Characteristics That Don't Matter As Much As You Might Think

Hustle isn't the only characteristic that you might admire in other aspects of your life but that doesn't work very well in software development.


Depending on the situation, persistence can be either an asset or a liability. Like most value-laden concepts, it's identified by different words depending on whether you think it's a good quality or a bad one. If you want to identify persistence as a bad quality, you say it's "stubbornness" or "pigheadedness." If you want it to be a good quality, you call it "tenacity" or "perseverance."

Most of the time, persistence in software development is pigheadedness—it has little value. Persistence when you're stuck on a piece of new code is hardly ever a virtue. Try redesigning the class, try an alternative coding approach, or try coming back to it later. When one approach isn't working, that's a good time to try an alternative (Pirsig 1974).

In debugging, it can be mighty satisfying to track down the error that has been annoying you for four hours, but it's often better to give up on the error after a certain amount of time with no progress—say 15 minutes. Let your subconscious chew on the problem for a while. Try to think of an alternative approach that would circumvent the problem altogether. Rewrite the troublesome section of code from scratch. Come back to it later when your mind is fresh. Fighting computer problems is no virtue. Avoiding them is better.


For a more detailed discussion of persistence in debugging, see "Tips for Finding Defects" in Finding a Defect.

It's hard to know when to give up, but it's essential that you ask. When you notice that you're frustrated, that's a good time to ask the question. Asking doesn't necessarily mean that it's time to give up, but it probably means that it's time to set some parameters on the activity: "If I don't solve the problem using this approach within the next 30 minutes, I'll take 10 minutes to brainstorm about different approaches and try the best one for the next hour."


The value of hands-on experience as compared to book learning is smaller in software development than in many other fields for several reasons. In many other fields, basic knowledge changes slowly enough that someone who graduated from college 10 years after you did probably learned the same basic material that you did. In software development, even basic knowledge changes rapidly. The person who graduated from college 10 years after you did probably learned twice as much about effective programming techniques. Older programmers tend to be viewed with suspicion not just because they might be out of touch with specific technology but because they might never have been exposed to basic programming concepts that became well known after they left school.

In other fields, what you learn about your job today is likely to help you in your job tomorrow. In software, if you can't shake the habits of thinking you developed while using your former programming language or the code-tuning techniques that worked on your old machine, your experience will be worse than none at all. A lot of software people spend their time preparing to fight the last war rather than the next one. If you can't change with the times, experience is more a handicap than a help.

Aside from the rapid changes in software development, people often draw the wrong conclusions from their experiences. It's hard to view your own life objectively. You can overlook key elements of your experience that would cause you to draw different conclusions if you recognized them. Reading studies of other programmers is helpful because the studies reveal other people's experience—filtered enough that you can examine it objectively.

People also put an absurd emphasis on the amount of experience programmers have. "We want a programmer with five years of C programming experience" is a silly statement. If a programmer hasn't learned C after a year or two, the next three years won't make much difference. This kind of "experience" has little relationship to performance.

The fact that information changes quickly in programming makes for weird dynamics in the area of "experience." In many fields, a professional who has a history of achievement can coast, relaxing and enjoying the respect earned by a string of successes. In software development, anyone who coasts quickly becomes out of touch. To stay valuable, you have to stay current. For young, hungry programmers, this is an advantage. Older programmers sometimes feel they've already earned their stripes and resent having to prove themselves year after year.

The bottom line on experience is this: if you work for 10 years, do you get 10 years of experience or do you get 1 year of experience 10 times? You have to reflect on your activities to get true experience. If you make learning a continuous commitment, you'll get experience. If you don't, you won't, no matter how many years you have under your belt.

Gonzo Programming

If you haven't spent at least a month working on the same program—working 16 hours a day, dreaming about it during the remaining 8 hours of restless sleep, working several nights straight through trying to eliminate that "one last bug" from the program—then you haven't really written a complicated computer program. And you may not have the sense that there is something exhilarating about programming. —Edward Yourdon

This lusty tribute to programming machismo is pure B.S. and an almost certain recipe for failure. Those all-night programming stints make you feel like the greatest programmer in the world, but then you have to spend several weeks correcting the defects you installed during your blaze of glory. By all means, get excited about programming. But excitement is no substitute for competency. Remember which is more important.

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