Integration Frequency—Phased or Incremental?

Programs are integrated by means of either the phased or the incremental approach.

Phased Integration

Until a few years ago, phased integration was the norm. It follows these well-defined steps, or phases:

  1. Design, code, test, and debug each class. This step is called "unit development."

  2. Combine the classes into one whopping-big system ("system integration").

  3. Test and debug the whole system. This is called "system dis-integration." (Thanks to Meilir Page-Jones for this witty observation.)

One problem with phased integration is that when the classes in a system are put together for the first time, new problems inevitably surface and the causes of the problems could be anywhere. Since you have a large number of classes that have never worked together before, the culprit might be a poorly tested class, an error in the interface between two classes, or an error caused by an interaction between two classes. All classes are suspect.

The uncertainty about the location of any of the specific problems is compounded by the fact that all the problems suddenly present themselves at once. This forces you to deal not only with problems caused by interactions between classes but with problems that are hard to diagnose because the problems themselves interact. For this reason, another name for phased integration is "big bang integration," as shown in Figure 29-2.

Phased integration is also called "big bang" integration for a good reason!

Figure 29-2. Phased integration is also called "big bang" integration for a good reason!

Phased integration can't begin until late in the project, after all the classes have been developer-tested. When the classes are finally combined and errors surface by the score, programmers immediately go into panicky debugging mode rather than methodical error detection and correction.

For small programs—no, for tiny programs—phased integration might be the best approach. If the program has only two or three classes, phased integration might save you time, if you're lucky. But in most cases, another approach is better.

Incremental Integration

In incremental integration, you write and test a program in small pieces and then combine the pieces one at a time. In this one-piece-at-a-time approach to integration, you follow these steps:


Metaphors appropriate for incremental integration are discussed in "Software Oyster Farming: System Accretion" and "Software Construction: Building Software," both in Common Software Metaphors.

  1. Develop a small, functional part of the system. It can be the smallest functional part, the hardest part, a key part, or some combination. Thoroughly test and debug it. It will serve as a skeleton on which to hang the muscles, nerves, and skin that make up the remaining parts of the system.

  2. Design, code, test, and debug a class.

  3. Integrate the new class with the skeleton. Test and debug the combination of skeleton and new class. Make sure the combination works before you add any new classes. If work remains to be done, repeat the process starting at step 2.

Occasionally, you might want to integrate units larger than a single class. If a component has been thoroughly tested, for example, and each of its classes put through a mini-integration, you can integrate the whole component and still be doing incremental integration. As you add pieces to it, the system grows and gains momentum in the same way that a snowball grows and gains momentum when it rolls down a hill, as shown in Figure 29-3.

Incremental integration helps a project build momentum, like a snowball going down a hill

Figure 29-3. Incremental integration helps a project build momentum, like a snowball going down a hill

Benefits of Incremental Integration

The incremental approach offers many advantages over the traditional phased approach regardless of which incremental strategy you use:

Benefits of Incremental Integration

Errors are easy to locate. When new problems surface during incremental integration, the new class is obviously involved. Either its interface to the rest of the program contains an error or its interaction with a previously integrated class produces an error. Either way, as suggested by Figure 29-4, you know exactly where to look. Moreover, simply because you have fewer problems at once, you reduce the risk that multiple problems will interact or that one problem will mask another. The more interface errors you tend to have, the more this benefit of incremental integration will help your projects. An accounting of errors for one project revealed that 39 percent were intermodule interface errors (Basili and Perricone 1984). Because developers on many projects spend up to 50 percent of their time debugging, maximizing debugging effectiveness by making errors easy to locate provides benefits in quality and productivity.

In phased integration, you integrate so many components at once that it's hard to know where the error is. It might be in any of the components or in any of their connections. In incremental integration, the error is usually either in the new component or in the connection between the new component and the system

Figure 29-4. In phased integration, you integrate so many components at once that it's hard to know where the error is. It might be in any of the components or in any of their connections. In incremental integration, the error is usually either in the new component or in the connection between the new component and the system

The system succeeds early in the project. When code is integrated and running, even if the system isn't usable, it's apparent that it soon will be. With incremental integration, programmers see early results from their work, so their morale is better than when they suspect that their project will never draw its first breath.

You get improved progress monitoring. When you integrate frequently, the features that are present and not present are obvious. Management will have a better sense of progress from seeing 50 percent of a system's capability working than from hearing that coding is "99 percent complete."

You'll improve customer relations. If frequent integration has an effect on developer morale, it also has an effect on customer morale. Customers like signs of progress, and incremental builds provide signs of progress frequently.

The units of the system are tested more fully. Integration starts early in the project. You integrate each class as it's developed, rather than waiting for one magnificent binge of integration at the end. Classes are developer-tested in both cases, but each class is exercised as a part of the overall system more often with incremental integration than it is with phased integration.

You can build the system with a shorter development schedule. If integration is planned carefully, you can design part of the system while another part is being coded. This doesn't reduce the total number of work-hours required to develop the complete design and code, but it allows some work to be done in parallel, an advantage when calendar time is at a premium.

Incremental integration supports and encourages other incremental strategies. The advantages of incrementalism applied to integration are the tip of the iceberg.

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