GL(n) × GL(n) × … × GL(n) Examples

In this chapter, we investigate the following question. Suppose we have a geometrically irreducible middle extension sheaf G on Gm/k which is pure of weight zero, such that the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith has “dimension” n and has Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n). Suppose in addition we are given s ≥ 2 distinct characters χi of k×. We want criteria which insure that for the objects

Ni := NLχi,

the direct sum ⊕iNi has Ggeom,⊕iNi = Garith,⊕iNi = ∏i GL(n). Because we have a priori inclusions Ggeom,⊕iNiGarith,⊕iNi ⊂ ∏i GL(n), it suffices to prove that Ggeom,⊕iNi = ∏i GL(n). To show this, it suffices to show both of the following two statements.

(1) The determinants in the Tannakian sense “det”(NLχi) := “det”(Ni) have Ggeom,⊕i“det”(Ni) = ∏iGL(1).

(2) (Ggeom,⊕iNi)0,der = ∏i SL(n).

We first deal with the Tannakian determinants. As already noted, MMLχ is a Tannakian isomorphism from <N>geom to <NLχ>geom. In particular, the Tannakian determinants satisfy

“det”(NLχ) = “det”(N) ⊗Lχ.

Now “det”(N) is a nonpunctual (because it is of infinite order) one-dimensional object of <N>geom, so it is a multiplicative translate of an irreducible hypergeometric H(Ã; ρa′sb′s)[1] of some type (n, m), n, m ≥ 0, n + m > 0, cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3]. The irreducibility is equivalent to the condition that, if both n and m are ≥ 1, no ρa is any Λb, cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.4.2,]. We have the following lemma, which we will apply with its M taken to be “det”(N).

Lemma 20.1. Suppose MPgeom is a multipliplicative translate of an irreducible hypergeometric H(Ã; ρa′sb′s)[1] of some type (n, m), n, m ≥ 0, n + m > 0. [Thus if both n and m are ≥ 1, no ρa is any Λb.] Suppose given s ≥ 2 distinct characters χi of k×, which satisfy the following three conditions.

(1) If both n and m are ≥ 1, then for ij, no χiρa is any χjΛb.

(2) If n > 0, then for ij, no χiρa is any χjρa′.

(3) If m > 0, then for ij, no χiΛb is any χjΛb′.

Then with Mi := MLχi, we have Ggeom,⊕iMi = ∏i GL(1).

Proof. We must show that for any nonzero vector υ = (υ1, …, υs) ∈ Zs, the tensor product in the Tannakian sense M⊗υ1M2⊗υ2Ms⊗υs is not geometrically trivial. Omitting terms which don’t occur, and renumbering, we must show the following two statements.

(1) If v1, υ2, …, υr are ≥ 1, then the tensor product in the Tannakian sense M1⊗υ1 … ⊗ Mr⊗υr is not geometrically trivial.

(2) If υ1, υ2, …, υr are ≥ 1 and υr+ 1, …, υr+ t are ≤ –1, say υi = –wi for r + 1 ≤ i ≤ r + t, then then the tensor product in the Tannakian sense imageM2υ2 … ⊗ Mr⊗υr is not geometrically isomorphic to the tensor product in the Tannakian sense image.

To see the truth of these statements, recall from [Ka-ESDE, 8.3.3 and] that given two irreducible hypergeometrics H(Ã; ρa′sb′s)[1] and H(Ã; μc′s; νd′s)[1] of types (n, m) and (e, f) respectively, so long as no ρa is a νd and no Λb is a μc, then their ! convolution maps isomorphically to their ? convolution. This common convolution is their middle convolution, which is the irreducible hypergeometric of type (n + e, m + f) given up to geometric isomorphism by

H(Ã; ρa′sb′s)[1] ?mid H(Ã; μc ′s; νd ′s)[1]

H(Ã; ρa′s ∪ μc′sb′s ∪ νd′s)[1].

Recall also [Ka-ESDE, 8.2.5] that for any χ we have

H(Ã; ρa′sb′s)[1] ⊗LχH(Ã; χρa′s; χΛb′ s)[1].

In case (1), hypothesis (1), if relevant, allows us to compute the tensor product in the Tannakian sense M1⊗υ1 … ⊗ Mr⊗υr. It is a multiplicative translate of the irreducible hypergeometric of type (ni υi, mi υi) whose “upstairs” parameters (the tame part of local monodromy at 0) if any are the χiρa with various repetitions, and whose “downstairs” parameters (the tame part of local monodromy at ∞) if any are the χjΛb with various repetitions, with i, j in [1, r].

In case (2), M1⊗υ1 … ⊗ M1⊗υr is a multiplicative translate of the hypergeometric of type (ni υi, mi υi) whose “upstairs” parameters are the χiρa with various repetitions, and whose “downstairs” parameters are the χjΛb with various repetitions, with i, j in [1, r]. And image is a multiplicative translate of the hypergeometric of type (nj wr+j, mj wr+j) whose “upstairs” parameters are the χr+jρa with various repetitions, and whose “downstairs” parameters are the χr+jΛb with various repetitions, with i, j in [1, t]. If n > 0 (resp. if m > 0), then the tame parts of local monodromy at 0 (resp. at ∞) of both sides are nonzero, but by the disjointness hypotheses (2) (resp. (3)), they have completely disjoint characters at 0 (resp. at ∞). So they are not geometrically isomorphic. image

Here is a simple but striking case, which gives a more compact packaging of the proof in [Ka-GKM, 9.3, 9.5] of a result on equidistribution in (S1)r of r-tuples of angles of Gauss sums.

Corollary 20.2. Fix a nontrivial additive character à of k, Là the corresponding Artin-Schreier sheaf, and put N := LÃ(1/2)[1] Parith. For any r ≥ 1 distinct characters χi of k×, put Ni := NLχi. The object ⊕iNi has


Proof. LÃ is H(Ã; image, image), a hypergeometric of type (1, 0), with the only ρ of the previous lemma the trivial character image.image

Another simple case is this, which, with a = 1, gives an equidistribution result in (S1)r for r-tuples of angles of Jacobi sums.

Corollary 20.3. Fix a nontrivial multiplicative character Λ of k×, and an element a ∈ k×. Put N := LΛ(a–x)(1/2)[1] Parith. Choose r ≥ 1 distinct characters χi of k×, put Ni := NLχi. Suppose that for all ij, χi ≠ Λχj. Then the objectiNi has


Proof. Indeed, LΛ(a–x) is a multiplicative translate of the hypergeometric H(image, Λ) of type (1, 1). Here the only ρ of Lemma 20.1 is image, and the fixed Λ is the only Λ. image

We now turn to the problem of showing that for a given N with Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n), we have (Ggeom,⊕iNLχi)0, der = ∏i SL(n). Put Ni := NLχi. By Theorem 13.5 (Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet), it suffices to show that for every one-dimensional object LPgeom, and for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and Nj ?mid L nor between Ni and Nj ?mid L.

To deal with an L which is punctual, we must show that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and any multiplicative translate of either Nj or of Nj.

To deal with an L which is nonpunctual, we consider the generic rank gen.rk(M) of objects MPgeom. Onadenseopenset UGm/k, M|U is F[1] for a lisse sheaf F on U. The rank of F on U is by definition gen.rk(M). Clearly two objects of different generic rank cannot be geometrically isomorphic.

Theorem 20.4. Suppose N = G[1] Pgeom, with G an irreducible middle extension sheaf on Gm/k. Suppose that either of the following two conditions is satisfied.

(1) “dim”(N) ≥ 3, G is tame at 0 and ∞, and its local monodromies at 0 and ∞ both satisfy the following condition: if a character χ occurs, it occurs in a single Jordan block.

(2) G is the restriction to Gm of a sheaf which is lisse on A1/k, totally wild at ∞, with all of its ∞-slopes > 2.

Then for any nonpunctual one-dimensional object LPgeom, we have

gen.rk(N ?mid L) > gen.rk(N)


gen.rk(N ?mid L) > gen.rk(N).

Proof. An object and its dual have the same generic rank. The dual of N ?mid L is N ?mid L, and L is again a nonpunctual one-dimensional object. So it suffices to prove the first inequality, gen.rk(N ?mid L) > gen.rk(N).

We next explain how to calculate the generic rank of our middle convolution N ?mid L. The nonpunctual one-dimensional object L is H[1], for H a multiplicative translate of an irreducible hypergeometric sheaf, cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3]. Over a dense open set UGm/k, both N ?! L and N ?? L are lisse sheaves placed in degree –1, and of formation compatible with arbitrary change of base on U. So the middle convolution

N ?mid L := Image(N?! LN ?? L)

is, on U, itself a lisse sheaf placed in degree –1, and of formation compatible with arbitrary change of base on U.

Denote by S and T respectively the singularities of G and H in Gm. Fix a point a ∈ U(k) which, if both S and T are nonempty, does not lie in the set ST of products. Form the sheaf K on Gm defined by

K := G ⊗ [x image a/x]?H.

Notice that K is itself a middle extension sheaf on Gm (because a does not lie in ST), and denote by j : GmP1 the inclusion. Then the stalks at a of N?! L, N ?? L, and N ?mid L respectively are the cohomology groups

H1(P1/k, j!K), H1(P1/k, Rj? K), H1(P1/k, j? K)

respectively. We have a short exact sequence of sheaves on P1,

0 → j!K → j? K → (K(0)I(0))pct. at 0 ⊕ (K(∞)I(∞))pct. at ∞ → 0.

We first observe that in the long exact cohomology sequence, for i ≠ 1, both Hi(P1/k, j!K)(= Hic(Gm/k, K)) and Hi(P1/k, j? K) vanish. The H0c vanishes because K has no nonzero punctual sections. The H2c and the H0 vanish because N = G[1] and hence N both have “dim”(N) > 2, so N is geometrically isomorphic to no multiplicative translate of [x image 1/x] ?L, which has “dimension” one. The H2(P1/k, j? K) vanishes because it is a quotient of H2c(P1/k, j!?K).

So the long exact cohomology sequence gives a short exact sequence

0 → K(0)I(0)K(∞)I(∞)H1(P1/k,j ? K) → H1(P1/k,j ? K) → 0.

Thus we obtain the formula

gen.rk(N?mid L) = gen:rk(N ?! L) = dim K(0)I(0) – dim K(∞)I(∞).

We will now calculate each of the three terms on the right-hand side. The sheaf K is lisse outside the disjoint union Sa/T.


For s ∈ S, H is lisse at a/s, so we have

dropss(K) + Swanss(K) = (dropss(G) + Swanss(G))gen:rk(H).

For b = a/t ∈ a/T, G is lisse at b, so we have

dropb(K) + Swanb(K) = gen:rk(G)(dropt(H) + Swant(H)).

We first treat case (1). Thus G is tame at both 0 and ∞. Here we have

Swan0(K) = gen:rk(G)Swan(H).

Swan(K) = gen:rk(G)Swan0(H).

In this case, the above plethora of formulas gives the relation

gen:rk(N ?! L) = gen:rk(N) “dim”(L) + “dim”(N)gen:rk(L).

We next derive, in this case, upper bounds for dim K(0)I(0) and for dim K(∞)I(∞). To do this, write

H(0) = H(0)tameH(0)tot.wild,

H(∞) = H(∞)tameH(∞)tot.wild.

The isomorphism classes of both H(∞)tame and H(0)tame are invariant under multiplicative translation. Define

inυH := [x image 1/x] ? H.

Then we have

K(0)I(0) ≅ (G(0) ⊗ inυH(0)tame)I(0),

K(∞)I(∞) ≅ (G(∞) ⊗ inυH(∞)tame)I(∞).

Now we make use of the hy pothesis on G that its local monodromies at both 0 and ∞ satisfy the condition that any character that occurs does so in a single Jordan block. One knows [Ka-ESDE, 8.4.2 (6-8)] that the tame parts of the local monodromies of H and hence of inυH at both 0 and ∞ also satisfy this condition. We claim that

dim K(0)I(0)Min(gen.rk(G), rk(inυH(0)tame)),

dim K(∞)I(∞)Min(gen.rk(G), rk(inυH(∞)tame)).

Granting these claims, we can conclude as follows. It suffices to show that

gen:rk(N)“dim” (L)+ “dim” (N)gen:rk(L) – 2 Min(gen:rk(G), gen:rk(H)) > gen:rk(N).

Now “dim” (L) = 1, so this is equivalent to showing that

“dim” (N)gen:rk(L) > 2 Min(gen:rk(G); gen:rk(H)).

But gen:rk(L) := gen:rk(H), we may rewrite this as

“dim” (N)gen:rk(H) > 2 Min(gen:rk(G); gen:rk(H)).

But we have the trivial inequality gen:rk(H) ≥ Min(gen:rk(G); gen:rk(H)), so it suffices that

“dim” (N)gen:rk(H) > 2gen:rk(H),

which is obvious from the assumption that “dim” (N) ≥ 3.

It remains to show that

dim K(0)I(0)Min(gen:rk(G); rk(inυH(0)tame)),

dim K(∞)I(∞)Min(gen:rk(G); rk(inυH(∞)tame)).

Recall that

K(0)I(0) ≅ (G(0) ⊗ inυH(0)tame)I(0),

K(∞)I(∞) ≅ (G(∞) ⊗ inυH(∞)tame)I(∞).

So we must show that

dim(G(0) ⊗ inυH(0)tame)I(0)Min(gen.rk(G), rk(inυH(0)tame)),

dim(G(∞) ⊗ inυH(∞)tame)I(∞)Min(gen.rk(G), rk(inυH(∞)tame)).

It suffices to prove the (universal truth of the) first. Thus we have a tame representation V of I(0)


of rank n = ∑i ni, in which the χi are all distinct. And we have a second tame representation W of I(0),


of rank m = ∑j mj, in which all the ρj are distinct. We must show that

dim((VW)I(0)) ≤ Min(n, m).



The only terms with nonzero I(0)-invariants are those for which χi = ρj. If there are no such pairs, there is nothing to prove. If there are such pairs, we may renumber so that χi = ρi for i = 1, …, r, and χiρj unless i = j and 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r. So we may replace V by its subspace image LχiUnip(ni) and replace W by its subspace image LχiUnip(mi). So we are reduced to showing that


We have the trivial inequality


So it suffices to observe that for two integers n, m ≥ 1, we have

dim((Unip(n) ⊗ Unip(m))I(0)) = Min(n, m).

To fix ideas, say mn. One knows that

Unip(n) ⊗ Unip(m) = Symn–1(Unip(2)) ⊗ Symm–1(Unip(2))


and each of the m unipotent Jordan block summands has a one-dimension space of I(0)-invariants. This concludes the proof in case (1).

We now treat case (2). Thus G is the restriction to Gm of a sheaf which is lisse on A1/k, totally wild at ∞, with all of its ∞-slopes > 2. Recall that


Here S is empty. For b = a/t ∈ a/T, G is lisse at b, so we have

dropb(K)+ Swanb(K) = gen.rk(G)(dropt(H)+ Swant(H)).

Because G is lisse at 0, we have

Swan0(K) = gen.rk(G)Swan(H).

Because G has all its ∞-slopes > 2, while every ∞-slope of [x images a/x]?H is ≤ 1, we have

Swan(K) = gen.rk(H)Swan(G).

Putting all these together, we get the formula

gen.rk(N ?!L) = gen.rk(G)(“dim”(L)–Swan0(H))+ “dim”(N)gen.rk(L).

Meanwhile K is totally wild at ∞, so K(∞)I(∞) = 0. As G is lisse at 0,

dim(KI(0)) = gen.rk.(G) dim(invH(0)I(0)).

Now “dim”(L) = 1, and both Swan0(H) and dim(invH(0)I(0)) are ≤ 1. So we have the inequality

gen.rk(N ?! L) ≥ “dim”(N)gen.rk(L) – gen.rk.(G).

We will show that

“dim”(N)gen.rk(L) – gen.rk.(G) > gen.rk.(G),

i.e., that

“dim”(N)gen.rk(L) > 2gen.rk.(G).

As gen.rk(L) ≥ 1, it suffices to show that

“dim”(N) > 2gen.rk.(G).

But “dim”(N) = Swan(G) is the sum of the gen.rk(G) ∞-slopes of G, each of which is > 2, so this last inequality is obvious.images

With these results in hand, it is a simple matter to apply them to the GL(n) examples we have found in Chapter 17.

Theorem 20.5. Fix any integer n ≥ 3, and a lisse rank one sheaf F on A1/Fp which is pure of weight zero and whose Swan conductor atis the integer n, such that F|Gm is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Thus the object N := F(1/2)[1] Parith has “dim”(N) = n, and Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n). For any r ≥ 2 distinct characters χi of k×, put Ni := NLχi. Then the objectiNi has


Proof. We first show that for ij, there is no geometric isomorphism between Ni and any multiplicative translate of either Nj or Nj. Any multiplicative translate of Nj is totally wild at 0, while Ni is tame at 0. And Ni and any multiplicative translate of Nj have nonisomorphic local monodromies at 0, namely Lχi and Lχj.

To show that for a nonpunctual L ∈ Pgeom of “dimension” one there is no geometric isomorphism of Ni with either Nj ?mid L or Nj ?mid L, we “pull out” the Lχj :

Nj ?mid L = (NLχj) ?mid L ≅ (N ?mid (LLχj)) ⊗ Lχj.

Now N and each Nj have the same generic rank as each other, so by the previous result we get

gen.rk(Nj ?mid L) > gen.rk(Ni).


Nj ?mid L = (NLχj) ?mid L ≅ (N ?mid (LLχj)) ⊗ Lχj,

and putting L1 := LLχj, we observe that N ?mid L1 has the same generic rank as its Tannakian dual N ?mid L1, so we get

gen.rk(Nj ?mid L) > gen.rk(Ni).

To show that the Tannakian determinants “det”(Ni) = (det N) ⊗ Lχi are independent, it suffices, by Corollary 20.2, to show that “det”(N) is geometrically isomorphic to a multiplicative translate of the Artin Schreier sheaf LÃ(1/2)[1], Ã some fixed nontrivial additive character of k. For this we argue as follows. One knows that the collection of all objects in Pgeom which are lisse on Gm, unipotent at 0, and totally wild at ∞ is stable by ! convolution, which coincides, on this collection, with middle convolution, cf. [Ka-GKM, 5.1 (2)]. So “det”(N), a direct factor of the n-fold convolution of N with itself, is lisse on Gm, totally wild at 0, and unipotent at 0. The only such objects of “dimension” one are (shifts by [1] of) multiplicative translates of Kloosterman sheaves Kln := Kl(Ã; image, …, image)(n/2) of some rank n ≥ 1, cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3]. Because “det”(N) Parith, the multiplicative translation must be by an a ∈ k×. It remains to see that n = 1. For this we consider the weight drop of Frobk,image acting on “det”(N). Acting on N, it has n – 1 eigenvalues of absolute value 1, and one eigenvalue of absolute value 1/√#k. So acting on “det”(N), its weight drop is one. In general, the weight drop of Frobk,image acting on !(Kln(n/2)[1]) ≅ H1c(Gm/k, Kln(n/2)) is n, cf. [Ka-GKM, 7.3.1].image

Theorem 20.6. Let k have odd characteristic. Fix an odd integer n ≥ 3, and define N := Symn(Leg)((n + 1)/2)[1] in Parith, which we have seen (Theorem 17.2) is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Let χ1, …, χr be characters of k× whose squares are all distinct, i.e., for ij, χij is neither trivial nor is it the quadratic character. Put Ni := NLχi. Then the objectiNi has


Proof. The objects Ni and their Tannakian duals Ni all have the point 1 as their unique singularity in Gm, and all are tame at 0 and . So none is geometrically isomorphic to a nontrivial multiplicative translate of another. The local monodromy of N at 0 is Unip(n + 1), and that of N at 0 is LχquadUnip(n + 1), so for ij, Ni is not geometrically isomorphic to either Nj or Nj. We may apply Theorem 20.4 to show that no Ni is isomorphic to any Nj ?mid L or to any Nj ?mid L for any nonpunctual one-dimensional object L. The generic rank method applies, because all the Ni and Ni have the same generic rank n + 1, and are tame at 0 and , with local monodromy at each a single Jordan block of size n + 1.

It remains to show how to apply Lemma 20.1 to “det”(N). As explained in the proof of Theorem 17.2, the only bad characters for N are the trivial character images and the quadratic character χ2. For images, n – 1 of the Frobenius eigenvalues have absolute value 1, and the remaining eigenvalue has absolute value (1/√#k)n+ 1. For χ2, n – 1 of the Frobenius eigenvalues have absolute value 1, and the remaining eigenvalue has absolute value (√#k)n+ 1. So “det”(N) is geometrically isomorphic to a multiplicative translate of H[1] for H the hypergeometric of type (n + 1, n + 1) given by H(Ã; images, …, images; χ2, …, χ2). And by Lemma 19.3, there is in fact no multiplicative translate.?

We also have the following generalization.

Theorem 20.7. Let n ≥ 3 be an integer, and χ a character of k× such that χ2 has order > n. Form the hypergeometric sheaf H := H(!, Ã;1, χ2; χ, χ), and the object N := Symn(H)((3n + 1)/2)[1] in Parith, which (by Theorem 17.3) is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Let ρ1, …, ρr be r ≥ 2 characters of k×, such that for ij, ρij is not on either of the following two lists:

{χ2n–2j}j=0, …, 2n, {χn–2j}j=0, …, n.

Put Ni := NLχi. Then the objectiNi has


Proof. The objects Ni and their Tannakian duals Ni all have the point 1 as their unique singularity in Gm, and all are tame at 0 and ∞. So none is geometrically isomorphic to a nontrivial multiplicative translate of another. The local monodromy of N at 0 is ⊕nj=0Lχ2j, and that of N at 0 is LχnUnip(n + 1). In view of the hypotheses made on the ratios of the ρi, we see from the local monodromies at 0 that for ij, Ni is not geometrically isomorphic to either Nj or Nj. We use Theorem 20.4 to show that no Ni is isomorphic to any Nj ?mid L or to any Nj ?mid L for any nonpunctual one-dimensional object L.

To apply Lemma 20.1 to “det”(N), recall from the proof of Theorem 17.3 that this Tannakian determinant is geometrically isomorphic to H[1] for H the hypergeometric sheaf of type (n, n) given by H(Ã; χ2, …, χ2n; images, …, images).images

To conclude this chapter, we consider our fourth example of a GL(n) object. Recall that in Theorem 17.5 we took a polynomial f[x] = ∑ni=0 Aixi in k[x] of degree n ≥ 2 with all distinct roots in k. We supposed that f(0) = 0, and that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1, and we took a character χ of k× such that χn is nontrivial. We then formed the object N := Lχ(f)(1/2)[1] in Parith, which we showed was pure of weight zero, had “dimension” n, and had

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

In order to apply Theorem 20.4, we need to assume n ≥ 3 in the following theorem.

Theorem 20.8. Suppose n ≥ 3, and consider the object N := Lχ(f)(1/2)[1] of the previous paragraph. Let ρ1, …, ρr be r ≥ 2 characters of k×, such that for ij, χij is neither the trivial character images nor the character χn. Put Ni := NLχi. Then the objectiNi has


Proof. Recall from the proof of Theorem 17.5 that in this case the Tannakian determinant “det”(N) is geometrically isomorphic to H[1] for H = H(Ã; images; χn) ≅ Lχn(1–x). So by Lemma 20.1 the determinants of the Ni are independent.

Because we assume n ≥ 3, we may apply Theorem 20.4 to show that no Ni is isomorphic to any Nj ?mid L or to any Nj ?mid L for any nonpunctual one-dimensional object L. It remains to show that for ij, Ni is not geometrically isomorphic to any multiplicative translate of either Nj or of Nj. To see this, we compare local monodromies at ∞. For Ni it is Lχnρi. For Nj it is Lχnρj, and for Nj it is Lρj, all of whose geometric isomorphism classes are invariant under multiplicative translation. By the hypothesis on the characters ρk, these local monodromies are in three distinct isomorphism classes.image

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