Results of Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet Type

Suppose we are given some number r ≥ 2 of objects N1, N2, …, Nr in Parith of some common “dimension” d ≥ 1. Suppose they are all ι-pure of weight zero, geometrically irreducible, and arithmetically self-dual, all with the same sign of duality.

Theorem 13.1. Suppose that d ≥ 2 is even, that each Ni is symplectically self-dual, and that for each i = 1, …, r, we have Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = Sp(d). Suppose further that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj and there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and [x image –x]? Nj. Then the direct sumiNi has


Proof. We apply the Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet theorem [Ka-ESDE, 1.8.2] to the group Ggeom,iNi and its representations Vi corresponding to the Ni. In order to show that Ggeom,iNi = Πi Sp(d), it suffices to show that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj ?mid L, for any one-dimensional object L of <⊕iNi>geom. In fact, we will show that, under the hypotheses of the theorem, there is none for any one-dimensional object of Pgeom. Suppose there were. Both Nj and Nj ?mid LNi are symplectic representations, with image Sp(d). But the only scalars in Sp(d) are ±1. Therefore L⊗2 in the Tannakian sense, i.e., L ?mid L, is geometrically trivial. One knows [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3] that the only one-dimensional objects in Pgeom are delta objects δa for some a ∈ k× and multiplicative translates of hypergeometric sheaves placed in degree –1. But such hypergeometric objects are of infinite order, as middle self-convolution simply produces other such objects, of larger and larger generic rank. Therefore our L must be some δa. Because L ?mid L is geometrically trivial, we conclude that a = ±1. But middle convolution with δa is just multiplicative translation by a. Therefore we have Ggeom,iNi = Πi Sp(d). Since in any case we have Ggeom,iNiGarith,⊕iNi ⊂ Πi Sp(d), we get the asserted equality


Theorem 13.2. Suppose that d ≥ 6 is even, d ≠ 8, that each Ni is orthogonally self-dual, and that for each i = 1, …, r, we have Ggeom,Ni = SO(d). Suppose further that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj and there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and [x image –x]? Nj. Then the direct sumiNi has


If in addition we have Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = SO(d) for every i, then


Proof. The proof, via the Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet theorem [Ka-ESDE, 1.8.2], is identical to the previous one.

Theorem 13.3. Suppose that d ≥ 3 is odd, that each Ni is orthogonally self-dual, and that for each i = 1, …, r, we have Ggeom,Ni = SO(d). Suppose further that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj. Then the direct sumiNi has


If in addition we have Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = SO(d) for every i, then


Proof. The proof, again via the Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet theorem [Ka-ESDE, 1.8.2] is even simpler in this case, because for d odd, SO(d) contains no scalars other than 1, so L can only be δ1.image

In the orthogonal case, the Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet theorem [Ka-ESDE, 1.8.2] gives the following less precise version of these last two theorems.

Theorem 13.4. Suppose that either d ≥ 6 is even, d ≠ 8, or d ≥ 3 is odd. Suppose that each Ni is orthogonally self-dual, and that for each i = 1, …, r, we have SO(d) ⊂ Ggeom,Ni. Suppose further that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj and there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and [x image –x]? Nj. Then the direct sumiNi has


We end this chapter with the case of SL(d).

Theorem 13.5. Suppose that for each i = 1, …, r, we have SL(d) ⊂ Ggeom,Ni. Denote by Ni the dual in the Tannakian sense of Ni. Suppose further that for every one-dimensional object L ∈ Pgeom, and for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj ?midL nor between Ni and Nj ?mid L. Then the direct sumiNi has


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