Chapter 12. Fundamental Data Types


Related Topics

The fundamental data types are the basic building blocks for all other data types. This chapter contains tips for using numbers (in general), integers, floating-point numbers, characters and strings, boolean variables, enumerated types, named constants, and arrays. The final section in this chapter describes how to create your own types.

This chapter covers basic troubleshooting for the fundamental types of data. If you've got your fundamental-data bases covered, skip to the end of the chapter, review the checklist of problems to avoid, and move on to the discussion of unusual data types in Chapter 13.

Numbers in General

Here are several guidelines for making your use of numbers less error-prone:


For more details on using named constants instead of magic numbers, see Named Constants, later in this chapter.

Avoid "magic numbers". Magic numbers are literal numbers, such as 100 or 47524, that appear in the middle of a program without explanation. If you program in a language that supports named constants, use them instead. If you can't use named constants, use global variables when it's feasible to do so.

Avoiding magic numbers yields three advantages:

  • Changes can be made more reliably. If you use named constants, you won't over-look one of the 100s or change a 100 that refers to something else.

  • Changes can be made more easily. When the maximum number of entries changes from 100 to 200, if you're using magic numbers you have to find all the 100s and change them to 200s. If you use 100+1 or 100-1, you'll also have to find all the 101s and 99s and change them to 201s and 199s. If you're using a named constant, you simply change the definition of the constant from 100 to 200 in one place.

  • Your code is more readable. Sure, in the expression

    for i = 0 to 99 do ...

    you can guess that 99 refers to the maximum number of entries. But the expression

    for i = 0 to MAX_ENTRIES-1 do ...

    leaves no doubt. Even if you're certain that a number will never change, you get a readability benefit if you use a named constant.

Use hard-coded 0s and 1s if you need to. The values 0 and 1 are used to increment, decrement, and start loops at the first element of an array. The 0 in

for i = 0 to CONSTANT do ...

is OK, and the 1 in

total = total + 1

is OK. A good rule of thumb is that the only literals that should occur in the body of a program are 0 and 1. Any other literals should be replaced with something more descriptive.

Anticipate divide-by-zero errors. Each time you use the division symbol (/ in most languages), think about whether it's possible for the denominator of the expression to be 0. If the possibility exists, write code to prevent a divide-by-zero error.

Make type conversions obvious. Make sure that someone reading your code will be aware of it when a conversion between different data types occurs. In C++ you could say

y = x + (float) i

and in Microsoft Visual Basic you could say

y = x + CSng( i )

This practice also helps to ensure that the conversion is the one you want to occur— different compilers do different conversions, so you're taking your chances otherwise.

Avoid mixed-type comparisons. If x is a floating-point number and i is an integer, the test

if ( i = x ) then ...


For a variation on this example, see "Avoid equality comparisons" in Floating-Point Numbers.

is almost guaranteed not to work. By the time the compiler figures out which type it wants to use for the comparison, converts one of the types to the other, does a bunch of rounding, and determines the answer, you'll be lucky if your program runs at all. Do the conversion manually so that the compiler can compare two numbers of the same type and you know exactly what's being compared.


Heed your compiler's warnings. Many modern compilers tell you when you have different numeric types in the same expression. Pay attention! Every programmer has been asked at one time or another to help someone track down a pesky error, only to find that the compiler had warned about the error all along. Top programmers fix their code to eliminate all compiler warnings. It's easier to let the compiler do the work than to do it yourself.

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