers usually cares how tight your code is. Nonetheless, within the programming culture, writing microefficient code proves you're cool.

The problem with code tuning is that efficient code isn't necessarily "better" code. That's the subject of the next few sections.

The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that you can get 80 percent of the result with 20 percent of the effort. The principle applies to a lot of areas other than programming, but it definitely applies to program optimization.

The Pareto Principle

Barry Boehm reports that 20 percent of a program's routines consume 80 percent of its execution time (1987b). In his classic paper "An Empirical Study of Fortran Programs," Donald Knuth found that less than four percent of a program usually accounts for more than 50 percent of its run time (1971).

Knuth used a line-count profiler to discover this surprising relationship, and the implications for optimization are clear. You should measure the code to find the hot spots and then put your resources into optimizing the few percent that are used the most. Knuth profiled his line-count program and found that it was spending half its execution time in two loops. He changed a few lines of code and doubled the speed of the profiler in less than an hour.

Jon Bentley describes a case in which a 1000-line program spent 80 percent of its time in a five-line square-root routine. By tripling the speed of the square-root routine, he doubled the speed of the program (1988). The Pareto Principle is also the source of the advice to write most of the code in an interpreted language like Python and then rewrite the hot spots in a faster compiled language like C.

Bentley also reports the case of a team that discovered half an operating system's time being spent in a small loop. They rewrote the loop in microcode and made the loop 10 times faster, but it didn't change the system's performance—they had rewritten the system's idle loop!

The team who designed the ALGOL language—the granddaddy of most modern languages and one of the most influential languages ever—received the following advice: "The best is the enemy of the good." Working toward perfection might prevent completion. Complete it first, and then perfect it. The part that needs to be perfect is usually small.

Old Wives' Tales

Much of what you've heard about code tuning is false, including the following common misapprehensions:

Reducing the lines of code in a high-level language improves the speed or size of the resulting machine code—false! Many programmers cling tenaciously to the belief that if they can write code in one or two lines, it will be the most efficient possible. Consider the following code that initializes a 10-element array:

for i = 1 to 10
   a[ i ] = i
end for

Would you guess that these lines are faster or slower than the following 10 lines that do the same job?

a[ 1 ] = 1
a[ 2 ] = 2
a[ 3 ] = 3
a[ 4 ] = 4
a[ 5 ] = 5
a[ 6 ] = 6
a[ 7 ] = 7
a[ 8 ] = 8
a[ 9 ] = 9
a[ 10 ] = 10

If you follow the old "fewer lines are faster" dogma, you'll guess that the first code is faster. But tests in Microsoft Visual Basic and Java have shown that the second fragment is at least 60 percent faster than the first. Here are the numbers:


for-Loop Time

Straight-Code Time

Time Savings

Performance Ratio

Visual Basic











(1) Times in this and the following tables in this chapter are given in seconds and are meaningful only for comparisons across rows in each table. Actual times will vary according to the compiler, compiler options used, and the environment in which each test is run. (2) Benchmark results are typically made up of several thousand to many million executions of the code fragments to smooth out sample-to-sample fluctuations in the results. (3) Specific brands and versions of compilers aren't indicated. Performance characteristics vary significantly from brand to brand and from version to version. (4) Comparisons among results from different languages aren't always meaningful because compilers for different languages don't always offer comparable code-generation options. (5) The results shown for interpreted languages (PHP and Python) are typically based on less than 1% of the test runs used for the other languages. (6) Some of the "time savings" percentages might not be exactly reproducible from the data in these tables due to rounding of the "straight time" and "code-tuned time" entries.

This certainly doesn't imply that increasing the number of lines of high-level language code always improves speed or reduces size. It does imply that regardless of the aesthetic appeal of writing something with the fewest lines of code, no predictable relationship exists between the number of lines of code in a high-level language and a program's ultimate size and speed.

Certain operations are probably faster or smaller than others—false! There's no room for "probably" when you're talking about performance. You must always measure performance to know whether your changes helped or hurt your program. The rules of the game change every time you change languages, compilers, versions of compilers, libraries, versions of libraries, processor, amount of memory on the machine, color of shirt you're wearing (OK, not this one), and so on. What was true on one machine with one set of tools can easily be false on another machine with a different set of tools.

This phenomenon suggests several reasons not to improve performance by code tuning. If you want your program to be portable, techniques that improve performance in one environment can degrade it in others. If you change compilers or upgrade, the new compiler might automatically optimize code the way you were hand-tuning it and your work will have been wasted. Even worse, your code tuning might defeat more powerful compiler optimizations that have been designed to work with straightforward code.

When you tune code, you're implicitly signing up to reprofile each optimization every time you change your compiler brand, compiler version, library version, and so on. If you don't reprofile, an optimization that improves performance under one version of a compiler or library might well degrade performance when you change the build environment.

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Donald Knuth

You should optimize as you go—false! One theory is that if you strive to write the fastest and smallest possible code as you write each routine, your program will be fast and small. This approach creates a forest-for-the-trees situation in which programmers ignore significant global optimizations because they're too busy with micro-optimizations. Here are the main problems with optimizing as you go along:

  • It's almost impossible to identify performance bottlenecks before a program is working completely. Programmers are very bad at guessing which four percent of the code accounts for 50 percent of the execution time, and so programmers who optimize as they go will, on average, spend 96 percent of their time optimizing code that doesn't need to be optimized. That leaves little time to optimize the four percent that really counts.

  • In the rare case in which developers identify the bottlenecks correctly, they overkill the bottlenecks they've identified and allow others to become critical. Again, the ultimate effect is a reduction in performance. Optimizations done after a system is complete can identify each problem area and its relative importance so that optimization time is allocated effectively.

  • Focusing on optimization during initial development detracts from achieving other program objectives. Developers immerse themselves in algorithm analysis and arcane debates that in the end don't contribute much value to the user. Concerns such as correctness, information hiding, and readability become secondary goals, even though performance is easier to improve later than these other concerns are. Post hoc performance work typically affects less than five percent of a program's code. Would you rather go back and do performance work on five percent of the code or readability work on 100 percent?

In short, premature optimization's primary drawback is its lack of perspective. Its victims include final code speed, performance attributes that are more important than code speed, program quality, and ultimately the software's users. If the development time saved by implementing the simplest program is devoted to optimizing the running program, the result will always be a program that runs faster than one developed with indiscriminate optimization efforts (Stevens 1981).

Occasionally, post hoc optimization won't be sufficient to meet performance goals and you'll have to make major changes in the completed code. In those cases, small, localized optimizations wouldn't have provided the gains needed anyway. The problem in such cases isn't inadequate code quality—it's inadequate software architecture.

If you need to optimize before a program is complete, minimize the risks by building perspective into your process. One way is to specify size and speed goals for features and then optimize to meet the goals as you go along. Setting such goals in a specification is a way to keep one eye on the forest while you figure out how big your particular tree is.

A fast program is just as important as a correct one—false! It's hardly ever true that programs need to be fast or small before they need to be correct. Gerald Weinberg tells the story of a programmer who was flown to Detroit to help debug a troubled program. The programmer worked with the team who had developed the program and concluded after several days that the situation was hopeless.

Further Reading

For many other entertaining and enlightening anecdotes, see Gerald Weinberg's Psychology of Computer Programming (1998).

On the flight home, he mulled over the situation and realized what the problem was. By the end of the flight, he had an outline for the new code. He tested the code for several days and was about to return to Detroit when he got a telegram saying that the project had been cancelled because the program was impossible to write. He headed back to Detroit anyway and convinced the executives that the project could be completed.

Then he had to convince the project's original programmers. They listened to his presentation, and when he'd finished, the creator of the old system asked, "And how long does your program take?"

"That varies, but about ten seconds per input."

"Aha! But my program takes only one second per input." The veteran leaned back, satisfied that he'd stumped the upstart. The other programmers seemed to agree, but the new programmer wasn't intimidated.

"Yes, but your program doesn't work. If mine doesn't have to work, I can make it run instantly."

For a certain class of projects, speed or size is a major concern. This class is the minority, is much smaller than most people think, and is getting smaller all the time. For these projects, the performance risks must be addressed by up-front design. For other projects, early optimization poses a significant threat to overall software quality, including performance.

When to Tune

Use a high-quality design. Make the program right. Make it modular and easily modifiable so that it's easy to work on later. When it's complete and correct, check the performance. If the program lumbers, make it fast and small. Don't optimize until you know you need to.

Jackson's Rules of Optimization: Rule 1. Don't do it. Rule 2 (for experts only). Don't do it yet—that is, not until you have a perfectly clear and unoptimized solution.

M. A. Jackson

A few years ago I worked on a C++ project that produced graphical outputs to analyze investment data. After my team got the first graph working, testing reported that the program took about 45 minutes to draw the graph, which was clearly not acceptable. We held a team meeting to decide what to do about it. One of the developers became irate and shouted, "If we want to have any chance of releasing an acceptable product, we've got to start rewriting the whole code base in assembler right now." I responded that I didn't think so—that four percent of the code probably accounted for 50 percent or more of the performance bottleneck. It would be best to address that four percent toward the end of the project. After a bit more shouting, our manager assigned me to do some initial performance work (which was really a case of "Oh no! Please don't throw me into that briar patch!").

As is often the case, a day's work identified a couple of glaring bottlenecks in the code. A small number of code-tuning changes reduced the drawing time from 45 minutes to less than 30 seconds. Far less than one percent of the code accounted for 90 percent of the run time. By the time we released the software months later, several additional code-tuning changes reduced that drawing time to a little more than 1 second.

Compiler Optimizations

Modern compiler optimizations might be more powerful than you expect. In the case I described earlier, my compiler did as good a job of optimizing a nested loop as I was able to do by rewriting the code in a supposedly more efficient style. When shopping for a compiler, compare the performance of each compiler on your program. Each compiler has different strengths and weaknesses, and some will be better suited to your program than others.

Optimizing compilers are better at optimizing straightforward code than they are at optimizing tricky code. If you do "clever" things like fooling around with loop indexes, your compiler has a harder time doing its job and your program suffers. See "Using Only One Statement Per Line" in Laying Out Individual Statements for an example in which a straightforward approach resulted in compiler-optimized code that was 11 percent faster than comparable "tricky" code.

With a good optimizing compiler, your code speed can improve 40 percent or more across the board. Many of the techniques described in the next chapter produce gains of only 15–30 percent. Why not just write clear code and let the compiler do the work? Here are the results of a few tests to check how much an optimizer speeded up an insertion-sort routine: The only difference between versions of the routine was that compiler optimizations were turned off for the first compile and turned on for the second. Clearly, some compilers optimize better than others, and some are better without optimizations in the first place. Some Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) are also clearly better than others. You'll have to check your own compiler, JVM, or both to measure the effect.


Time Without Compiler Optimizations

Time with Compiler Optimizations

Time Savings

Performance Ratio

C++ compiler 1





C++ compiler 2





C++ compiler 3





C# compiler





Visual Basic





Java VM 1





Java VM 2





Java VM 3





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