Your Location on the Technology Wave

During my career I've seen the PC's star rise while the mainframe's star dipped toward the horizon. I've seen GUI programs replace character-based programs. And I've seen the Web ascend while Windows declines. I can only assume that by the time you read this some new technology will be in ascendance, and Web programming as I know it today (2004) will be on its way out. These technology cycles, or waves, imply different programming practices depending on where you find yourself on the wave.

In mature technology environments—the end of the wave, such as Web programming in the mid-2000s—we benefit from a rich software development infrastructure. Late-wave environments provide numerous programming language choices, comprehensive error checking for code written in those languages, powerful debugging tools, and automatic, reliable performance optimization. The compilers are nearly bug-free. The tools are well documented in vendor literature, in third-party books and articles, and in extensive Web resources. Tools are integrated, so you can do UI, database, reports, and business logic from within a single environment. If you do run into problems, you can readily find quirks of the tools described in FAQs. Many consultants and training classes are also available.

In early-wave environments—Web programming in the mid-1990s, for example—the situation is the opposite. Few programming language choices are available, and those languages tend to be buggy and poorly documented. Programmers spend significant amounts of time simply trying to figure out how the language works instead of writing new code. Programmers also spend countless hours working around bugs in the language products, underlying operating system, and other tools. Programming tools in early-wave environments tend to be primitive. Debuggers might not exist at all, and compiler optimizers are still only a gleam in some programmer's eye. Vendors revise their compiler version often, and it seems that each new version breaks significant parts of your code. Tools aren't integrated, and so you tend to work with different tools for UI, database, reports, and business logic. The tools tend not to be very compatible, and you can expend a significant amount of effort just to keep existing functionality working against the onslaught of compiler and library releases. If you run into trouble, reference literature exists on the Web in some form, but it isn't always reliable and, if the available literature is any guide, every time you encounter a problem it seems as though you're the first one to do so.

These comments might seem like a recommendation to avoid early-wave programming, but that isn't their intent. Some of the most innovative applications arise from early-wave programs, like Turbo Pascal, Lotus 123, Microsoft Word, and the Mosaic browser. The point is that how you spend your programming days will depend on where you are on the technology wave. If you're in the late part of the wave, you can plan to spend most of your day steadily writing new functionality. If you're in the early part of the wave, you can assume that you'll spend a sizeable portion of your time trying to figure out your programming language's undocumented features, debugging errors that turn out to be defects in the library code, revising code so that it will work with a new release of some vendor's library, and so on.

When you find yourself working in a primitive environment, realize that the programming practices described in this book can help you even more than they can in mature environments. As David Gries pointed out, your programming tools don't have to determine how you think about programming (1981). Gries makes a distinction between programming in a language vs. programming into a language. Programmers who program "in" a language limit their thoughts to constructs that the language directly supports. If the language tools are primitive, the programmer's thoughts will also be primitive.

Programmers who program "into" a language first decide what thoughts they want to express, and then they determine how to express those thoughts using the tools provided by their specific language.

Example of Programming into a Language

In the early days of Visual Basic, I was frustrated because I wanted to keep the business logic, the UI, and the database separate in the product I was developing, but there wasn't any built-in way to do that in the language. I knew that if I wasn't careful, over time some of my Visual Basic "forms" would end up containing business logic, some forms would contain database code, and some would contain neither—I would end up never being able to remember which code was located in which place. I had just completed a C++ project that had done a poor job of separating those issues, and I didn't want to experience déjà vu of those headaches in a different language.

Consequently, I adopted a design convention that the .frm file (the form file) was allowed only to retrieve data from the database and store data back into the database. It wasn't allowed to communicate that data directly to other parts of the program. Each form supported an IsFormCompleted() routine, which was used by the calling routine to determine whether the form that had been activated had saved its data. IsFormCompleted() was the only public routine that forms were allowed to have. Forms also weren't allowed to contain any business logic. All other code had to be contained in an associated .bas file, including validity checks for entries in the form.

Visual Basic did not encourage this kind of approach. It encouraged programmers to put as much code into the .frm file as possible, and it didn't make it easy for the .frm file to call back into an associated .bas file.

This convention was pretty simple, but as I got deeper into my project, I found that it helped me avoid numerous cases in which I would have been writing convoluted code without the convention. I would have been loading forms but keeping them hidden so that I could call the data-validity-checking routines inside them, or I would have been copying code from the forms into other locations and then maintaining parallel code in multiple places. The IsFormCompleted() convention also kept things simple. Because every form worked exactly the same way, I never had to second-guess the semantics of IsFormCompleted()—it meant the same thing every time it was used.

Visual Basic didn't support this convention directly, but my use of a simple programming convention—programming into the language—made up for the language's lack of structure at that time and helped keep the project intellectually manageable.

Example of Programming into a Language

Understanding the distinction between programming in a language and programming into one is critical to understanding this book. Most of the important programming principles depend not on specific languages but on the way you use them. If your language lacks constructs that you want to use or is prone to other kinds of problems, try to compensate for them. Invent your own coding conventions, standards, class libraries, and other augmentations.

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