Source-Code Tools

The tools available for working with source code are richer and more mature than the tools available for working with designs.


This group of tools relates to editing source code.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Some programmers estimate that they spend as much as 40 percent of their time editing source code (Parikh 1986, Ratliff 1987). If that's the case, spending a few extra dollars for the best possible IDE is a good investment.

In addition to basic word-processing functions, good IDEs offer these features:

  • Compilation and error detection from within the editor

  • Integration with source-code control, build, test, and debugging tools

  • Compressed or outline views of programs (class names only or logical structures without the contents, also known as "folding")

  • Jump to definitions of classes, routines, and variables

  • Jump to all places where a class, routine, or variable is used

  • Language-specific formatting

  • Interactive help for the language being edited

  • Brace (begin-end) matching

  • Templates for common language constructs (the editor completing the structure of a for loop after the programmer types for, for example)

  • Smart indenting (including easily changing the indentation of a block of statements when logic changes)

  • Automated code transforms or refactorings

  • Macros programmable in a familiar programming language

  • Listing of search strings so that commonly used strings don't need to be retyped

  • Regular expressions in search-and-replace

  • Search-and-replace across a group of files

  • Editing multiple files simultaneously

  • Side-by-side diff comparisons

  • Multilevel undo

Considering some of the primitive editors still in use, you might be surprised to learn that several editors include all these capabilities.

Multiple-File String Searching and Replacing

If your editor doesn't support search-and-replace across multiple files, you can still find supplementary tools to do that job. These tools are useful for search for all occurrences of a class name or routine name. When you find an error in your code, you can use such tools to check for similar errors in other files.

You can search for exact strings, similar strings (ignoring differences in capitalization), or regular expressions. Regular expressions are particularly powerful because they let you search for complex string patterns. If you wanted to find all the array references containing magic numbers (digits "0" through "9"), you could search for "[", followed by zero or more spaces, followed by one or more digits, followed by zero or more spaces, followed by "]". One widely available search tool is called "grep." A grep query for magic numbers would look like this:

grep "[ *[0--9]+ *]" *.cpp

You can make the search criteria more sophisticated to fine-tune the search.

It's often helpful to be able to change strings across multiple files. For example, if you want to give a routine, constant, or global variable a better name, you might have to change the name in several files. Utilities that allow string changes across multiple files make that easy to do, which is good because you should have as few obstructions as possible to creating excellent class names, routine names, and constant names. Common tools for handling multiple-file string changes include Perl, AWK, and sed.

Diff Tools

Programmers often need to compare two files. If you make several attempts to correct an error and need to remove the unsuccessful attempts, a file comparator will make a comparison of the original and modified files and list the lines you've changed. If you're working on a program with other people and want to see the changes they have made since the last time you worked on the code, a comparator tool such as Diff will make a comparison of the current version with the last version of the code you worked on and show the differences. If you discover a new defect that you don't remember encountering in an older version of a program, rather than seeing a neurologist about amnesia, you can use a comparator to compare current and old versions of the source code, determine exactly what changed, and find the source of the problem. This functionality is often built into revision-control tools.

Merge Tools

One style of revision control locks source files so that only one person can modify a file at a time. Another style allows multiple people to work on files simultaneously and handles merging changes at check-in time. In this working mode, tools that merge changes are critical. These tools typically perform simple merges automatically and query the user for merges that conflict with other merges or that are more involved.

Source-Code Beautifiers

Source-code beautifiers spruce up your source code so that it looks consistent. They highlight class and routine names, standardize your indentation style, format comments consistently, and perform other similar functions. Some beautifiers can put each routine onto a separate Web page or printed page or perform even more dramatic formatting. Many beautifiers let you customize the way in which the code is beautified.


For details on program layout, see Chapter 31.

There are at least two classes of source-code beautifiers. One class takes the source code as input and produces much better looking output without changing the original source code. Another kind of tool changes the source code itself—standardizing indentation, parameter list formatting, and so on. This capability is useful when working with large quantities of legacy code. The tool can do much of the tedious formatting work needed to make the legacy code conform to your coding style conventions.

Interface Documentation Tools

Some tools extract detailed programmer-interface documentation from source-code files. The code inside the source file uses clues such as @tag fields to identify text that should be extracted. The interface documentation tool then extracts that tagged text and presents it with nice formatting. Javadoc is a prominent example of this kind of tool.


Templates help you exploit the simple idea of streamlining keyboarding tasks that you do often and want to do consistently. Suppose you want a standard comment prolog at the beginning of your routines. You could build a skeleton prolog with the correct syntax and places for all the items you want in the standard prolog. This skeleton would be a "template" you'd store in a file or a keyboard macro. When you created a new routine, you could easily insert the template into your source file. You can use the template technique for setting up larger entities, such as classes and files, or smaller entities, such as loops.

If you're working on a group project, templates are an easy way to encourage consistent coding and documentation styles. Make templates available to the whole team at the beginning of the project, and the team will use them because they make its job easier—you get the consistency as a side benefit.

Cross-Reference Tools

A cross-reference tool lists variables and routines and all the places in which they're used—typically on Web pages.

Class Hierarchy Generators

A class-hierarchy generator produces information about inheritance trees. This is sometimes useful in debugging but is more often used for analyzing a program's structure or modularizing a program into packages or subsystems. This functionality is also available in some IDEs.

Analyzing Code Quality

Tools in this category examine the static source code to assess its quality.

Picky Syntax and Semantics Checkers

Syntax and semantics checkers supplement your compiler by checking code more thoroughly than the compiler normally does. Your compiler might check for only rudimentary syntax errors. A picky syntax checker might use nuances of the language to check for more subtle errors—things that aren't wrong from a compiler's point of view but that you probably didn't intend to write. For example, in C++, the statement

while ( i = 0 ) ...

is a perfectly legal statement, but it's usually meant to be

while ( i = = 0 ) ...

The first line is syntactically correct, but switching = and == is a common mistake and the line is probably wrong. Lint is a picky syntax and semantics checker you can find in many C/C++ environments. Lint warns you about uninitialized variables, completely unused variables, variables that are assigned values and never used, parameters of a routine that are passed out of the routine without being assigned a value, suspicious pointer operations, suspicious logical comparisons (like the one in the example just shown), inaccessible code, and many other common problems. Other languages offer similar tools.

Metrics Reporters

Some tools analyze your code and report on its quality. For example, you can obtain tools that report on the complexity of each routine so that you can target the most complicated routines for extra review, testing, or redesign. Some tools count lines of code, data declarations, comments, and blank lines in either entire programs or individual routines. They track defects and associate them with the programmers who made them, the changes that correct them, and the programmers who make the corrections. They count modifications to the software and note the routines that are modified the most often. Complexity analysis tools have been found to have about a 20 percent positive impact on maintenance productivity (Jones 2000).


For more information on metrics, see Measurement.

Refactoring Source Code

A few tools aid in converting source code from one format to another.


A refactoring program supports common code refactorings either on a standalone basis or integrated into an IDE. Refactoring browsers allow you to change the name of a class across an entire code base easily. They allow you to extract a routine simply by highlighting the code you'd like to turn into a new routine, entering the new routine's name, and ordering parameters in a parameter list. Refactorers make code changes quicker and less error-prone. They're available for Java and Smalltalk and are becoming available for other languages. For more about refactoring tools, see Chapter 14 in Refactoring (Fowler 1999).


For more on refactoring, see Chapter 24.


A restructurer will convert a plate of spaghetti code with gotos to a more nutritious entrée of better-structured code without gotos. Capers Jones reports that in maintenance environments code restructuring tools can have a 25–30 percent positive impact on maintenance productivity (Jones 2000). A restructurer has to make a lot of assumptions when it converts code, and if the logic is terrible in the original, it will still be terrible in the converted version. If you're doing a conversion manually, however, you can use a restructurer for the general case and hand-tune the hard cases. Alternatively, you can run the code through the restructurer and use it for inspiration for the hand conversion.

Code Translators

Some tools translate code from one language to another. A translator is useful when you have a large code base that you're moving to another environment. The hazard in using a language translator is that if you start with bad code the translator simply translates the bad code into an unfamiliar language.

Version Control


These tools and their benefits are described in "Software Code Changes" in Configuration Management.

You can deal with proliferating software versions by using version-control tools for

  • Source-code control

  • Dependency control like that offered by the make utility associated with UNIX

  • Project documentation versioning

  • Relating project artifacts like requirements, code, and test cases so that when a requirement changes, you can find the code and tests that are affected

Data Dictionaries

A data dictionary is a database that describes all the significant data in a project. In many cases, the data dictionary focuses primarily on database schemas. On large projects, a data dictionary is also useful for keeping track of the hundreds or thousands of class definitions. On large team projects, it's useful for avoiding naming clashes. A clash might be a direct, syntactic clash, in which the same name is used twice, or it might be a more subtle clash (or gap) in which different names are used to mean the same thing or the same name is used to mean subtly different things. For each data item (database table or class), the data dictionary contains the item's name and description. The dictionary might also contain notes about how the item is used.

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