The Case of SL(2); the Examples of Evans and Rudnick

In treating both of these examples, as well as all the examples to come, we will use the Euler-Poincaré formula, cf. [Ray, Thm. 1] or [Ka-GKM, 2.3.1] or [Ka-SE, 4.6, (v) atop p. 113] or [De-ST, 3.2.1], to compute the “dimension” of the object N in question.

Let us briefly recall the general statement of the Euler-Poincaré formula, and then specialize to the case at hand. Let X be a projective, smooth, nonsingular curve over an algebraically closed field k in which is invertible, U ⊂ X a dense open set in X, and V ⊂ U a dense open set in U. Let G be a constructible Q-sheaf on U which is lisse on V of rank r := gen.rk.(G). We view G|V as a representation of π1(V). For each point x ∈ (X V)(k), we restrict this representation to the inertia group I(x) at x. Its Swan conductor gives a nonnegative integer Swanx(G), cf. [Ka-GKM, 1.5-1.10], which vanishes if and only if G|V is tamely ramified at x. For each point u ∈ (U V)(k), we have the integer dropu(G) := gen.rk.(G) – dim(Gu). We denote by χ(U) the Euler characteristic of U. Thus if X has genus g, then χ(U) = 2 – 2g – #(X U)(k). The Euler-Poincaré formula states that χc(U, G) = χ(U, G) is equal to


When U is Gm, whose χ vanishes, and we place G in degree –1, this becomes


The term inside the square brackets, dropu(G)+Swanu(G), is called the “total drop” of G at u. Using this terminology, the formula becomes


We now turn to the key result of this chapter.

Theorem 14.1. Suppose N in Parith is pure of weight zero, geometrically irreducible, and arithmetically self-dual of “dimension” two. Then the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) N is geometrically Lie-irreducible.

(2) N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate [x image ax]? N, a ≠ 1, of itself.

(3) N is symplectically self-dual, and we have Ggeom,N = Garith,N = SL(2).

Proof. The equivalence of (1) and (2) was proven in Corollary 8.3. If (3) holds, then G0geom = SL(2) acts irreducibly in its standard representation, hence (1) holds. Conversely, suppose (1) holds. We will show that (3) holds. The autoduality on N is either orthogonal or symplectic. We first show it cannot be orthogonal. Indeed, if it were orthogonal, we would have Ggeom,NGarith,N ⊂ O(2), with Ggeom,N a Lie-irreducible subgroup of O(2). But there are no such subgroups, because SO(2) has index two in O(2) and is abelian. Therefore the autoduality must be symplectic. So we have inclusions Ggeom,NGarith,NSL(2), and hence it suffices to show that Ggeom,N = SL(2). But the only irreducible (in the standard representation) subgroups of SL(2)/Q are SL(2) itself, the normalizer N(T) of a torus T, and some finite subgroups. Of these, SL(2) is the only one that acts Lie-irreducibly. image

With this result in hand, it is a simple matter to treat the examples of Evans and of Rudnick. We begin by treating the example of Evans.

Theorem 14.2. For à a nontrivial additive character of k, and N the object LÃ(x–1/x)(1/2)[1] in Parith on Gm/k := Spec(k[x, 1/x]), we have Ggeom,N = Garith,N = SL(2).

Proof. The lisse sheaf LÃ(x–1/x) is pure of weight zero. It is wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞, with Swan conductor 1 at each, so is not geometrically isomorphic to an Lχ. Thus N is a geometrically irreducible object of Parith, pure of weight zero. Its dimension “dim”N := χ(Gm / k, N) is given by the Euler-Poincaré formula,

χ(Gm / k, N) = Swan0(LÃ(x–1/x))+ Swan(LÃ(x–1/x)) = 1+ 1 = 2.

Writing LÃ(x–1/x) = LÃ(x)LÃ(–1/x), we see by Theorem 10.1 that N is symplectically self-dual. The multiplicative translate of N by ak× is LÃ(ax–1/ax)(1/2)[1]. This is geometrically isomorphic to N if and only if LÃ(ax–1/ax) is geometrically isomorphic to LÃ(x–1/x), i.e., if and only if their ratio LÃ(ax–1/ax) ⊗ (LÃ(x–1/x))–1 = LÃ((a–1)x+ (1–1/a)/x) is geometrically trivial. But for a ≠ 1, this ratio is itself wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞. Therefore N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, and we conclude by the previous result. image

Here is a strengthening of this result, using Theorem 12.1.

Theorem 14.3. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 2 elements of k× whose squares are distinct: for ij, ci ≠ ±cj. Denote by Ni the object LÃ(ci(x–1/x))(1/2)[1] on Gm/k := Spec(k[x, 1/x]). Then we have Ggeom,⊕iNi = Garith,⊕iNi = ∏ri=1 SL(2).

Proof. We must show that for ij, LÃ(ci(x–1/x)) is not geometrically isomorphic to either LÃ(cj(x–1/x)) or to [x imagex]? LÃ(cj(x–1/x)) = LÃ(–cj(x–1/x)). As in the proof above, the ratio is LÃ((–ci±cj)(x–1/x)). This is wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞, because for ij, –ci ± cj ≠ 0. image

Here is a further strengthening of this result, again using Theorem 12.1. Its very formulation is based on the fact that for a given object N ∈ Parith and a given Kummer sheaf Lχ, the functor M image M ⊗ Lχ induces a Tannakian isomorphism of <N>arith with <N ⊗ Lχ>arith, and of <N>geom with <N ⊗ Lχ>geom. In particular N and N ⊗ Lχ have the “same” groups Ggeom and the “same” groups Garith as each other.

Theorem 14.4. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 1 elements of k× whose squares are distinct: for ij, ci ≠ ±cj. Let χ1, …, χs be s ≥ 1 distinct characters of k×. Denote by Ni,j the object LÃ(ci(x–1/x))Lχj (1/2)[1] on Gm/k := Spec(k[x, 1/x]). Then we have Ggeom,⊕i,jNi,j = Garith,⊕i,jNi,j = ∏ri=1sj=1 SL(2).

Proof. We must show that for (i, j) ≠ (a, b), LÃ(ci(x–1/x))Lχj is not geometrically isomorphic to either LÃ(ca(x–1/x))Lxb or to [x imagex]? LÃ(ca(x–1/x))Lxb image LÃ(–ca(x–1/x))Lxb. [Recall that, geometrically, Kummer sheaves Lχ are invariant under multiplicative translation.] If ia, both ratios are wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞, just as in the proof of the previous result. If i = a but jb, then the ratio is either wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞, or it is jb, which is not geometrically constant. image

We now turn to the example of Rudnick in the split case.

Theorem 14.5. Suppose that k has odd characteristic. We work on Gm/k := Spec(k[x, 1/x]). For à a nontrivial additive character of k, form the lisse sheaf LÃ((x+ 1)/(x–1)) on U := Gm {1}. For j : UGm the inclusion, we have j!LÃ((x+ 1)/(x–1)) = j? LÃ((x+ 1)/(x–1)). Form the object N := j? LÃ((x+ 1)/(x–1))(1/2)[1] on Gm/k. Then N is a geometrically irreducible two-dimensional object of Parith which is pure of weight zero and arithmetically self-dual. It has Ggeom,N = Garith,N = SL(2).

Proof. The sheaf LÃ((x+ 1)/(x–1)) is wildly ramified at 1, so it is not geometrically isomorphic to an Lχ. Thus N is a geometrically irreducible object of Parith, which is pure of weight zero. It is lisse at both 0 and ∞. Its only singularity in Gm is at 1, where its Swan conductor is 1. So the Euler-Poincaré formula, cf. [Ray] or [Ka-GKM, 2.3.1], shows that its dimension is two. It is symplectically self-dual, by Theorem 10.1 applied to the lisse sheaf F := LÃ((1/2)(x+ 1)/(x–1)) on U. And N is not geometrically isomorphic to a multiplicative translate of itself by any a ≠ 1, because 1 is the unique point of Gm(k) at which N is not lisse. image

Here is a strengthening of this result, using Theorem 12.1.

Theorem 14.6. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 2 distinct elements of k×. Form the object Ni := j? LÃ(ci(x+ 1)/(x–1))(1/2)[1] on Gm/k. Then we have Ggeom,⊕iNi = Garith,⊕iNi = ∏ri=1 SL(2).

Proof. We must show that for ij, LÃ(ci(x+ 1)/(x–1)) is not geometrically isomorphic to either LÃ(cj(x+ 1)/(x–1)) or to [x imagex]? LÃ(cj(x+ 1)/(x–1)). The second isomorphism is impossible because the source is singular only at 1 ∈ Gm while the target is singular only at –1 ∈ Gm. For ij, LÃ(ci(x+ 1)/(x–1)) is not geometrically isomorphic to LÃ(cj(x+ 1)/(x–1)) because their ratio, LÃ((cj–ci)(x+ 1)/(x–1)), is wildly ramified at 1. image

Here is a further strengthening, again using Theorem 12.1.

Theorem 14.7. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 1 distinct elements of k×. Let χ1, …, χs be s ≥ 1 distinct characters of k×. Denote by Na,b the object Na,b := j? LÃ(ca(x+ 1)/(x–1))Lxb(1/2)[1] on Gm/k. Then we have Geom,⊕a,bNa,b = Garith,⊕a,bNa,b = ∏ra=1sb=1 SL(2).

Proof. All the objects Na,b have the point 1 as their unique singularity, so just as in the argument above it suffices to show that for (a, b) ≠ (c, d), Na,b is not geometrically isomorphic to Nc,d. If ab, then just as above the ratio is wildly ramified at 1. If a = b but cd, the ratio is dc, which is not geometrically constant.

We conclude this chapter with the example of Rudnick in the non-split case. Here k has odd characteristic. Completing the square, we can present k2 as k[u]/(u2 + b) with b ∈ k× and u2 + b ∈ k[u] quadratic (and irreducible, but we will not use this). For any k-algebra A, we write elements of A ⊗k k2 as x + yu, with x, y ∈ A.

Then G/k = Spec(k[x, y]/(x2 + by2 – 1)). The group law is
(x, y)(s, t) := (xs – byt, xt + ys),

the identity is (1, 0), and inversion is

[inv]? (x, y) = (x, –y).

On the open set G[1/(x – 1)] where x – 1 is invertible, we have the function –by/(x – 1), which changes sign under inversion:

[inv]? (–by/(x – 1)) = by/(x – 1).

In the split case, i.e., when –b = c2 for some c ∈ k×, then (x, y) image t := x + cy is an isomorphism GGm. Then we readily calculate1

by/(x – 1) = c(t + 1)/(t – 1).

Theorem 14.8. Suppose that k has odd characteristic. For à a nontrivial additive character of k, form the lisse sheaf LÃ(–by/(x–1)) on U := G[1/(x – 1)]. For j : U ⊂ G the inclusion, we have j!LÃ(–by/(x–1)) = j? LÃ(–by/(x–1)). Form the object N := j? LÃ(–by/(x–1))(1/2)[1] on G/k. Then N is a geometrically irreducible two-dimensional object of Parith which is pure of weight zero and arithmetically self-dual. It has Ggeom,N = Garith,N = SL(2).

Proof. That j? LÃ(–by/(x–1)) is not geometrically a Kummer sheaf Lχ is a geometric statement, already proven in the split case, as is the fact that N is geometrically irreducible two-dimensional object of Parith. That it is pure of weight zero is obvious from its definition. That it is arithmetically symplectically self-dual results from Theorem 10.1, applied to LÃ(–by/2(x–1)). The rest of the proof is the same as in the split case. image

For the sake of completeness, here are the strengthenings in the nonsplit case, with the same proofs as in the split case.

Theorem 14.9. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 2 distinct elements of k×. Form the object Ni := j? LÃ(–bciy/(x–1))(1/2)[1] on G/k. Then we have Ggeom,⊕iNi = Garith,⊕iNi = ∏ri=1 SL(2).

Theorem 14.10. Let c1, …, cr be r ≥ 1 distinct elements of k×. Let χ1, …, χs be s ≥ 1 distinct characters of G(k). Denote by Ni,j the object Ni,j := j? LÃ(–bciy/(x–1))Lχj (1/2)[1] on G/k. Then we have Ggeom,⊕i,jNi,j = Garith,⊕i,jNi,j = ∏ri=1sj=1 SL(2).

1Indeed, t = x + cy, 1/t = x – cy, so 2cy = t – 1/t = (t + 1)(t – 1)/t, 2x – 2 = t + 1/t – 2 = (t – 1)2/t, hence cy/(x – 1) = (t + 1)/(t – 1).

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