Orthogonal Examples, Especially SO(n) Examples

The orthogonal case is more difficult than the symplectic one because of the need to distinguish between SO(n) and O(n), which we do not in general know how to do. We work on either the split or the nonsplit form. We begin with a lisse sheaf F on a dense open set j : UG which is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and not geometrically isomorphic to (the restriction to U of) any Kummer sheaf Lχ. We denote by G := j? F its middle extension to G. Then the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible. The following result is the orthogonal version of Theorem 18.1.

Theorem 19.1. Suppose that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself, and that N is orthogonally self-dual. Suppose further that for either of the two possible geometric isomorphisms G/kGm/k, both F(0)unip and F(∞)unip are single Jordan blocks Unip(e) of the same size e ≥ 1. For n := dim(!(N)) we have

SO(n) ⊂ Ggeom,NGarith,NO(n).

Proof. The proof is nearly identical to that of Theorem 18.1. We have a priori inclusions


so it suffices to prove that G0geom, N = SO(n). We may extend scalars if necessary from k to its quadratic extension k2, and reduce to the case where G is Gm. The hypothesis that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself insures that N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, i.e., that G0geom is an irreducible connected subgroup of SO(n). Thus G0geom is semisimple, cf. the proof of Theorem 18.1.

The local monodromy of N at both 0 and ∞ is Unip(e). Therefore the semisimplification of Frobk,image gives us a Frobenius torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) in Garith,N. This torus normalizes the connected semisimple group G0geom, N. Exactly as in the symplectic case, it follows that G0geom, N contains the torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1). By the result of Kostant and Zarhin [Ka-ESDE, 1.2], the only irreducible connected semisimple subgroups of SL(n)which contain Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) are SL(n), SO(n), and, when n is even, Sp(n). Since we have an a priori inclusion G0geom, NSO(n), we must have G0geom, N = SO(n).image

Here is the orthogonal analogue of Theorem 18.2. Its proof, via Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet [Ka-ESDE, 1.8.2] and Theorems 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4, is entirely analogous.

Theorem 19.2. Suppose N satisfies all the hypotheses of the theorem above. Suppose further that

(a) Either n ≥ 3 is odd, or n ≥ 6, n ≠ 8, is even.

(b) At either 0 or at ∞ or at both, the entire tame part of the local monodromy is Unip(e), i.e., local monodromy there is the direct sum of Unip(e) and of something totally wild.

Given s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), form Ni := NLχi. Denote by (imagesi=1 O(n))=det′ s the subgroup of imagesi=1 O(n) consisting of those elements whose determinants are either all 1 or all –1. We have the following conclusions.

(1) If Ggeom,N = Garith,N = SO(n), then


(2) If Ggeom,N = SO(n) and Garith,N = O(n), then




(3) If Ggeom,N = Garith,N = O(n), and if χi(–1) = 1 for all i, then


Proof. As already noted, M image M ⊗ Lχi is a Tannakian isomorphism of <N>arith with <NLχi>arith. In particular, the determinants in the Tannakian sense are related by “det” (N ⊗ Lχi) = “det” (N)⊗Lχi. But “det” (N) is either δ1 (case (1)) or (–1)deg δ1 (case (2)) or δ1 or (–1)deg ⊗ δ1 (case (3)), each of which is unchanged when we tensor it with any Lχi, so long as, in case (3), χi(–1) = 1. Case (1) is immediate from the previous result. In case (2), the previous result gives Ggeom, ⊕si=1Ni = imagesi=1 SO(n). We get the asserted value for Garith,⊕si=1Ni by observing that it must strictly contain image si=1 SO(n) but lies in (imagesi=1 O(n)=det′ s. In case (3), we get the asserted value for Ggeom, ⊕si=1Ni by observing that by the previous result it contains image si=1 SO(n) then that it must strictly contain imagesi=1 SO(n) and finally that it lies in imagesi=1 O(n)=det′ s. Then Garith,⊕si=1Ni contains (imagesi=1 O(n)=det′ but also is contained in it.image

We now turn to the construction of examples in which Ggeom,N = SO(n). Let us first explain the method we will use to show that Ggeom,N is SO(n) rather than O(n). Given a finite subgroup Γ ⊂ G(k), we say that an object N ∈ Pgeom is adapted to Γ if its restriction to the complement of Γ is lisse, i.e., if N|(G Γ) is a lisse sheaf placed in degree –1. In general it is not true that the middle convolution of two objects adapted to Γ is again adapted to Γ. Here is a simple example. Whatever the choice of Γ, any N ∈ Pgeom which is lisse on G is adapted to Γ. For example, take Γ = {1}, and the Artin-Schreier objects LÃ(x)(1/2)[1] and LÃ(–a/x)(1/2)[1]. Their middle convolution is δa, which is not adapted to this Γ unless a = 1. We do, however, have the following lemma.

Lemma 19.3. Suppose Γ ⊂ G(k) is a finite subgroup, and N ∈ Pgeom is adapted to Γ and geometrically semisimple. Suppose further that the local monodromy of N at both 0 and ∞ is tame. Then every object in <N>geom is adapted to Γ.

Proof. Every object in <N>geom is a direct summand of a multiple middle convolution of N and its dual [x image 1/x] ? DN, both of which are adapted to Γ and tame at both 0 and ∞. Proceeding by induction on the number of multiple convolutions, we reduce to the following lemma. image

Lemma 19.4. Suppose Γ ⊂ G(k) is a finite subgroup, and N and M in Pgeom are adapted to Γ and geometrically semisimple. Suppose further that the local monodromy of N at both 0 and ∞ is tame. Then the middle convolution N ?mid M is adapted to Γ.

Proof. We reduce immediately to the case when by N and M are geometrically irreducible. If either is punctual, it is δ° for some element ° ∈ Γ. Then middle convolution with it is multiplicative translation by °, which preserves being adapted to Γ. So it suffices to treat the case where N = F[1] and M = G[1] are each middle extension sheaves placed in degree –1, both adapted to Γ, and where F is tame at both 0 and ∞. The conditions of being lisse outside Γ, and of being tame at both 0 and ∞, are each stable by Verdier duality. So it suffices to show that the ! convolution N ?! M is lisse outside Γ. For if this is so, then the same statement applied to their Verdier duals DN and DM, shows that DN ?! DM is lisse outside Γ, and so its Verdier dual D(DN ?! DM) ≅ N ?? M is also adapted to Γ. As the middle convolution N ?mid M is the image of N ?! M in N?? M, it too is lisse outside of Γ.

In order to show that N?! M is lisse outside of Γ, we apply Deligne’s semicontinuity theorem [Lau-SCCS, 2.1.2]. For a ∈ G Γ, the sheaf

H := F ⊗ [x image a/x] ? G

is lisse outside the 2#Γ points of Γ ∪ aΓ–1. By Deligne’s theorem, it suffices to show that in the formula for its Euler characteristic,


each term is independent of the choice of a, so long as a is not in Γ. Because F is tame at 0, we have Swan0(H) = rank(F)Swan(G). Because F is tame at ∞, we have Swan(H) = rank(F)Swan0(G). At apoint ° ∈ Γ, we have drop°(H) = drop°(F)rank(G)and Swan°(H) = Swan°(F)rank(G). At a point a/° ∈ aΓ–1, we have dropa/°(H) = rank(F)drop°(G) and Swana/°(H) = rank(F)Swan°(G).image

Here is a variant, with the same proof.

Lemma 19.5. Suppose S, T ⊂ G(k) are finite nonempty subsets, and N ∈ Pgeom is lisse outside S and geometrically semisimple. Suppose further that the local monodromy of N at both 0 and ∞ is tame. Suppose M ∈ Pgeom is lisse outside T, and geometrically semisimple. Then their middle convolution N ?mid M is lisse outside ST := {st, s ∈ S, t ∈ T }.

Here is yet another variant, with the same proof.

Lemma 19.6. Suppose S ⊂ G(k) is a finite nonempty subset, and N ∈ Pgeom is lisse outside S and geometrically semisimple. Suppose further that the local monodromy of N at both 0 and ∞ is tame. Suppose M ∈ Pgeom is lisse on Gm (so M is F[1] for a lisse sheaf F on Gm). Then their middle convolution N ?mid M is lisse on Gm.

We can apply these results as follows.

Theorem 19.7. Let Γ ⊂ G(k) be a finite subgroup. Suppose that 1 is the only element of order dividing 2 in Γ. This condition is automatic in characteristic 2; in odd characteristic it is the condition that –1 not be in Γ. Let F be a lisse sheaf on G Γ which is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and not geometrically isomorphic to (the restriction to G Γ of) any Kummer sheaf Lχ. We denote by G := j?F its middle extension to G, and by N the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith, which is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible. Suppose N is orthogonally self-dual. Suppose that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Suppose further that for either of the two possible geometric isomorphisms G/kGm/k, F is tame at both 0 and ∞, and both F(0)unip and F(∞)unip are single Jordan blocks Unip(e) of the same size e ≥ 1. For n := dim(!(N)) we have

Ggeom,N = SO(n).

Moreover, either Garith,N = SO(n), or “det”(N) in the Tannakian sense is arithmetically (–1)deg δ1, i.e., for any finite extension field E/k and any character ρ of G(E), det(FrobE,ρ) = (–1)deg(E/k).

Proof. By Theorem 19.1, we know that Ggeom,N is either SO(n) or O(n). So it suffices to show that “det”(N) in the Tannakian sense is geometrically trivial. It is a one-dimensional object of <N>geom which has order two, so in odd characteristic it is either δ1 or δ1. [In characteristic 2 it can only be δ1, and we are done.] By Lemma 19.3, “det”(N) is adapted to Γ. If –1 is not in Γ, “det”(N) cannot be δ1, so geometrically it must be δ1. So arithmetically it must be αdeg δ1, with α = ±1. image

Here is a variant.

Theorem 19.8. Let S ⊂ G(k) be a finite nonempty subset. For each integer d ≥ 1, denote by SdG(k) the set of all d-fold products of elements of S. Let F be a lisse sheaf on GS which is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and not geometrically isomorphic to (the restriction to G Γ of) any Kummer sheaf Lχ. We denote by G := j?F its middle extension to G, and by N the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith, which is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible. Suppose N is orthogonally self-dual. Suppose that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Suppose further that for either of the two possible geometric isomorphisms G/kGm/k, F is tame at both 0 and ∞, and both F(0)unip and F(∞)unip are single Jordan blocks Unip(e) of the same size e ≥ 1. Suppose further that for n := dim(!(N)) the “dimension” of N, the set Sn does not contain –1. Then

Ggeom,N = SO(n).

Moreover, either Garith,N = SO(n), or “det”(N) in the Tannakian sense is arithmetically (–1)degδ1, i.e., for any finite extension field E/k and any character ρ of G(E), det(FrobE,ρ) = (–1)deg(E/k).

Proof. The determinant, in the Tannakian sense, of N is a summand of the n-fold middle convolution of N with itself, so by Lemma 19.5 it is lisse outside Sn. Therefore it cannot be δ–1, and we conclude as in the proof of the previous theorem. image

We now give some examples. For the first example, we work in odd characteristic. We begin with an irreducible hypergeometric sheaf H of type (2m, 2n) with 2m < 2n, of the form

H(Ã; χ1, …, χ2m; image, image, …., image)((2m + 2n – 1)/2)

which is symplectically self-dual. Its local monodromy at ∞ is Unip(2n), cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.4.11]. Given that all the characters at ∞ are imposed to be trivial, the geometric irreducibility means that no χi is trivial, and the symplectic autoduality then means that an even number 2r ≥ 0 of them are the quadratic character, and that the remaining ones, if any, occur in complex conjugate pairs, cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.8.1, 8.8.2]. One knows its geometric monodromy group is Sp(2n), cf. [Ka-GKM, 11.6].

Theorem 19.9. Starting with H as above, in which 2r quadratic characters occur, form the lisse sheaf G := [x image x–2+ 1/x] ?H on Gm{1}, then form the object N := j1?G(1/2)[1] Parith, which is pure of weight zero. Then N is orthogonally self-dual, and we have the following results.

(1) If 2r = 0, then “dim”(N) = 2n + 2, and Ggeom,N = SO(2n + 2).

(2) If 2r > 0, then “dim”(N) = 2n + 1, and Ggeom,N = SO(2n + 1).

Proof. The pullback G has local monodromy Unip(2n) at both 0 and ∞. To analyze its local monodromy at 1, observe that the map x image x + 1/x – 2 is doubly ramified over 0, with 1 as the unique point lying over. So the local monodromy of G at 1 is the direct sum of three pieces: Unip(2r), a tame part of rank 2m – 2r with no nonzero inertial invariants, and a totally wild part of rank 2n–2m and Swan conductor 2. So the “dimension” of N is drop1 + Swan1.

If 2r = 0, then drop1 = 2n, otherwise drop1 = 2n – 1. Thus the “dimension” is as asserted. By Theorem 11.1, N is orthogonally self-dual. Because 1 is the only singularity of N in Gm, N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. The result now follows from the Γ = {1} case of Theorem 19.7. image

In the next example, in odd characteristic p ≠ 5, we begin with an odd symmetric power of TwLeg, say F := Sym2d–1 (TwLeg)(d). This is a lisse sheaf on Gm {1} which is pure of weight zero, symplectically self-dual, and has geometric monodromy SL(2), acting in Sym2d–1(std2). Its local monodromies at 0 and ∞ are both Unip(2d). Its local monodromy at 1 is Lχ2Unip(2d). We form its pullback G := [x image x + 1/x – 2]? F, which is lisse on the open set j : Gm {1, (3 ± √5)/2} ⊂ Gm. Its local monodromy at 1 is Unip(2d). Its local monodromy at each of the points (3 ± √5)/2 is Lχ2Unip(2d). We then form

N := j?G(1/2)[1],

which is pure of weight zero and of “dimension” drop1 + drop(3+ √5)/2 + drop(3–√5)/2 = 2d–1+ 2d+ 2d = 6d–1. By Theorem 11.1, N is orthogonally self-dual. Because 1 is the unique singularity in Gm at which the local monodromy is unipotent, N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. By Theorem 19.1, we have SO(6d – 1) ⊂ Ggeom,N.

We wish to apply Theorem 19.8. Here the set S in Fp× (remember p ≠ 2, 5) is the three element set {1, (3 + √5)/2, (3 – √5)/2}. Notice that (3 + √5)/2 is a totally positive unit in the ring of integers of Q(√5), whose inverse is the totally positive unit (3–√5)/2. This total positivity shows that in Q(√5)×, the multiplicative subgroup generated by (3+ √5)/2 does not contain –1. It follows that in large characteristic p, the set S6d–1 does not contain –1.

To make this precise, let us fix a totally positive unit u ≠ 1 in the ring of integers OK of a real quadratic field K. We define a sequence of strictly positive integers1 N(u, n), n ≥ 1, by


Notice that N(u, n + 1) = (Trace(un+ 1)+ 2)N(u, n), so the N(u, n) successively divide each other. For our S = {1, (3+ √5)/2, (3–√5)/2}, Sn is the set {ui, –nin} for u = (3 + √5)/2. So we get the following theorem.

Theorem 19.10. Let p be a prime which does not divide the integer N((3 + √5)/2, 6d – 1). Then N as above, formed out of the pullback of Sym2d–1(TwLeg)(d) by x image x + 1/x – 2, has Ggeom,N = SO(6d – 1).

Remark 19.11. We do not know if the restriction on p in the above theorem is in fact necessary. For example, starting with Sym1(TwLeg), i.e., d = 1, we are omitting primes dividing N((3 + √5)/2, 5) = 11025000 = 22325572. Are the omissions of 3 and 7 needed? We also do not know whether or not we also have Garith,N = SO(6d – 1) for the “good” primes p. These same problems persist for the next example as well.

Here is another example, still in odd characteristic, this time based on pulling back a hypergeometric sheaf H of type (2n, 2n) which is symplectically self-dual. We assume H is of the form

H(Ã; χ1, …, χ2n; image, image,.., image)((4n – 1)/2),

with no χi trivial, with an even number 2r of the χi the quadratic character, and with the remaining ones, if any, occurring in complex conjugate pairs.

Theorem 19.12. Starting with H as above, in which 2r quadratic characters occur, form the lisse sheaf G := [x image x + 1/x – 2]?H on Gm {1, (3 ± √5)/2}, then form the object N := j?G(1/2)[1] Parith, which is pure of weight zero. Then N is orthogonally self-dual, and we have the following results.

(1) If 2r = 0, then “dim”(N) = 2n + 2, and SO(2n + 2) ⊂ Ggeom,N. If p := char(k) does not divide N((3+ √5)/2, 2n+ 2), then Ggeom,N = SO(2n + 2).

(2) If 2r > 0, then “dim”(N) = 2n + 1, and SO(2n + 1) ⊂ Ggeom,N. If p := char(k) does not divide N((3+ √5)/2, 2n+ 1), then Ggeom,N = SO(2n + 1).

Proof. The pullback G has local monodromy Unip(2n) at both 0 and ∞. To analyze its local monodromy at 1, observe that the map x image x + 1/x – 2 is doubly ramified over 0, with 1 as the unique point lying over. So the local monodromy of G at 1 is the direct sum of two (or one, if 2r = 0) pieces: Unip(2r), and a tame part of rank 2n – 2r with no nonzero inertial invariants. At each of the two points (3 ± √5)/2, which map to 1, the local monodromy is a unipotent pseudoreflection. So the “dimension” of N is drop1 + drop(3+√5)/2 + drop(3–√5)/2. The first term, drop1, is 2n if 2r = 0, otherwise it is 2n – 1. At each of the two points (3 ± √5)/2, the drop is 1. So the dimension is as asserted. By Theorem 11.1, N is orthogonally self-dual. Because 1 is the unique singularity in Gm at which the local monodromy is not a unipotent pseudoreflection, N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. So by Theorem 19.1, Ggeom,N contains the group SO(2n + 1) when 2r > 0, respectively the group SO(2n + 2) when 2r = 0. To get the more precise statement, we apply Theorem 19.8. Here the set S is again the three element set {1, (3 + √5)/2, (3 – √5)/2}. If the characteristic p does not divide the integer N((3 + √5)/2, 2n + 1) when 2r > 0, respectively the integer N((3 + √5)/2, 2n + 2) when 2r > 0, then S2n+ 1, respectively S2n+ 2 does not contain –1.image

Remark 19.13. Whenever we have an N for which we know that Ggeom,N = SO(n) and we know that Garith,NO(n), then either Garith,N = SO(n), or Garith,N = O(n). In the latter case, “det”(N) is geometrically trivial, and of order two, so necessarily (–1)deg. The problem is that in general we don’t know which situation we are in. But in both cases, if we extend scalars from the given ground field k to its quadratic extension, we achieve a situation in which Ggeom = Garith = SO(n).

1The interest of these integers N(u, n) is this. If a prime p does not divide N(u, n), then for any field k of characteristic p, and for any ring homomorphism φ : OKk, none of the elements φ(ui), for –nin, is equal to –1 in k: if p divides N(u, n), then for every such φ at least one of the elements φ(ui), –nin, is equal to –1 in k.

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