
Once you admit that your brain is too small to understand most programs and you realize that effective programming is a search for ways to offset that fact, you begin a career-long search for ways to compensate. In the development of a superior programmer, curiosity about technical subjects must be a priority. The relevant technical information changes continually. Many Web programmers have never had to program in Microsoft Windows, and many Windows programmers never had to deal with DOS or UNIX or punch cards. Specific features of the technical environment change every 5 to 10 years. If you aren't curious enough to keep up with the changes, you might find yourself down at the old-programmers' home playing cards with T-Bone Rex and the Brontosaurus sisters.

Programmers are so busy working they often don't have time to be curious about how they might do their jobs better. If this is true for you, you're not alone. The following subsections describe a few specific actions you can take to exercise your curiosity and make learning a priority.

Build your awareness of the development process. The more aware you are of the development process, whether from reading or from your own observations about software development, the better position you're in to understand changes and to move your group in a good direction.


For a fuller discussion of the importance of process in software development, see Pick Your Process.

If your workload consists entirely of short-term assignments that don't develop your skills, be dissatisfied. If you're working in a competitive software market, half of what you now need to know to do your job will be out of date in three years. If you're not learning, you're turning into a dinosaur.


You're in too much demand to spend time working for management that doesn't have your interests in mind. Despite some ups and downs and some jobs moving overseas, the average number of software jobs available in the U.S. is expected to increase dramatically between 2002 and 2012. Jobs for systems analysts are expected to increase by about 60 percent and for software engineers by about 50 percent. For all computer-job categories combined, about 1 million new jobs will be created beyond the 3 million that currently exist (Hecker 2001, BLS 2004). If you can't learn at your job, find a new one.

Experiment. One effective way to learn about programming is to experiment with programming and the development process. If you don't know how a feature of your language works, write a short program to exercise the feature and see how it works. Prototype! Watch the program execute in the debugger. You're better off working with a short program to test a concept than you are writing a larger program with a feature you don't quite understand.


Several key aspects of programming revolve around the idea of experimentation. For details, see "Experimentation" in Thou Shalt Rend Software and Religion Asunder.

What if the short program shows that the feature doesn't work the way you want it to? That's what you wanted to find out. Better to find it out in a small program than a large one. One key to effective programming is learning to make mistakes quickly, learning from them each time. Making a mistake is no sin. Failing to learn from a mistake is.

Read about problem solving. Problem solving is the core activity in building computer software. Herbert Simon reported a series of experiments on human problem solving. They found that human beings don't always discover clever problem-solving strategies themselves, even though the same strategies could readily be taught to the same people (Simon 1996). The implication is that even if you want to reinvent the wheel, you can't count on success. You might reinvent the square instead.

Further Reading

A great book that teaches problem solving is James Adams's Conceptual Blockbusting(2001).

Analyze and plan before you act. You'll find that there's a tension between analysis and action. At some point you have to quit gathering data and act. The problem for most programmers, however, isn't an excess of analysis. The pendulum is currently so far on the "acting" side of the arc that you can wait until it's at least partway to the middle before worrying about getting stuck on the "analysis-paralysis" side.

Learn about successful projects. One especially good way to learn about programming is to study the work of the great programmers. Jon Bentley thinks that you should be able to sit down with a glass of brandy and a good cigar and read a program the way you would a good novel. That might not be as far-fetched as it sounds. Most people wouldn't want to use their recreational time to scrutinize a 500-page source listing, but many people would enjoy studying a high-level design and dipping into more detailed source listings for selected areas.

The software-engineering field makes extraordinarily limited use of examples of past successes and failures. If you were interested in architecture, you'd study the drawings of Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and I. M. Pei. You'd probably visit some of their buildings. If you were interested in structural engineering, you'd study the Brooklyn Bridge; the Tacoma Narrows Bridge; and a variety of other concrete, steel, and wood structures. You would study examples of successes and failures in your field.

Thomas Kuhn points out that a part of any mature science is a set of solved problems that are commonly recognized as examples of good work in the field and that serve as examples for future work (Kuhn 1996). Software engineering is only beginning to mature to this level. In 1990, the Computer Science and Technology Board concluded that there were few documented case studies of either successes or failures in the software field (CSTB 1990).

An article in the Communications of the ACM argued for learning from case studies of programming problems (Linn and Clancy 1992). The fact that someone has to argue for this is significant. That one of the most popular computing columns, "Programming Pearls," was built around case studies of programming problems is also suggestive. And one of the most popular books in software engineering is The Mythical ManMonth, a case study in programming management of the IBM OS/360 project.

With or without a book of case studies in programming, find code written by superior programmers and read it. Ask to look at the code of programmers you respect. Ask to look at the code of programmers you don't. Compare their code, and compare their code to your own. What are the differences? Why are they different? Which way is better? Why?

In addition to reading other people's code, develop a desire to know what expert programmers think about your code. Find world-class programmers who'll give you their criticism. As you listen to the criticism, filter out points that have to do with their personal idiosyncrasies and concentrate on the points that matter. Then change your programming so that it's better.

Read! Documentation phobia is rampant among programmers. Computer documentation tends to be poorly written and poorly organized, but for all its problems, there's much to gain from overcoming an excessive fear of computer-screen photons or paper products. Documentation contains the keys to the castle, and it's worth spending time reading it. Overlooking information that's readily available is such a common oversight that a familiar acronym on newsgroups and bulletin boards is "RTFM!" which stands for "Read the !#*%*@ Manual!"

A modern language product is usually bundled with an enormous set of library code. Time spent browsing through the library documentation is well invested. Often the company that provides the language product has already created many of the classes you need. If it has, make sure you know about them. Skim the documentation every couple of months.

Read other books and periodicals. Pat yourself on the back for reading this book. You're already learning more than most people in the software industry because one book is more than most programmers read each year (DeMarco and Lister 1999). A little reading goes a long way toward professional advancement. If you read even one good programming book every two months, roughly 35 pages a week, you'll soon have a firm grasp on the industry and distinguish yourself from nearly everyone around you.


For books you can use in a personal reading program, see A Software Developer's Reading Plan.

Affiliate with other professionals. Find other people who care about sharpening their software-development skills. Attend a conference, join a local user group, or participate in an online discussion group.

Make a commitment to professional development. Good programmers constantly look for ways to become better. Consider the following professional development ladder used at my company and several others:

Further Reading

For other discussions of programmer levels, see "Construx's Professional Development Program" (Chapter 16) in Professional Software Development (McConnell 2004).

  • Level 1: Beginning A beginner is a programmer capable of using the basic capabilities of one language. Such a person can write classes, routines, loops, and conditionals and use many of the features of a language.

  • Level 2: Introductory An intermediate programmer who has moved past the beginner phase is capable of using the basic capabilities of multiple languages and is very comfortable in at least one language.

  • Level 3: Competency A competent programmer has expertise in a language or an environment or both. A programmer at this level might know all the intricacies of J2EE or have the Annotated C++ Reference Manual memorized. Programmers at this level are valuable to their companies, and many programmers never move beyond this level.

  • Level 4: Leadership A leader has the expertise of a Level 3 programmer and recognizes that programming is only 15 percent communicating with the computer and 85 percent communicating with people. Only 30 percent of an average programmer's time is spent working alone (McCue 1978). Even less time is spent communicating with the computer. The guru writes code for an audience of people rather than machines. True guru-level programmers write code that's crystal-clear, and they document it, too. They don't want to waste their valuable gray cells reconstructing the logic of a section of code that they could have read in a one-sentence comment.

A great coder who doesn't emphasize readability is probably stuck at Level 3, but even that isn't usually the case. In my experience, the main reason people write unreadable code is that their code is bad. They don't say to themselves, "My code is bad, so I'll make it hard to read." They just don't understand their code well enough to make it readable, which locks them into one of the lower levels.

The worst code I've ever seen was written by someone who wouldn't let anyone go near her programs. Finally, her manager threatened to fire her if she didn't cooperate. Her code was uncommented and littered with variables like x, xx, xxx, xx1, and xx2, all of which were global. Her manager's boss thought she was a great programmer because she fixed errors quickly. The quality of her code gave her abundant opportunities to demonstrate her error-correcting ability.

It's no sin to be a beginner or an intermediate. It's no sin to be a competent programmer instead of a leader. The sin is in how long you remain a beginner or intermediate after you know what you have to do to improve.

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