Pick Your Process

A second major thread in this book is the idea that the process you use to develop software matters a surprising amount. On a small project, the talents of the individual programmer are the biggest influence on the quality of the software. Part of what makes an individual programmer successful is his or her choice of processes.

On projects with more than one programmer, organizational characteristics make a bigger difference than the skills of the individuals involved do. Even if you have a great team, its collective ability isn't simply the sum of the team members' individual abilities. The way in which people work together determines whether their abilities are added to each other or subtracted from each other. The process the team uses determines whether one person's work supports the work of the rest of the team or undercuts it.

One example of the way in which process matters is the consequence of not making requirements stable before you begin designing and coding. If you don't know what you're building, you can't very well create a superior design for it. If the requirements and subsequently the design change while the software is under development, the code must change too, which risks degrading the quality of the system.


For details on making requirements stable, see Requirements Prerequisite. For details on variations in development approaches, see Determine the Kind of Software You're Working On.

"Sure," you say, "but in the real world, you never really have stable requirements, so that's a red herring." Again, the process you use determines both how stable your requirements are and how stable they need to be. If you want to build more flexibility into the requirements, you can set up an incremental development approach in which you plan to deliver the software in several increments rather than all at once. This is an attention to process, and it's the process you use that ultimately determines whether your project succeeds or fails. Table 3-1 in Importance of Prerequisites makes it clear that requirements errors are far more costly than construction errors, so focusing on that part of the process also affects cost and schedule.

The same principle of consciously attending to process applies to design. You have to lay a solid foundation before you can begin building on it. If you rush to coding before the foundation is complete, it will be harder to make fundamental changes in the system's architecture. People will have an emotional investment in the design because they will have already written code for it. It's hard to throw away a bad foundation once you've started building a house on it.

My message to the serious programmer is: spend a part of your working day examining and refining your own methods. Even though programmers are always struggling to meet some future or past deadline, methodological abstraction is a wise long-term investment.

Robert W. Floyd

The main reason the process matters is that in software, quality must be built in from the first step onward. This flies in the face of the folk wisdom that you can code like hell and then test all the mistakes out of the software. That idea is dead wrong. Testing merely tells you the specific ways in which your software is defective. Testing won't make your program more usable, faster, smaller, more readable, or more extensible.

Premature optimization is another kind of process error. In an effective process, you make coarse adjustments at the beginning and fine adjustments at the end. If you were a sculptor, you'd rough out the general shape before you started polishing individual features. Premature optimization wastes time because you spend time polishing sections of code that don't need to be polished. You might polish sections that are small enough and fast enough as they are, you might polish code that you later throw away, and you might fail to throw away bad code because you've already spent time polishing it. Always be thinking, "Am I doing this in the right order? Would changing the order make a difference?" Consciously follow a good process.

Low-level processes matter, too. If you follow the process of writing pseudocode and then filling in the code around the pseudocode, you reap the benefits of designing from the top down. You're also guaranteed to have comments in the code without having to put them in later.


For details on iteration, see Iterate, Repeatedly, Again and Again, later in this chapter.

Observing large processes and small processes means pausing to pay attention to how you create software. It's time well spent. Saying that "code is what matters; you have to focus on how good the code is, not some abstract process" is shortsighted and ignores mountains of experimental and practical evidence to the contrary. Software development is a creative exercise. If you don't understand the creative process, you're not getting the most out of the primary tool you use to create software—your brain. A bad process wastes your brain cycles. A good process leverages them to maximum advantage.

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