A Second Construction of Autodual Objects

In this construction, we work on the split form Gm/k, Spec(k[x, 1/x]). We begin with a geometrically irreducible lisse sheaf F on an open dense set UGm which is ι-pure of weight zero and which is self-dual: FF.

Denote by d the rank of F. We view F |U as a d-dimensional representation ρ of image(U), toward either the orthogonal group O(d)/Q, if the autoduality is orthogonal, or toward the symplectic group Sp(d)/Q if the autoduality is symplectic (which forces d to be even). We denote by Ggeom,F the Zariski closure of the image ρ(image(U)) of the geometric fundamental group.1

We have a finite morphism

π : Gm[1/(x2 + 1)] → Gm, x image x + 1/x.

Then π?F is lisse and ι-pure of weight zero on some open set j : VGm.

Theorem 11.1. For F as above, consider the middle extension sheaf G := j?π?F on Gm/k. Suppose in addition the following three conditions hold.

(1) If d = 1, G is not geometrically a Kummer sheaf Lχ.

(2) If the autoduality of F is orthogonal, then d ≠ 2 and Ggeom,F is either O(d) or SO(d).

(3) If the autoduality of F is symplectic, Ggeom,F is Sp(d).

Then N := G (1/2)[1] lies in Parith and is ι-pure of weight zero. It is geometrically irreducible and arithmetically self-dual. The sign of its autoduality is opposite to that of F.

Proof. The lisse sheaf F on U is geometrically Lie-irreducible, because G0geom,F, which is either SO(d), d ≠ 2, or Sp(d), acts irreducibly in its standard representation. Therefore π?F, or indeed any pullback of F by a finite morphism, remains geometrically Lie-irreducible. Thus N is perverse, ι-pure of weight zero., and geometrically irreducible, so by (1) is a geometrically irreducible object of Parith. It is arithmetically self-dual, because isomorphic to both its Verdier dual (thanks to the autoduality of F) and to its pullback by multiplicative inversion (thanks to having been pulled back by π). It remains to determine the sign ²N of its autoduality.

The idea is quite simple. Let us denote by ²F the sign of the auto-duality of F. Then ²F is the large #E limit of the sums


cf. [Ka-GKM, 4.2]. On the other hand, ²N is the large #E limit of the sums


Now for any t ∈ G(E2) with t2 + 1 ≠ 0 and such that t + 1/t lies in U, we have

Trace(FrobE2, t|G) = Trace(FrobE2, t+ 1/t|F).

So ²N is the large #E limit of the sums


For t ∈ G(E2) with NormE2/E(t) = 1, t + 1/t is just Trace(t). With the exception of the points ±1, every point t ∈ G(E2) with NormE2/E(t) = 1 has degree two over E, so is a root of a quadratic polynomial T2sT + 1 ∈ E[T ]. Here s = t + 1/t. Conversely, an irreducible quadratic polynomial of the form T2sT + 1 ∈ E[T ] has two roots, t and 1/t in G(E2) with NormE2/E(t) = NormE2/E(1/t) = 1, t+ 1/t = s. In other words, the set of t ∈ G(E2) with NormE2/E(t) = 1, t ≠ ±1, is a double covering, by t image t + 1/t = Trace(t), of the set of s ∈ E such that the quadratic polynomial T2sT + 1 is E-irreducible. Thus this last sum is within O(1#E) of the sum


We will show that the sums whose large #E limit is ²F, namely


are within O(1/√#E) of the sums


whose large #E limit is – ²N.

We first treat the case when k has odd characteristic. Shrinking U if necessary, we may suppose that neither 2 nor –2 lies in U. Now T2sT + 1 is E-irreducible if and only if its discriminant s2 – 4 is a nonzero nonsquare in E. Denoting by χ2, E the quadratic character of E×, we then have, for s ∈ U(E),

1 – χ2, E(s2 – 4) = 0

if s2 – 4 is a square, and

1 – χ2, E(s2 – 4) = 2

if s2 – 4 is a nonsquare.

So the sums whose large #E limit is – ²N are


Hence we are reduced to showing that the sums


are O(1/√#E). To see this, we make use of the linear algebra identity Trace(FrobE2,s|F) = Trace(FrobE,s|Sym2(F))–Trace(FrobE,s2(F)). So it suffices to prove that both of the sums




are O(1/√#E).

If the arithmetic autoduality of F has Ggeom,F = Sp(d), then Sym2(F) is (both arithmetically and) geometrically irreducible, and it has rank > 1. Therefore its tensor product with any lisse rank one sheaf, here Lχ2(s2–4), remains (both arithmetically and) geometrically irreducible. Therefore its H2c(U/k, Sym2(F) ⊗Lχ2(s2–4))) vanishes. Because F is ι-pure of weight zero, so is Sym2(F) ⊗Lχ2(s2–4), and hence by Deligne [De-Weil II, 3.3.1] its H1c is ι-mixed of weight ≤ 1. By the Lefschetz Trace formula [Gr-Rat] and the vanishing of the H2c,


= –(1/#E)Trace(FrobE|H1c(U/k, Sym2(F) ⊗Lχ2(s2–4)))

is O(1/√#E). And the sheaf Λ2(F) is either the constant sheaf Q if d = 2 or, if d ≥ 4, the direct sum

Λ2(F) = Q H,

with H an arithmetically and geometrically irreducible lisse sheaf of rank > 1. Again H⊗Lχ2(s2–4) is ι-pure of weight zero and has vanishing H2c, and an H1c which is ι-mixed of weight ≤ 1. So the sum


is O(1/√#E). The final term is


which again is O(1/√#E) because Lχ2(s2–4) is geometrically nontrivial.

If the arithmetic autoduality of F has Ggeom,F containing SO(d) with d ≠ 2, we argue as follows. We first treat separately the case d = 1. Then F is a lisse sheaf of rank one whose trace function takes values in ±1. Therefore Λ2(F) = 0, and Sym2(F) = F⊗2 is the constant sheaf. So the sum we must estimate is just


which as noted above is O(1/√#E).

If d ≥ 3, the argument is essentially identical to the argument in the symplectic case, except that now it is Λ2(F) which is arithmetically and geometrically irreducible of rank > 1, and it is Sym2(F) which admits a direct sum decomposition

Sym2(F) = Q H,

with H an arithmetically and geometrically irreducible lisse sheaf of rank > 1.

It remains to treat the case of characteristic 2, where we no longer have the discriminant to tell us when T2sT + 1 is E-irreducible. In characteristic 2 we consider directly the finite étale covering of Gm by Gm {1} given by π : t image t + 1/t := s. This extends to a finite étale covering of P1 {0} by P1 {1}. Making the change of variable t = u/(u + 1), we readily compute

1/s = 1/(t + 1/t) = 1/(u/(u + 1)+ (u + 1)/u) = u2u.

Thus in characteristic two, the role of Lχ2(s2–4) is now played by the Artin-Schreier sheaf LÃ(1/s). With this change, we just repeat the proof from odd characteristic.image

Here is a slight generalization of the previous result, where we relax the hypotheses on the group Ggeom,F attached to the geometrically irreducible lisse sheaf F on an open dense set UGm which is ι-pure of weight zero and which is self-dual: FF. We make the following two hypotheses.

(1) The identity component G0geom,F acts irreducibly in its given d-dimensional representation ρ.

(2) In the representation ρρ corresponding to FF, thespaceof invariants under Ggeom,F is one-dimensional, and every other irreducible constituent of ρρ for the action of Ggeom,F has dimension > 1.

These conditions are automatically satisfied in the symplectic case when Ggeom,F = Sp(d), and in the orthogonal case when d ≠ 2 and Ggeom,F contains SO(d). But they are also satisfied if Ggeom,F receives an SL(2) such that ρ|SL(2) is irreducible. For then ρ|SL(2) must be Symd–1(std2) as SL(2)-representation, and one knows that


as SL(2)-representation. For later use, let us recall that in the world of GL(2)-representations, we have


In fact, one has the more precise decompositions




Theorem 11.2. For F as above, satisfying the hypotheses (1) and (2), consider the middle extension sheaf G := jV?π?F on Gm/k. Then N := G(1/2)[1] lies in Parith and is ι-pure of weight zero. It is geometrically irreducible and arithmetically self-dual. The sign of its autoduality is opposite to that of F.

Proof. Repeat the proof of Theorem 11.1. In the symplectic case, Λ2(F) has an invariant corresponding to the symplectic form, so we have a direct sum decomposition Λ2(F) = HQ. By hypothesis (2), each Ggeom,F -irreducible constituent of H has dimension ≥ 2, and each Ggeom,F -irreducible constituent of Sym2(F)has dimension ≥ 2. These conditions ensure the vanishings of the various H2c in the proof. In the orthogonal case, reverse the roles of Sym2 and Λ2.image

1See the notational caution at the very end of the Introduction.

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