G2 Examples: the Overall Strategy

In this and the next two chapters, we fix, for each prime p, a prime ℓ ≠ p and a choice of nontrivial Q×-valued additive character à of the prime field Fp. Given a finite extension field k/Fp, we take as nontrivial additive character of k the composition Ãk := à ◦ Trk/Fp, whenever a nontrivial additive character of k is (implicitly or explicitly) called for (for instance in the definition of a Kloosterman sheaf, or of a hypergeometric sheaf, on Gm/k). Given a finite field k of characteristic p, and a (possibly trivial) multiplicative character χ of k× which, if p is odd, is not the quadratic character χ2, we form the following lisse sheaf F(χ, k)on Gm/k. If p = 2, we take the Tate-twisted Kloosterman sheaf of rank seven

F(χ, k) := Kl(image, image, image, χ, χ, χ, χ)(3).

If p is odd, we take the “Gauss sum twisted” hypergeometric sheaf of type (7, 1)

F(χ, k) := (A–7)degH(image, image, image, χ, χ, χ, χ; χ2),

with A the negative of the quadratic Gauss sum:


It is proven in [Ka-G2Hyper, 9.1] that each of these lisse sheaves is pure of weight zero, orthogonally self-dual, and has Ggeom = Garith = G2 (with G2 seen as a subgroup of SO(7) via G2’s irreducible seven-dimensional representation).

We think of this result in the following way: for #k large, and χ fixed, the semisimplifications of the #k× Frobenius conjugacy classes {Froba,k|F(χ, k)}a∈k× attached to the lisse sheaf F(χ, k) at the points a ∈ k× are approximately equidistributed in the space of conjugacy classes of the compact group UG2, the compact form of G2. What we would like to prove (but cannot, at present) is that, for #k large, if we fix a point a ∈ k×, the semisimplifications of the (#k×, if p = 2, #k× – 1 if p is odd) Frobenius conjugacy classes {Froba,k|F(χ, k)}χ indexed by the characters χ of k× (with χ ≠ χ2 when p is odd) are approximately equidistributed in the space of conjugacy classes of UG2.

Recall that in UG2, conjugacy classes are determined by their characteristic polynomials in the irreducible seven-dimensional representation. This holds because the two fundamental representations of G2 are V!1 = std7, the irreducible seven-dimensional representation, and V!2 = Lie(G2), the adjoint representation. One knows that

Λ2(std7) = std7Lie(G2),

and hence knowing the characteristic polyomial of an element of UG2 determines its trace in both V!1 = std7 and V!2 = Λ2(std7) – std7, and hence in every irreducible representation of UG2. By Peter-Weyl, these traces determine the conjugacy class of the element.

Our main work will be to construct, for each finite field k and each element a ∈ k×, an object N(a, k) Parith on Gm/k with the following properties.

(1) (extension of scalars): Given a ∈ k×, and a finite extension field E/k, the pullback of N(a, k) from Gm/k to Gm/E is the object N(a, E) on Gm/E constructed by viewing a as lying in E.

(2) N(a, k) is geometrically Lie-irreducible of “dimension” seven, pure of weight zero, and orthogonally self-dual. It has no bad characters.

(3) For any character χ of k× (with χ ≠ χ2 if p is odd), form the lisse sheaf F(χ, k) on Gm/k. Then we have the equality of characteristic polynomials

det(1 – TFrobk,χ|!(N(a, k))) = det(1 – TFroba,k|F(χ, k)).

If we grant the existence of such objects N(a, k), we get the following theorem.

Theorem 25.1. Suppose we have objects N(a, k) as above. Then “with probability one,” N(a, k) has Ggeom = Garith = G2. More precisely, in any sequence of finite fields ki (possibly of different characteristics) with #ki → ∞, the fractions


tend archimedeanly to 1.

Proof. We will prove this in a series of lemmas.

Lemma 25.2. Fix a finite field k of characteristic denoted p, and an element a ∈ k×. We have the following results concerning the groups Ggeom and Garith for N(a, k) on Gm/k.

(1) We have Ggeom = GarithSO(7).

(2) Either Garith = G2, or Garith is the image of SL(2) in its irreducible representation V7 := Sym6(std2) of dimension seven.

Proof. Because N(a, k) is orthogonally self-dual, we have GgeomGarithO(7). Thus “det” (N(a, k)) has order dividing 2, so is either δ1 or (–1)degδ1, or, if p is odd, possibly δ–1 or (–1)degδ–1.

We first show that “det” (N(a, k)) is δ1. This will result from the identity

det(1 – TFrobE,ρ|!(N(a, k))) = det(1 – TFroba,E|F(ρ, E)),

valid for every finite extension E/k and every character ρ of E× (except χ2, if p is odd), together with the fact that each such Froba,E|F(ρ, E) lies in G2SO(7), so has determinant 1. Thus each such

det(FrobE,ρ|!(N(a, k))) = 1.

If p = 2, and more generally if “det” (N(a, k)) is geometrically trivial, take E = k and ρ = image to eliminate the (–1)degδ1 possibility. If p is odd, then over any sufficiently large extension field E of k (#E > 4 is big enough) there is a character ρ ≠ χ2 with ρ(–1) = –1. Taking deg(E/k) to be of variable parity, the fact that det(FrobE, ρ|!(N(a, k))) = 1 eliminates both the δ1 and (–1)degδ1 possibilities. Thus we have Ggeom ⊂ GarithSO(7).

Because N(a, k) is geometrically Lie-irreducible, the identity component G0geom is an irreducible subgroup of SO(7). By Gabber’s theorem on prime-dimensional representations [Ka-ESDE, 1.6], the only irreducible connected subgroups of SO(7) are SO(7) itself, or G2 in its seven-dimensional irreducible representation, or the image SL(2)/ ± 1 of SL(2) in V7 := Sym6(std2). Each of these groups is its own normalizer in SO(7) (because for each of these groups, every automorphism is inner, and the ambient group SO(7) contains no nontrivial scalars). Therefore Garith, which lies in SO(7) and normalizes Ggeom and consequently normalizes G0geom, must be this same group. Thus we have

G0geom = Ggeom = Garith,

and Garith is either SO(7) or G2 or the image SL(2)/ ± 1 of SL(2) in V7 := Sym6(std2).

Because N(a, k) in Parith is geometrically (and hence arithmetically) irreducible, and pure of weight zero, the equality Ggeom = Garith implies (Theorem 1.1) the equidistribution of the Frobenius conjugacy classes in the space of conjugacy classes of a compact form K of Garith. We now show that Garith is not SO(7). We argue by contradiction. If Garith were SO(7), then K would be SO(7, R) for the Euclidean inner product, its traces would fill the interval [–5, 7], and the set

{g ∈ K|Tr(g) < –4}

would be an open set of positive measure. Therefore for large extension fields E/k, there would exist, by equidistribution, characters ρ of E× (with ρ ≠ χ2 if p is odd) with Trace(FrobE, ρ|!(N(a, k))) < –4. But we have Trace(FrobE, ρ|!(N(a, k))) = Trace(Froba,E|F(ρ, E)). As noted above, Froba,E|F(ρ, E) has its semisimplification in UG2, and one knows [Ka-NotesG2, 5.5] that the traces of elements of UG2 in its seven-dimensional irreducible representation lie in the interval [–2, 7].

So the only two possibilities for Garith are G2 or the image of SL(2) in V7 := Sym6(std2). In the second case, K is the image of SU(2) in V7 := Sym6(std2). image

We next give a property of the elements in the image of SL(2) in V7 := Sym6(std2) which can be used to show that certain elements of G2 (acting in std7) do not lie in this image.

Lemma 25.3. Given an element g ∈ GL(7), denote by (ug, vg) ∈ A2 the point

(ug, vg) := (Trace(g), Trace(g2)).

Denote by R[U, V ] ∈ Z[U, V ] the two-variable polynomial

R[U, V ] := 8U3 –4U4 –4U5 + U6 + 4U2V –3U4V –4UV2 + 3U2V2V3.

We have the following results.

(1) For any °SL(2, C), with image g := Sym6(°) SO(V7), we have

R[ug, vg] = 0.

(2) There exist elements g in G2(C) ⊂ SO(7) for which

R[ug, vg] ≠ 0.

(3) In the space UG#2 of conjugacy classes of UG2, the set of points {g ∈ UG#2|R[ug, vg] = 0} is a closed set of (Haar) measure zero.

Proof. (1) Given ° SL(2, C), denote by x and 1/x its eigenvalues, and by t := x2 + 1/x2 the trace of its square. The eigenvalues of g := Sym6(°) are x6, x4, x2, 1, 1/x2, 1/x4, 1/x6. In terms of t = x2 + 1/x2, we have

Trace(g) = 1+ t + (t2 – 2) + (t3 – 3t) = –1 – 2t + t2 + t3 := f(t).

The trace of (°2)2 is t2 – 2, so we have

Trace(g2) = f(t2 – 2) = –1+ 6t2 – 5t4 + t6.

The resultant of the two polynomials in t given by

f(t) – U, f(t2 – 2) – V,

is, according to Mathematica, R[U, V ]. Or one verifies by direct substitution that R[f(t), f(t2 – 2)] = 0.

(2) Denote by ζ3C a primitive cube root of unity.There is an element g of G2 with eigenvalues 1, ζ3, ζ3, ζ3, ζ3, ζ3, ζ3. For this element, we have Trace(g) = Trace(g2) = –2, and one checks that R[–2, –2] = 216.

(3) It suffices to show that in the maximal torus UT of UG2, the locus R[ug, vg] = 0 has measure zero for Haar measure on UT, since the Herman Weyl measure on UT (i.e., the Weyl group-invariant measure on UT which induces (the direct image of) Haar measure on UG#2UT/W) is absolutely continuous with respect to Haar measure. The function R[ug, vg] on UTS1 × S1 is a trigonometric polynomial, so it is either identically zero or its zero locus has measure zero. By part (2), it is not identically zero. image

Lemma 25.4. Let k be a finite field of characteristic denoted p, a ∈ k× an element. Suppose there exists a character χ of k×, χ ≠ χ2 if p ≠ 2, such that the element θa,k := (Froba,k|F(χ, k))ss ∈ UG#2 has R[uθa,k, vθa,k] = 0. Then N(a, k) has Ggeom = Garith = G2.

Proof. In view of the identity

det(1 – TFrobk,χ|!(N(a, k))) = det(1 – TFroba,k|F(χ, k)),

we see that θa,k is equal to (Frobk,χ|!(N(a, k))ss. In view of Lemma 25.3, this element in UG#2 is not of the form Sym6(°) for any element ° ∈ SU(2)#. This rules out the possibility that Ggeom = Garith is the image of SL(2) in Sym6(stdd), and the result now follows from Lemma 25.2.image

Lemma 25.5. Let k be a finite field, F a lisse sheaf of rank seven on Gm/k which is pure of weight zero, orthogonally self-dual, and with Ggeom = Garith = G2. Denote by αR≥0 (resp. βR≥0) the largest slope of F at 0 (resp. ∞). Then for any irreducible nontrivial representation Λ of G2, we have the estimate


Proof. Consider the lisse sheaf Λ(F) of rank dim(Λ) obtained by “pushing out” F by Λ. By the Lefschetz Trace formula [Gr-Rat] and the vanishing of H2c(Gm/k, Λ(F)), we have


By the Euler-Poincaré formula, we have

dim H1c(Gm/k, Λ(F)) = Swan0(Λ(F)) + Swan(Λ(F)).

By assumption, the upper numbering groups I(0)α+ and I(∞)β+ act trivially on F, so also on Λ(F), and so α (resp. β) are upper bounds for the slopes of F at 0 (resp. ∞). Thus we have

Swan0(Λ(F)) ≤ α dim(Λ), Swan(Λ(F)) ≤ β dim(Λ).

By Deligne’s main theorem [De-Weil II, 3.3.1], applied to the pure of weight zero lisse sheaf Λ(F), its H1c is mixed of weight ≤ 1, and the result follows.image

Lemma 25.6. Let ki be a sequence of finite fields whose cardinalities qi tend to ∞. Suppose for each i we have a lisse sheaf Fi of rank seven on Gm/ki which is pure of weight zero, orthogonally self-dual, and with Ggeom = Garith = G2. Suppose there exist real numbers α ≥ 0 (resp. β ≥ 0) which are upper bounds for the slopes of every Fi at 0 (resp. at ∞). Let Z ⊂ UG#2 be a closed set of measure zero (for the induced Haar measure μ) in the space UG#2 of conjugacy classes of UG2. For ai ∈ k×i, denote by θai,ki ∈ UG#2 the Frobenius conjugacy class (Frobai,ki|Fi)ss. Then the fractions


tend to 0 as #ki → ∞.

Proof. Denote by χZ the characteristic function of Z. Foreach i, denote by μi the probability measure on UG#2 given by


Then our ratios are the integrals ∫ χZi. Pick a real number ² > 0. We will show that for #ki sufficiently large, we have | ∫ χZi| ≤ ².

Because Z has μ measure zero, we can find an open set V with Z ⊂ V ⊂ UG#2 and μ(V) ≤ ²/4. By Urysohn’s Lemma [Ru, 2.12], we can find a continuous R-valued function f on UG#2 with 0 ≤ f ≤ 1, with support in V and which is 1 on Z. Notice that


For each i we have


So it suffices to show


for #ki sufficiently large.

By Peter-Weyl, we can find a finite linear combination of traces of irreducible representations Λ0 = image, Λ1, …, Λn which is uniformly within ²/4 of f, say


Then for every i we have


This same estimate holds for μ as well. We have seen that 0 ≤ ∫ fdμ ≤ ²/4, and hence we have


But in this integral, only the constant term survives, so we get

|a0| ≤ ²/2.

Now let A := Supj|aj|. It follows from the previous lemma, applied separately to each of the finitely many Λj, that for qi := #ki sufficiently large,1 we will have


Then we get


Thus from the above inequality


we see that


for #ki sufficiently large.image

Lemma 25.7. Let ki be a sequence of finite fields whose cardinalities qi tend to ∞. For each i take Fi := F(image, ki) in the previous lemma. Take for Z the closed set {g ∈ UG#2|R[ug, vg] = 0}. Then the fractions


tend to 0 as #ki → ∞. Equivalently, the fractions


tend to 1 as #ki → ∞.

Proof. Indeed the sheaves Fi are all tame at 0, and their ∞-slopes are either all 1/7, in characteristic 2, or they are 0 and six repetitions of 1/6. So we may take α = 0 and β = 1/6 in the previous lemma.image

Combining this last lemma with Lemma 25.4, we see that Theorem 25.1 holds.image

Remark 25.8. It seems plausible that every N(a, k) has Ggeom = Garith = G2. Computer calculations show that this is the case if k = Fp with p ≤ 100, for every aF×p. Indeed, for these pairs (a, k), the element θa,k := (Froba,k|F(image, k))ss ∈ UG#2 has R[uθa,k, vθa,k] ≠ 0. [The skeptical reader will correctly object that we are merely avoiding a set of measure zero, namely R[ug, vg] = 0, hence these calculations are no evidence at all that every N(a, k) has Ggeom = Garith = G2.]

1The exact condition is that qi be large enough that we have the inequalities (α + β)dim(Λj)√qi/(qi – 1) ≤ ∈/(4An) for j = 1, …, n.

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